Snap for 10453563 from 733af9d494ab2825a2bb069e81d2f9ba880d0abc to mainline-os-statsd-release

Change-Id: I3c9697a9ce7869d4d63fb63b193e488403ac83e6
diff --git a/.cargo_vcs_info.json b/.cargo_vcs_info.json
index 8e82c01..b28c102 100644
--- a/.cargo_vcs_info.json
+++ b/.cargo_vcs_info.json
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
   "git": {
-    "sha1": "ed185cfb1c447c1b4bd6ac021c9ec3bb02c9e2f2"
-  }
+    "sha1": "0c318c0d77ed63ad4ee9bfdf1d2c486993b18b37"
+  },
+  "path_in_vcs": ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/1.3.2/.cargo_vcs_info.json b/1.3.2/.cargo_vcs_info.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e82c01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/.cargo_vcs_info.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  "git": {
+    "sha1": "ed185cfb1c447c1b4bd6ac021c9ec3bb02c9e2f2"
+  }
diff --git a/1.3.2/.github/workflows/rust.yml b/1.3.2/.github/workflows/rust.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffe0eda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/.github/workflows/rust.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+name: Rust
+on: [push, pull_request]
+  check:
+    name: Test
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    strategy:
+      fail-fast: true
+      matrix:
+        rust:
+          - stable
+          - beta
+          - nightly
+          - 1.46.0
+    steps:
+      - name: Checkout sources
+        uses: actions/checkout@v2
+      - name: Install Rust toolchain
+        uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
+        with:
+          profile: minimal
+          toolchain: ${{ matrix.rust }}
+          override: true
+      - name: Default features
+        uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
+        with:
+          command: test
+          args: --features example_generated
+  embedded:
+    name: Build (embedded)
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+      - name: Checkout sources
+        uses: actions/checkout@v2
+      - name: Install Rust toolchain
+        uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
+        with:
+          profile: minimal
+          toolchain: nightly
+          target: thumbv6m-none-eabi
+          override: true
+      - name: Default features
+        uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
+        with:
+          command: build
+          args: -Z avoid-dev-deps --features example_generated --target thumbv6m-none-eabi
diff --git a/1.3.2/.gitignore b/1.3.2/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61c3331
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/1.3.2/Android.bp b/1.3.2/Android.bp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2466b99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/Android.bp
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+// This file is generated by --config cargo2android.json.
+// Do not modify this file as changes will be overridden on upgrade.
+package {
+    default_applicable_licenses: ["external_rust_crates_bitflags_license"],
+// Added automatically by a large-scale-change that took the approach of
+// 'apply every license found to every target'. While this makes sure we respect
+// every license restriction, it may not be entirely correct.
+// e.g. GPL in an MIT project might only apply to the contrib/ directory.
+// Please consider splitting the single license below into multiple licenses,
+// taking care not to lose any license_kind information, and overriding the
+// default license using the 'licenses: [...]' property on targets as needed.
+// For unused files, consider creating a 'fileGroup' with "//visibility:private"
+// to attach the license to, and including a comment whether the files may be
+// used in the current project.
+// large-scale-change included anything that looked like it might be a license
+// text as a license_text. e.g. LICENSE, NOTICE, COPYING etc.
+// Please consider removing redundant or irrelevant files from 'license_text:'.
+// See: http://go/android-license-faq
+license {
+    name: "external_rust_crates_bitflags_license-1.3.2",
+    visibility: [":__subpackages__"],
+    license_kinds: [
+        "SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0",
+        "SPDX-license-identifier-MIT",
+    ],
+    license_text: [
+        "LICENSE-APACHE",
+        "LICENSE-MIT",
+    ],
+rust_test {
+    name: "bitflags_test_src_lib-1.3.2",
+    host_supported: true,
+    crate_name: "bitflags",
+    cargo_env_compat: true,
+    cargo_pkg_version: "1.3.2",
+    srcs: ["src/"],
+    test_suites: ["general-tests"],
+    auto_gen_config: true,
+    test_options: {
+        unit_test: true,
+    },
+    edition: "2018",
+    features: ["default"],
+    rustlibs: [
+        "libserde",
+        "libserde_json",
+        "libwalkdir",
+    ],
+    proc_macros: [
+        "librustversion",
+        "libserde_derive",
+    ],
+rust_test {
+    name: "bitflags_test_tests_basic-1.3.2",
+    host_supported: true,
+    crate_name: "bitflags",
+    cargo_env_compat: true,
+    cargo_pkg_version: "1.3.2",
+    srcs: ["tests/"],
+    test_suites: ["general-tests"],
+    auto_gen_config: true,
+    test_options: {
+        unit_test: true,
+    },
+    edition: "2018",
+    features: ["default"],
+    rustlibs: [
+        "libbitflags-1.3.2",
+        "libserde",
+        "libserde_json",
+        "libwalkdir",
+    ],
+    proc_macros: [
+        "librustversion",
+        "libserde_derive",
+    ],
+rust_library {
+    name: "libbitflags-1.3.2",
+    host_supported: true,
+    crate_name: "bitflags",
+    cargo_env_compat: true,
+    cargo_pkg_version: "1.3.2",
+    srcs: ["src/"],
+    edition: "2018",
+    features: ["default"],
+    apex_available: [
+        "//apex_available:platform",
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+    ],
+    product_available: true,
+    vendor_available: true,
+    min_sdk_version: "29",
diff --git a/1.3.2/ b/1.3.2/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12fea16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+# 1.3.2
+- Allow `non_snake_case` in generated flags types ([#256])
+# 1.3.1
+- Revert unconditional `#[repr(transparent)]` ([#252])
+# 1.3.0 (yanked)
+- Add `#[repr(transparent)]` ([#187])
+- End `empty` doc comment with full stop ([#202])
+- Fix typo in crate root docs ([#206])
+- Document from_bits_unchecked unsafety ([#207])
+- Let `is_all` ignore extra bits ([#211])
+- Allows empty flag definition ([#225])
+- Making crate accessible from std ([#227])
+- Make `from_bits` a const fn ([#229])
+- Allow multiple bitflags structs in one macro invocation ([#235])
+- Add named functions to perform set operations ([#244])
+- Fix typos in method docs ([#245])
+- Modernization of the `bitflags` macro to take advantage of newer features and 2018 idioms ([#246])
+- Fix regression (in an unreleased feature) and simplify tests ([#247])
+- Use `Self` and fix bug when overriding `stringify!` ([#249])
+# 1.2.1
+- Remove extraneous `#[inline]` attributes ([#194])
+# 1.2.0
+- Fix typo: {Lower, Upper}Exp - {Lower, Upper}Hex ([#183])
+- Add support for "unknown" bits ([#188])
+# 1.1.0
+This is a re-release of `1.0.5`, which was yanked due to a bug in the RLS.
+# 1.0.5
+- Use compiletest_rs flags supported by stable toolchain ([#171])
+- Put the user provided attributes first ([#173])
+- Make bitflags methods `const` on newer compilers ([#175])
+# 1.0.4
+- Support Rust 2018 style macro imports ([#165])
+  ```rust
+  use bitflags::bitflags;
+  ```
+# 1.0.3
+- Improve zero value flag handling and documentation ([#157])
+# 1.0.2
+- 30% improvement in compile time of bitflags crate ([#156])
+- Documentation improvements ([#153])
+- Implementation cleanup ([#149])
+# 1.0.1
+- Add support for `pub(restricted)` specifier on the bitflags struct ([#135])
+- Optimize performance of `all()` when called from a separate crate ([#136])
+# 1.0.0
+- **[breaking change]** Macro now generates [associated constants]( ([#24])
+- **[breaking change]** Minimum supported version is Rust **1.20**, due to usage of associated constants
+- After being broken in 0.9, the `#[deprecated]` attribute is now supported again ([#112])
+- Other improvements to unit tests and documentation ([#106] and [#115])
+## How to update your code to use associated constants
+Assuming the following structure definition:
+bitflags! {
+  struct Something: u8 {
+     const FOO = 0b01,
+     const BAR = 0b10
+  }
+In 0.9 and older you could do:
+let x = FOO.bits | BAR.bits;
+Now you must use:
+let x = Something::FOO.bits | Something::BAR.bits;
+# 0.9.1
+- Fix the implementation of `Formatting` traits when other formatting traits were present in scope ([#105])
+# 0.9.0
+- **[breaking change]** Use struct keyword instead of flags to define bitflag types ([#84])
+- **[breaking change]** Terminate const items with semicolons instead of commas ([#87])
+- Implement the `Hex`, `Octal`, and `Binary` formatting traits ([#86])
+- Printing an empty flag value with the `Debug` trait now prints "(empty)" instead of nothing ([#85])
+- The `bitflags!` macro can now be used inside of a fn body, to define a type local to that function ([#74])
+# 0.8.2
+- Update feature flag used when building bitflags as a dependency of the Rust toolchain
+# 0.8.1
+- Allow bitflags to be used as a dependency of the Rust toolchain
+# 0.8.0
+- Add support for the experimental `i128` and `u128` integer types ([#57])
+- Add set method: `flags.set(SOME_FLAG, true)` or `flags.set(SOME_FLAG, false)` ([#55])
+  This may break code that defines its own set method
+# 0.7.1
+# 0.7.0
+- Implement the Extend trait ([#49])
+- Allow definitions inside the `bitflags!` macro to refer to items imported from other modules ([#51])
+# 0.6.0
+- The `no_std` feature was removed as it is now the default
+- The `assignment_operators` feature was remove as it is now enabled by default
+- Some clippy suggestions have been applied
diff --git a/1.3.2/ b/1.3.2/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7add90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
+## Our Pledge
+In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
+contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
+our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
+size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience,
+education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race,
+religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
+## Our Standards
+Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
+* Using welcoming and inclusive language
+* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
+* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
+* Focusing on what is best for the community
+* Showing empathy towards other community members
+Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
+* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
+  advances
+* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
+* Public or private harassment
+* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
+  address, without explicit permission
+* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
+  professional setting
+## Our Responsibilities
+Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
+behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
+response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
+Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
+reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
+that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
+permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
+threatening, offensive, or harmful.
+## Scope
+This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
+when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
+representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
+address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
+representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
+further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
+## Enforcement
+Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
+reported by contacting the project team at All
+complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that
+is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is
+obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
+Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
+Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
+faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
+members of the project's leadership.
+## Attribution
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4,
+available at
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/1.3.2/Cargo.toml b/1.3.2/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d54c72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# When uploading crates to the registry Cargo will automatically
+# "normalize" Cargo.toml files for maximal compatibility
+# with all versions of Cargo and also rewrite `path` dependencies
+# to registry (e.g., dependencies
+# If you believe there's an error in this file please file an
+# issue against the rust-lang/cargo repository. If you're
+# editing this file be aware that the upstream Cargo.toml
+# will likely look very different (and much more reasonable)
+edition = "2018"
+name = "bitflags"
+version = "1.3.2"
+authors = ["The Rust Project Developers"]
+exclude = ["bors.toml"]
+description = "A macro to generate structures which behave like bitflags.\n"
+homepage = ""
+documentation = ""
+readme = ""
+keywords = ["bit", "bitmask", "bitflags", "flags"]
+categories = ["no-std"]
+license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
+repository = ""
+features = ["example_generated"]
+version = "0.1.2"
+optional = true
+version = "1.0.0"
+optional = true
+package = "rustc-std-workspace-core"
+version = "1.0"
+version = "1.0"
+version = "1.0"
+version = "1.0"
+version = "1.0"
+version = "2.3"
+default = []
+example_generated = []
+rustc-dep-of-std = ["core", "compiler_builtins"]
diff --git a/1.3.2/Cargo.toml.orig b/1.3.2/Cargo.toml.orig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be9e05a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/Cargo.toml.orig
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+name = "bitflags"
+# NB: When modifying, also modify:
+#   1. html_root_url in
+#   2. number in readme (for breaking changes)
+version = "1.3.2"
+edition = "2018"
+authors = ["The Rust Project Developers"]
+license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
+keywords = ["bit", "bitmask", "bitflags", "flags"]
+readme = ""
+repository = ""
+homepage = ""
+documentation = ""
+categories = ["no-std"]
+description = """
+A macro to generate structures which behave like bitflags.
+exclude = ["bors.toml"]
+core = { version = '1.0.0', optional = true, package = 'rustc-std-workspace-core' }
+compiler_builtins = { version = '0.1.2', optional = true }
+trybuild = "1.0"
+rustversion = "1.0"
+walkdir = "2.3"
+serde = "1.0"
+serde_derive = "1.0"
+serde_json = "1.0"
+default = []
+example_generated = []
+rustc-dep-of-std = ["core", "compiler_builtins"]
+features = ["example_generated"]
diff --git a/1.3.2/LICENSE b/1.3.2/LICENSE
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..6b579aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/1.3.2/LICENSE-APACHE b/1.3.2/LICENSE-APACHE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16fe87b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/LICENSE-APACHE
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+                              Apache License
+                        Version 2.0, January 2004
+1. Definitions.
+   "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
+   and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+   "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
+   the copyright owner that is granting the License.
+   "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
+   other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
+   control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
+   "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
+   direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+   otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
+   outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+   "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
+   exercising permissions granted by this License.
+   "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
+   including but not limited to software source code, documentation
+   source, and configuration files.
+   "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
+   transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
+   not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
+   and conversions to other media types.
+   "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
+   Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
+   copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
+   (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+   "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
+   form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
+   editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
+   represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
+   of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
+   separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
+   the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
+   "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
+   the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
+   to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
+   submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
+   or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
+   the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
+   means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+   to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
+   communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
+   and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
+   Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
+   excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
+   designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
+   "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
+   on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
+   subsequently incorporated within the Work.
+2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+   this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+   worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+   copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
+   publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
+   Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
+3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+   this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+   worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+   (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
+   use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
+   where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
+   by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
+   Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
+   with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
+   institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
+   cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
+   or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
+   or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
+   granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
+   as of the date such litigation is filed.
+4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
+   Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
+   modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
+   meet the following conditions:
+   (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
+       Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
+   (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
+       stating that You changed the files; and
+   (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
+       that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
+       attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
+       excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
+       the Derivative Works; and
+   (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
+       distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
+       include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
+       within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
+       pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
+       of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
+       as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
+       documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
+       within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
+       wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
+       of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
+       do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
+       notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
+       or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
+       that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
+       as modifying the License.
+   You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
+   may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
+   for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
+   for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
+   reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
+   the conditions stated in this License.
+5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
+   any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
+   by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
+   this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
+   Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
+   the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
+   with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
+6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
+   names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
+   except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
+   origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
+7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
+   agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
+   Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
+   PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
+   appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
+   risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
+8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
+   whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
+   unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
+   negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
+   liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
+   incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
+   result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
+   Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
+   work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+   other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
+   has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
+   the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
+   and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
+   or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
+   License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
+   on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
+   of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
+   defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
+   incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
+   of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
+APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
+   To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
+   boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
+   replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
+   the brackets!)  The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
+   comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
+   file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
+   same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
+   identification within third-party archives.
+Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
diff --git a/1.3.2/LICENSE-MIT b/1.3.2/LICENSE-MIT
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39d4bdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/LICENSE-MIT
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2014 The Rust Project Developers
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any
+person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
+documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+Software without restriction, including without
+limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
+publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
+the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software
+is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice
+shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
+of the Software.
diff --git a/1.3.2/METADATA b/1.3.2/METADATA
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e660ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/METADATA
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+name: "bitflags"
+description: "A macro to generate structures which behave like bitflags."
+third_party {
+  url {
+    type: HOMEPAGE
+    value: ""
+  }
+  url {
+    type: ARCHIVE
+    value: ""
+  }
+  version: "1.3.2"
+  license_type: NOTICE
+  last_upgrade_date {
+    year: 2021
+    month: 9
+    day: 22
+  }
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
diff --git a/1.3.2/OWNERS b/1.3.2/OWNERS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46fc303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/OWNERS
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+include platform/prebuilts/rust:/OWNERS
diff --git a/1.3.2/ b/1.3.2/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0da0f85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+[![Join the chat at](](
+[![Latest version](](
+A Rust macro to generate structures which behave like a set of bitflags
+- [Documentation](
+- [Release notes](
+## Usage
+Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:
+bitflags = "1.3"
+and this to your source code:
+use bitflags::bitflags;
+## Rust Version Support
+The minimum supported Rust version is 1.46 due to use of associated constants and const functions.
diff --git a/1.3.2/TEST_MAPPING b/1.3.2/TEST_MAPPING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..342b698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/TEST_MAPPING
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+// Generated by for tests that depend on this crate.
+  "imports": [
+    {
+      "path": "external/rust/crates/base64"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "external/rust/crates/clap/2.33.3"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "external/rust/crates/gdbstub_arch"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "external/rust/crates/libsqlite3-sys"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "external/rust/crates/tinytemplate"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "external/rust/crates/tinyvec"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "external/rust/crates/tokio"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "external/rust/crates/unicode-xid"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "external/rust/crates/virtio-drivers"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/apkdmverity"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/authfs"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/avmd"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/encryptedstore"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/libs/apkverify"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/libs/capabilities"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/libs/devicemapper"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/microdroid_manager"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/virtualizationmanager"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/vm"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/zipfuse"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "system/security/diced"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "system/security/keystore2"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "system/security/keystore2/legacykeystore"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "system/security/keystore2/src/crypto"
+    }
+  ],
+  "presubmit": [
+    {
+      "name": "bitflags_test_src_lib-1.3.2"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "bitflags_test_tests_basic-1.3.2"
+    }
+  ],
+  "presubmit-rust": [
+    {
+      "name": "bitflags_test_src_lib-1.3.2"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "bitflags_test_tests_basic-1.3.2"
+    }
+  ]
diff --git a/1.3.2/cargo2android.json b/1.3.2/cargo2android.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73294f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/cargo2android.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "apex-available": [
+    "//apex_available:platform",
+    "",
+    "",
+    ""
+  ],
+  "dependency-blocklist": [
+    "trybuild"
+  ],
+  "device": true,
+  "min-sdk-version": "29",
+  "run": true,
+  "test-blocklist": [
+    "tests/"
+  ],
+  "tests": true,
+  "vendor-available": true
diff --git a/1.3.2/patches/std.diff b/1.3.2/patches/std.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a34fe97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/patches/std.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+diff --git a/src/ b/src/
+index 935e432..7e87795 100644
+--- a/src/
++++ b/src/
+@@ -275,7 +275,8 @@
+ //!
+ //! Users should generally avoid defining a flag with a value of zero.
+-#![cfg_attr(not(test), no_std)]
++// ANDROID: Use std to allow building as a dylib.
++#![cfg_attr(not(any(test, android_dylib)), no_std)]
+ #![doc(html_root_url = "")]
+ #[doc(hidden)]
diff --git a/1.3.2/src/ b/1.3.2/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf188d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+//! This module shows an example of code generated by the macro. **IT MUST NOT BE USED OUTSIDE THIS
+//! CRATE**.
+bitflags! {
+    /// This is the same `Flags` struct defined in the [crate level example](../index.html#example).
+    /// Note that this struct is just for documentation purposes only, it must not be used outside
+    /// this crate.
+    pub struct Flags: u32 {
+        const A = 0b00000001;
+        const B = 0b00000010;
+        const C = 0b00000100;
+        const ABC = Self::A.bits | Self::B.bits | Self::C.bits;
+    }
diff --git a/1.3.2/src/ b/1.3.2/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e87795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,1730 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+//> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+//! A typesafe bitmask flag generator useful for sets of C-style bitmask flags.
+//! It can be used for creating typesafe wrappers around C APIs.
+//! The `bitflags!` macro generates `struct`s that manage a set of flags. The
+//! flags should only be defined for integer types, otherwise unexpected type
+//! errors may occur at compile time.
+//! # Example
+//! ```
+//! use bitflags::bitflags;
+//! bitflags! {
+//!     struct Flags: u32 {
+//!         const A = 0b00000001;
+//!         const B = 0b00000010;
+//!         const C = 0b00000100;
+//!         const ABC = Self::A.bits | Self::B.bits | Self::C.bits;
+//!     }
+//! }
+//! fn main() {
+//!     let e1 = Flags::A | Flags::C;
+//!     let e2 = Flags::B | Flags::C;
+//!     assert_eq!((e1 | e2), Flags::ABC);   // union
+//!     assert_eq!((e1 & e2), Flags::C);     // intersection
+//!     assert_eq!((e1 - e2), Flags::A);     // set difference
+//!     assert_eq!(!e2, Flags::A);           // set complement
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! See [`example_generated::Flags`](./example_generated/struct.Flags.html) for documentation of code
+//! generated by the above `bitflags!` expansion.
+//! The generated `struct`s can also be extended with type and trait
+//! implementations:
+//! ```
+//! use std::fmt;
+//! use bitflags::bitflags;
+//! bitflags! {
+//!     struct Flags: u32 {
+//!         const A = 0b00000001;
+//!         const B = 0b00000010;
+//!     }
+//! }
+//! impl Flags {
+//!     pub fn clear(&mut self) {
+//!         self.bits = 0;  // The `bits` field can be accessed from within the
+//!                         // same module where the `bitflags!` macro was invoked.
+//!     }
+//! }
+//! impl fmt::Display for Flags {
+//!     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+//!         write!(f, "hi!")
+//!     }
+//! }
+//! fn main() {
+//!     let mut flags = Flags::A | Flags::B;
+//!     flags.clear();
+//!     assert!(flags.is_empty());
+//!     assert_eq!(format!("{}", flags), "hi!");
+//!     assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::A | Flags::B), "A | B");
+//!     assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::B), "B");
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! # Visibility
+//! The generated structs and their associated flag constants are not exported
+//! out of the current module by default. A definition can be exported out of
+//! the current module by adding `pub` before `struct`:
+//! ```
+//! mod example {
+//!     use bitflags::bitflags;
+//!     bitflags! {
+//!         pub struct Flags1: u32 {
+//!             const A = 0b00000001;
+//!         }
+//! #       pub
+//!         struct Flags2: u32 {
+//!             const B = 0b00000010;
+//!         }
+//!     }
+//! }
+//! fn main() {
+//!     let flag1 = example::Flags1::A;
+//!     let flag2 = example::Flags2::B; // error: const `B` is private
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! # Attributes
+//! Attributes can be attached to the generated `struct`s by placing them
+//! before the `struct` keyword.
+//! ## Representations
+//! It's valid to add a `#[repr(C)]` or `#[repr(transparent)]` attribute to a type
+//! generated by `bitflags!`. In these cases, the type is guaranteed to be a newtype.
+//! ```
+//! use bitflags::bitflags;
+//! bitflags! {
+//!     #[repr(transparent)]
+//!     struct Flags: u32 {
+//!         const A = 0b00000001;
+//!         const B = 0b00000010;
+//!         const C = 0b00000100;
+//!     }
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! # Trait implementations
+//! The `Copy`, `Clone`, `PartialEq`, `Eq`, `PartialOrd`, `Ord` and `Hash`
+//! traits are automatically derived for the `struct`s using the `derive` attribute.
+//! Additional traits can be derived by providing an explicit `derive`
+//! attribute on `struct`.
+//! The `Extend` and `FromIterator` traits are implemented for the `struct`s,
+//! too: `Extend` adds the union of the instances of the `struct` iterated over,
+//! while `FromIterator` calculates the union.
+//! The `Binary`, `Debug`, `LowerHex`, `Octal` and `UpperHex` traits are also
+//! implemented by displaying the bits value of the internal struct.
+//! ## Operators
+//! The following operator traits are implemented for the generated `struct`s:
+//! - `BitOr` and `BitOrAssign`: union
+//! - `BitAnd` and `BitAndAssign`: intersection
+//! - `BitXor` and `BitXorAssign`: toggle
+//! - `Sub` and `SubAssign`: set difference
+//! - `Not`: set complement
+//! # Methods
+//! The following methods are defined for the generated `struct`s:
+//! - `empty`: an empty set of flags
+//! - `all`: the set of all defined flags
+//! - `bits`: the raw value of the flags currently stored
+//! - `from_bits`: convert from underlying bit representation, unless that
+//!                representation contains bits that do not correspond to a
+//!                defined flag
+//! - `from_bits_truncate`: convert from underlying bit representation, dropping
+//!                         any bits that do not correspond to defined flags
+//! - `from_bits_unchecked`: convert from underlying bit representation, keeping
+//!                          all bits (even those not corresponding to defined
+//!                          flags)
+//! - `is_empty`: `true` if no flags are currently stored
+//! - `is_all`: `true` if currently set flags exactly equal all defined flags
+//! - `intersects`: `true` if there are flags common to both `self` and `other`
+//! - `contains`: `true` if all of the flags in `other` are contained within `self`
+//! - `insert`: inserts the specified flags in-place
+//! - `remove`: removes the specified flags in-place
+//! - `toggle`: the specified flags will be inserted if not present, and removed
+//!             if they are.
+//! - `set`: inserts or removes the specified flags depending on the passed value
+//! - `intersection`: returns a new set of flags, containing only the flags present
+//!                   in both `self` and `other` (the argument to the function).
+//! - `union`: returns a new set of flags, containing any flags present in
+//!            either `self` or `other` (the argument to the function).
+//! - `difference`: returns a new set of flags, containing all flags present in
+//!                 `self` without any of the flags present in `other` (the
+//!                 argument to the function).
+//! - `symmetric_difference`: returns a new set of flags, containing all flags
+//!                           present in either `self` or `other` (the argument
+//!                           to the function), but not both.
+//! - `complement`: returns a new set of flags, containing all flags which are
+//!                 not set in `self`, but which are allowed for this type.
+//! ## Default
+//! The `Default` trait is not automatically implemented for the generated structs.
+//! If your default value is equal to `0` (which is the same value as calling `empty()`
+//! on the generated struct), you can simply derive `Default`:
+//! ```
+//! use bitflags::bitflags;
+//! bitflags! {
+//!     // Results in default value with bits: 0
+//!     #[derive(Default)]
+//!     struct Flags: u32 {
+//!         const A = 0b00000001;
+//!         const B = 0b00000010;
+//!         const C = 0b00000100;
+//!     }
+//! }
+//! fn main() {
+//!     let derived_default: Flags = Default::default();
+//!     assert_eq!(derived_default.bits(), 0);
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! If your default value is not equal to `0` you need to implement `Default` yourself:
+//! ```
+//! use bitflags::bitflags;
+//! bitflags! {
+//!     struct Flags: u32 {
+//!         const A = 0b00000001;
+//!         const B = 0b00000010;
+//!         const C = 0b00000100;
+//!     }
+//! }
+//! // explicit `Default` implementation
+//! impl Default for Flags {
+//!     fn default() -> Flags {
+//!         Flags::A | Flags::C
+//!     }
+//! }
+//! fn main() {
+//!     let implemented_default: Flags = Default::default();
+//!     assert_eq!(implemented_default, (Flags::A | Flags::C));
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! # Zero Flags
+//! Flags with a value equal to zero will have some strange behavior that one should be aware of.
+//! ```
+//! use bitflags::bitflags;
+//! bitflags! {
+//!     struct Flags: u32 {
+//!         const NONE = 0b00000000;
+//!         const SOME = 0b00000001;
+//!     }
+//! }
+//! fn main() {
+//!     let empty = Flags::empty();
+//!     let none = Flags::NONE;
+//!     let some = Flags::SOME;
+//!     // Zero flags are treated as always present
+//!     assert!(empty.contains(Flags::NONE));
+//!     assert!(none.contains(Flags::NONE));
+//!     assert!(some.contains(Flags::NONE));
+//!     // Zero flags will be ignored when testing for emptiness
+//!     assert!(none.is_empty());
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! Users should generally avoid defining a flag with a value of zero.
+// ANDROID: Use std to allow building as a dylib.
+#![cfg_attr(not(any(test, android_dylib)), no_std)]
+#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
+pub extern crate core as _core;
+/// The macro used to generate the flag structures.
+/// See the [crate level docs](../bitflags/index.html) for complete documentation.
+/// # Example
+/// ```
+/// use bitflags::bitflags;
+/// bitflags! {
+///     struct Flags: u32 {
+///         const A = 0b00000001;
+///         const B = 0b00000010;
+///         const C = 0b00000100;
+///         const ABC = Self::A.bits | Self::B.bits | Self::C.bits;
+///     }
+/// }
+/// fn main() {
+///     let e1 = Flags::A | Flags::C;
+///     let e2 = Flags::B | Flags::C;
+///     assert_eq!((e1 | e2), Flags::ABC);   // union
+///     assert_eq!((e1 & e2), Flags::C);     // intersection
+///     assert_eq!((e1 - e2), Flags::A);     // set difference
+///     assert_eq!(!e2, Flags::A);           // set complement
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// The generated `struct`s can also be extended with type and trait
+/// implementations:
+/// ```
+/// use std::fmt;
+/// use bitflags::bitflags;
+/// bitflags! {
+///     struct Flags: u32 {
+///         const A = 0b00000001;
+///         const B = 0b00000010;
+///     }
+/// }
+/// impl Flags {
+///     pub fn clear(&mut self) {
+///         self.bits = 0;  // The `bits` field can be accessed from within the
+///                         // same module where the `bitflags!` macro was invoked.
+///     }
+/// }
+/// impl fmt::Display for Flags {
+///     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+///         write!(f, "hi!")
+///     }
+/// }
+/// fn main() {
+///     let mut flags = Flags::A | Flags::B;
+///     flags.clear();
+///     assert!(flags.is_empty());
+///     assert_eq!(format!("{}", flags), "hi!");
+///     assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::A | Flags::B), "A | B");
+///     assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::B), "B");
+/// }
+/// ```
+macro_rules! bitflags {
+    (
+        $(#[$outer:meta])*
+        $vis:vis struct $BitFlags:ident: $T:ty {
+            $(
+                $(#[$inner:ident $($args:tt)*])*
+                const $Flag:ident = $value:expr;
+            )*
+        }
+        $($t:tt)*
+    ) => {
+        $(#[$outer])*
+        #[derive(Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
+        $vis struct $BitFlags {
+            bits: $T,
+        }
+        __impl_bitflags! {
+            $BitFlags: $T {
+                $(
+                    $(#[$inner $($args)*])*
+                    $Flag = $value;
+                )*
+            }
+        }
+        bitflags! {
+            $($t)*
+        }
+    };
+    () => {};
+// A helper macro to implement the `all` function.
+macro_rules! __impl_all_bitflags {
+    (
+        $BitFlags:ident: $T:ty {
+            $(
+                $(#[$attr:ident $($args:tt)*])*
+                $Flag:ident = $value:expr;
+            )+
+        }
+    ) => {
+        // See `Debug::fmt` for why this approach is taken.
+        #[allow(non_snake_case)]
+        trait __BitFlags {
+            $(
+                const $Flag: $T = 0;
+            )+
+        }
+        #[allow(non_snake_case)]
+        impl __BitFlags for $BitFlags {
+            $(
+                __impl_bitflags! {
+                    #[allow(deprecated)]
+                    $(? #[$attr $($args)*])*
+                    const $Flag: $T = Self::$Flag.bits;
+                }
+            )+
+        }
+        Self { bits: $(<Self as __BitFlags>::$Flag)|+ }
+    };
+    (
+        $BitFlags:ident: $T:ty { }
+    ) => {
+        Self { bits: 0 }
+    };
+macro_rules! __impl_bitflags {
+    (
+        $BitFlags:ident: $T:ty {
+            $(
+                $(#[$attr:ident $($args:tt)*])*
+                $Flag:ident = $value:expr;
+            )*
+        }
+    ) => {
+        impl $crate::_core::fmt::Debug for $BitFlags {
+            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::_core::fmt::Formatter) -> $crate::_core::fmt::Result {
+                // This convoluted approach is to handle #[cfg]-based flag
+                // omission correctly. For example it needs to support:
+                //
+                //    #[cfg(unix)] const A: Flag = /* ... */;
+                //    #[cfg(windows)] const B: Flag = /* ... */;
+                // Unconditionally define a check for every flag, even disabled
+                // ones.
+                #[allow(non_snake_case)]
+                trait __BitFlags {
+                    $(
+                        #[inline]
+                        fn $Flag(&self) -> bool { false }
+                    )*
+                }
+                // Conditionally override the check for just those flags that
+                // are not #[cfg]ed away.
+                #[allow(non_snake_case)]
+                impl __BitFlags for $BitFlags {
+                    $(
+                        __impl_bitflags! {
+                            #[allow(deprecated)]
+                            #[inline]
+                            $(? #[$attr $($args)*])*
+                            fn $Flag(&self) -> bool {
+                                if Self::$Flag.bits == 0 && self.bits != 0 {
+                                    false
+                                } else {
+                                    self.bits & Self::$Flag.bits == Self::$Flag.bits
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    )*
+                }
+                let mut first = true;
+                $(
+                    if <Self as __BitFlags>::$Flag(self) {
+                        if !first {
+                            f.write_str(" | ")?;
+                        }
+                        first = false;
+                        f.write_str($crate::_core::stringify!($Flag))?;
+                    }
+                )*
+                let extra_bits = self.bits & !Self::all().bits();
+                if extra_bits != 0 {
+                    if !first {
+                        f.write_str(" | ")?;
+                    }
+                    first = false;
+                    f.write_str("0x")?;
+                    $crate::_core::fmt::LowerHex::fmt(&extra_bits, f)?;
+                }
+                if first {
+                    f.write_str("(empty)")?;
+                }
+                Ok(())
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::_core::fmt::Binary for $BitFlags {
+            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::_core::fmt::Formatter) -> $crate::_core::fmt::Result {
+                $crate::_core::fmt::Binary::fmt(&self.bits, f)
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::_core::fmt::Octal for $BitFlags {
+            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::_core::fmt::Formatter) -> $crate::_core::fmt::Result {
+                $crate::_core::fmt::Octal::fmt(&self.bits, f)
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::_core::fmt::LowerHex for $BitFlags {
+            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::_core::fmt::Formatter) -> $crate::_core::fmt::Result {
+                $crate::_core::fmt::LowerHex::fmt(&self.bits, f)
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::_core::fmt::UpperHex for $BitFlags {
+            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::_core::fmt::Formatter) -> $crate::_core::fmt::Result {
+                $crate::_core::fmt::UpperHex::fmt(&self.bits, f)
+            }
+        }
+        #[allow(dead_code)]
+        impl $BitFlags {
+            $(
+                $(#[$attr $($args)*])*
+                pub const $Flag: Self = Self { bits: $value };
+            )*
+            /// Returns an empty set of flags.
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn empty() -> Self {
+                Self { bits: 0 }
+            }
+            /// Returns the set containing all flags.
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn all() -> Self {
+                __impl_all_bitflags! {
+                    $BitFlags: $T {
+                        $(
+                            $(#[$attr $($args)*])*
+                            $Flag = $value;
+                        )*
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            /// Returns the raw value of the flags currently stored.
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn bits(&self) -> $T {
+                self.bits
+            }
+            /// Convert from underlying bit representation, unless that
+            /// representation contains bits that do not correspond to a flag.
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn from_bits(bits: $T) -> $crate::_core::option::Option<Self> {
+                if (bits & !Self::all().bits()) == 0 {
+                    $crate::_core::option::Option::Some(Self { bits })
+                } else {
+                    $crate::_core::option::Option::None
+                }
+            }
+            /// Convert from underlying bit representation, dropping any bits
+            /// that do not correspond to flags.
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn from_bits_truncate(bits: $T) -> Self {
+                Self { bits: bits & Self::all().bits }
+            }
+            /// Convert from underlying bit representation, preserving all
+            /// bits (even those not corresponding to a defined flag).
+            ///
+            /// # Safety
+            ///
+            /// The caller of the `bitflags!` macro can chose to allow or
+            /// disallow extra bits for their bitflags type.
+            ///
+            /// The caller of `from_bits_unchecked()` has to ensure that
+            /// all bits correspond to a defined flag or that extra bits
+            /// are valid for this bitflags type.
+            #[inline]
+            pub const unsafe fn from_bits_unchecked(bits: $T) -> Self {
+                Self { bits }
+            }
+            /// Returns `true` if no flags are currently stored.
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+                self.bits() == Self::empty().bits()
+            }
+            /// Returns `true` if all flags are currently set.
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn is_all(&self) -> bool {
+                Self::all().bits | self.bits == self.bits
+            }
+            /// Returns `true` if there are flags common to both `self` and `other`.
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn intersects(&self, other: Self) -> bool {
+                !(Self { bits: self.bits & other.bits}).is_empty()
+            }
+            /// Returns `true` if all of the flags in `other` are contained within `self`.
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn contains(&self, other: Self) -> bool {
+                (self.bits & other.bits) == other.bits
+            }
+            /// Inserts the specified flags in-place.
+            #[inline]
+            pub fn insert(&mut self, other: Self) {
+                self.bits |= other.bits;
+            }
+            /// Removes the specified flags in-place.
+            #[inline]
+            pub fn remove(&mut self, other: Self) {
+                self.bits &= !other.bits;
+            }
+            /// Toggles the specified flags in-place.
+            #[inline]
+            pub fn toggle(&mut self, other: Self) {
+                self.bits ^= other.bits;
+            }
+            /// Inserts or removes the specified flags depending on the passed value.
+            #[inline]
+            pub fn set(&mut self, other: Self, value: bool) {
+                if value {
+                    self.insert(other);
+                } else {
+                    self.remove(other);
+                }
+            }
+            /// Returns the intersection between the flags in `self` and
+            /// `other`.
+            ///
+            /// Specifically, the returned set contains only the flags which are
+            /// present in *both* `self` *and* `other`.
+            ///
+            /// This is equivalent to using the `&` operator (e.g.
+            /// [`ops::BitAnd`]), as in `flags & other`.
+            ///
+            /// [`ops::BitAnd`]:
+            #[inline]
+            #[must_use]
+            pub const fn intersection(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+                Self { bits: self.bits & other.bits }
+            }
+            /// Returns the union of between the flags in `self` and `other`.
+            ///
+            /// Specifically, the returned set contains all flags which are
+            /// present in *either* `self` *or* `other`, including any which are
+            /// present in both (see [`Self::symmetric_difference`] if that
+            /// is undesirable).
+            ///
+            /// This is equivalent to using the `|` operator (e.g.
+            /// [`ops::BitOr`]), as in `flags | other`.
+            ///
+            /// [`ops::BitOr`]:
+            #[inline]
+            #[must_use]
+            pub const fn union(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+                Self { bits: self.bits | other.bits }
+            }
+            /// Returns the difference between the flags in `self` and `other`.
+            ///
+            /// Specifically, the returned set contains all flags present in
+            /// `self`, except for the ones present in `other`.
+            ///
+            /// It is also conceptually equivalent to the "bit-clear" operation:
+            /// `flags & !other` (and this syntax is also supported).
+            ///
+            /// This is equivalent to using the `-` operator (e.g.
+            /// [`ops::Sub`]), as in `flags - other`.
+            ///
+            /// [`ops::Sub`]:
+            #[inline]
+            #[must_use]
+            pub const fn difference(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+                Self { bits: self.bits & !other.bits }
+            }
+            /// Returns the [symmetric difference][sym-diff] between the flags
+            /// in `self` and `other`.
+            ///
+            /// Specifically, the returned set contains the flags present which
+            /// are present in `self` or `other`, but that are not present in
+            /// both. Equivalently, it contains the flags present in *exactly
+            /// one* of the sets `self` and `other`.
+            ///
+            /// This is equivalent to using the `^` operator (e.g.
+            /// [`ops::BitXor`]), as in `flags ^ other`.
+            ///
+            /// [sym-diff]:
+            /// [`ops::BitXor`]:
+            #[inline]
+            #[must_use]
+            pub const fn symmetric_difference(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+                Self { bits: self.bits ^ other.bits }
+            }
+            /// Returns the complement of this set of flags.
+            ///
+            /// Specifically, the returned set contains all the flags which are
+            /// not set in `self`, but which are allowed for this type.
+            ///
+            /// Alternatively, it can be thought of as the set difference
+            /// between [`Self::all()`] and `self` (e.g. `Self::all() - self`)
+            ///
+            /// This is equivalent to using the `!` operator (e.g.
+            /// [`ops::Not`]), as in `!flags`.
+            ///
+            /// [`Self::all()`]: Self::all
+            /// [`ops::Not`]:
+            #[inline]
+            #[must_use]
+            pub const fn complement(self) -> Self {
+                Self::from_bits_truncate(!self.bits)
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::_core::ops::BitOr for $BitFlags {
+            type Output = Self;
+            /// Returns the union of the two sets of flags.
+            #[inline]
+            fn bitor(self, other: $BitFlags) -> Self {
+                Self { bits: self.bits | other.bits }
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::_core::ops::BitOrAssign for $BitFlags {
+            /// Adds the set of flags.
+            #[inline]
+            fn bitor_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
+                self.bits |= other.bits;
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::_core::ops::BitXor for $BitFlags {
+            type Output = Self;
+            /// Returns the left flags, but with all the right flags toggled.
+            #[inline]
+            fn bitxor(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+                Self { bits: self.bits ^ other.bits }
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::_core::ops::BitXorAssign for $BitFlags {
+            /// Toggles the set of flags.
+            #[inline]
+            fn bitxor_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
+                self.bits ^= other.bits;
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::_core::ops::BitAnd for $BitFlags {
+            type Output = Self;
+            /// Returns the intersection between the two sets of flags.
+            #[inline]
+            fn bitand(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+                Self { bits: self.bits & other.bits }
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::_core::ops::BitAndAssign for $BitFlags {
+            /// Disables all flags disabled in the set.
+            #[inline]
+            fn bitand_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
+                self.bits &= other.bits;
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::_core::ops::Sub for $BitFlags {
+            type Output = Self;
+            /// Returns the set difference of the two sets of flags.
+            #[inline]
+            fn sub(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+                Self { bits: self.bits & !other.bits }
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::_core::ops::SubAssign for $BitFlags {
+            /// Disables all flags enabled in the set.
+            #[inline]
+            fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
+                self.bits &= !other.bits;
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::_core::ops::Not for $BitFlags {
+            type Output = Self;
+            /// Returns the complement of this set of flags.
+            #[inline]
+            fn not(self) -> Self {
+                Self { bits: !self.bits } & Self::all()
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::_core::iter::Extend<$BitFlags> for $BitFlags {
+            fn extend<T: $crate::_core::iter::IntoIterator<Item=Self>>(&mut self, iterator: T) {
+                for item in iterator {
+                    self.insert(item)
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::_core::iter::FromIterator<$BitFlags> for $BitFlags {
+            fn from_iter<T: $crate::_core::iter::IntoIterator<Item=Self>>(iterator: T) -> Self {
+                let mut result = Self::empty();
+                result.extend(iterator);
+                result
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    // Every attribute that the user writes on a const is applied to the
+    // corresponding const that we generate, but within the implementation of
+    // Debug and all() we want to ignore everything but #[cfg] attributes. In
+    // particular, including a #[deprecated] attribute on those items would fail
+    // to compile.
+    //
+    //
+    // Input:
+    //
+    //     ? #[cfg(feature = "advanced")]
+    //     ? #[deprecated(note = "Use something else.")]
+    //     ? #[doc = r"High quality documentation."]
+    //     fn f() -> i32 { /* ... */ }
+    //
+    // Output:
+    //
+    //     #[cfg(feature = "advanced")]
+    //     fn f() -> i32 { /* ... */ }
+    (
+        $(#[$filtered:meta])*
+        ? #[cfg $($cfgargs:tt)*]
+        $(? #[$rest:ident $($restargs:tt)*])*
+        fn $($item:tt)*
+    ) => {
+        __impl_bitflags! {
+            $(#[$filtered])*
+            #[cfg $($cfgargs)*]
+            $(? #[$rest $($restargs)*])*
+            fn $($item)*
+        }
+    };
+    (
+        $(#[$filtered:meta])*
+        // $next != `cfg`
+        ? #[$next:ident $($nextargs:tt)*]
+        $(? #[$rest:ident $($restargs:tt)*])*
+        fn $($item:tt)*
+    ) => {
+        __impl_bitflags! {
+            $(#[$filtered])*
+            // $next filtered out
+            $(? #[$rest $($restargs)*])*
+            fn $($item)*
+        }
+    };
+    (
+        $(#[$filtered:meta])*
+        fn $($item:tt)*
+    ) => {
+        $(#[$filtered])*
+        fn $($item)*
+    };
+    // Every attribute that the user writes on a const is applied to the
+    // corresponding const that we generate, but within the implementation of
+    // Debug and all() we want to ignore everything but #[cfg] attributes. In
+    // particular, including a #[deprecated] attribute on those items would fail
+    // to compile.
+    //
+    //
+    // const version
+    //
+    // Input:
+    //
+    //     ? #[cfg(feature = "advanced")]
+    //     ? #[deprecated(note = "Use something else.")]
+    //     ? #[doc = r"High quality documentation."]
+    //     const f: i32 { /* ... */ }
+    //
+    // Output:
+    //
+    //     #[cfg(feature = "advanced")]
+    //     const f: i32 { /* ... */ }
+    (
+        $(#[$filtered:meta])*
+        ? #[cfg $($cfgargs:tt)*]
+        $(? #[$rest:ident $($restargs:tt)*])*
+        const $($item:tt)*
+    ) => {
+        __impl_bitflags! {
+            $(#[$filtered])*
+            #[cfg $($cfgargs)*]
+            $(? #[$rest $($restargs)*])*
+            const $($item)*
+        }
+    };
+    (
+        $(#[$filtered:meta])*
+        // $next != `cfg`
+        ? #[$next:ident $($nextargs:tt)*]
+        $(? #[$rest:ident $($restargs:tt)*])*
+        const $($item:tt)*
+    ) => {
+        __impl_bitflags! {
+            $(#[$filtered])*
+            // $next filtered out
+            $(? #[$rest $($restargs)*])*
+            const $($item)*
+        }
+    };
+    (
+        $(#[$filtered:meta])*
+        const $($item:tt)*
+    ) => {
+        $(#[$filtered])*
+        const $($item)*
+    };
+#[cfg(feature = "example_generated")]
+pub mod example_generated;
+mod tests {
+    use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;
+    use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
+    bitflags! {
+        #[doc = "> The first principle is that you must not fool yourself — and"]
+        #[doc = "> you are the easiest person to fool."]
+        #[doc = "> "]
+        #[doc = "> - Richard Feynman"]
+        #[derive(Default)]
+        struct Flags: u32 {
+            const A = 0b00000001;
+            #[doc = "<pcwalton> macros are way better at generating code than trans is"]
+            const B = 0b00000010;
+            const C = 0b00000100;
+            #[doc = "* cmr bed"]
+            #[doc = "* strcat table"]
+            #[doc = "<strcat> wait what?"]
+            const ABC = Self::A.bits | Self::B.bits | Self::C.bits;
+        }
+        struct _CfgFlags: u32 {
+            #[cfg(unix)]
+            const _CFG_A = 0b01;
+            #[cfg(windows)]
+            const _CFG_B = 0b01;
+            #[cfg(unix)]
+            const _CFG_C = Self::_CFG_A.bits | 0b10;
+        }
+        struct AnotherSetOfFlags: i8 {
+            const ANOTHER_FLAG = -1_i8;
+        }
+        struct LongFlags: u32 {
+            const LONG_A = 0b1111111111111111;
+        }
+    }
+    bitflags! {
+        struct EmptyFlags: u32 {
+        }
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_bits() {
+        assert_eq!(Flags::empty().bits(), 0b00000000);
+        assert_eq!(Flags::A.bits(), 0b00000001);
+        assert_eq!(Flags::ABC.bits(), 0b00000111);
+        assert_eq!(AnotherSetOfFlags::empty().bits(), 0b00);
+        assert_eq!(AnotherSetOfFlags::ANOTHER_FLAG.bits(), !0_i8);
+        assert_eq!(EmptyFlags::empty().bits(), 0b00000000);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_from_bits() {
+        assert_eq!(Flags::from_bits(0), Some(Flags::empty()));
+        assert_eq!(Flags::from_bits(0b1), Some(Flags::A));
+        assert_eq!(Flags::from_bits(0b10), Some(Flags::B));
+        assert_eq!(Flags::from_bits(0b11), Some(Flags::A | Flags::B));
+        assert_eq!(Flags::from_bits(0b1000), None);
+        assert_eq!(
+            AnotherSetOfFlags::from_bits(!0_i8),
+            Some(AnotherSetOfFlags::ANOTHER_FLAG)
+        );
+        assert_eq!(EmptyFlags::from_bits(0), Some(EmptyFlags::empty()));
+        assert_eq!(EmptyFlags::from_bits(0b1), None);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_from_bits_truncate() {
+        assert_eq!(Flags::from_bits_truncate(0), Flags::empty());
+        assert_eq!(Flags::from_bits_truncate(0b1), Flags::A);
+        assert_eq!(Flags::from_bits_truncate(0b10), Flags::B);
+        assert_eq!(Flags::from_bits_truncate(0b11), (Flags::A | Flags::B));
+        assert_eq!(Flags::from_bits_truncate(0b1000), Flags::empty());
+        assert_eq!(Flags::from_bits_truncate(0b1001), Flags::A);
+        assert_eq!(
+            AnotherSetOfFlags::from_bits_truncate(0_i8),
+            AnotherSetOfFlags::empty()
+        );
+        assert_eq!(EmptyFlags::from_bits_truncate(0), EmptyFlags::empty());
+        assert_eq!(EmptyFlags::from_bits_truncate(0b1), EmptyFlags::empty());
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_from_bits_unchecked() {
+        let extra = unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0b1000) };
+        assert_eq!(unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0) }, Flags::empty());
+        assert_eq!(unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0b1) }, Flags::A);
+        assert_eq!(unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0b10) }, Flags::B);
+        assert_eq!(
+            unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0b11) },
+            (Flags::A | Flags::B)
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0b1000) },
+            (extra | Flags::empty())
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0b1001) },
+            (extra | Flags::A)
+        );
+        let extra = unsafe { EmptyFlags::from_bits_unchecked(0b1000) };
+        assert_eq!(
+            unsafe { EmptyFlags::from_bits_unchecked(0b1000) },
+            (extra | EmptyFlags::empty())
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_is_empty() {
+        assert!(Flags::empty().is_empty());
+        assert!(!Flags::A.is_empty());
+        assert!(!Flags::ABC.is_empty());
+        assert!(!AnotherSetOfFlags::ANOTHER_FLAG.is_empty());
+        assert!(EmptyFlags::empty().is_empty());
+        assert!(EmptyFlags::all().is_empty());
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_is_all() {
+        assert!(Flags::all().is_all());
+        assert!(!Flags::A.is_all());
+        assert!(Flags::ABC.is_all());
+        let extra = unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0b1000) };
+        assert!(!extra.is_all());
+        assert!(!(Flags::A | extra).is_all());
+        assert!((Flags::ABC | extra).is_all());
+        assert!(AnotherSetOfFlags::ANOTHER_FLAG.is_all());
+        assert!(EmptyFlags::all().is_all());
+        assert!(EmptyFlags::empty().is_all());
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_two_empties_do_not_intersect() {
+        let e1 = Flags::empty();
+        let e2 = Flags::empty();
+        assert!(!e1.intersects(e2));
+        assert!(AnotherSetOfFlags::ANOTHER_FLAG.intersects(AnotherSetOfFlags::ANOTHER_FLAG));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_empty_does_not_intersect_with_full() {
+        let e1 = Flags::empty();
+        let e2 = Flags::ABC;
+        assert!(!e1.intersects(e2));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_disjoint_intersects() {
+        let e1 = Flags::A;
+        let e2 = Flags::B;
+        assert!(!e1.intersects(e2));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_overlapping_intersects() {
+        let e1 = Flags::A;
+        let e2 = Flags::A | Flags::B;
+        assert!(e1.intersects(e2));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_contains() {
+        let e1 = Flags::A;
+        let e2 = Flags::A | Flags::B;
+        assert!(!e1.contains(e2));
+        assert!(e2.contains(e1));
+        assert!(Flags::ABC.contains(e2));
+        assert!(AnotherSetOfFlags::ANOTHER_FLAG.contains(AnotherSetOfFlags::ANOTHER_FLAG));
+        assert!(EmptyFlags::empty().contains(EmptyFlags::empty()));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_insert() {
+        let mut e1 = Flags::A;
+        let e2 = Flags::A | Flags::B;
+        e1.insert(e2);
+        assert_eq!(e1, e2);
+        let mut e3 = AnotherSetOfFlags::empty();
+        e3.insert(AnotherSetOfFlags::ANOTHER_FLAG);
+        assert_eq!(e3, AnotherSetOfFlags::ANOTHER_FLAG);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_remove() {
+        let mut e1 = Flags::A | Flags::B;
+        let e2 = Flags::A | Flags::C;
+        e1.remove(e2);
+        assert_eq!(e1, Flags::B);
+        let mut e3 = AnotherSetOfFlags::ANOTHER_FLAG;
+        e3.remove(AnotherSetOfFlags::ANOTHER_FLAG);
+        assert_eq!(e3, AnotherSetOfFlags::empty());
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_operators() {
+        let e1 = Flags::A | Flags::C;
+        let e2 = Flags::B | Flags::C;
+        assert_eq!((e1 | e2), Flags::ABC); // union
+        assert_eq!((e1 & e2), Flags::C); // intersection
+        assert_eq!((e1 - e2), Flags::A); // set difference
+        assert_eq!(!e2, Flags::A); // set complement
+        assert_eq!(e1 ^ e2, Flags::A | Flags::B); // toggle
+        let mut e3 = e1;
+        e3.toggle(e2);
+        assert_eq!(e3, Flags::A | Flags::B);
+        let mut m4 = AnotherSetOfFlags::empty();
+        m4.toggle(AnotherSetOfFlags::empty());
+        assert_eq!(m4, AnotherSetOfFlags::empty());
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_operators_unchecked() {
+        let extra = unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0b1000) };
+        let e1 = Flags::A | Flags::C | extra;
+        let e2 = Flags::B | Flags::C;
+        assert_eq!((e1 | e2), (Flags::ABC | extra)); // union
+        assert_eq!((e1 & e2), Flags::C); // intersection
+        assert_eq!((e1 - e2), (Flags::A | extra)); // set difference
+        assert_eq!(!e2, Flags::A); // set complement
+        assert_eq!(!e1, Flags::B); // set complement
+        assert_eq!(e1 ^ e2, Flags::A | Flags::B | extra); // toggle
+        let mut e3 = e1;
+        e3.toggle(e2);
+        assert_eq!(e3, Flags::A | Flags::B | extra);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_set_ops_basic() {
+        let ab = Flags::A.union(Flags::B);
+        let ac = Flags::A.union(Flags::C);
+        let bc = Flags::B.union(Flags::C);
+        assert_eq!(ab.bits, 0b011);
+        assert_eq!(bc.bits, 0b110);
+        assert_eq!(ac.bits, 0b101);
+        assert_eq!(ab, Flags::B.union(Flags::A));
+        assert_eq!(ac, Flags::C.union(Flags::A));
+        assert_eq!(bc, Flags::C.union(Flags::B));
+        assert_eq!(ac, Flags::A | Flags::C);
+        assert_eq!(bc, Flags::B | Flags::C);
+        assert_eq!(ab.union(bc), Flags::ABC);
+        assert_eq!(ac, Flags::A | Flags::C);
+        assert_eq!(bc, Flags::B | Flags::C);
+        assert_eq!(ac.union(bc), ac | bc);
+        assert_eq!(ac.union(bc), Flags::ABC);
+        assert_eq!(bc.union(ac), Flags::ABC);
+        assert_eq!(ac.intersection(bc), ac & bc);
+        assert_eq!(ac.intersection(bc), Flags::C);
+        assert_eq!(bc.intersection(ac), Flags::C);
+        assert_eq!(ac.difference(bc), ac - bc);
+        assert_eq!(bc.difference(ac), bc - ac);
+        assert_eq!(ac.difference(bc), Flags::A);
+        assert_eq!(bc.difference(ac), Flags::B);
+        assert_eq!(bc.complement(), !bc);
+        assert_eq!(bc.complement(), Flags::A);
+        assert_eq!(ac.symmetric_difference(bc), Flags::A.union(Flags::B));
+        assert_eq!(bc.symmetric_difference(ac), Flags::A.union(Flags::B));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_set_ops_const() {
+        // These just test that these compile and don't cause use-site panics
+        // (would be possible if we had some sort of UB)
+        const INTERSECT: Flags = Flags::all().intersection(Flags::C);
+        const UNION: Flags = Flags::A.union(Flags::C);
+        const DIFFERENCE: Flags = Flags::all().difference(Flags::A);
+        const COMPLEMENT: Flags = Flags::C.complement();
+        const SYM_DIFFERENCE: Flags = UNION.symmetric_difference(DIFFERENCE);
+        assert_eq!(INTERSECT, Flags::C);
+        assert_eq!(UNION, Flags::A | Flags::C);
+        assert_eq!(DIFFERENCE, Flags::all() - Flags::A);
+        assert_eq!(COMPLEMENT, !Flags::C);
+        assert_eq!(SYM_DIFFERENCE, (Flags::A | Flags::C) ^ (Flags::all() - Flags::A));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_set_ops_unchecked() {
+        let extra = unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0b1000) };
+        let e1 = Flags::A.union(Flags::C).union(extra);
+        let e2 = Flags::B.union(Flags::C);
+        assert_eq!(e1.bits, 0b1101);
+        assert_eq!(e1.union(e2), (Flags::ABC | extra));
+        assert_eq!(e1.intersection(e2), Flags::C);
+        assert_eq!(e1.difference(e2), Flags::A | extra);
+        assert_eq!(e2.difference(e1), Flags::B);
+        assert_eq!(e2.complement(), Flags::A);
+        assert_eq!(e1.complement(), Flags::B);
+        assert_eq!(e1.symmetric_difference(e2), Flags::A | Flags::B | extra); // toggle
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_set_ops_exhaustive() {
+        // Define a flag that contains gaps to help exercise edge-cases,
+        // especially around "unknown" flags (e.g. ones outside of `all()`
+        // `from_bits_unchecked`).
+        // - when lhs and rhs both have different sets of unknown flags.
+        // - unknown flags at both ends, and in the middle
+        // - cases with "gaps".
+        bitflags! {
+            struct Test: u16 {
+                // Intentionally no `A`
+                const B = 0b000000010;
+                // Intentionally no `C`
+                const D = 0b000001000;
+                const E = 0b000010000;
+                const F = 0b000100000;
+                const G = 0b001000000;
+                // Intentionally no `H`
+                const I = 0b100000000;
+            }
+        }
+        let iter_test_flags =
+            || (0..=0b111_1111_1111).map(|bits| unsafe { Test::from_bits_unchecked(bits) });
+        for a in iter_test_flags() {
+            assert_eq!(
+                a.complement(),
+                Test::from_bits_truncate(!a.bits),
+                "wrong result: !({:?})",
+                a,
+            );
+            assert_eq!(a.complement(), !a, "named != op: !({:?})", a);
+            for b in iter_test_flags() {
+                // Check that the named operations produce the expected bitwise
+                // values.
+                assert_eq!(
+                    a.union(b).bits,
+                    a.bits | b.bits,
+                    "wrong result: `{:?}` | `{:?}`",
+                    a,
+                    b,
+                );
+                assert_eq!(
+                    a.intersection(b).bits,
+                    a.bits & b.bits,
+                    "wrong result: `{:?}` & `{:?}`",
+                    a,
+                    b,
+                );
+                assert_eq!(
+                    a.symmetric_difference(b).bits,
+                    a.bits ^ b.bits,
+                    "wrong result: `{:?}` ^ `{:?}`",
+                    a,
+                    b,
+                );
+                assert_eq!(
+                    a.difference(b).bits,
+                    a.bits & !b.bits,
+                    "wrong result: `{:?}` - `{:?}`",
+                    a,
+                    b,
+                );
+                // Note: Difference is checked as both `a - b` and `b - a`
+                assert_eq!(
+                    b.difference(a).bits,
+                    b.bits & !a.bits,
+                    "wrong result: `{:?}` - `{:?}`",
+                    b,
+                    a,
+                );
+                // Check that the named set operations are equivalent to the
+                // bitwise equivalents
+                assert_eq!(a.union(b), a | b, "named != op: `{:?}` | `{:?}`", a, b,);
+                assert_eq!(
+                    a.intersection(b),
+                    a & b,
+                    "named != op: `{:?}` & `{:?}`",
+                    a,
+                    b,
+                );
+                assert_eq!(
+                    a.symmetric_difference(b),
+                    a ^ b,
+                    "named != op: `{:?}` ^ `{:?}`",
+                    a,
+                    b,
+                );
+                assert_eq!(a.difference(b), a - b, "named != op: `{:?}` - `{:?}`", a, b,);
+                // Note: Difference is checked as both `a - b` and `b - a`
+                assert_eq!(b.difference(a), b - a, "named != op: `{:?}` - `{:?}`", b, a,);
+                // Verify that the operations which should be symmetric are
+                // actually symmetric.
+                assert_eq!(a.union(b), b.union(a), "asymmetry: `{:?}` | `{:?}`", a, b,);
+                assert_eq!(
+                    a.intersection(b),
+                    b.intersection(a),
+                    "asymmetry: `{:?}` & `{:?}`",
+                    a,
+                    b,
+                );
+                assert_eq!(
+                    a.symmetric_difference(b),
+                    b.symmetric_difference(a),
+                    "asymmetry: `{:?}` ^ `{:?}`",
+                    a,
+                    b,
+                );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_set() {
+        let mut e1 = Flags::A | Flags::C;
+        e1.set(Flags::B, true);
+        e1.set(Flags::C, false);
+        assert_eq!(e1, Flags::A | Flags::B);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_assignment_operators() {
+        let mut m1 = Flags::empty();
+        let e1 = Flags::A | Flags::C;
+        // union
+        m1 |= Flags::A;
+        assert_eq!(m1, Flags::A);
+        // intersection
+        m1 &= e1;
+        assert_eq!(m1, Flags::A);
+        // set difference
+        m1 -= m1;
+        assert_eq!(m1, Flags::empty());
+        // toggle
+        m1 ^= e1;
+        assert_eq!(m1, e1);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_const_fn() {
+        const _M1: Flags = Flags::empty();
+        const M2: Flags = Flags::A;
+        assert_eq!(M2, Flags::A);
+        const M3: Flags = Flags::C;
+        assert_eq!(M3, Flags::C);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_extend() {
+        let mut flags;
+        flags = Flags::empty();
+        flags.extend([].iter().cloned());
+        assert_eq!(flags, Flags::empty());
+        flags = Flags::empty();
+        flags.extend([Flags::A, Flags::B].iter().cloned());
+        assert_eq!(flags, Flags::A | Flags::B);
+        flags = Flags::A;
+        flags.extend([Flags::A, Flags::B].iter().cloned());
+        assert_eq!(flags, Flags::A | Flags::B);
+        flags = Flags::B;
+        flags.extend([Flags::A, Flags::ABC].iter().cloned());
+        assert_eq!(flags, Flags::ABC);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_from_iterator() {
+        assert_eq!([].iter().cloned().collect::<Flags>(), Flags::empty());
+        assert_eq!(
+            [Flags::A, Flags::B].iter().cloned().collect::<Flags>(),
+            Flags::A | Flags::B
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            [Flags::A, Flags::ABC].iter().cloned().collect::<Flags>(),
+            Flags::ABC
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_lt() {
+        let mut a = Flags::empty();
+        let mut b = Flags::empty();
+        assert!(!(a < b) && !(b < a));
+        b = Flags::B;
+        assert!(a < b);
+        a = Flags::C;
+        assert!(!(a < b) && b < a);
+        b = Flags::C | Flags::B;
+        assert!(a < b);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_ord() {
+        let mut a = Flags::empty();
+        let mut b = Flags::empty();
+        assert!(a <= b && a >= b);
+        a = Flags::A;
+        assert!(a > b && a >= b);
+        assert!(b < a && b <= a);
+        b = Flags::B;
+        assert!(b > a && b >= a);
+        assert!(a < b && a <= b);
+    }
+    fn hash<T: Hash>(t: &T) -> u64 {
+        let mut s = DefaultHasher::new();
+        t.hash(&mut s);
+        s.finish()
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_hash() {
+        let mut x = Flags::empty();
+        let mut y = Flags::empty();
+        assert_eq!(hash(&x), hash(&y));
+        x = Flags::all();
+        y = Flags::ABC;
+        assert_eq!(hash(&x), hash(&y));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_default() {
+        assert_eq!(Flags::empty(), Flags::default());
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_debug() {
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::A | Flags::B), "A | B");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::empty()), "(empty)");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::ABC), "A | B | C | ABC");
+        let extra = unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0xb8) };
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", extra), "0xb8");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::A | extra), "A | 0xb8");
+        assert_eq!(
+            format!("{:?}", Flags::ABC | extra),
+            "A | B | C | ABC | 0xb8"
+        );
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", EmptyFlags::empty()), "(empty)");
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_binary() {
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:b}", Flags::ABC), "111");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:#b}", Flags::ABC), "0b111");
+        let extra = unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0b1010000) };
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:b}", Flags::ABC | extra), "1010111");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:#b}", Flags::ABC | extra), "0b1010111");
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_octal() {
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:o}", LongFlags::LONG_A), "177777");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:#o}", LongFlags::LONG_A), "0o177777");
+        let extra = unsafe { LongFlags::from_bits_unchecked(0o5000000) };
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:o}", LongFlags::LONG_A | extra), "5177777");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:#o}", LongFlags::LONG_A | extra), "0o5177777");
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_lowerhex() {
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:x}", LongFlags::LONG_A), "ffff");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:#x}", LongFlags::LONG_A), "0xffff");
+        let extra = unsafe { LongFlags::from_bits_unchecked(0xe00000) };
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:x}", LongFlags::LONG_A | extra), "e0ffff");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:#x}", LongFlags::LONG_A | extra), "0xe0ffff");
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_upperhex() {
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:X}", LongFlags::LONG_A), "FFFF");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:#X}", LongFlags::LONG_A), "0xFFFF");
+        let extra = unsafe { LongFlags::from_bits_unchecked(0xe00000) };
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:X}", LongFlags::LONG_A | extra), "E0FFFF");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:#X}", LongFlags::LONG_A | extra), "0xE0FFFF");
+    }
+    mod submodule {
+        bitflags! {
+            pub struct PublicFlags: i8 {
+                const X = 0;
+            }
+            struct PrivateFlags: i8 {
+                const Y = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        #[test]
+        fn test_private() {
+            let _ = PrivateFlags::Y;
+        }
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_public() {
+        let _ = submodule::PublicFlags::X;
+    }
+    mod t1 {
+        mod foo {
+            pub type Bar = i32;
+        }
+        bitflags! {
+            /// baz
+            struct Flags: foo::Bar {
+                const A = 0b00000001;
+                #[cfg(foo)]
+                const B = 0b00000010;
+                #[cfg(foo)]
+                const C = 0b00000010;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_in_function() {
+        bitflags! {
+           struct Flags: u8 {
+                const A = 1;
+                #[cfg(any())] // false
+                const B = 2;
+            }
+        }
+        assert_eq!(Flags::all(), Flags::A);
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::A), "A");
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_deprecated() {
+        bitflags! {
+            pub struct TestFlags: u32 {
+                #[deprecated(note = "Use something else.")]
+                const ONE = 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_pub_crate() {
+        mod module {
+            bitflags! {
+                pub (crate) struct Test: u8 {
+                    const FOO = 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        assert_eq!(module::Test::FOO.bits(), 1);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_pub_in_module() {
+        mod module {
+            mod submodule {
+                bitflags! {
+                    // `pub (in super)` means only the module `module` will
+                    // be able to access this.
+                    pub (in super) struct Test: u8 {
+                        const FOO = 1;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            mod test {
+                // Note: due to `pub (in super)`,
+                // this cannot be accessed directly by the testing code.
+                pub(super) fn value() -> u8 {
+                    super::submodule::Test::FOO.bits()
+                }
+            }
+            pub fn value() -> u8 {
+                test::value()
+            }
+        }
+        assert_eq!(module::value(), 1)
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_zero_value_flags() {
+        bitflags! {
+            struct Flags: u32 {
+                const NONE = 0b0;
+                const SOME = 0b1;
+            }
+        }
+        assert!(Flags::empty().contains(Flags::NONE));
+        assert!(Flags::SOME.contains(Flags::NONE));
+        assert!(Flags::NONE.is_empty());
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::empty()), "NONE");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::SOME), "SOME");
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_empty_bitflags() {
+        bitflags! {}
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_u128_bitflags() {
+        bitflags! {
+            struct Flags128: u128 {
+                const A = 0x0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001;
+                const B = 0x0000_0000_0000_1000_0000_0000_0000_0000;
+                const C = 0x8000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000;
+                const ABC = Self::A.bits | Self::B.bits | Self::C.bits;
+            }
+        }
+        assert_eq!(Flags128::ABC, Flags128::A | Flags128::B | Flags128::C);
+        assert_eq!(Flags128::A.bits, 0x0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001);
+        assert_eq!(Flags128::B.bits, 0x0000_0000_0000_1000_0000_0000_0000_0000);
+        assert_eq!(Flags128::C.bits, 0x8000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);
+        assert_eq!(
+            Flags128::ABC.bits,
+            0x8000_0000_0000_1000_0000_0000_0000_0001
+        );
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags128::A), "A");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags128::B), "B");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags128::C), "C");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags128::ABC), "A | B | C | ABC");
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_serde_bitflags_serialize() {
+        let flags = SerdeFlags::A | SerdeFlags::B;
+        let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&flags).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(serialized, r#"{"bits":3}"#);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_serde_bitflags_deserialize() {
+        let deserialized: SerdeFlags = serde_json::from_str(r#"{"bits":12}"#).unwrap();
+        let expected = SerdeFlags::C | SerdeFlags::D;
+        assert_eq!(deserialized.bits, expected.bits);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_serde_bitflags_roundtrip() {
+        let flags = SerdeFlags::A | SerdeFlags::B;
+        let deserialized: SerdeFlags = serde_json::from_str(&serde_json::to_string(&flags).unwrap()).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(deserialized.bits, flags.bits);
+    }
+    bitflags! {
+        #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
+        struct SerdeFlags: u32 {
+            const A = 1;
+            const B = 2;
+            const C = 4;
+            const D = 8;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/ b/1.3.2/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73a52be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+use bitflags::bitflags;
+bitflags! {
+    /// baz
+    struct Flags: u32 {
+        const A = 0b00000001;
+        #[doc = "bar"]
+        const B = 0b00000010;
+        const C = 0b00000100;
+        #[doc = "foo"]
+        const ABC = Flags::A.bits | Flags::B.bits | Flags::C.bits;
+    }
+fn basic() {
+    assert_eq!(Flags::ABC, Flags::A | Flags::B | Flags::C);
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/.gitignore b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dd9abc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/impls/ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/impls/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38f4822
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/impls/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+use bitflags::bitflags;
+bitflags! {
+    #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+    struct Flags: u32 {
+        const A = 0b00000001;
+    }
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/impls/copy.stderr.beta b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/impls/copy.stderr.beta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c13aa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/impls/copy.stderr.beta
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+error[E0119]: conflicting implementations of trait `std::clone::Clone` for type `Flags`
+ --> $DIR/
+  |
+3 | / bitflags! {
+4 | |     #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+  | |              ----- first implementation here
+5 | |     struct Flags: u32 {
+6 | |         const A = 0b00000001;
+7 | |     }
+8 | | }
+  | |_^ conflicting implementation for `Flags`
+  |
+  = note: this error originates in the derive macro `Clone` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
+error[E0119]: conflicting implementations of trait `std::marker::Copy` for type `Flags`
+ --> $DIR/
+  |
+3 | / bitflags! {
+4 | |     #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+  | |                     ---- first implementation here
+5 | |     struct Flags: u32 {
+6 | |         const A = 0b00000001;
+7 | |     }
+8 | | }
+  | |_^ conflicting implementation for `Flags`
+  |
+  = note: this error originates in the derive macro `Copy` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/impls/ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/impls/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4abbd63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/impls/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+use bitflags::bitflags;
+bitflags! {
+    #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
+    struct Flags: u32 {
+        const A = 0b00000001;
+    }
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/impls/eq.stderr.beta b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/impls/eq.stderr.beta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a1a3b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/impls/eq.stderr.beta
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+error[E0119]: conflicting implementations of trait `std::cmp::PartialEq` for type `Flags`
+ --> $DIR/
+  |
+3 | / bitflags! {
+4 | |     #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
+  | |              --------- first implementation here
+5 | |     struct Flags: u32 {
+6 | |         const A = 0b00000001;
+7 | |     }
+8 | | }
+  | |_^ conflicting implementation for `Flags`
+  |
+  = note: this error originates in the derive macro `PartialEq` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
+error[E0119]: conflicting implementations of trait `std::cmp::Eq` for type `Flags`
+ --> $DIR/
+  |
+3 | / bitflags! {
+4 | |     #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
+  | |                         -- first implementation here
+5 | |     struct Flags: u32 {
+6 | |         const A = 0b00000001;
+7 | |     }
+8 | | }
+  | |_^ conflicting implementation for `Flags`
+  |
+  = note: this error originates in the derive macro `Eq` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
+error[E0119]: conflicting implementations of trait `std::marker::StructuralPartialEq` for type `Flags`
+ --> $DIR/
+  |
+3 | / bitflags! {
+4 | |     #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
+  | |              --------- first implementation here
+5 | |     struct Flags: u32 {
+6 | |         const A = 0b00000001;
+7 | |     }
+8 | | }
+  | |_^ conflicting implementation for `Flags`
+  |
+  = note: this error originates in the derive macro `PartialEq` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
+error[E0119]: conflicting implementations of trait `std::marker::StructuralEq` for type `Flags`
+ --> $DIR/
+  |
+3 | / bitflags! {
+4 | |     #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
+  | |                         -- first implementation here
+5 | |     struct Flags: u32 {
+6 | |         const A = 0b00000001;
+7 | |     }
+8 | | }
+  | |_^ conflicting implementation for `Flags`
+  |
+  = note: this error originates in the derive macro `Eq` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/non_integer_base/ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/non_integer_base/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2856b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/non_integer_base/
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+use std::{
+    fmt::{
+        self,
+        Debug,
+        Display,
+        LowerHex,
+        UpperHex,
+        Octal,
+        Binary,
+    },
+    ops::{
+        BitAnd,
+        BitOr,
+        BitXor,
+        BitAndAssign,
+        BitOrAssign,
+        BitXorAssign,
+        Not,
+    },
+use bitflags::bitflags;
+// Ideally we'd actually want this to work, but currently need something like `num`'s `Zero`
+// With some design work it could be made possible
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
+struct MyInt(u8);
+impl BitAnd for MyInt {
+    type Output = Self;
+    fn bitand(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+        MyInt(self.0 & other.0)
+    }
+impl BitOr for MyInt {
+    type Output = Self;
+    fn bitor(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+        MyInt(self.0 | other.0)
+    }
+impl BitXor for MyInt {
+    type Output = Self;
+    fn bitxor(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+        MyInt(self.0 ^ other.0)
+    }
+impl BitAndAssign for MyInt {
+    fn bitand_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
+        self.0 &= other.0
+    }
+impl BitOrAssign for MyInt {
+    fn bitor_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
+        self.0 |= other.0
+    }
+impl BitXorAssign for MyInt {
+    fn bitxor_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
+        self.0 ^= other.0
+    }
+impl Debug for MyInt {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+        Debug::fmt(&self.0, f)
+    }
+impl Display for MyInt {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+        Display::fmt(&self.0, f)
+    }
+impl LowerHex for MyInt {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+        LowerHex::fmt(&self.0, f)
+    }
+impl UpperHex for MyInt {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+        UpperHex::fmt(&self.0, f)
+    }
+impl Octal for MyInt {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+        Octal::fmt(&self.0, f)
+    }
+impl Binary for MyInt {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+        Binary::fmt(&self.0, f)
+    }
+impl Not for MyInt {
+    type Output = MyInt;
+    fn not(self) -> Self {
+        MyInt(!self.0)
+    }
+bitflags! {
+    struct Flags128: MyInt {
+        const A = MyInt(0b0000_0001u8);
+        const B = MyInt(0b0000_0010u8);
+        const C = MyInt(0b0000_0100u8);
+    }
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/non_integer_base/all_defined.stderr.beta b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/non_integer_base/all_defined.stderr.beta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f0fb5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/non_integer_base/all_defined.stderr.beta
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+error[E0308]: mismatched types
+   --> $DIR/
+    |
+115 | / bitflags! {
+116 | |     struct Flags128: MyInt {
+117 | |         const A = MyInt(0b0000_0001u8);
+118 | |         const B = MyInt(0b0000_0010u8);
+119 | |         const C = MyInt(0b0000_0100u8);
+120 | |     }
+121 | | }
+    | |_^ expected struct `MyInt`, found integer
+    |
+    = note: this error originates in the macro `__impl_all_bitflags` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
+error[E0308]: mismatched types
+   --> $DIR/
+    |
+115 | / bitflags! {
+116 | |     struct Flags128: MyInt {
+117 | |         const A = MyInt(0b0000_0001u8);
+118 | |         const B = MyInt(0b0000_0010u8);
+119 | |         const C = MyInt(0b0000_0100u8);
+120 | |     }
+121 | | }
+    | |_^ expected struct `MyInt`, found integer
+    |
+    = note: this error originates in the macro `__impl_bitflags` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/non_integer_base/ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/non_integer_base/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fff6b2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/non_integer_base/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+use bitflags::bitflags;
+struct MyInt(u8);
+bitflags! {
+    struct Flags128: MyInt {
+        const A = MyInt(0b0000_0001);
+        const B = MyInt(0b0000_0010);
+        const C = MyInt(0b0000_0100);
+    }
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/non_integer_base/all_missing.stderr.beta b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/non_integer_base/all_missing.stderr.beta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee95f83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/non_integer_base/all_missing.stderr.beta
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+error[E0204]: the trait `Copy` may not be implemented for this type
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+5  | / bitflags! {
+6  | |     struct Flags128: MyInt {
+7  | |         const A = MyInt(0b0000_0001);
+8  | |         const B = MyInt(0b0000_0010);
+9  | |         const C = MyInt(0b0000_0100);
+10 | |     }
+11 | | }
+   | |_^ this field does not implement `Copy`
+   |
+   = note: this error originates in the derive macro `Copy` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/visibility/ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/visibility/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6a3912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/visibility/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+mod example {
+    use bitflags::bitflags;
+    bitflags! {
+        pub struct Flags1: u32 {
+            const FLAG_A = 0b00000001;
+        }
+    }
+fn main() {
+    let flag1 = example::Flags1::FLAG_A.bits;
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/visibility/private_field.stderr.beta b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/visibility/private_field.stderr.beta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58a0466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/visibility/private_field.stderr.beta
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+error[E0616]: field `bits` of struct `Flags1` is private
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+12 |     let flag1 = example::Flags1::FLAG_A.bits;
+   |                                         ^^^^ private field
+   |
+help: a method `bits` also exists, call it with parentheses
+   |
+12 |     let flag1 = example::Flags1::FLAG_A.bits();
+   |                                             ^^
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/visibility/ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/visibility/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85a5b18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/visibility/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+mod example {
+    use bitflags::bitflags;
+    bitflags! {
+        pub struct Flags1: u32 {
+            const FLAG_A = 0b00000001;
+        }
+        struct Flags2: u32 {
+            const FLAG_B = 0b00000010;
+        }
+    }
+fn main() {
+    let flag1 = example::Flags1::FLAG_A;
+    let flag2 = example::Flags2::FLAG_B;
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/visibility/private_flags.stderr.beta b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/visibility/private_flags.stderr.beta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d23f832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/visibility/private_flags.stderr.beta
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+error[E0603]: struct `Flags2` is private
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+17 |     let flag2 = example::Flags2::FLAG_B;
+   |                          ^^^^^^ private struct
+   |
+note: the struct `Flags2` is defined here
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+4  | /     bitflags! {
+5  | |         pub struct Flags1: u32 {
+6  | |             const FLAG_A = 0b00000001;
+7  | |         }
+...  |
+11 | |         }
+12 | |     }
+   | |_____^
+   = note: this error originates in the macro `bitflags` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/visibility/ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/visibility/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b90f0ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/visibility/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+use bitflags::bitflags;
+bitflags! {
+    pub struct Flags1: u32 {
+        pub const FLAG_A = 0b00000001;
+    }
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/visibility/pub_const.stderr.beta b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/visibility/pub_const.stderr.beta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b01122c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-fail/visibility/pub_const.stderr.beta
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+error: no rules expected the token `pub`
+ --> $DIR/
+  |
+5 |         pub const FLAG_A = 0b00000001;
+  |         ^^^ no rules expected this token in macro call
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/impls/ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/impls/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f02982
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/impls/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+use bitflags::bitflags;
+bitflags! {
+    struct Flags: u32 {
+        const A = 0b00000001;
+    }
+impl From<u32> for Flags {
+    fn from(v: u32) -> Flags {
+        Flags::from_bits_truncate(v)
+    }
+fn main() {
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/impls/ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/impls/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a97b653
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/impls/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+use bitflags::bitflags;
+bitflags! {
+    #[derive(Default)]
+    struct Flags: u32 {
+        const A = 0b00000001;
+    }
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/impls/ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/impls/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3052c46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/impls/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+use bitflags::bitflags;
+bitflags! {
+    struct Flags: u32 {
+        const A = 0b00000001;
+    }
+impl Flags {
+    pub fn new() -> Flags {
+        Flags::A
+    }
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/redefinition/ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/redefinition/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4754921
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/redefinition/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+use bitflags::bitflags;
+// Checks for possible errors caused by overriding names used by `bitflags!` internally.
+mod core {}
+mod _core {}
+bitflags! {
+    struct Test: u8 {
+        const A = 1;
+    }
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/redefinition/ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/redefinition/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b04f2f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/redefinition/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+use bitflags::bitflags;
+// Checks for possible errors caused by overriding names used by `bitflags!` internally.
+macro_rules! stringify {
+    ($($t:tt)*) => { "..." };
+bitflags! {
+    struct Test: u8 {
+        const A = 1;
+    }
+fn main() {
+    // Just make sure we don't call the redefined `stringify` macro
+    assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Test::A), "A");
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/repr/ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/repr/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6feba36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/repr/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+use bitflags::bitflags;
+bitflags! {
+    #[repr(C)]
+    struct Flags: u32 {
+        const A = 0b00000001;
+    }
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/repr/ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/repr/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e38db4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/repr/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+use bitflags::bitflags;
+bitflags! {
+    #[repr(transparent)]
+    struct Flags: u32 {
+        const A = 0b00000001;
+    }
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/visibility/ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/visibility/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33a7967
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/visibility/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+use bitflags::bitflags;
+bitflags! {
+    pub struct Flags1: u32 {
+        const FLAG_A = 0b00000001;
+    }
+fn main() {
+    assert_eq!(0b00000001, Flags1::FLAG_A.bits);
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/visibility/ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/visibility/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c11050e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/compile-pass/visibility/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+mod a {
+    mod b {
+        use bitflags::bitflags;
+        bitflags! {
+            pub(in crate::a) struct Flags: u32 {
+                const FLAG_A = 0b00000001;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn flags() -> u32 {
+        b::Flags::FLAG_A.bits()
+    }
+fn main() {
+    assert_eq!(0b00000001, a::flags());
diff --git a/1.3.2/tests/ b/1.3.2/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed02d01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.3.2/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+use std::{
+    fs,
+    ffi::OsStr,
+    io,
+    path::Path,
+use walkdir::WalkDir;
+fn fail() {
+    prepare_stderr_files("tests/compile-fail").unwrap();
+    let t = trybuild::TestCases::new();
+    t.compile_fail("tests/compile-fail/**/*.rs");
+fn pass() {
+    let t = trybuild::TestCases::new();
+    t.pass("tests/compile-pass/**/*.rs");
+// Compiler messages may change between versions
+// We don't want to have to track these too closely for `bitflags`, but
+// having some message to check makes sure user-facing errors are sensical.
+// The approach we use is to run the test on all compilers, but only check stderr
+// output on beta (which is the next stable release). We do this by default ignoring
+// any `.stderr` files in the `compile-fail` directory, and copying `.stderr.beta` files
+// when we happen to be running on a beta compiler.
+fn prepare_stderr_files(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> io::Result<()> {
+    for entry in WalkDir::new(path) {
+        let entry = entry?;
+        if entry.path().extension().and_then(OsStr::to_str) == Some("beta") {
+            let renamed = entry.path().with_extension("");
+            // Unconditionally remove a corresponding `.stderr` file for a `.stderr.beta`
+            // file if it exists. On `beta` compilers, we'll recreate it. On other compilers,
+            // we don't want to end up checking it anyways.
+            if renamed.exists() {
+                fs::remove_file(&renamed)?;
+            }
+            rename_beta_stderr(entry.path(), renamed)?;
+        }
+    }
+    Ok(())
+fn rename_beta_stderr(from: impl AsRef<Path>, to: impl AsRef<Path>) -> io::Result<()> {
+    fs::copy(from, to)?;
+    Ok(())
+fn rename_beta_stderr(_: impl AsRef<Path>, _: impl AsRef<Path>) -> io::Result<()> {
+    Ok(())
diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
index 6a110ae..a6761c1 100644
--- a/Android.bp
+++ b/Android.bp
@@ -37,75 +37,19 @@
-rust_test {
-    name: "bitflags_test_src_lib",
-    // has rustc warnings
-    host_supported: true,
-    crate_name: "bitflags",
-    cargo_env_compat: true,
-    cargo_pkg_version: "1.3.2",
-    srcs: ["src/"],
-    test_suites: ["general-tests"],
-    auto_gen_config: true,
-    test_options: {
-        unit_test: true,
-    },
-    edition: "2018",
-    features: ["default"],
-    rustlibs: [
-        "libserde",
-        "libserde_json",
-        "libwalkdir",
-    ],
-    proc_macros: [
-        "librustversion",
-        "libserde_derive",
-    ],
-rust_test {
-    name: "bitflags_test_tests_basic",
-    // has rustc warnings
-    host_supported: true,
-    crate_name: "bitflags",
-    cargo_env_compat: true,
-    cargo_pkg_version: "1.3.2",
-    srcs: ["tests/"],
-    test_suites: ["general-tests"],
-    auto_gen_config: true,
-    test_options: {
-        unit_test: true,
-    },
-    edition: "2018",
-    features: ["default"],
-    rustlibs: [
-        "libbitflags",
-        "libserde",
-        "libserde_json",
-        "libwalkdir",
-    ],
-    proc_macros: [
-        "librustversion",
-        "libserde_derive",
-    ],
 rust_library {
     name: "libbitflags",
-    // has rustc warnings
     host_supported: true,
     crate_name: "bitflags",
     cargo_env_compat: true,
-    cargo_pkg_version: "1.3.2",
+    cargo_pkg_version: "2.2.1",
     srcs: ["src/"],
-    edition: "2018",
-    features: ["default"],
+    edition: "2021",
     apex_available: [
-        "",
-        "",
-        "",
+        "//apex_available:anyapex",
+    product_available: true,
     vendor_available: true,
     min_sdk_version: "29",
diff --git a/ b/
index 12fea16..5c6df58 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,8 +1,170 @@
+# 2.2.1
+## What's Changed
+* Refactor attribute filtering to apply per-flag by @KodrAus in
+**Full Changelog**:
+# 2.2.0
+## What's Changed
+* Create by @KodrAus in
+* add docs to describe the behavior of multi-bit flags by @nicholasbishop in
+* Add support for bytemuck by @KodrAus in
+* Add a top-level macro for filtering attributes by @KodrAus in
+## New Contributors
+* @nicholasbishop made their first contribution in
+**Full Changelog**:
+# 2.1.0
+## What's Changed
+* Add docs for the internal Field0 and examples of formatting/parsing by @KodrAus in
+* Add support for arbitrary by @KodrAus in
+* Fix up missing docs for consts within consts by @KodrAus in
+* Ignore clippy lint in generated code by @Jake-Shadle in
+## New Contributors
+* @Jake-Shadle made their first contribution in
+**Full Changelog**:
+# 2.0.2
+## What's Changed
+* Fix up missing isize and usize Bits impls by @KodrAus in
+**Full Changelog**:
+# 2.0.1
+## What's Changed
+* Fix up some docs issues by @KodrAus in
+* Make empty_flag() const. by @tormeh in
+* Fix formatting of multi-bit flags with partial overlap by @KodrAus in
+## New Contributors
+* @tormeh made their first contribution in
+**Full Changelog**:
+# 2.0.0
+## What's Changed
+* Fix a typo and call out MSRV bump by @KodrAus in
+* BitFlags trait by @arturoc in
+* Add a hidden trait to discourage manual impls of BitFlags by @KodrAus in
+* Sanitize `Ok` by @konsumlamm in
+* Fix bug in `Debug` implementation by @konsumlamm in
+* Fix a typo in the generated documentation by @wackbyte in
+* Use SPDX license format by @atouchet in
+* serde tests fail in CI by @arturoc in
+* Fix beta test output by @KodrAus in
+* Add example to the file by @tiaanl in
+* Iterator over all the enabled options by @arturoc in
+* from_bits_(truncate) fail with composite flags by @arturoc in
+* Add more platform coverage to CI by @KodrAus in
+* rework the way cfgs are handled by @KodrAus in
+* Split generated code into two types by @KodrAus in
+* expose bitflags iters using nameable types by @KodrAus in
+* Support creating flags from their names by @KodrAus in
+* Update by @KodrAus in
+* Prepare for 2.0.0-rc.1 release by @KodrAus in
+* Add missing "if" to contains doc-comment in by @rusty-snake in
+* Forbid unsafe_code by @fintelia in
+* serde: enable no-std support by @nim65s in
+* Add a parser for flags formatted as bar-separated-values by @KodrAus in
+* Prepare for 2.0.0-rc.2 release by @KodrAus in
+* Use strip_prefix instead of starts_with + slice by @QuinnPainter in
+* Fix up some clippy lints by @KodrAus in
+* Prepare for 2.0.0-rc.3 release by @KodrAus in
+* feat: Add minimum permissions to rust.yml workflow by @gabibguti in
+## New Contributors
+* @wackbyte made their first contribution in
+* @atouchet made their first contribution in
+* @tiaanl made their first contribution in
+* @rusty-snake made their first contribution in
+* @fintelia made their first contribution in
+* @nim65s made their first contribution in
+* @QuinnPainter made their first contribution in
+* @gabibguti made their first contribution in
+**Full Changelog**:
+# 2.0.0-rc.3
+## What's Changed
+* Use strip_prefix instead of starts_with + slice by @QuinnPainter in
+* Fix up some clippy lints by @KodrAus in
+## New Contributors
+* @QuinnPainter made their first contribution in
+**Full Changelog**:
+# 2.0.0-rc.2
+## Changes to `serde` serialization
+**⚠️ NOTE ⚠️** This release changes the default serialization you'll get if you `#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]`
+on your generated flags types. It will now use a formatted string for human-readable formats and the underlying bits
+type for compact formats.
+To keep the old behavior, see the [`bitflags-serde-legacy`]( library.
+## What's Changed
+* Add missing "if" to contains doc-comment in by @rusty-snake in
+* Forbid unsafe_code by @fintelia in
+* serde: enable no-std support by @nim65s in
+* Add a parser for flags formatted as bar-separated-values by @KodrAus in
+## New Contributors
+* @rusty-snake made their first contribution in
+* @fintelia made their first contribution in
+* @nim65s made their first contribution in
+**Full Changelog**:
+# 2.0.0-rc.1
+This is a big release including a few years worth of work on a new `BitFlags` trait, iteration, and better macro organization for future extensibility.
+## What's Changed
+* Fix a typo and call out MSRV bump by @KodrAus in
+* BitFlags trait by @arturoc in
+* Add a hidden trait to discourage manual impls of BitFlags by @KodrAus in
+* Sanitize `Ok` by @konsumlamm in
+* Fix bug in `Debug` implementation by @konsumlamm in
+* Fix a typo in the generated documentation by @wackbyte in
+* Use SPDX license format by @atouchet in
+* serde tests fail in CI by @arturoc in
+* Fix beta test output by @KodrAus in
+* Add example to the file by @tiaanl in
+* Iterator over all the enabled options by @arturoc in
+* from_bits_(truncate) fail with composite flags by @arturoc in
+* Add more platform coverage to CI by @KodrAus in
+* rework the way cfgs are handled by @KodrAus in
+* Split generated code into two types by @KodrAus in
+* expose bitflags iters using nameable types by @KodrAus in
+* Support creating flags from their names by @KodrAus in
+* Update by @KodrAus in
+## New Contributors
+* @wackbyte made their first contribution in
+* @atouchet made their first contribution in
+* @tiaanl made their first contribution in
+**Full Changelog**:
 # 1.3.2
 - Allow `non_snake_case` in generated flags types ([#256])
 # 1.3.1
@@ -12,6 +174,8 @@
 # 1.3.0 (yanked)
+**This release bumps the Minimum Supported Rust Version to `1.46.0`**
 - Add `#[repr(transparent)]` ([#187])
 - End `empty` doc comment with full stop ([#202])
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5883363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Updating compile-fail test outputs
+`bitflags` uses the `trybuild` crate to integration test its macros. Since Rust error messages change frequently enough that `nightly` builds produce spurious failures, we only check the compiler output in `beta` builds. If you run:
+TRYBUILD=overwrite cargo +beta test --all
+it will run the tests and update the `trybuild` output files.
diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index 9d54c72..06afeef 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -3,29 +3,49 @@
 # When uploading crates to the registry Cargo will automatically
 # "normalize" Cargo.toml files for maximal compatibility
 # with all versions of Cargo and also rewrite `path` dependencies
-# to registry (e.g., dependencies
+# to registry (e.g., dependencies.
-# If you believe there's an error in this file please file an
-# issue against the rust-lang/cargo repository. If you're
-# editing this file be aware that the upstream Cargo.toml
-# will likely look very different (and much more reasonable)
+# If you are reading this file be aware that the original Cargo.toml
+# will likely look very different (and much more reasonable).
+# See Cargo.toml.orig for the original contents.
-edition = "2018"
+edition = "2021"
+rust-version = "1.56.0"
 name = "bitflags"
-version = "1.3.2"
+version = "2.2.1"
 authors = ["The Rust Project Developers"]
-exclude = ["bors.toml"]
-description = "A macro to generate structures which behave like bitflags.\n"
+exclude = [
+    "tests",
+    ".github",
+description = """
+A macro to generate structures which behave like bitflags.
 homepage = ""
 documentation = ""
 readme = ""
-keywords = ["bit", "bitmask", "bitflags", "flags"]
+keywords = [
+    "bit",
+    "bitmask",
+    "bitflags",
+    "flags",
 categories = ["no-std"]
-license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
+license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
 repository = ""
 features = ["example_generated"]
+version = "1.0"
+optional = true
+version = "1.0"
+optional = true
 version = "0.1.2"
 optional = true
@@ -34,10 +54,21 @@
 version = "1.0.0"
 optional = true
 package = "rustc-std-workspace-core"
-version = "1.0"
+version = "1.0"
+optional = true
+default-features = false
+version = "1.0"
+features = ["derive"]
+version = "1.0"
+features = ["derive"]
 version = "1.0"
@@ -46,13 +77,16 @@
 version = "1.0"
+version = "1.0"
 version = "1.0"
-version = "2.3"
-default = []
 example_generated = []
-rustc-dep-of-std = ["core", "compiler_builtins"]
+rustc-dep-of-std = [
+    "core",
+    "compiler_builtins",
+std = []
diff --git a/Cargo.toml.orig b/Cargo.toml.orig
index be9e05a..a239132 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml.orig
+++ b/Cargo.toml.orig
@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
 # NB: When modifying, also modify:
 #   1. html_root_url in
 #   2. number in readme (for breaking changes)
-version = "1.3.2"
-edition = "2018"
+version = "2.2.1"
+edition = "2021"
+rust-version = "1.56.0"
 authors = ["The Rust Project Developers"]
-license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
+license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
 keywords = ["bit", "bitmask", "bitflags", "flags"]
 readme = ""
 repository = ""
@@ -16,22 +17,26 @@
 description = """
 A macro to generate structures which behave like bitflags.
-exclude = ["bors.toml"]
+exclude = ["tests", ".github"]
-core = { version = '1.0.0', optional = true, package = 'rustc-std-workspace-core' }
-compiler_builtins = { version = '0.1.2', optional = true }
+serde = { version = "1.0", optional = true, default-features = false }
+arbitrary = { version = "1.0", optional = true }
+bytemuck = { version = "1.0", optional = true }
+core = { version = "1.0.0", optional = true, package = "rustc-std-workspace-core" }
+compiler_builtins = { version = "0.1.2", optional = true }
 trybuild = "1.0"
 rustversion = "1.0"
-walkdir = "2.3"
-serde = "1.0"
 serde_derive = "1.0"
 serde_json = "1.0"
+serde_test = "1.0"
+arbitrary = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
+bytemuck = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
-default = []
+std = []
 example_generated = []
 rustc-dep-of-std = ["core", "compiler_builtins"]
diff --git a/METADATA b/METADATA
index 0e660ff..a0bd701 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+# This project was upgraded with external_updater.
+# Usage: tools/external_updater/ update rust/crates/bitflags
+# For more info, check
 name: "bitflags"
 description: "A macro to generate structures which behave like bitflags."
 third_party {
@@ -7,13 +11,13 @@
   url {
     type: ARCHIVE
-    value: ""
+    value: ""
-  version: "1.3.2"
+  version: "2.2.1"
   license_type: NOTICE
   last_upgrade_date {
-    year: 2021
-    month: 9
-    day: 22
+    year: 2023
+    month: 4
+    day: 26
diff --git a/ b/
index 0da0f85..f9a5bb4 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
-[![Join the chat at](](
 [![Latest version](](
@@ -18,7 +17,7 @@
-bitflags = "1.3"
+bitflags = "2.2.1"
 and this to your source code:
@@ -27,6 +26,35 @@
 use bitflags::bitflags;
+## Example
+Generate a flags structure:
+use bitflags::bitflags;
+// The `bitflags!` macro generates `struct`s that manage a set of flags.
+bitflags! {
+    #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
+    struct Flags: u32 {
+        const A = 0b00000001;
+        const B = 0b00000010;
+        const C = 0b00000100;
+        const ABC = Self::A.bits() | Self::B.bits() | Self::C.bits();
+    }
+fn main() {
+    let e1 = Flags::A | Flags::C;
+    let e2 = Flags::B | Flags::C;
+    assert_eq!((e1 | e2), Flags::ABC);   // union
+    assert_eq!((e1 & e2), Flags::C);     // intersection
+    assert_eq!((e1 - e2), Flags::A);     // set difference
+    assert_eq!(!e2, Flags::A);           // set complement
 ## Rust Version Support
-The minimum supported Rust version is 1.46 due to use of associated constants and const functions.
+The minimum supported Rust version is documented in the `Cargo.toml` file.
+This may be bumped in minor releases as necessary.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..790ac5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Security Policy
+## Supported Versions
+Security updates are applied only to the latest release.
+## Reporting a Vulnerability
+If you have discovered a security vulnerability in this project, please report it privately. **Do not disclose it as a public issue.** This gives us time to work with you to fix the issue before public exposure, reducing the chance that the exploit will be used before a patch is released.
+Please disclose it at [security advisory](
+This project is maintained by a team of volunteers on a reasonable-effort basis. As such, please give us at least 90 days to work on a fix before public exposure.
index 5370f49..4624d6d 100644
@@ -5,6 +5,12 @@
       "path": "external/rust/crates/base64"
+      "path": "external/rust/crates/clap/2.33.3"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "external/rust/crates/gdbstub_arch"
+    },
+    {
       "path": "external/rust/crates/libsqlite3-sys"
@@ -18,118 +24,56 @@
       "path": "external/rust/crates/unicode-xid"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "external/rust/crates/virtio-drivers"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/apkdmverity"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/authfs"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/avmd"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/encryptedstore"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/libs/apkverify"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/libs/capabilities"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/libs/devicemapper"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/microdroid_manager"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/virtualizationmanager"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/vm"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/zipfuse"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "system/security/diced"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "system/security/keystore2"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "system/security/keystore2/legacykeystore"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "system/security/keystore2/src/crypto"
-  "presubmit": [
-    {
-      "name": "ZipFuseTest"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "apkdmverity.test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "authfs_device_test_src_lib"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "bitflags_test_src_lib"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "bitflags_test_tests_basic"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "diced_open_dice_cbor_test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "diced_sample_inputs_test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "diced_test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "diced_utils_test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "diced_vendor_test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "keystore2_crypto_test_rust"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "keystore2_selinux_concurrency_test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "keystore2_test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "keystore2_test_utils_test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "keystore2_vintf_test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "legacykeystore_test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "microdroid_manager_test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "virtualizationservice_device_test"
-    }
-  ],
-  "presubmit-rust": [
-    {
-      "name": "ZipFuseTest"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "apkdmverity.test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "authfs_device_test_src_lib"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "bitflags_test_src_lib"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "bitflags_test_tests_basic"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "diced_open_dice_cbor_test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "diced_sample_inputs_test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "diced_test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "diced_utils_test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "diced_vendor_test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "keystore2_crypto_test_rust"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "keystore2_selinux_concurrency_test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "keystore2_test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "keystore2_test_utils_test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "keystore2_vintf_test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "legacykeystore_test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "microdroid_manager_test"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "virtualizationservice_device_test"
-    }
-  ]
+  "presubmit": [],
+  "presubmit-rust": []
diff --git a/benches/ b/benches/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..caa9203
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benches/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+extern crate test;
+use std::{
+    fmt::{self, Display},
+    str::FromStr,
+bitflags::bitflags! {
+    struct Flags10: u32 {
+        const A = 0b0000_0000_0000_0001;
+        const B = 0b0000_0000_0000_0010;
+        const C = 0b0000_0000_0000_0100;
+        const D = 0b0000_0000_0000_1000;
+        const E = 0b0000_0000_0001_0000;
+        const F = 0b0000_0000_0010_0000;
+        const G = 0b0000_0000_0100_0000;
+        const H = 0b0000_0000_1000_0000;
+        const I = 0b0000_0001_0000_0000;
+        const J = 0b0000_0010_0000_0000;
+    }
+impl FromStr for Flags10 {
+    type Err = bitflags::parser::ParseError;
+    fn from_str(flags: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
+        Ok(Flags10(flags.parse()?))
+    }
+impl Display for Flags10 {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+        Display::fmt(&self.0, f)
+    }
+fn format_flags_1_present(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
+    b.iter(|| Flags10::J.to_string())
+fn format_flags_5_present(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
+    b.iter(|| (Flags10::F | Flags10::G | Flags10::H | Flags10::I | Flags10::J).to_string())
+fn format_flags_10_present(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
+    b.iter(|| {
+        (Flags10::A
+            | Flags10::B
+            | Flags10::C
+            | Flags10::D
+            | Flags10::E
+            | Flags10::F
+            | Flags10::G
+            | Flags10::H
+            | Flags10::I
+            | Flags10::J)
+            .to_string()
+    })
+fn parse_flags_1_10(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
+    b.iter(|| {
+        let flags: Flags10 = "J".parse().unwrap();
+        flags
+    })
+fn parse_flags_5_10(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
+    b.iter(|| {
+        let flags: Flags10 = "F | G | H | I | J".parse().unwrap();
+        flags
+    })
+fn parse_flags_10_10(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
+    b.iter(|| {
+        let flags: Flags10 = "A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J".parse().unwrap();
+        flags
+    })
+fn parse_flags_1_10_hex(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
+    b.iter(|| {
+        let flags: Flags10 = "0xFF".parse().unwrap();
+        flags
+    })
diff --git a/cargo2android.json b/cargo2android.json
index be5b70b..bc0ef74 100644
--- a/cargo2android.json
+++ b/cargo2android.json
@@ -1,19 +1,8 @@
-  "apex-available": [
-    "//apex_available:platform",
-    "",
-    "",
-    ""
-  ],
   "dependency-blocklist": [
   "device": true,
   "min-sdk-version": "29",
-  "run": true,
-  "test-blocklist": [
-    "tests/"
-  ],
-  "tests": true,
-  "vendor-available": true
+  "run": true
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bb9b8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+//! An example of implementing Rust's standard formatting and parsing traits for flags types.
+use core::{fmt, str};
+fn main() -> Result<(), bitflags::parser::ParseError> {
+    bitflags::bitflags! {
+        // You can `#[derive]` the `Debug` trait, but implementing it manually
+        // can produce output like `A | B` instead of `Flags(A | B)`.
+        // #[derive(Debug)]
+        #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
+        pub struct Flags: u32 {
+            const A = 1;
+            const B = 2;
+            const C = 4;
+            const D = 8;
+        }
+    }
+    impl fmt::Debug for Flags {
+        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+            fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.0, f)
+        }
+    }
+    impl fmt::Display for Flags {
+        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+            fmt::Display::fmt(&self.0, f)
+        }
+    }
+    impl str::FromStr for Flags {
+        type Err = bitflags::parser::ParseError;
+        fn from_str(flags: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
+            Ok(Self(flags.parse()?))
+        }
+    }
+    let flags = Flags::A | Flags::B;
+    println!("{}", flags);
+    let formatted = flags.to_string();
+    let parsed: Flags = formatted.parse()?;
+    assert_eq!(flags, parsed);
+    Ok(())
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22eae2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+//! An example of implementing `serde::Serialize` and `serde::Deserialize`.
+//! The `#[serde(transparent)]` attribute is recommended to serialize directly
+//! to the underlying bits type without wrapping it in a `serde` newtype.
+#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
+fn main() {
+    use serde_derive::*;
+    bitflags::bitflags! {
+        #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+        #[serde(transparent)]
+        pub struct Flags: u32 {
+            const A = 1;
+            const B = 2;
+            const C = 4;
+            const D = 8;
+        }
+    }
+    let flags = Flags::A | Flags::B;
+    let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&flags).unwrap();
+    println!("{:?} -> {}", flags, serialized);
+    assert_eq!(serialized, r#""A | B""#);
+    let deserialized: Flags = serde_json::from_str(&serialized).unwrap();
+    println!("{} -> {:?}", serialized, flags);
+    assert_eq!(deserialized, flags);
+#[cfg(not(feature = "serde"))]
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/patches/std.diff b/patches/std.diff
index a34fe97..69d5b01 100644
--- a/patches/std.diff
+++ b/patches/std.diff
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 diff --git a/src/ b/src/
-index 935e432..7e87795 100644
+index d28fd87..35eabca 100644
 --- a/src/
 +++ b/src/
-@@ -275,7 +275,8 @@
- //!
- //! Users should generally avoid defining a flag with a value of zero.
+@@ -420,7 +420,8 @@
+ //! For details on exactly what's generated for it, see the [`Field0`](example_generated/struct.Field0.html)
+ //! example docs.
--#![cfg_attr(not(test), no_std)]
+-#![cfg_attr(not(any(feature = "std", test)), no_std)]
 +// ANDROID: Use std to allow building as a dylib.
-+#![cfg_attr(not(any(test, android_dylib)), no_std)]
- #![doc(html_root_url = "")]
++#![cfg_attr(not(any(feature = "std", test, android_dylib)), no_std)]
+ #![cfg_attr(not(test), forbid(unsafe_code))]
- #[doc(hidden)]
+ #![doc(html_root_url = "")]
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index cf188d9..b758901 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,14 +1,50 @@
 //! This module shows an example of code generated by the macro. **IT MUST NOT BE USED OUTSIDE THIS
 //! CRATE**.
+//! Usually, when you call the `bitflags!` macro, only the `Flags` type would be visible. In this
+//! example, the `Field0`, `Iter`, and `IterRaw` types are also exposed so that you can explore
+//! their APIs. The `Field0` type can be accessed as `self.0` on an instance of `Flags`.
-bitflags! {
+__declare_public_bitflags! {
     /// This is the same `Flags` struct defined in the [crate level example](../index.html#example).
     /// Note that this struct is just for documentation purposes only, it must not be used outside
     /// this crate.
-    pub struct Flags: u32 {
-        const A = 0b00000001;
-        const B = 0b00000010;
-        const C = 0b00000100;
-        const ABC = Self::A.bits | Self::B.bits | Self::C.bits;
+    pub struct Flags;
+__declare_internal_bitflags! {
+    pub struct Field0: u32;
+    pub struct Iter;
+    pub struct IterRaw;
+__impl_internal_bitflags! {
+    Field0: u32, Flags, Iter, IterRaw {
+        A;
+        B;
+        C;
+        ABC;
+    }
+__impl_public_bitflags! {
+    Flags: u32, Field0, Iter, IterRaw;
+__impl_public_bitflags_consts! {
+    Flags {
+        /// Field `A`.
+        ///
+        /// This flag has the value `0b00000001`.
+        A = 0b00000001;
+        /// Field `B`.
+        ///
+        /// This flag has the value `0b00000010`.
+        B = 0b00000010;
+        /// Field `C`.
+        ///
+        /// This flag has the value `0b00000100`.
+        C = 0b00000100;
+        ABC = Self::A.bits() | Self::B.bits() | Self::C.bits();
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b07ff6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+//! Conditional trait implementations for external libraries.
+How do I support a new external library?
+Let's say we want to add support for `my_library`.
+First, we define a macro like so:
+#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
+macro_rules! __impl_external_bitflags_my_library {
+    (
+        $InternalBitFlags:ident: $T:ty {
+            $(
+                $(#[$attr:ident $($args:tt)*])*
+                $Flag:ident;
+            )*
+        }
+    ) => {
+        // Implementation goes here
+    };
+#[cfg(not(feature = "my_library"))]
+macro_rules! __impl_external_bitflags_my_library {
+    (
+        $InternalBitFlags:ident: $T:ty {
+            $(
+                $(#[$attr:ident $($args:tt)*])*
+                $Flag:ident;
+            )*
+        }
+    ) => {};
+Note that the macro is actually defined twice; once for when the `my_library` feature
+is available, and once for when it's not. This is because the `__impl_external_bitflags_my_library`
+macro is called in an end-user's library, not in `bitflags`. In an end-user's library we don't
+know whether or not a particular feature of `bitflags` is enabled, so we unconditionally call
+the macro, where the body of that macro depends on the feature flag.
+Now, we add our macro call to the `__impl_external_bitflags` macro body:
+__impl_external_bitflags_my_library! {
+    $InternalBitFlags: $T {
+        $(
+            $(#[$attr $($args)*])*
+            $Flag;
+        )*
+    }
+What about libraries that _must_ be supported through `#[derive]`?
+In these cases, the attributes will need to be added to the `__declare_internal_bitflags` macro when
+the internal type is declared.
+#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
+pub mod serde_support;
+#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
+pub use serde;
+#[cfg(feature = "arbitrary")]
+pub mod arbitrary_support;
+#[cfg(feature = "arbitrary")]
+pub use arbitrary;
+#[cfg(feature = "bytemuck")]
+pub mod bytemuck_support;
+#[cfg(feature = "bytemuck")]
+pub use bytemuck;
+/// Implements traits from external libraries for the internal bitflags type.
+macro_rules! __impl_external_bitflags {
+    (
+        $InternalBitFlags:ident: $T:ty {
+            $(
+                $(#[$attr:ident $($args:tt)*])*
+                $Flag:ident;
+            )*
+        }
+    ) => {
+        // Any new library traits impls should be added here
+        // Use `serde` as an example: generate code when the feature is available,
+        // and a no-op when it isn't
+        __impl_external_bitflags_serde! {
+            $InternalBitFlags: $T {
+                $(
+                    $(#[$attr $($args)*])*
+                    $Flag;
+                )*
+            }
+        }
+        __impl_external_bitflags_arbitrary! {
+            $InternalBitFlags: $T {
+                $(
+                    $(#[$attr $($args)*])*
+                    $Flag;
+                )*
+            }
+        }
+        __impl_external_bitflags_bytemuck! {
+            $InternalBitFlags: $T {
+                $(
+                    $(#[$attr $($args)*])*
+                    $Flag;
+                )*
+            }
+        }
+    };
+/// Implement `Serialize` and `Deserialize` for the internal bitflags type.
+#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
+macro_rules! __impl_external_bitflags_serde {
+    (
+        $InternalBitFlags:ident: $T:ty {
+            $(
+                $(#[$attr:ident $($args:tt)*])*
+                $Flag:ident;
+            )*
+        }
+    ) => {
+        impl $crate::__private::serde::Serialize for $InternalBitFlags {
+            fn serialize<S: $crate::__private::serde::Serializer>(
+                &self,
+                serializer: S,
+            ) -> $crate::__private::core::result::Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
+                $crate::__private::serde_support::serialize_bits_default::<$InternalBitFlags, $T, S>(
+                    &self,
+                    serializer,
+                )
+            }
+        }
+        impl<'de> $crate::__private::serde::Deserialize<'de> for $InternalBitFlags {
+            fn deserialize<D: $crate::__private::serde::Deserializer<'de>>(
+                deserializer: D,
+            ) -> $crate::__private::core::result::Result<Self, D::Error> {
+                $crate::__private::serde_support::deserialize_bits_default::<$InternalBitFlags, $T, D>(
+                    deserializer,
+                )
+            }
+        }
+    };
+#[cfg(not(feature = "serde"))]
+macro_rules! __impl_external_bitflags_serde {
+    (
+        $InternalBitFlags:ident: $T:ty {
+            $(
+                $(#[$attr:ident $($args:tt)*])*
+                $Flag:ident;
+            )*
+        }
+    ) => {};
+/// Implement `Arbitrary` for the internal bitflags type.
+#[cfg(feature = "arbitrary")]
+macro_rules! __impl_external_bitflags_arbitrary {
+    (
+            $InternalBitFlags:ident: $T:ty {
+                $(
+                    $(#[$attr:ident $($args:tt)*])*
+                    $Flag:ident;
+                )*
+            }
+    ) => {
+        impl<'a> $crate::__private::arbitrary::Arbitrary<'a> for $InternalBitFlags {
+            fn arbitrary(
+                u: &mut $crate::__private::arbitrary::Unstructured<'a>,
+            ) -> $crate::__private::arbitrary::Result<Self> {
+                Self::from_bits(u.arbitrary()?).ok_or_else(|| $crate::__private::arbitrary::Error::IncorrectFormat)
+            }
+        }
+    };
+#[cfg(not(feature = "arbitrary"))]
+macro_rules! __impl_external_bitflags_arbitrary {
+    (
+            $InternalBitFlags:ident: $T:ty {
+                $(
+                    $(#[$attr:ident $($args:tt)*])*
+                    $Flag:ident;
+                )*
+            }
+    ) => {};
+/// Implement `Pod` and `Zeroable` for the internal bitflags type.
+#[cfg(feature = "bytemuck")]
+macro_rules! __impl_external_bitflags_bytemuck {
+    (
+        $InternalBitFlags:ident: $T:ty {
+            $(
+                $(#[$attr:ident $($args:tt)*])*
+                    $Flag:ident;
+                )*
+        }
+    ) => {
+        // SAFETY: $InternalBitFlags is guaranteed to have the same ABI as $T,
+        // and $T implements Pod
+        unsafe impl $crate::__private::bytemuck::Pod for $InternalBitFlags
+        where
+            $T: $crate::__private::bytemuck::Pod,
+        {
+        }
+        // SAFETY: $InternalBitFlags is guaranteed to have the same ABI as $T,
+        // and $T implements Zeroable
+        unsafe impl $crate::__private::bytemuck::Zeroable for $InternalBitFlags
+        where
+            $T: $crate::__private::bytemuck::Zeroable,
+        {
+        }
+    };
+#[cfg(not(feature = "bytemuck"))]
+macro_rules! __impl_external_bitflags_bytemuck {
+    (
+        $InternalBitFlags:ident: $T:ty {
+            $(
+                $(#[$attr:ident $($args:tt)*])*
+                    $Flag:ident;
+                )*
+        }
+    ) => {};
diff --git a/src/external/ b/src/external/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56708f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/external/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+mod tests {
+    use arbitrary::Arbitrary;
+    bitflags! {
+        #[derive(Arbitrary)]
+        struct Color: u32 {
+            const RED = 0x1;
+            const GREEN = 0x2;
+            const BLUE = 0x4;
+        }
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_arbitrary() {
+        let mut unstructured = arbitrary::Unstructured::new(&[0_u8; 256]);
+        let _color = Color::arbitrary(&mut unstructured);
+    }
diff --git a/src/external/ b/src/external/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ab109e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/external/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+mod tests {
+    use bytemuck::{Pod, Zeroable};
+    bitflags! {
+        #[derive(Pod, Zeroable, Clone, Copy)]
+        #[repr(transparent)]
+        struct Color: u32 {
+            const RED = 0x1;
+            const GREEN = 0x2;
+            const BLUE = 0x4;
+        }
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_bytemuck() {
+        assert_eq!(0x1, bytemuck::cast::<Color, u32>(Color::RED));
+    }
diff --git a/src/external/ b/src/external/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c202a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/external/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+use core::{fmt, str};
+use serde::{
+    de::{Error, Visitor},
+    Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer,
+pub fn serialize_bits_default<T: fmt::Display + AsRef<B>, B: Serialize, S: Serializer>(
+    flags: &T,
+    serializer: S,
+) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
+    // Serialize human-readable flags as a string like `"A | B"`
+    if serializer.is_human_readable() {
+        serializer.collect_str(flags)
+    }
+    // Serialize non-human-readable flags directly as the underlying bits
+    else {
+        flags.as_ref().serialize(serializer)
+    }
+pub fn deserialize_bits_default<
+    'de,
+    T: str::FromStr + From<B>,
+    B: Deserialize<'de>,
+    D: Deserializer<'de>,
+    deserializer: D,
+) -> Result<T, D::Error>
+    <T as str::FromStr>::Err: fmt::Display,
+    if deserializer.is_human_readable() {
+        // Deserialize human-readable flags by parsing them from strings like `"A | B"`
+        struct FlagsVisitor<T>(core::marker::PhantomData<T>);
+        impl<'de, T: str::FromStr> Visitor<'de> for FlagsVisitor<T>
+        where
+            <T as str::FromStr>::Err: fmt::Display,
+        {
+            type Value = T;
+            fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+                formatter.write_str("a string value of `|` separated flags")
+            }
+            fn visit_str<E: Error>(self, flags: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, E> {
+                flags.parse().map_err(|e| E::custom(e))
+            }
+        }
+        deserializer.deserialize_str(FlagsVisitor(Default::default()))
+    } else {
+        // Deserialize non-human-readable flags directly from the underlying bits
+        let bits = B::deserialize(deserializer)?;
+        Ok(bits.into())
+    }
+mod tests {
+    use serde_test::{assert_tokens, Configure, Token::*};
+    bitflags! {
+        #[derive(serde_derive::Serialize, serde_derive::Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+        #[serde(transparent)]
+        struct SerdeFlags: u32 {
+            const A = 1;
+            const B = 2;
+            const C = 4;
+            const D = 8;
+        }
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_serde_bitflags_default() {
+        assert_tokens(&SerdeFlags::empty().readable(), &[Str("")]);
+        assert_tokens(&SerdeFlags::empty().compact(), &[U32(0)]);
+        assert_tokens(&(SerdeFlags::A | SerdeFlags::B).readable(), &[Str("A | B")]);
+        assert_tokens(&(SerdeFlags::A | SerdeFlags::B).compact(), &[U32(1 | 2)]);
+    }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eca0a30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
+//! Generate the internal `bitflags`-facing flags type.
+//! The code generated here is owned by `bitflags`, but still part of its public API.
+//! Changes to the types generated here need to be considered like any other public API change.
+/// Declare the `bitflags`-facing bitflags struct.
+/// This type is part of the `bitflags` crate's public API, but not part of the user's.
+macro_rules! __declare_internal_bitflags {
+    (
+        $vis:vis struct $InternalBitFlags:ident: $T:ty;
+        $iter_vis:vis struct $Iter:ident;
+        $iter_names_vis:vis struct $IterNames:ident;
+    ) => {
+        // NOTE: The ABI of this type is _guaranteed_ to be the same as `T`
+        // This is relied on by some external libraries like `bytemuck` to make
+        // its `unsafe` trait impls sound.
+        #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
+        #[repr(transparent)]
+        $vis struct $InternalBitFlags {
+            bits: $T,
+        }
+        $iter_vis struct $Iter {
+            inner: $IterNames,
+            done: bool,
+        }
+        $iter_names_vis struct $IterNames {
+            idx: usize,
+            source: $InternalBitFlags,
+            state: $InternalBitFlags,
+        }
+    };
+/// Implement functions on the private (bitflags-facing) bitflags type.
+/// Methods and trait implementations can be freely added here without breaking end-users.
+/// If we want to expose new functionality to `#[derive]`, this is the place to do it.
+macro_rules! __impl_internal_bitflags {
+    (
+        $InternalBitFlags:ident: $T:ty, $BitFlags:ident, $Iter:ident, $IterNames:ident {
+            $(
+                $(#[$attr:ident $($args:tt)*])*
+                $Flag:ident;
+            )*
+        }
+    ) => {
+        impl $crate::__private::PublicFlags for $BitFlags {
+            type Internal = $InternalBitFlags;
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::default::Default for $InternalBitFlags {
+            #[inline]
+            fn default() -> Self {
+                $InternalBitFlags::empty()
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::fmt::Debug for $InternalBitFlags {
+            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::__private::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> $crate::__private::core::fmt::Result {
+                if self.is_empty() {
+                    // If no flags are set then write an empty hex flag to avoid
+                    // writing an empty string. In some contexts, like serialization,
+                    // an empty string is preferrable, but it may be unexpected in
+                    // others for a format not to produce any output.
+                    //
+                    // We can remove this `0x0` and remain compatible with `FromStr`,
+                    // because an empty string will still parse to an empty set of flags,
+                    // just like `0x0` does.
+                    $crate::__private::core::write!(f, "{:#x}", <$T as $crate::__private::Bits>::EMPTY)
+                } else {
+                    $crate::__private::core::fmt::Display::fmt(self, f)
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::fmt::Display for $InternalBitFlags {
+            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::__private::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> $crate::__private::core::fmt::Result {
+                // A formatter for bitflags that produces text output like:
+                //
+                // A | B | 0xf6
+                //
+                // The names of set flags are written in a bar-separated-format,
+                // followed by a hex number of any remaining bits that are set
+                // but don't correspond to any flags.
+                // Iterate over the valid flags
+                let mut first = true;
+                let mut iter = self.iter_names();
+                for (name, _) in &mut iter {
+                    if !first {
+                        f.write_str(" | ")?;
+                    }
+                    first = false;
+                    f.write_str(name)?;
+                }
+                // Append any extra bits that correspond to flags to the end of the format
+                let extra_bits = iter.state.bits();
+                if extra_bits != <$T as $crate::__private::Bits>::EMPTY {
+                    if !first {
+                        f.write_str(" | ")?;
+                    }
+                    $crate::__private::core::write!(f, "{:#x}", extra_bits)?;
+                }
+                $crate::__private::core::fmt::Result::Ok(())
+            }
+        }
+        // The impl for `FromStr` should parse anything produced by `Display`
+        impl $crate::__private::core::str::FromStr for $InternalBitFlags {
+            type Err = $crate::parser::ParseError;
+            fn from_str(s: &str) -> $crate::__private::core::result::Result<Self, Self::Err> {
+                let s = s.trim();
+                let mut parsed_flags = Self::empty();
+                // If the input is empty then return an empty set of flags
+                if s.is_empty() {
+                    return $crate::__private::core::result::Result::Ok(parsed_flags);
+                }
+                for flag in s.split('|') {
+                    let flag = flag.trim();
+                    // If the flag is empty then we've got missing input
+                    if flag.is_empty() {
+                        return $crate::__private::core::result::Result::Err($crate::parser::ParseError::empty_flag());
+                    }
+                    // If the flag starts with `0x` then it's a hex number
+                    // Parse it directly to the underlying bits type
+                    let parsed_flag = if let $crate::__private::core::option::Option::Some(flag) = flag.strip_prefix("0x") {
+                        let bits = <$T>::from_str_radix(flag, 16).map_err(|_| $crate::parser::ParseError::invalid_hex_flag(flag))?;
+                        Self::from_bits_retain(bits)
+                    }
+                    // Otherwise the flag is a name
+                    // The generated flags type will determine whether
+                    // or not it's a valid identifier
+                    else {
+                        Self::from_name(flag).ok_or_else(|| $crate::parser::ParseError::invalid_named_flag(flag))?
+                    };
+                    parsed_flags.insert(parsed_flag);
+                }
+                $crate::__private::core::result::Result::Ok(parsed_flags)
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::fmt::Binary for $InternalBitFlags {
+            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::__private::core::fmt::Formatter) -> $crate::__private::core::fmt::Result {
+                $crate::__private::core::fmt::Binary::fmt(&self.bits(), f)
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::fmt::Octal for $InternalBitFlags {
+            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::__private::core::fmt::Formatter) -> $crate::__private::core::fmt::Result {
+                $crate::__private::core::fmt::Octal::fmt(&self.bits(), f)
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::fmt::LowerHex for $InternalBitFlags {
+            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::__private::core::fmt::Formatter) -> $crate::__private::core::fmt::Result {
+                $crate::__private::core::fmt::LowerHex::fmt(&self.bits(), f)
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::fmt::UpperHex for $InternalBitFlags {
+            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::__private::core::fmt::Formatter) -> $crate::__private::core::fmt::Result {
+                $crate::__private::core::fmt::UpperHex::fmt(&self.bits(), f)
+            }
+        }
+        impl $InternalBitFlags {
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn empty() -> Self {
+                Self { bits: <$T as $crate::__private::Bits>::EMPTY }
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn all() -> Self {
+                Self::from_bits_truncate(<$T as $crate::__private::Bits>::ALL)
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn bits(&self) -> $T {
+                self.bits
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            pub fn bits_mut(&mut self) -> &mut $T {
+                &mut self.bits
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn from_bits(bits: $T) -> $crate::__private::core::option::Option<Self> {
+                let truncated = Self::from_bits_truncate(bits).bits;
+                if truncated == bits {
+                    $crate::__private::core::option::Option::Some(Self { bits })
+                } else {
+                    $crate::__private::core::option::Option::None
+                }
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn from_bits_truncate(bits: $T) -> Self {
+                if bits == <$T as $crate::__private::Bits>::EMPTY {
+                    return Self { bits }
+                }
+                let mut truncated = <$T as $crate::__private::Bits>::EMPTY;
+                $(
+                    __expr_safe_flags!(
+                        $(#[$attr $($args)*])*
+                        {
+                            if bits & $BitFlags::$Flag.bits() == $BitFlags::$Flag.bits() {
+                                truncated |= $BitFlags::$Flag.bits()
+                            }
+                        }
+                    );
+                )*
+                Self { bits: truncated }
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn from_bits_retain(bits: $T) -> Self {
+                Self { bits }
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            pub fn from_name(name: &str) -> $crate::__private::core::option::Option<Self> {
+                $(
+                    __expr_safe_flags!(
+                        $(#[$attr $($args)*])*
+                        {
+                            if name == $crate::__private::core::stringify!($Flag) {
+                                return $crate::__private::core::option::Option::Some(Self { bits: $BitFlags::$Flag.bits() });
+                            }
+                        }
+                    );
+                )*
+                let _ = name;
+                $crate::__private::core::option::Option::None
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn iter(&self) -> $Iter {
+                $Iter {
+                    inner: self.iter_names(),
+                    done: false,
+                }
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn iter_names(&self) -> $IterNames {
+                $IterNames {
+                    idx: 0,
+                    source: *self,
+                    state: *self,
+                }
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+                self.bits == Self::empty().bits
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn is_all(&self) -> bool {
+                Self::all().bits | self.bits == self.bits
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn intersects(&self, other: Self) -> bool {
+                !(Self { bits: self.bits & other.bits}).is_empty()
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn contains(&self, other: Self) -> bool {
+                (self.bits & other.bits) == other.bits
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            pub fn insert(&mut self, other: Self) {
+                self.bits |= other.bits;
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            pub fn remove(&mut self, other: Self) {
+                self.bits &= !other.bits;
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            pub fn toggle(&mut self, other: Self) {
+                self.bits ^= other.bits;
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            pub fn set(&mut self, other: Self, value: bool) {
+                if value {
+                    self.insert(other);
+                } else {
+                    self.remove(other);
+                }
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            #[must_use]
+            pub const fn intersection(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+                Self { bits: self.bits & other.bits }
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            #[must_use]
+            pub const fn union(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+                Self { bits: self.bits | other.bits }
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            #[must_use]
+            pub const fn difference(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+                Self { bits: self.bits & !other.bits }
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            #[must_use]
+            pub const fn symmetric_difference(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+                Self { bits: self.bits ^ other.bits }
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            #[must_use]
+            pub const fn complement(self) -> Self {
+                Self::from_bits_truncate(!self.bits)
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::convert::AsRef<$T> for $InternalBitFlags {
+            fn as_ref(&self) -> &$T {
+                &self.bits
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::convert::From<$T> for $InternalBitFlags {
+            fn from(bits: $T) -> Self {
+                Self::from_bits_retain(bits)
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::iter::Iterator for $Iter {
+            type Item = $BitFlags;
+            fn next(&mut self) -> $crate::__private::core::option::Option<Self::Item> {
+                match|(_, value)| value) {
+                    $crate::__private::core::option::Option::Some(value) => $crate::__private::core::option::Option::Some(value),
+                    $crate::__private::core::option::Option::None if !self.done => {
+                        self.done = true;
+                        // After iterating through valid names, if there are any bits left over
+                        // then return one final value that includes them. This makes `into_iter`
+                        // and `from_iter` roundtrip
+                        if self.inner.state != $InternalBitFlags::empty() {
+                            $crate::__private::core::option::Option::Some($BitFlags::from_bits_retain(self.inner.state.bits()))
+                        } else {
+                            $crate::__private::core::option::Option::None
+                        }
+                    },
+                    _ => $crate::__private::core::option::Option::None,
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::iter::Iterator for $IterNames {
+            type Item = (&'static str, $BitFlags);
+            fn next(&mut self) -> $crate::__private::core::option::Option<Self::Item> {
+                const NUM_FLAGS: usize = {
+                    let mut num_flags = 0;
+                    $(
+                        __expr_safe_flags!(
+                            $(#[$attr $($args)*])*
+                            {
+                                { num_flags += 1; }
+                            }
+                        );
+                    )*
+                    num_flags
+                };
+                const OPTIONS: [$T; NUM_FLAGS] = [
+                    $(
+                        __expr_safe_flags!(
+                            $(#[$attr $($args)*])*
+                            {
+                                $BitFlags::$Flag.bits()
+                            }
+                        ),
+                    )*
+                ];
+                const OPTIONS_NAMES: [&'static str; NUM_FLAGS] = [
+                    $(
+                        __expr_safe_flags!(
+                            $(#[$attr $($args)*])*
+                            {
+                                $crate::__private::core::stringify!($Flag)
+                            }
+                        ),
+                    )*
+                ];
+                if self.state.is_empty() || NUM_FLAGS == 0 {
+                    $crate::__private::core::option::Option::None
+                } else {
+                    #[allow(clippy::indexing_slicing)]
+                    for (flag, flag_name) in OPTIONS[self.idx..NUM_FLAGS].iter().copied()
+                        .zip(OPTIONS_NAMES[self.idx..NUM_FLAGS].iter().copied())
+                    {
+                        self.idx += 1;
+                        // NOTE: We check whether the flag exists in self, but remove it from
+                        // a different value. This ensure that overlapping flags are handled
+                        // properly. Take the following example:
+                        //
+                        // const A: 0b00000001;
+                        // const B: 0b00000101;
+                        //
+                        // Given the bits 0b00000101, both A and B are set. But if we removed A
+                        // as we encountered it we'd be left with 0b00000100, which doesn't
+                        // correspond to a valid flag on its own.
+                        if self.source.contains($InternalBitFlags { bits: flag }) {
+                            self.state.remove($InternalBitFlags { bits: flag });
+                            return $crate::__private::core::option::Option::Some((flag_name, $BitFlags::from_bits_retain(flag)))
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $crate::__private::core::option::Option::None
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    };
+/// A macro that processed the input to `bitflags!` and shuffles attributes around
+/// based on whether or not they're "expression-safe".
+/// This macro is a token-tree muncher that works on 2 levels:
+/// For each attribute, we explicitly match on its identifier, like `cfg` to determine
+/// whether or not it should be considered expression-safe.
+/// If you find yourself with an attribute that should be considered expression-safe
+/// and isn't, it can be added here.
+macro_rules! __expr_safe_flags {
+    // Entrypoint: Move all flags and all attributes into `unprocessed` lists
+    // where they'll be munched one-at-a-time
+    (
+        $(#[$inner:ident $($args:tt)*])*
+        { $e:expr }
+    ) => {
+        __expr_safe_flags! {
+            expr: { $e },
+            attrs: {
+                // All attributes start here
+                unprocessed: [$(#[$inner $($args)*])*],
+                processed: {
+                    // Attributes that are safe on expressions go here
+                    expr: [],
+                },
+            },
+        }
+    };
+    // Process the next attribute on the current flag
+    // `cfg`: The next flag should be propagated to expressions
+    // NOTE: You can copy this rules block and replace `cfg` with
+    // your attribute name that should be considered expression-safe
+    (
+        expr: { $e:expr },
+            attrs: {
+            unprocessed: [
+                // cfg matched here
+                #[cfg $($args:tt)*]
+                $($attrs_rest:tt)*
+            ],
+            processed: {
+                expr: [$($expr:tt)*],
+            },
+        },
+    ) => {
+        __expr_safe_flags! {
+            expr: { $e },
+            attrs: {
+                unprocessed: [
+                    $($attrs_rest)*
+                ],
+                processed: {
+                    expr: [
+                        $($expr)*
+                        // cfg added here
+                        #[cfg $($args)*]
+                    ],
+                },
+            },
+        }
+    };
+    // Process the next attribute on the current flag
+    // `$other`: The next flag should not be propagated to expressions
+    (
+        expr: { $e:expr },
+            attrs: {
+            unprocessed: [
+                // $other matched here
+                #[$other:ident $($args:tt)*]
+                $($attrs_rest:tt)*
+            ],
+            processed: {
+                expr: [$($expr:tt)*],
+            },
+        },
+    ) => {
+        __expr_safe_flags! {
+            expr: { $e },
+                attrs: {
+                unprocessed: [
+                    $($attrs_rest)*
+                ],
+                processed: {
+                    expr: [
+                        // $other not added here
+                        $($expr)*
+                    ],
+                },
+            },
+        }
+    };
+    // Once all attributes on all flags are processed, generate the actual code
+    (
+        expr: { $e:expr },
+        attrs: {
+            unprocessed: [],
+            processed: {
+                expr: [$(#[$expr:ident $($exprargs:tt)*])*],
+            },
+        },
+    ) => {
+        $(#[$expr $($exprargs)*])*
+        { $e }
+    }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 7e87795..35eabca 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -8,24 +8,24 @@
 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
 // except according to those terms.
-//! A typesafe bitmask flag generator useful for sets of C-style bitmask flags.
-//! It can be used for creating typesafe wrappers around C APIs.
+//! A typesafe bitmask flag generator useful for sets of C-style flags.
+//! It can be used for creating ergonomic wrappers around C APIs.
 //! The `bitflags!` macro generates `struct`s that manage a set of flags. The
-//! flags should only be defined for integer types, otherwise unexpected type
-//! errors may occur at compile time.
+//! type of those flags must be some primitive integer.
-//! # Example
+//! # Examples
 //! ```
 //! use bitflags::bitflags;
 //! bitflags! {
+//!     #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
 //!     struct Flags: u32 {
 //!         const A = 0b00000001;
 //!         const B = 0b00000010;
 //!         const C = 0b00000100;
-//!         const ABC = Self::A.bits | Self::B.bits | Self::C.bits;
+//!         const ABC = Self::A.bits() | Self::B.bits() | Self::C.bits();
 //!     }
 //! }
@@ -42,59 +42,22 @@
 //! See [`example_generated::Flags`](./example_generated/struct.Flags.html) for documentation of code
 //! generated by the above `bitflags!` expansion.
-//! The generated `struct`s can also be extended with type and trait
-//! implementations:
-//! ```
-//! use std::fmt;
-//! use bitflags::bitflags;
-//! bitflags! {
-//!     struct Flags: u32 {
-//!         const A = 0b00000001;
-//!         const B = 0b00000010;
-//!     }
-//! }
-//! impl Flags {
-//!     pub fn clear(&mut self) {
-//!         self.bits = 0;  // The `bits` field can be accessed from within the
-//!                         // same module where the `bitflags!` macro was invoked.
-//!     }
-//! }
-//! impl fmt::Display for Flags {
-//!     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
-//!         write!(f, "hi!")
-//!     }
-//! }
-//! fn main() {
-//!     let mut flags = Flags::A | Flags::B;
-//!     flags.clear();
-//!     assert!(flags.is_empty());
-//!     assert_eq!(format!("{}", flags), "hi!");
-//!     assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::A | Flags::B), "A | B");
-//!     assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::B), "B");
-//! }
-//! ```
 //! # Visibility
-//! The generated structs and their associated flag constants are not exported
-//! out of the current module by default. A definition can be exported out of
-//! the current module by adding `pub` before `struct`:
+//! The `bitflags!` macro supports visibility, just like you'd expect when writing a normal
+//! Rust `struct`:
 //! ```
 //! mod example {
 //!     use bitflags::bitflags;
 //!     bitflags! {
+//!         #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
 //!         pub struct Flags1: u32 {
 //!             const A = 0b00000001;
 //!         }
+//!         #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
 //! #       pub
 //!         struct Flags2: u32 {
 //!             const B = 0b00000010;
@@ -110,19 +73,22 @@
 //! # Attributes
-//! Attributes can be attached to the generated `struct`s by placing them
-//! before the `struct` keyword.
+//! Attributes can be attached to the generated flags types and their constants as normal.
-//! ## Representations
+//! # Representation
-//! It's valid to add a `#[repr(C)]` or `#[repr(transparent)]` attribute to a type
-//! generated by `bitflags!`. In these cases, the type is guaranteed to be a newtype.
+//! It's valid to add a `#[repr(C)]` or `#[repr(transparent)]` attribute to a generated flags type.
+//! The generated flags type is always guaranteed to be a newtype where its only field has the same
+//! ABI as the underlying integer type.
+//! In this example, `Flags` has the same ABI as `u32`:
 //! ```
 //! use bitflags::bitflags;
 //! bitflags! {
 //!     #[repr(transparent)]
+//!     #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
 //!     struct Flags: u32 {
 //!         const A = 0b00000001;
 //!         const B = 0b00000010;
@@ -131,19 +97,65 @@
 //! }
 //! ```
-//! # Trait implementations
+//! # Extending
-//! The `Copy`, `Clone`, `PartialEq`, `Eq`, `PartialOrd`, `Ord` and `Hash`
-//! traits are automatically derived for the `struct`s using the `derive` attribute.
-//! Additional traits can be derived by providing an explicit `derive`
-//! attribute on `struct`.
+//! Generated flags types belong to you, so you can add trait implementations to them outside
+//! of what the `bitflags!` macro gives:
-//! The `Extend` and `FromIterator` traits are implemented for the `struct`s,
-//! too: `Extend` adds the union of the instances of the `struct` iterated over,
-//! while `FromIterator` calculates the union.
+//! ```
+//! use std::fmt;
-//! The `Binary`, `Debug`, `LowerHex`, `Octal` and `UpperHex` traits are also
-//! implemented by displaying the bits value of the internal struct.
+//! use bitflags::bitflags;
+//! bitflags! {
+//!     #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
+//!     struct Flags: u32 {
+//!         const A = 0b00000001;
+//!         const B = 0b00000010;
+//!     }
+//! }
+//! impl Flags {
+//!     pub fn clear(&mut self) {
+//!         *self.0.bits_mut() = 0;
+//!     }
+//! }
+//! fn main() {
+//!     let mut flags = Flags::A | Flags::B;
+//!     flags.clear();
+//!     assert!(flags.is_empty());
+//!     assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::A | Flags::B), "Flags(A | B)");
+//!     assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::B), "Flags(B)");
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! # What's implemented by `bitflags!`
+//! The `bitflags!` macro adds some trait implementations and inherent methods
+//! to generated flags types, but leaves room for you to choose the semantics
+//! of others.
+//! ## Iterators
+//! The following iterator traits are implemented for generated flags types:
+//! - `Extend`: adds the union of the instances iterated over.
+//! - `FromIterator`: calculates the union.
+//! - `IntoIterator`: iterates over set flag values.
+//! ## Formatting
+//! The following formatting traits are implemented for generated flags types:
+//! - `Binary`.
+//! - `LowerHex` and `UpperHex`.
+//! - `Octal`.
+//! Also see the _Debug and Display_ section for details about standard text
+//! representations for flags types.
 //! ## Operators
@@ -155,7 +167,7 @@
 //! - `Sub` and `SubAssign`: set difference
 //! - `Not`: set complement
-//! # Methods
+//! ## Methods
 //! The following methods are defined for the generated `struct`s:
@@ -167,7 +179,7 @@
 //!                defined flag
 //! - `from_bits_truncate`: convert from underlying bit representation, dropping
 //!                         any bits that do not correspond to defined flags
-//! - `from_bits_unchecked`: convert from underlying bit representation, keeping
+//! - `from_bits_retain`: convert from underlying bit representation, keeping
 //!                          all bits (even those not corresponding to defined
 //!                          flags)
 //! - `is_empty`: `true` if no flags are currently stored
@@ -192,7 +204,18 @@
 //! - `complement`: returns a new set of flags, containing all flags which are
 //!                 not set in `self`, but which are allowed for this type.
-//! ## Default
+//! # What's not implemented by `bitflags!`
+//! Some functionality is not automatically implemented for generated flags types
+//! by the `bitflags!` macro, even when it reasonably could be. This is so callers
+//! have more freedom to decide on the semantics of their flags types.
+//! ## `Clone` and `Copy`
+//! Generated flags types are not automatically copyable, even though they can always
+//! derive both `Clone` and `Copy`.
+//! ## `Default`
 //! The `Default` trait is not automatically implemented for the generated structs.
@@ -204,7 +227,7 @@
 //! bitflags! {
 //!     // Results in default value with bits: 0
-//!     #[derive(Default)]
+//!     #[derive(Default, Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
 //!     struct Flags: u32 {
 //!         const A = 0b00000001;
 //!         const B = 0b00000010;
@@ -224,6 +247,7 @@
 //! use bitflags::bitflags;
 //! bitflags! {
+//!     #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
 //!     struct Flags: u32 {
 //!         const A = 0b00000001;
 //!         const B = 0b00000010;
@@ -244,7 +268,57 @@
 //! }
 //! ```
-//! # Zero Flags
+//! ## `Debug` and `Display`
+//! The `Debug` trait can be derived for a reasonable implementation. This library defines a standard
+//! text-based representation for flags that generated flags types can use. For details on the exact
+//! grammar, see the [`parser`] module.
+//! To support formatting and parsing your generated flags types using that representation, you can implement
+//! the standard `Display` and `FromStr` traits in this fashion:
+//! ```
+//! use bitflags::bitflags;
+//! use std::{fmt, str};
+//! bitflags::bitflags! {
+//!     pub struct Flags: u32 {
+//!         const A = 1;
+//!         const B = 2;
+//!         const C = 4;
+//!         const D = 8;
+//!     }
+//! }
+//! impl fmt::Debug for Flags {
+//!     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+//!         fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.0, f)
+//!     }
+//! }
+//! impl fmt::Display for Flags {
+//!     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+//!         fmt::Display::fmt(&self.0, f)
+//!     }
+//! }
+//! impl str::FromStr for Flags {
+//!     type Err = bitflags::parser::ParseError;
+//!     fn from_str(flags: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
+//!         Ok(Self(flags.parse()?))
+//!     }
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! ## `PartialEq` and `PartialOrd`
+//! Equality and ordering can be derived for a reasonable implementation, or implemented manually
+//! for different semantics.
+//! # Edge cases
+//! ## Zero Flags
 //! Flags with a value equal to zero will have some strange behavior that one should be aware of.
@@ -252,6 +326,7 @@
 //! use bitflags::bitflags;
 //! bitflags! {
+//!     #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
 //!     struct Flags: u32 {
 //!         const NONE = 0b00000000;
 //!         const SOME = 0b00000001;
@@ -274,15 +349,148 @@
 //! ```
 //! Users should generally avoid defining a flag with a value of zero.
+//! ## Multi-bit Flags
+//! It is allowed to define a flag with multiple bits set, however such
+//! flags are _not_ treated as a set where any of those bits is a valid
+//! flag. Instead, each flag is treated as a unit when converting from
+//! bits with [`from_bits`] or [`from_bits_truncate`].
+//! ```
+//! use bitflags::bitflags;
+//! bitflags! {
+//!     #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
+//!     struct Flags: u8 {
+//!         const F3 = 0b00000011;
+//!     }
+//! }
+//! fn main() {
+//!     // This bit pattern does not set all the bits in `F3`, so it is rejected.
+//!     assert!(Flags::from_bits(0b00000001).is_none());
+//!     assert!(Flags::from_bits_truncate(0b00000001).is_empty());
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! [`from_bits`]: BitFlags::from_bits
+//! [`from_bits_truncate`]: BitFlags::from_bits_truncate
+//! # The `BitFlags` trait
+//! This library defines a `BitFlags` trait that's implemented by all generated flags types.
+//! The trait makes it possible to work with flags types generically:
+//! ```
+//! fn count_unset_flags<F: bitflags::BitFlags>(flags: &F) -> usize {
+//!     // Find out how many flags there are in total
+//!     let total = F::all().iter().count();
+//!     // Find out how many flags are set
+//!     let set = flags.iter().count();
+//!     total - set
+//! }
+//! use bitflags::bitflags;
+//! bitflags! {
+//!     #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
+//!     struct Flags: u32 {
+//!         const A = 0b00000001;
+//!         const B = 0b00000010;
+//!         const C = 0b00000100;
+//!     }
+//! }
+//! assert_eq!(2, count_unset_flags(&Flags::B));
+//! ```
+//! # The internal field
+//! This library generates newtypes like:
+//! ```
+//! # pub struct Field0;
+//! pub struct Flags(Field0);
+//! ```
+//! You can freely use methods and trait implementations on this internal field as `.0`.
+//! For details on exactly what's generated for it, see the [`Field0`](example_generated/struct.Field0.html)
+//! example docs.
 // ANDROID: Use std to allow building as a dylib.
-#![cfg_attr(not(any(test, android_dylib)), no_std)]
-#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
+#![cfg_attr(not(any(feature = "std", test, android_dylib)), no_std)]
+#![cfg_attr(not(test), forbid(unsafe_code))]
+#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
+pub use traits::BitFlags;
+pub mod parser;
+mod traits;
-pub extern crate core as _core;
+pub mod __private {
+    pub use crate::{external::*, traits::*};
-/// The macro used to generate the flag structures.
+    pub use core;
+How does the bitflags crate work?
+This library generates a `struct` in the end-user's crate with a bunch of constants on it that represent flags.
+The difference between `bitflags` and a lot of other libraries is that we don't actually control the generated `struct` in the end.
+It's part of the end-user's crate, so it belongs to them. That makes it difficult to extend `bitflags` with new functionality
+because we could end up breaking valid code that was already written.
+Our solution is to split the type we generate into two: the public struct owned by the end-user, and an internal struct owned by `bitflags` (us).
+To give you an example, let's say we had a crate that called `bitflags!`:
+bitflags! {
+    pub struct MyFlags: u32 {
+        const A = 1;
+        const B = 2;
+    }
+What they'd end up with looks something like this:
+pub struct MyFlags(<MyFlags as PublicFlags>::InternalBitFlags);
+const _: () = {
+    #[repr(transparent)]
+    #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
+    pub struct MyInternalBitFlags {
+        bits: u32,
+    }
+    impl PublicFlags for MyFlags {
+        type Internal = InternalBitFlags;
+    }
+If we want to expose something like a new trait impl for generated flags types, we add it to our generated `MyInternalBitFlags`,
+and let `#[derive]` on `MyFlags` pick up that implementation, if an end-user chooses to add one.
+The public API is generated in the `__impl_public_flags!` macro, and the internal API is generated in
+the `__impl_internal_flags!` macro.
+The macros are split into 3 modules:
+- `public`: where the user-facing flags types are generated.
+- `internal`: where the `bitflags`-facing flags types are generated.
+- `external`: where external library traits are implemented conditionally.
+/// The macro used to generate the flag structure.
 /// See the [crate level docs](../bitflags/index.html) for complete documentation.
@@ -292,22 +500,21 @@
 /// use bitflags::bitflags;
 /// bitflags! {
+///     #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
 ///     struct Flags: u32 {
 ///         const A = 0b00000001;
 ///         const B = 0b00000010;
 ///         const C = 0b00000100;
-///         const ABC = Self::A.bits | Self::B.bits | Self::C.bits;
+///         const ABC = Self::A.bits() | Self::B.bits() | Self::C.bits();
 ///     }
 /// }
-/// fn main() {
-///     let e1 = Flags::A | Flags::C;
-///     let e2 = Flags::B | Flags::C;
-///     assert_eq!((e1 | e2), Flags::ABC);   // union
-///     assert_eq!((e1 & e2), Flags::C);     // intersection
-///     assert_eq!((e1 - e2), Flags::A);     // set difference
-///     assert_eq!(!e2, Flags::A);           // set complement
-/// }
+/// let e1 = Flags::A | Flags::C;
+/// let e2 = Flags::B | Flags::C;
+/// assert_eq!((e1 | e2), Flags::ABC);   // union
+/// assert_eq!((e1 & e2), Flags::C);     // intersection
+/// assert_eq!((e1 - e2), Flags::A);     // set difference
+/// assert_eq!(!e2, Flags::A);           // set complement
 /// ```
 /// The generated `struct`s can also be extended with type and trait
@@ -319,6 +526,7 @@
 /// use bitflags::bitflags;
 /// bitflags! {
+///     #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
 ///     struct Flags: u32 {
 ///         const A = 0b00000001;
 ///         const B = 0b00000010;
@@ -327,25 +535,17 @@
 /// impl Flags {
 ///     pub fn clear(&mut self) {
-///         self.bits = 0;  // The `bits` field can be accessed from within the
-///                         // same module where the `bitflags!` macro was invoked.
+///         *self.0.bits_mut() = 0;
 ///     }
 /// }
-/// impl fmt::Display for Flags {
-///     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
-///         write!(f, "hi!")
-///     }
-/// }
+/// let mut flags = Flags::A | Flags::B;
-/// fn main() {
-///     let mut flags = Flags::A | Flags::B;
-///     flags.clear();
-///     assert!(flags.is_empty());
-///     assert_eq!(format!("{}", flags), "hi!");
-///     assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::A | Flags::B), "A | B");
-///     assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::B), "B");
-/// }
+/// flags.clear();
+/// assert!(flags.is_empty());
+/// assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::A | Flags::B), "Flags(A | B)");
+/// assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::B), "Flags(B)");
 /// ```
 macro_rules! bitflags {
@@ -360,21 +560,71 @@
     ) => {
-        $(#[$outer])*
-        #[derive(Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
-        $vis struct $BitFlags {
-            bits: $T,
+        // Declared in the scope of the `bitflags!` call
+        // This type appears in the end-user's API
+        __declare_public_bitflags! {
+            $(#[$outer])*
+            $vis struct $BitFlags;
-        __impl_bitflags! {
-            $BitFlags: $T {
+        // Workaround for:
+        __impl_public_bitflags_consts! {
+            $BitFlags {
                     $(#[$inner $($args)*])*
+                    #[allow(
+                        dead_code,
+                        deprecated,
+                        unused_attributes,
+                        non_upper_case_globals
+                    )]
                     $Flag = $value;
+        #[allow(
+            dead_code,
+            deprecated,
+            unused_doc_comments,
+            unused_attributes,
+            unused_mut,
+            unused_imports,
+            non_upper_case_globals
+        )]
+        const _: () = {
+            // Declared in a "hidden" scope that can't be reached directly
+            // These types don't appear in the end-user's API
+            __declare_internal_bitflags! {
+                $vis struct InternalBitFlags: $T;
+                $vis struct Iter;
+                $vis struct IterRaw;
+            }
+            __impl_internal_bitflags! {
+                InternalBitFlags: $T, $BitFlags, Iter, IterRaw {
+                    $(
+                        $(#[$inner $($args)*])*
+                        $Flag;
+                    )*
+                }
+            }
+            // This is where new library trait implementations can be added
+            __impl_external_bitflags! {
+                InternalBitFlags: $T {
+                    $(
+                        $(#[$inner $($args)*])*
+                        $Flag;
+                    )*
+                }
+            }
+            __impl_public_bitflags! {
+                $BitFlags: $T, InternalBitFlags, Iter, IterRaw;
+            }
+        };
         bitflags! {
@@ -382,570 +632,31 @@
     () => {};
-// A helper macro to implement the `all` function.
-macro_rules! __impl_all_bitflags {
-    (
-        $BitFlags:ident: $T:ty {
-            $(
-                $(#[$attr:ident $($args:tt)*])*
-                $Flag:ident = $value:expr;
-            )+
-        }
-    ) => {
-        // See `Debug::fmt` for why this approach is taken.
-        #[allow(non_snake_case)]
-        trait __BitFlags {
-            $(
-                const $Flag: $T = 0;
-            )+
-        }
-        #[allow(non_snake_case)]
-        impl __BitFlags for $BitFlags {
-            $(
-                __impl_bitflags! {
-                    #[allow(deprecated)]
-                    $(? #[$attr $($args)*])*
-                    const $Flag: $T = Self::$Flag.bits;
-                }
-            )+
-        }
-        Self { bits: $(<Self as __BitFlags>::$Flag)|+ }
-    };
-    (
-        $BitFlags:ident: $T:ty { }
-    ) => {
-        Self { bits: 0 }
-    };
-macro_rules! __impl_bitflags {
-    (
-        $BitFlags:ident: $T:ty {
-            $(
-                $(#[$attr:ident $($args:tt)*])*
-                $Flag:ident = $value:expr;
-            )*
-        }
-    ) => {
-        impl $crate::_core::fmt::Debug for $BitFlags {
-            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::_core::fmt::Formatter) -> $crate::_core::fmt::Result {
-                // This convoluted approach is to handle #[cfg]-based flag
-                // omission correctly. For example it needs to support:
-                //
-                //    #[cfg(unix)] const A: Flag = /* ... */;
-                //    #[cfg(windows)] const B: Flag = /* ... */;
-                // Unconditionally define a check for every flag, even disabled
-                // ones.
-                #[allow(non_snake_case)]
-                trait __BitFlags {
-                    $(
-                        #[inline]
-                        fn $Flag(&self) -> bool { false }
-                    )*
-                }
-                // Conditionally override the check for just those flags that
-                // are not #[cfg]ed away.
-                #[allow(non_snake_case)]
-                impl __BitFlags for $BitFlags {
-                    $(
-                        __impl_bitflags! {
-                            #[allow(deprecated)]
-                            #[inline]
-                            $(? #[$attr $($args)*])*
-                            fn $Flag(&self) -> bool {
-                                if Self::$Flag.bits == 0 && self.bits != 0 {
-                                    false
-                                } else {
-                                    self.bits & Self::$Flag.bits == Self::$Flag.bits
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    )*
-                }
-                let mut first = true;
-                $(
-                    if <Self as __BitFlags>::$Flag(self) {
-                        if !first {
-                            f.write_str(" | ")?;
-                        }
-                        first = false;
-                        f.write_str($crate::_core::stringify!($Flag))?;
-                    }
-                )*
-                let extra_bits = self.bits & !Self::all().bits();
-                if extra_bits != 0 {
-                    if !first {
-                        f.write_str(" | ")?;
-                    }
-                    first = false;
-                    f.write_str("0x")?;
-                    $crate::_core::fmt::LowerHex::fmt(&extra_bits, f)?;
-                }
-                if first {
-                    f.write_str("(empty)")?;
-                }
-                Ok(())
-            }
-        }
-        impl $crate::_core::fmt::Binary for $BitFlags {
-            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::_core::fmt::Formatter) -> $crate::_core::fmt::Result {
-                $crate::_core::fmt::Binary::fmt(&self.bits, f)
-            }
-        }
-        impl $crate::_core::fmt::Octal for $BitFlags {
-            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::_core::fmt::Formatter) -> $crate::_core::fmt::Result {
-                $crate::_core::fmt::Octal::fmt(&self.bits, f)
-            }
-        }
-        impl $crate::_core::fmt::LowerHex for $BitFlags {
-            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::_core::fmt::Formatter) -> $crate::_core::fmt::Result {
-                $crate::_core::fmt::LowerHex::fmt(&self.bits, f)
-            }
-        }
-        impl $crate::_core::fmt::UpperHex for $BitFlags {
-            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::_core::fmt::Formatter) -> $crate::_core::fmt::Result {
-                $crate::_core::fmt::UpperHex::fmt(&self.bits, f)
-            }
-        }
-        #[allow(dead_code)]
-        impl $BitFlags {
-            $(
-                $(#[$attr $($args)*])*
-                pub const $Flag: Self = Self { bits: $value };
-            )*
-            /// Returns an empty set of flags.
-            #[inline]
-            pub const fn empty() -> Self {
-                Self { bits: 0 }
-            }
-            /// Returns the set containing all flags.
-            #[inline]
-            pub const fn all() -> Self {
-                __impl_all_bitflags! {
-                    $BitFlags: $T {
-                        $(
-                            $(#[$attr $($args)*])*
-                            $Flag = $value;
-                        )*
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            /// Returns the raw value of the flags currently stored.
-            #[inline]
-            pub const fn bits(&self) -> $T {
-                self.bits
-            }
-            /// Convert from underlying bit representation, unless that
-            /// representation contains bits that do not correspond to a flag.
-            #[inline]
-            pub const fn from_bits(bits: $T) -> $crate::_core::option::Option<Self> {
-                if (bits & !Self::all().bits()) == 0 {
-                    $crate::_core::option::Option::Some(Self { bits })
-                } else {
-                    $crate::_core::option::Option::None
-                }
-            }
-            /// Convert from underlying bit representation, dropping any bits
-            /// that do not correspond to flags.
-            #[inline]
-            pub const fn from_bits_truncate(bits: $T) -> Self {
-                Self { bits: bits & Self::all().bits }
-            }
-            /// Convert from underlying bit representation, preserving all
-            /// bits (even those not corresponding to a defined flag).
-            ///
-            /// # Safety
-            ///
-            /// The caller of the `bitflags!` macro can chose to allow or
-            /// disallow extra bits for their bitflags type.
-            ///
-            /// The caller of `from_bits_unchecked()` has to ensure that
-            /// all bits correspond to a defined flag or that extra bits
-            /// are valid for this bitflags type.
-            #[inline]
-            pub const unsafe fn from_bits_unchecked(bits: $T) -> Self {
-                Self { bits }
-            }
-            /// Returns `true` if no flags are currently stored.
-            #[inline]
-            pub const fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
-                self.bits() == Self::empty().bits()
-            }
-            /// Returns `true` if all flags are currently set.
-            #[inline]
-            pub const fn is_all(&self) -> bool {
-                Self::all().bits | self.bits == self.bits
-            }
-            /// Returns `true` if there are flags common to both `self` and `other`.
-            #[inline]
-            pub const fn intersects(&self, other: Self) -> bool {
-                !(Self { bits: self.bits & other.bits}).is_empty()
-            }
-            /// Returns `true` if all of the flags in `other` are contained within `self`.
-            #[inline]
-            pub const fn contains(&self, other: Self) -> bool {
-                (self.bits & other.bits) == other.bits
-            }
-            /// Inserts the specified flags in-place.
-            #[inline]
-            pub fn insert(&mut self, other: Self) {
-                self.bits |= other.bits;
-            }
-            /// Removes the specified flags in-place.
-            #[inline]
-            pub fn remove(&mut self, other: Self) {
-                self.bits &= !other.bits;
-            }
-            /// Toggles the specified flags in-place.
-            #[inline]
-            pub fn toggle(&mut self, other: Self) {
-                self.bits ^= other.bits;
-            }
-            /// Inserts or removes the specified flags depending on the passed value.
-            #[inline]
-            pub fn set(&mut self, other: Self, value: bool) {
-                if value {
-                    self.insert(other);
-                } else {
-                    self.remove(other);
-                }
-            }
-            /// Returns the intersection between the flags in `self` and
-            /// `other`.
-            ///
-            /// Specifically, the returned set contains only the flags which are
-            /// present in *both* `self` *and* `other`.
-            ///
-            /// This is equivalent to using the `&` operator (e.g.
-            /// [`ops::BitAnd`]), as in `flags & other`.
-            ///
-            /// [`ops::BitAnd`]:
-            #[inline]
-            #[must_use]
-            pub const fn intersection(self, other: Self) -> Self {
-                Self { bits: self.bits & other.bits }
-            }
-            /// Returns the union of between the flags in `self` and `other`.
-            ///
-            /// Specifically, the returned set contains all flags which are
-            /// present in *either* `self` *or* `other`, including any which are
-            /// present in both (see [`Self::symmetric_difference`] if that
-            /// is undesirable).
-            ///
-            /// This is equivalent to using the `|` operator (e.g.
-            /// [`ops::BitOr`]), as in `flags | other`.
-            ///
-            /// [`ops::BitOr`]:
-            #[inline]
-            #[must_use]
-            pub const fn union(self, other: Self) -> Self {
-                Self { bits: self.bits | other.bits }
-            }
-            /// Returns the difference between the flags in `self` and `other`.
-            ///
-            /// Specifically, the returned set contains all flags present in
-            /// `self`, except for the ones present in `other`.
-            ///
-            /// It is also conceptually equivalent to the "bit-clear" operation:
-            /// `flags & !other` (and this syntax is also supported).
-            ///
-            /// This is equivalent to using the `-` operator (e.g.
-            /// [`ops::Sub`]), as in `flags - other`.
-            ///
-            /// [`ops::Sub`]:
-            #[inline]
-            #[must_use]
-            pub const fn difference(self, other: Self) -> Self {
-                Self { bits: self.bits & !other.bits }
-            }
-            /// Returns the [symmetric difference][sym-diff] between the flags
-            /// in `self` and `other`.
-            ///
-            /// Specifically, the returned set contains the flags present which
-            /// are present in `self` or `other`, but that are not present in
-            /// both. Equivalently, it contains the flags present in *exactly
-            /// one* of the sets `self` and `other`.
-            ///
-            /// This is equivalent to using the `^` operator (e.g.
-            /// [`ops::BitXor`]), as in `flags ^ other`.
-            ///
-            /// [sym-diff]:
-            /// [`ops::BitXor`]:
-            #[inline]
-            #[must_use]
-            pub const fn symmetric_difference(self, other: Self) -> Self {
-                Self { bits: self.bits ^ other.bits }
-            }
-            /// Returns the complement of this set of flags.
-            ///
-            /// Specifically, the returned set contains all the flags which are
-            /// not set in `self`, but which are allowed for this type.
-            ///
-            /// Alternatively, it can be thought of as the set difference
-            /// between [`Self::all()`] and `self` (e.g. `Self::all() - self`)
-            ///
-            /// This is equivalent to using the `!` operator (e.g.
-            /// [`ops::Not`]), as in `!flags`.
-            ///
-            /// [`Self::all()`]: Self::all
-            /// [`ops::Not`]:
-            #[inline]
-            #[must_use]
-            pub const fn complement(self) -> Self {
-                Self::from_bits_truncate(!self.bits)
-            }
-        }
-        impl $crate::_core::ops::BitOr for $BitFlags {
-            type Output = Self;
-            /// Returns the union of the two sets of flags.
-            #[inline]
-            fn bitor(self, other: $BitFlags) -> Self {
-                Self { bits: self.bits | other.bits }
-            }
-        }
-        impl $crate::_core::ops::BitOrAssign for $BitFlags {
-            /// Adds the set of flags.
-            #[inline]
-            fn bitor_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
-                self.bits |= other.bits;
-            }
-        }
-        impl $crate::_core::ops::BitXor for $BitFlags {
-            type Output = Self;
-            /// Returns the left flags, but with all the right flags toggled.
-            #[inline]
-            fn bitxor(self, other: Self) -> Self {
-                Self { bits: self.bits ^ other.bits }
-            }
-        }
-        impl $crate::_core::ops::BitXorAssign for $BitFlags {
-            /// Toggles the set of flags.
-            #[inline]
-            fn bitxor_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
-                self.bits ^= other.bits;
-            }
-        }
-        impl $crate::_core::ops::BitAnd for $BitFlags {
-            type Output = Self;
-            /// Returns the intersection between the two sets of flags.
-            #[inline]
-            fn bitand(self, other: Self) -> Self {
-                Self { bits: self.bits & other.bits }
-            }
-        }
-        impl $crate::_core::ops::BitAndAssign for $BitFlags {
-            /// Disables all flags disabled in the set.
-            #[inline]
-            fn bitand_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
-                self.bits &= other.bits;
-            }
-        }
-        impl $crate::_core::ops::Sub for $BitFlags {
-            type Output = Self;
-            /// Returns the set difference of the two sets of flags.
-            #[inline]
-            fn sub(self, other: Self) -> Self {
-                Self { bits: self.bits & !other.bits }
-            }
-        }
-        impl $crate::_core::ops::SubAssign for $BitFlags {
-            /// Disables all flags enabled in the set.
-            #[inline]
-            fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
-                self.bits &= !other.bits;
-            }
-        }
-        impl $crate::_core::ops::Not for $BitFlags {
-            type Output = Self;
-            /// Returns the complement of this set of flags.
-            #[inline]
-            fn not(self) -> Self {
-                Self { bits: !self.bits } & Self::all()
-            }
-        }
-        impl $crate::_core::iter::Extend<$BitFlags> for $BitFlags {
-            fn extend<T: $crate::_core::iter::IntoIterator<Item=Self>>(&mut self, iterator: T) {
-                for item in iterator {
-                    self.insert(item)
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        impl $crate::_core::iter::FromIterator<$BitFlags> for $BitFlags {
-            fn from_iter<T: $crate::_core::iter::IntoIterator<Item=Self>>(iterator: T) -> Self {
-                let mut result = Self::empty();
-                result.extend(iterator);
-                result
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    // Every attribute that the user writes on a const is applied to the
-    // corresponding const that we generate, but within the implementation of
-    // Debug and all() we want to ignore everything but #[cfg] attributes. In
-    // particular, including a #[deprecated] attribute on those items would fail
-    // to compile.
-    //
-    //
-    // Input:
-    //
-    //     ? #[cfg(feature = "advanced")]
-    //     ? #[deprecated(note = "Use something else.")]
-    //     ? #[doc = r"High quality documentation."]
-    //     fn f() -> i32 { /* ... */ }
-    //
-    // Output:
-    //
-    //     #[cfg(feature = "advanced")]
-    //     fn f() -> i32 { /* ... */ }
-    (
-        $(#[$filtered:meta])*
-        ? #[cfg $($cfgargs:tt)*]
-        $(? #[$rest:ident $($restargs:tt)*])*
-        fn $($item:tt)*
-    ) => {
-        __impl_bitflags! {
-            $(#[$filtered])*
-            #[cfg $($cfgargs)*]
-            $(? #[$rest $($restargs)*])*
-            fn $($item)*
-        }
-    };
-    (
-        $(#[$filtered:meta])*
-        // $next != `cfg`
-        ? #[$next:ident $($nextargs:tt)*]
-        $(? #[$rest:ident $($restargs:tt)*])*
-        fn $($item:tt)*
-    ) => {
-        __impl_bitflags! {
-            $(#[$filtered])*
-            // $next filtered out
-            $(? #[$rest $($restargs)*])*
-            fn $($item)*
-        }
-    };
-    (
-        $(#[$filtered:meta])*
-        fn $($item:tt)*
-    ) => {
-        $(#[$filtered])*
-        fn $($item)*
-    };
-    // Every attribute that the user writes on a const is applied to the
-    // corresponding const that we generate, but within the implementation of
-    // Debug and all() we want to ignore everything but #[cfg] attributes. In
-    // particular, including a #[deprecated] attribute on those items would fail
-    // to compile.
-    //
-    //
-    // const version
-    //
-    // Input:
-    //
-    //     ? #[cfg(feature = "advanced")]
-    //     ? #[deprecated(note = "Use something else.")]
-    //     ? #[doc = r"High quality documentation."]
-    //     const f: i32 { /* ... */ }
-    //
-    // Output:
-    //
-    //     #[cfg(feature = "advanced")]
-    //     const f: i32 { /* ... */ }
-    (
-        $(#[$filtered:meta])*
-        ? #[cfg $($cfgargs:tt)*]
-        $(? #[$rest:ident $($restargs:tt)*])*
-        const $($item:tt)*
-    ) => {
-        __impl_bitflags! {
-            $(#[$filtered])*
-            #[cfg $($cfgargs)*]
-            $(? #[$rest $($restargs)*])*
-            const $($item)*
-        }
-    };
-    (
-        $(#[$filtered:meta])*
-        // $next != `cfg`
-        ? #[$next:ident $($nextargs:tt)*]
-        $(? #[$rest:ident $($restargs:tt)*])*
-        const $($item:tt)*
-    ) => {
-        __impl_bitflags! {
-            $(#[$filtered])*
-            // $next filtered out
-            $(? #[$rest $($restargs)*])*
-            const $($item)*
-        }
-    };
-    (
-        $(#[$filtered:meta])*
-        const $($item:tt)*
-    ) => {
-        $(#[$filtered])*
-        const $($item)*
-    };
+mod public;
+mod internal;
+mod external;
 #[cfg(feature = "example_generated")]
 pub mod example_generated;
 mod tests {
-    use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;
-    use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
+    use std::{
+        collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher,
+        fmt,
+        hash::{Hash, Hasher},
+        str,
+    };
     bitflags! {
         #[doc = "> The first principle is that you must not fool yourself — and"]
         #[doc = "> you are the easiest person to fool."]
         #[doc = "> "]
         #[doc = "> - Richard Feynman"]
-        #[derive(Default)]
+        #[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
         struct Flags: u32 {
             const A = 0b00000001;
             #[doc = "<pcwalton> macros are way better at generating code than trans is"]
@@ -954,28 +665,56 @@
             #[doc = "* cmr bed"]
             #[doc = "* strcat table"]
             #[doc = "<strcat> wait what?"]
-            const ABC = Self::A.bits | Self::B.bits | Self::C.bits;
+            const ABC = Self::A.bits() | Self::B.bits() | Self::C.bits();
+        #[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
         struct _CfgFlags: u32 {
             const _CFG_A = 0b01;
             const _CFG_B = 0b01;
-            const _CFG_C = Self::_CFG_A.bits | 0b10;
+            const _CFG_C = Self::_CFG_A.bits() | 0b10;
+        #[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
         struct AnotherSetOfFlags: i8 {
             const ANOTHER_FLAG = -1_i8;
+        #[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
         struct LongFlags: u32 {
             const LONG_A = 0b1111111111111111;
     bitflags! {
+        #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+        struct FmtFlags: u16 {
+            const 고양이 = 0b0000_0001;
+            const 개 = 0b0000_0010;
+            const 물고기 = 0b0000_0100;
+            const 물고기_고양이 = Self::고양이.bits() | Self::물고기.bits();
+        }
+    }
+    impl str::FromStr for FmtFlags {
+        type Err = crate::parser::ParseError;
+        fn from_str(flags: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
+            Ok(Self(flags.parse()?))
+        }
+    }
+    impl fmt::Display for FmtFlags {
+        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+            fmt::Display::fmt(&self.0, f)
+        }
+    }
+    bitflags! {
+        #[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
         struct EmptyFlags: u32 {
@@ -1028,28 +767,19 @@
-    fn test_from_bits_unchecked() {
-        let extra = unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0b1000) };
-        assert_eq!(unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0) }, Flags::empty());
-        assert_eq!(unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0b1) }, Flags::A);
-        assert_eq!(unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0b10) }, Flags::B);
+    fn test_from_bits_retain() {
+        let extra = Flags::from_bits_retain(0b1000);
+        assert_eq!(Flags::from_bits_retain(0), Flags::empty());
+        assert_eq!(Flags::from_bits_retain(0b1), Flags::A);
+        assert_eq!(Flags::from_bits_retain(0b10), Flags::B);
-        assert_eq!(
-            unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0b11) },
-            (Flags::A | Flags::B)
-        );
-        assert_eq!(
-            unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0b1000) },
-            (extra | Flags::empty())
-        );
-        assert_eq!(
-            unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0b1001) },
-            (extra | Flags::A)
-        );
+        assert_eq!(Flags::from_bits_retain(0b11), (Flags::A | Flags::B));
+        assert_eq!(Flags::from_bits_retain(0b1000), (extra | Flags::empty()));
+        assert_eq!(Flags::from_bits_retain(0b1001), (extra | Flags::A));
-        let extra = unsafe { EmptyFlags::from_bits_unchecked(0b1000) };
+        let extra = EmptyFlags::from_bits_retain(0b1000);
-            unsafe { EmptyFlags::from_bits_unchecked(0b1000) },
+            EmptyFlags::from_bits_retain(0b1000),
             (extra | EmptyFlags::empty())
@@ -1072,7 +802,7 @@
-        let extra = unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0b1000) };
+        let extra = Flags::from_bits_retain(0b1000);
         assert!(!(Flags::A | extra).is_all());
         assert!((Flags::ABC | extra).is_all());
@@ -1170,7 +900,7 @@
     fn test_operators_unchecked() {
-        let extra = unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0b1000) };
+        let extra = Flags::from_bits_retain(0b1000);
         let e1 = Flags::A | Flags::C | extra;
         let e2 = Flags::B | Flags::C;
         assert_eq!((e1 | e2), (Flags::ABC | extra)); // union
@@ -1189,9 +919,9 @@
         let ab = Flags::A.union(Flags::B);
         let ac = Flags::A.union(Flags::C);
         let bc = Flags::B.union(Flags::C);
-        assert_eq!(ab.bits, 0b011);
-        assert_eq!(bc.bits, 0b110);
-        assert_eq!(ac.bits, 0b101);
+        assert_eq!(ab.bits(), 0b011);
+        assert_eq!(bc.bits(), 0b110);
+        assert_eq!(ac.bits(), 0b101);
         assert_eq!(ab, Flags::B.union(Flags::A));
         assert_eq!(ac, Flags::C.union(Flags::A));
@@ -1236,15 +966,18 @@
         assert_eq!(UNION, Flags::A | Flags::C);
         assert_eq!(DIFFERENCE, Flags::all() - Flags::A);
         assert_eq!(COMPLEMENT, !Flags::C);
-        assert_eq!(SYM_DIFFERENCE, (Flags::A | Flags::C) ^ (Flags::all() - Flags::A));
+        assert_eq!(
+            SYM_DIFFERENCE,
+            (Flags::A | Flags::C) ^ (Flags::all() - Flags::A)
+        );
     fn test_set_ops_unchecked() {
-        let extra = unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0b1000) };
+        let extra = Flags::from_bits_retain(0b1000);
         let e1 = Flags::A.union(Flags::C).union(extra);
         let e2 = Flags::B.union(Flags::C);
-        assert_eq!(e1.bits, 0b1101);
+        assert_eq!(e1.bits(), 0b1101);
         assert_eq!(e1.union(e2), (Flags::ABC | extra));
         assert_eq!(e1.intersection(e2), Flags::C);
         assert_eq!(e1.difference(e2), Flags::A | extra);
@@ -1258,11 +991,12 @@
     fn test_set_ops_exhaustive() {
         // Define a flag that contains gaps to help exercise edge-cases,
         // especially around "unknown" flags (e.g. ones outside of `all()`
-        // `from_bits_unchecked`).
+        // `from_bits_retain`).
         // - when lhs and rhs both have different sets of unknown flags.
         // - unknown flags at both ends, and in the middle
         // - cases with "gaps".
         bitflags! {
+            #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
             struct Test: u16 {
                 // Intentionally no `A`
                 const B = 0b000000010;
@@ -1275,13 +1009,12 @@
                 const I = 0b100000000;
-        let iter_test_flags =
-            || (0..=0b111_1111_1111).map(|bits| unsafe { Test::from_bits_unchecked(bits) });
+        let iter_test_flags = || (0..=0b111_1111_1111).map(|bits| Test::from_bits_retain(bits));
         for a in iter_test_flags() {
-                Test::from_bits_truncate(!a.bits),
+                Test::from_bits_truncate(!a.bits()),
                 "wrong result: !({:?})",
@@ -1290,37 +1023,37 @@
                 // Check that the named operations produce the expected bitwise
                 // values.
-                    a.union(b).bits,
-                    a.bits | b.bits,
+                    a.union(b).bits(),
+                    a.bits() | b.bits(),
                     "wrong result: `{:?}` | `{:?}`",
-                    a.intersection(b).bits,
-                    a.bits & b.bits,
+                    a.intersection(b).bits(),
+                    a.bits() & b.bits(),
                     "wrong result: `{:?}` & `{:?}`",
-                    a.symmetric_difference(b).bits,
-                    a.bits ^ b.bits,
+                    a.symmetric_difference(b).bits(),
+                    a.bits() ^ b.bits(),
                     "wrong result: `{:?}` ^ `{:?}`",
-                    a.difference(b).bits,
-                    a.bits & !b.bits,
+                    a.difference(b).bits(),
+                    a.bits() & !b.bits(),
                     "wrong result: `{:?}` - `{:?}`",
                 // Note: Difference is checked as both `a - b` and `b - a`
-                    b.difference(a).bits,
-                    b.bits & !a.bits,
+                    b.difference(a).bits(),
+                    b.bits() & !a.bits(),
                     "wrong result: `{:?}` - `{:?}`",
@@ -1489,26 +1222,108 @@
     fn test_debug() {
-        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::A | Flags::B), "A | B");
-        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::empty()), "(empty)");
-        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::ABC), "A | B | C | ABC");
-        let extra = unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0xb8) };
-        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", extra), "0xb8");
-        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::A | extra), "A | 0xb8");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::A | Flags::B), "Flags(A | B)");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::empty()), "Flags(0x0)");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::ABC), "Flags(A | B | C)");
+        let extra = Flags::from_bits_retain(0xb8);
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", extra), "Flags(0xb8)");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::A | extra), "Flags(A | 0xb8)");
             format!("{:?}", Flags::ABC | extra),
-            "A | B | C | ABC | 0xb8"
+            "Flags(A | B | C | ABC | 0xb8)"
-        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", EmptyFlags::empty()), "(empty)");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", EmptyFlags::empty()), "EmptyFlags(0x0)");
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_display_from_str_roundtrip() {
+        fn format_parse_case<T: fmt::Debug + fmt::Display + str::FromStr + PartialEq>(flags: T) where <T as str::FromStr>::Err: fmt::Display {
+            assert_eq!(flags, {
+                match flags.to_string().parse::<T>() {
+                    Ok(flags) => flags,
+                    Err(e) => panic!("failed to parse `{}`: {}", flags, e),
+                }
+            });
+        }
+        fn parse_case<T: fmt::Debug + str::FromStr + PartialEq>(expected: T, flags: &str) where <T as str::FromStr>::Err: fmt::Display + fmt::Debug {
+            assert_eq!(expected, flags.parse::<T>().unwrap());
+        }
+        bitflags! {
+            #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
+            pub struct MultiBitFmtFlags: u8 {
+                const A = 0b0000_0001u8;
+                const B = 0b0001_1110u8;
+            }
+        }
+        impl fmt::Display for MultiBitFmtFlags {
+            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+                fmt::Display::fmt(&self.0, f)
+            }
+        }
+        impl str::FromStr for MultiBitFmtFlags {
+            type Err = crate::parser::ParseError;
+            fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
+                Ok(MultiBitFmtFlags(s.parse()?))
+            }
+        }
+        format_parse_case(FmtFlags::empty());
+        format_parse_case(FmtFlags::all());
+        format_parse_case(FmtFlags::고양이);
+        format_parse_case(FmtFlags::고양이 | FmtFlags::개);
+        format_parse_case(FmtFlags::물고기_고양이);
+        format_parse_case(FmtFlags::from_bits_retain(0xb8));
+        format_parse_case(FmtFlags::from_bits_retain(0x20));
+        format_parse_case(MultiBitFmtFlags::from_bits_retain(3));
+        parse_case(FmtFlags::empty(), "");
+        parse_case(FmtFlags::empty(), " \r\n\t");
+        parse_case(FmtFlags::empty(), "0x0");
+        parse_case(FmtFlags::empty(), "0x0");
+        parse_case(FmtFlags::고양이, "고양이");
+        parse_case(FmtFlags::고양이, "  고양이  ");
+        parse_case(FmtFlags::고양이, "고양이 | 고양이 | 고양이");
+        parse_case(FmtFlags::고양이, "0x01");
+        parse_case(FmtFlags::고양이 | FmtFlags::개, "고양이 | 개");
+        parse_case(FmtFlags::고양이 | FmtFlags::개, "고양이|개");
+        parse_case(FmtFlags::고양이 | FmtFlags::개, "\n고양이|개 ");
+        parse_case(FmtFlags::고양이 | FmtFlags::물고기, "물고기_고양이");
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_from_str_err() {
+        fn parse_case(pat: &str, flags: &str) {
+            let err = flags.parse::<FmtFlags>().unwrap_err().to_string();
+            assert!(err.contains(pat), "`{}` not found in error `{}`", pat, err);
+        }
+        parse_case("empty flag", "|");
+        parse_case("empty flag", "|||");
+        parse_case("empty flag", "고양이 |");
+        parse_case("unrecognized named flag", "NOT_A_FLAG");
+        parse_case("unrecognized named flag", "고양이 개");
+        parse_case("unrecognized named flag", "고양이 | NOT_A_FLAG");
+        parse_case("invalid hex flag", "0xhi");
+        parse_case("invalid hex flag", "고양이 | 0xhi");
     fn test_binary() {
         assert_eq!(format!("{:b}", Flags::ABC), "111");
         assert_eq!(format!("{:#b}", Flags::ABC), "0b111");
-        let extra = unsafe { Flags::from_bits_unchecked(0b1010000) };
+        let extra = Flags::from_bits_retain(0b1010000);
         assert_eq!(format!("{:b}", Flags::ABC | extra), "1010111");
         assert_eq!(format!("{:#b}", Flags::ABC | extra), "0b1010111");
@@ -1517,7 +1332,7 @@
     fn test_octal() {
         assert_eq!(format!("{:o}", LongFlags::LONG_A), "177777");
         assert_eq!(format!("{:#o}", LongFlags::LONG_A), "0o177777");
-        let extra = unsafe { LongFlags::from_bits_unchecked(0o5000000) };
+        let extra = LongFlags::from_bits_retain(0o5000000);
         assert_eq!(format!("{:o}", LongFlags::LONG_A | extra), "5177777");
         assert_eq!(format!("{:#o}", LongFlags::LONG_A | extra), "0o5177777");
@@ -1526,7 +1341,7 @@
     fn test_lowerhex() {
         assert_eq!(format!("{:x}", LongFlags::LONG_A), "ffff");
         assert_eq!(format!("{:#x}", LongFlags::LONG_A), "0xffff");
-        let extra = unsafe { LongFlags::from_bits_unchecked(0xe00000) };
+        let extra = LongFlags::from_bits_retain(0xe00000);
         assert_eq!(format!("{:x}", LongFlags::LONG_A | extra), "e0ffff");
         assert_eq!(format!("{:#x}", LongFlags::LONG_A | extra), "0xe0ffff");
@@ -1535,17 +1350,19 @@
     fn test_upperhex() {
         assert_eq!(format!("{:X}", LongFlags::LONG_A), "FFFF");
         assert_eq!(format!("{:#X}", LongFlags::LONG_A), "0xFFFF");
-        let extra = unsafe { LongFlags::from_bits_unchecked(0xe00000) };
+        let extra = LongFlags::from_bits_retain(0xe00000);
         assert_eq!(format!("{:X}", LongFlags::LONG_A | extra), "E0FFFF");
         assert_eq!(format!("{:#X}", LongFlags::LONG_A | extra), "0xE0FFFF");
     mod submodule {
         bitflags! {
+            #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
             pub struct PublicFlags: i8 {
                 const X = 0;
+            #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
             struct PrivateFlags: i8 {
                 const Y = 0;
@@ -1569,6 +1386,7 @@
         bitflags! {
             /// baz
+            #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
             struct Flags: foo::Bar {
                 const A = 0b00000001;
@@ -1582,19 +1400,21 @@
     fn test_in_function() {
         bitflags! {
-           struct Flags: u8 {
+            #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+            struct Flags: u8 {
                 const A = 1;
                 #[cfg(any())] // false
                 const B = 2;
         assert_eq!(Flags::all(), Flags::A);
-        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::A), "A");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::A), "Flags(A)");
     fn test_deprecated() {
         bitflags! {
+            #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
             pub struct TestFlags: u32 {
                 #[deprecated(note = "Use something else.")]
                 const ONE = 1;
@@ -1606,6 +1426,7 @@
     fn test_pub_crate() {
         mod module {
             bitflags! {
+                #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
                 pub (crate) struct Test: u8 {
                     const FOO = 1;
@@ -1622,6 +1443,7 @@
                 bitflags! {
                     // `pub (in super)` means only the module `module` will
                     // be able to access this.
+                    #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
                     pub (in super) struct Test: u8 {
                         const FOO = 1;
@@ -1647,6 +1469,7 @@
     fn test_zero_value_flags() {
         bitflags! {
+            #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
             struct Flags: u32 {
                 const NONE = 0b0;
                 const SOME = 0b1;
@@ -1657,8 +1480,7 @@
-        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::empty()), "NONE");
-        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::SOME), "SOME");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::SOME), "Flags(NONE | SOME)");
@@ -1669,62 +1491,201 @@
     fn test_u128_bitflags() {
         bitflags! {
-            struct Flags128: u128 {
+            #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+            struct Flags: u128 {
                 const A = 0x0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001;
                 const B = 0x0000_0000_0000_1000_0000_0000_0000_0000;
                 const C = 0x8000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000;
-                const ABC = Self::A.bits | Self::B.bits | Self::C.bits;
+                const ABC = Self::A.bits() | Self::B.bits() | Self::C.bits();
-        assert_eq!(Flags128::ABC, Flags128::A | Flags128::B | Flags128::C);
-        assert_eq!(Flags128::A.bits, 0x0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001);
-        assert_eq!(Flags128::B.bits, 0x0000_0000_0000_1000_0000_0000_0000_0000);
-        assert_eq!(Flags128::C.bits, 0x8000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);
-        assert_eq!(
-            Flags128::ABC.bits,
-            0x8000_0000_0000_1000_0000_0000_0000_0001
-        );
-        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags128::A), "A");
-        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags128::B), "B");
-        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags128::C), "C");
-        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags128::ABC), "A | B | C | ABC");
+        assert_eq!(Flags::ABC, Flags::A | Flags::B | Flags::C);
+        assert_eq!(Flags::A.bits(), 0x0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001);
+        assert_eq!(Flags::B.bits(), 0x0000_0000_0000_1000_0000_0000_0000_0000);
+        assert_eq!(Flags::C.bits(), 0x8000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);
+        assert_eq!(Flags::ABC.bits(), 0x8000_0000_0000_1000_0000_0000_0000_0001);
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::A), "Flags(A)");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::B), "Flags(B)");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::C), "Flags(C)");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Flags::ABC), "Flags(A | B | C)");
-    fn test_serde_bitflags_serialize() {
-        let flags = SerdeFlags::A | SerdeFlags::B;
+    fn test_from_bits_edge_cases() {
+        bitflags! {
+            #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+            struct Flags: u8 {
+                const A = 0b00000001;
+                const BC = 0b00000110;
+            }
+        }
-        let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&flags).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(serialized, r#"{"bits":3}"#);
+        let flags = Flags::from_bits(0b00000100);
+        assert_eq!(flags, None);
+        let flags = Flags::from_bits(0b00000101);
+        assert_eq!(flags, None);
-    fn test_serde_bitflags_deserialize() {
-        let deserialized: SerdeFlags = serde_json::from_str(r#"{"bits":12}"#).unwrap();
+    fn test_from_bits_truncate_edge_cases() {
+        bitflags! {
+            #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+            struct Flags: u8 {
+                const A = 0b00000001;
+                const BC = 0b00000110;
+            }
+        }
-        let expected = SerdeFlags::C | SerdeFlags::D;
-        assert_eq!(deserialized.bits, expected.bits);
+        let flags = Flags::from_bits_truncate(0b00000100);
+        assert_eq!(flags, Flags::empty());
+        let flags = Flags::from_bits_truncate(0b00000101);
+        assert_eq!(flags, Flags::A);
-    fn test_serde_bitflags_roundtrip() {
-        let flags = SerdeFlags::A | SerdeFlags::B;
+    fn test_iter() {
+        bitflags! {
+            #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+            struct Flags: u32 {
+                const ONE  = 0b001;
+                const TWO  = 0b010;
+                const THREE = 0b100;
+                #[cfg(windows)]
+                const FOUR_WIN = 0b1000;
+                #[cfg(unix)]
+                const FOUR_UNIX = 0b10000;
+                const FIVE = 0b01000100;
+            }
+        }
-        let deserialized: SerdeFlags = serde_json::from_str(&serde_json::to_string(&flags).unwrap()).unwrap();
+        let count = {
+            #[cfg(any(unix, windows))]
+            {
+                5
+            }
-        assert_eq!(deserialized.bits, flags.bits);
+            #[cfg(not(any(unix, windows)))]
+            {
+                4
+            }
+        };
+        let flags = Flags::all();
+        assert_eq!(flags.into_iter().count(), count);
+        for flag in flags.into_iter() {
+            assert!(flags.contains(flag));
+        }
+        let mut iter = flags.iter_names();
+        assert_eq!(, ("ONE", Flags::ONE));
+        assert_eq!(, ("TWO", Flags::TWO));
+        assert_eq!(, ("THREE", Flags::THREE));
+        #[cfg(unix)]
+        {
+            assert_eq!(, ("FOUR_UNIX", Flags::FOUR_UNIX));
+        }
+        #[cfg(windows)]
+        {
+            assert_eq!(, ("FOUR_WIN", Flags::FOUR_WIN));
+        }
+        assert_eq!(, ("FIVE", Flags::FIVE));
+        assert_eq!(, None);
+        let flags = Flags::empty();
+        assert_eq!(flags.into_iter().count(), 0);
+        let flags = Flags::ONE | Flags::THREE;
+        assert_eq!(flags.into_iter().count(), 2);
+        let mut iter = flags.iter_names();
+        assert_eq!(, ("ONE", Flags::ONE));
+        assert_eq!(, ("THREE", Flags::THREE));
+        assert_eq!(, None);
+        let flags = Flags::from_bits_retain(0b1000_0000);
+        assert_eq!(flags.into_iter().count(), 1);
+        assert_eq!(flags.iter_names().count(), 0);
-    bitflags! {
-        #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
-        struct SerdeFlags: u32 {
-            const A = 1;
-            const B = 2;
-            const C = 4;
-            const D = 8;
+    #[test]
+    fn into_iter_from_iter_roundtrip() {
+        let flags = Flags::ABC | Flags::from_bits_retain(0b1000_0000);
+        assert_eq!(flags, flags.into_iter().collect::<Flags>());
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_from_name() {
+        let flags = Flags::all();
+        let mut rebuilt = Flags::empty();
+        for (name, value) in flags.iter_names() {
+            assert_eq!(value, Flags::from_name(name).unwrap());
+            rebuilt |= Flags::from_name(name).unwrap();
+        }
+        assert_eq!(flags, rebuilt);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn bits_types() {
+        bitflags! {
+            pub struct I8: i8 {
+                const A = 1;
+            }
+            pub struct I16: i16 {
+                const A = 1;
+            }
+            pub struct I32: i32 {
+                const A = 1;
+            }
+            pub struct I64: i64 {
+                const A = 1;
+            }
+            pub struct I128: i128 {
+                const A = 1;
+            }
+            pub struct Isize: isize {
+                const A = 1;
+            }
+            pub struct U8: u8 {
+                const A = 1;
+            }
+            pub struct U16: u16 {
+                const A = 1;
+            }
+            pub struct U32: u32 {
+                const A = 1;
+            }
+            pub struct U64: u64 {
+                const A = 1;
+            }
+            pub struct U128: u128 {
+                const A = 1;
+            }
+            pub struct Usize: usize {
+                const A = 1;
+            }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48f3c61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+//! Parsing flags from text.
+//! `bitflags` defines the following *whitespace-insensitive*, *case-sensitive* grammar for flags formatted
+//! as text:
+//! - _Flags:_ (_Flag_)`|`*
+//! - _Flag:_ _Identifier_ | _HexNumber_
+//! - _Identifier:_ Any Rust identifier
+//! - _HexNumber_: `0x`([0-9a-fA-F])*
+//! As an example, this is how `Flags::A | Flags::B | 0x0c` can be represented as text:
+//! ```text
+//! A | B | 0x0c
+//! ```
+//! Alternatively, it could be represented without whitespace:
+//! ```text
+//! A|B|0x0C
+//! ```
+//! Note that identifiers are *case-sensitive*, so the following is *not equivalent*:
+//! ```text
+//! a | b | 0x0c
+//! ```
+use core::fmt;
+/// An error encountered while parsing flags from text.
+pub struct ParseError(ParseErrorKind);
+enum ParseErrorKind {
+    EmptyFlag,
+    InvalidNamedFlag {
+        #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
+        got: (),
+        #[cfg(feature = "std")]
+        got: String,
+    },
+    InvalidHexFlag {
+        #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
+        got: (),
+        #[cfg(feature = "std")]
+        got: String,
+    },
+impl ParseError {
+    /// An invalid hex flag was encountered.
+    pub fn invalid_hex_flag(flag: impl fmt::Display) -> Self {
+        let _flag = flag;
+        let got = {
+            #[cfg(feature = "std")]
+            {
+                _flag.to_string()
+            }
+        };
+        ParseError(ParseErrorKind::InvalidHexFlag { got })
+    }
+    /// A named flag that doesn't correspond to any on the flags type was encountered.
+    pub fn invalid_named_flag(flag: impl fmt::Display) -> Self {
+        let _flag = flag;
+        let got = {
+            #[cfg(feature = "std")]
+            {
+                _flag.to_string()
+            }
+        };
+        ParseError(ParseErrorKind::InvalidNamedFlag { got })
+    }
+    /// A hex or named flag wasn't found between separators.
+    pub const fn empty_flag() -> Self {
+        ParseError(ParseErrorKind::EmptyFlag)
+    }
+impl fmt::Display for ParseError {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+        match &self.0 {
+            ParseErrorKind::InvalidNamedFlag { got } => {
+                let _got = got;
+                write!(f, "unrecognized named flag")?;
+                #[cfg(feature = "std")]
+                {
+                    write!(f, " `{}`", _got)?;
+                }
+            }
+            ParseErrorKind::InvalidHexFlag { got } => {
+                let _got = got;
+                write!(f, "invalid hex flag")?;
+                #[cfg(feature = "std")]
+                {
+                    write!(f, " `{}`", _got)?;
+                }
+            }
+            ParseErrorKind::EmptyFlag => {
+                write!(f, "encountered empty flag")?;
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+impl std::error::Error for ParseError {}
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..643f843
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+//! Generate the user-facing flags type.
+//! The code here belongs to the end-user, so new trait implementations and methods can't be
+//! added without potentially breaking users.
+/// Declare the user-facing bitflags struct.
+/// This type is guaranteed to be a newtype with a `bitflags`-facing type as its single field.
+macro_rules! __declare_public_bitflags {
+    (
+        $(#[$outer:meta])*
+        $vis:vis struct $BitFlags:ident;
+    ) => {
+        $(#[$outer])*
+        $vis struct $BitFlags(<$BitFlags as $crate::__private::PublicFlags>::Internal);
+    };
+/// Implement functions on the public (user-facing) bitflags type.
+/// We need to be careful about adding new methods and trait implementations here because they
+/// could conflict with items added by the end-user.
+macro_rules! __impl_public_bitflags {
+    (
+        $PublicBitFlags:ident: $T:ty, $InternalBitFlags:ident, $Iter:ident, $IterNames:ident;
+    ) => {
+        impl $crate::__private::core::fmt::Binary for $PublicBitFlags {
+            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::__private::core::fmt::Formatter) -> $crate::__private::core::fmt::Result {
+                $crate::__private::core::fmt::Binary::fmt(&self.0, f)
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::fmt::Octal for $PublicBitFlags {
+            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::__private::core::fmt::Formatter) -> $crate::__private::core::fmt::Result {
+                $crate::__private::core::fmt::Octal::fmt(&self.0, f)
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::fmt::LowerHex for $PublicBitFlags {
+            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::__private::core::fmt::Formatter) -> $crate::__private::core::fmt::Result {
+                $crate::__private::core::fmt::LowerHex::fmt(&self.0, f)
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::fmt::UpperHex for $PublicBitFlags {
+            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::__private::core::fmt::Formatter) -> $crate::__private::core::fmt::Result {
+                $crate::__private::core::fmt::UpperHex::fmt(&self.0, f)
+            }
+        }
+        impl $PublicBitFlags {
+            /// Returns an empty set of flags.
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn empty() -> Self {
+                Self($InternalBitFlags::empty())
+            }
+            /// Returns the set containing all flags.
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn all() -> Self {
+                Self($InternalBitFlags::all())
+            }
+            /// Returns the raw value of the flags currently stored.
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn bits(&self) -> $T {
+                self.0.bits()
+            }
+            /// Convert from underlying bit representation, unless that
+            /// representation contains bits that do not correspond to a flag.
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn from_bits(bits: $T) -> $crate::__private::core::option::Option<Self> {
+                match $InternalBitFlags::from_bits(bits) {
+                    $crate::__private::core::option::Option::Some(bits) => $crate::__private::core::option::Option::Some(Self(bits)),
+                    $crate::__private::core::option::Option::None => $crate::__private::core::option::Option::None,
+                }
+            }
+            /// Convert from underlying bit representation, dropping any bits
+            /// that do not correspond to flags.
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn from_bits_truncate(bits: $T) -> Self {
+                Self($InternalBitFlags::from_bits_truncate(bits))
+            }
+            /// Convert from underlying bit representation, preserving all
+            /// bits (even those not corresponding to a defined flag).
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn from_bits_retain(bits: $T) -> Self {
+                Self($InternalBitFlags::from_bits_retain(bits))
+            }
+            /// Get the value for a flag from its stringified name.
+            ///
+            /// Names are _case-sensitive_, so must correspond exactly to
+            /// the identifier given to the flag.
+            #[inline]
+            pub fn from_name(name: &str) -> $crate::__private::core::option::Option<Self> {
+                match $InternalBitFlags::from_name(name) {
+                    $crate::__private::core::option::Option::Some(bits) => $crate::__private::core::option::Option::Some(Self(bits)),
+                    $crate::__private::core::option::Option::None => $crate::__private::core::option::Option::None,
+                }
+            }
+            /// Iterate over enabled flag values.
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn iter(&self) -> $Iter {
+                self.0.iter()
+            }
+            /// Iterate over enabled flag values with their stringified names.
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn iter_names(&self) -> $IterNames {
+                self.0.iter_names()
+            }
+            /// Returns `true` if no flags are currently stored.
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+                self.0.is_empty()
+            }
+            /// Returns `true` if all flags are currently set.
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn is_all(&self) -> bool {
+                self.0.is_all()
+            }
+            /// Returns `true` if there are flags common to both `self` and `other`.
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn intersects(&self, other: Self) -> bool {
+                self.0.intersects(other.0)
+            }
+            /// Returns `true` if all of the flags in `other` are contained within `self`.
+            #[inline]
+            pub const fn contains(&self, other: Self) -> bool {
+                self.0.contains(other.0)
+            }
+            /// Inserts the specified flags in-place.
+            #[inline]
+            pub fn insert(&mut self, other: Self) {
+                self.0.insert(other.0)
+            }
+            /// Removes the specified flags in-place.
+            #[inline]
+            pub fn remove(&mut self, other: Self) {
+                self.0.remove(other.0)
+            }
+            /// Toggles the specified flags in-place.
+            #[inline]
+            pub fn toggle(&mut self, other: Self) {
+                self.0.toggle(other.0)
+            }
+            /// Inserts or removes the specified flags depending on the passed value.
+            #[inline]
+            pub fn set(&mut self, other: Self, value: bool) {
+                self.0.set(other.0, value)
+            }
+            /// Returns the intersection between the flags in `self` and
+            /// `other`.
+            ///
+            /// Specifically, the returned set contains only the flags which are
+            /// present in *both* `self` *and* `other`.
+            ///
+            /// This is equivalent to using the `&` operator (e.g.
+            /// [`ops::BitAnd`]), as in `flags & other`.
+            ///
+            /// [`ops::BitAnd`]:
+            #[inline]
+            #[must_use]
+            pub const fn intersection(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+                Self(self.0.intersection(other.0))
+            }
+            /// Returns the union of between the flags in `self` and `other`.
+            ///
+            /// Specifically, the returned set contains all flags which are
+            /// present in *either* `self` *or* `other`, including any which are
+            /// present in both (see [`Self::symmetric_difference`] if that
+            /// is undesirable).
+            ///
+            /// This is equivalent to using the `|` operator (e.g.
+            /// [`ops::BitOr`]), as in `flags | other`.
+            ///
+            /// [`ops::BitOr`]:
+            #[inline]
+            #[must_use]
+            pub const fn union(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+                Self(self.0.union(other.0))
+            }
+            /// Returns the difference between the flags in `self` and `other`.
+            ///
+            /// Specifically, the returned set contains all flags present in
+            /// `self`, except for the ones present in `other`.
+            ///
+            /// It is also conceptually equivalent to the "bit-clear" operation:
+            /// `flags & !other` (and this syntax is also supported).
+            ///
+            /// This is equivalent to using the `-` operator (e.g.
+            /// [`ops::Sub`]), as in `flags - other`.
+            ///
+            /// [`ops::Sub`]:
+            #[inline]
+            #[must_use]
+            pub const fn difference(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+                Self(self.0.difference(other.0))
+            }
+            /// Returns the [symmetric difference][sym-diff] between the flags
+            /// in `self` and `other`.
+            ///
+            /// Specifically, the returned set contains the flags present which
+            /// are present in `self` or `other`, but that are not present in
+            /// both. Equivalently, it contains the flags present in *exactly
+            /// one* of the sets `self` and `other`.
+            ///
+            /// This is equivalent to using the `^` operator (e.g.
+            /// [`ops::BitXor`]), as in `flags ^ other`.
+            ///
+            /// [sym-diff]:
+            /// [`ops::BitXor`]:
+            #[inline]
+            #[must_use]
+            pub const fn symmetric_difference(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+                Self(self.0.symmetric_difference(other.0))
+            }
+            /// Returns the complement of this set of flags.
+            ///
+            /// Specifically, the returned set contains all the flags which are
+            /// not set in `self`, but which are allowed for this type.
+            ///
+            /// Alternatively, it can be thought of as the set difference
+            /// between [`Self::all()`] and `self` (e.g. `Self::all() - self`)
+            ///
+            /// This is equivalent to using the `!` operator (e.g.
+            /// [`ops::Not`]), as in `!flags`.
+            ///
+            /// [`Self::all()`]: Self::all
+            /// [`ops::Not`]:
+            #[inline]
+            #[must_use]
+            pub const fn complement(self) -> Self {
+                Self(self.0.complement())
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::ops::BitOr for $PublicBitFlags {
+            type Output = Self;
+            /// Returns the union of the two sets of flags.
+            #[inline]
+            fn bitor(self, other: $PublicBitFlags) -> Self {
+                self.union(other)
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::ops::BitOrAssign for $PublicBitFlags {
+            /// Adds the set of flags.
+            #[inline]
+            fn bitor_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
+                self.0 = self.0.union(other.0);
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::ops::BitXor for $PublicBitFlags {
+            type Output = Self;
+            /// Returns the left flags, but with all the right flags toggled.
+            #[inline]
+            fn bitxor(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+                self.symmetric_difference(other)
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::ops::BitXorAssign for $PublicBitFlags {
+            /// Toggles the set of flags.
+            #[inline]
+            fn bitxor_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
+                self.0 = self.0.symmetric_difference(other.0);
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::ops::BitAnd for $PublicBitFlags {
+            type Output = Self;
+            /// Returns the intersection between the two sets of flags.
+            #[inline]
+            fn bitand(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+                self.intersection(other)
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::ops::BitAndAssign for $PublicBitFlags {
+            /// Disables all flags disabled in the set.
+            #[inline]
+            fn bitand_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
+                self.0 = self.0.intersection(other.0);
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::ops::Sub for $PublicBitFlags {
+            type Output = Self;
+            /// Returns the set difference of the two sets of flags.
+            #[inline]
+            fn sub(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+                self.difference(other)
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::ops::SubAssign for $PublicBitFlags {
+            /// Disables all flags enabled in the set.
+            #[inline]
+            fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
+                self.0 = self.0.difference(other.0);
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::ops::Not for $PublicBitFlags {
+            type Output = Self;
+            /// Returns the complement of this set of flags.
+            #[inline]
+            fn not(self) -> Self {
+                self.complement()
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::iter::Extend<$PublicBitFlags> for $PublicBitFlags {
+            fn extend<T: $crate::__private::core::iter::IntoIterator<Item=Self>>(&mut self, iterator: T) {
+                for item in iterator {
+                    self.insert(item)
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::iter::FromIterator<$PublicBitFlags> for $PublicBitFlags {
+            fn from_iter<T: $crate::__private::core::iter::IntoIterator<Item=Self>>(iterator: T) -> Self {
+                use $crate::__private::core::iter::Extend;
+                let mut result = Self::empty();
+                result.extend(iterator);
+                result
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::core::iter::IntoIterator for $PublicBitFlags {
+            type Item = Self;
+            type IntoIter = $Iter;
+            fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
+                self.0.iter()
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::BitFlags for $PublicBitFlags {
+            type Bits = $T;
+            type Iter = $Iter;
+            type IterNames = $IterNames;
+            fn empty() -> Self {
+                $PublicBitFlags::empty()
+            }
+            fn all() -> Self {
+                $PublicBitFlags::all()
+            }
+            fn bits(&self) -> $T {
+                $PublicBitFlags::bits(self)
+            }
+            fn from_bits(bits: $T) -> $crate::__private::core::option::Option<$PublicBitFlags> {
+                $PublicBitFlags::from_bits(bits)
+            }
+            fn from_bits_truncate(bits: $T) -> $PublicBitFlags {
+                $PublicBitFlags::from_bits_truncate(bits)
+            }
+            fn from_bits_retain(bits: $T) -> $PublicBitFlags {
+                $PublicBitFlags::from_bits_retain(bits)
+            }
+            fn from_name(name: &str) -> $crate::__private::core::option::Option<$PublicBitFlags> {
+                $PublicBitFlags::from_name(name)
+            }
+            fn iter(&self) -> Self::Iter {
+                $PublicBitFlags::iter(self)
+            }
+            fn iter_names(&self) -> Self::IterNames {
+                $PublicBitFlags::iter_names(self)
+            }
+            fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+                $PublicBitFlags::is_empty(self)
+            }
+            fn is_all(&self) -> bool {
+                $PublicBitFlags::is_all(self)
+            }
+            fn intersects(&self, other: $PublicBitFlags) -> bool {
+                $PublicBitFlags::intersects(self, other)
+            }
+            fn contains(&self, other: $PublicBitFlags) -> bool {
+                $PublicBitFlags::contains(self, other)
+            }
+            fn insert(&mut self, other: $PublicBitFlags) {
+                $PublicBitFlags::insert(self, other)
+            }
+            fn remove(&mut self, other: $PublicBitFlags) {
+                $PublicBitFlags::remove(self, other)
+            }
+            fn toggle(&mut self, other: $PublicBitFlags) {
+                $PublicBitFlags::toggle(self, other)
+            }
+            fn set(&mut self, other: $PublicBitFlags, value: bool) {
+                $PublicBitFlags::set(self, other, value)
+            }
+        }
+        impl $crate::__private::ImplementedByBitFlagsMacro for $PublicBitFlags {}
+    };
+/// Implement constants on the public (user-facing) bitflags type.
+macro_rules! __impl_public_bitflags_consts {
+    (
+        $PublicBitFlags:ident {
+            $(
+                $(#[$attr:ident $($args:tt)*])*
+                $Flag:ident = $value:expr;
+            )*
+        }
+    ) => {
+        impl $PublicBitFlags {
+            $(
+                $(#[$attr $($args)*])*
+                pub const $Flag: Self = Self::from_bits_retain($value);
+            )*
+        }
+    };
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85503e6
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+use core::ops::{BitAnd, BitAndAssign, BitOr, BitOrAssign, BitXor, BitXorAssign, Not};
+/// A trait that is automatically implemented for all bitflags.
+/// It should not be implemented manually.
+pub trait BitFlags: ImplementedByBitFlagsMacro {
+    /// The underlying integer type.
+    type Bits: Bits;
+    /// An iterator over enabled flags in an instance of the type.
+    type Iter: Iterator<Item = Self>;
+    /// An iterator over the raw names and bits for enabled flags in an instance of the type.
+    type IterNames: Iterator<Item = (&'static str, Self)>;
+    /// Returns an empty set of flags.
+    fn empty() -> Self;
+    /// Returns the set containing all flags.
+    fn all() -> Self;
+    /// Returns the raw value of the flags currently stored.
+    fn bits(&self) -> Self::Bits;
+    /// Convert from underlying bit representation, unless that
+    /// representation contains bits that do not correspond to a flag.
+    ///
+    /// Note that each [multi-bit flag] is treated as a unit for this comparison.
+    ///
+    /// [multi-bit flag]: index.html#multi-bit-flags
+    fn from_bits(bits: Self::Bits) -> Option<Self>
+    where
+        Self: Sized;
+    /// Convert from underlying bit representation, dropping any bits
+    /// that do not correspond to flags.
+    ///
+    /// Note that each [multi-bit flag] is treated as a unit for this comparison.
+    ///
+    /// [multi-bit flag]: index.html#multi-bit-flags
+    fn from_bits_truncate(bits: Self::Bits) -> Self;
+    /// Convert from underlying bit representation, preserving all
+    /// bits (even those not corresponding to a defined flag).
+    fn from_bits_retain(bits: Self::Bits) -> Self;
+    /// Get the flag for a particular name.
+    fn from_name(name: &str) -> Option<Self>
+    where
+        Self: Sized;
+    /// Iterate over enabled flag values.
+    fn iter(&self) -> Self::Iter;
+    /// Iterate over the raw names and bits for enabled flag values.
+    fn iter_names(&self) -> Self::IterNames;
+    /// Returns `true` if no flags are currently stored.
+    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool;
+    /// Returns `true` if all flags are currently set.
+    fn is_all(&self) -> bool;
+    /// Returns `true` if there are flags common to both `self` and `other`.
+    fn intersects(&self, other: Self) -> bool;
+    /// Returns `true` if all of the flags in `other` are contained within `self`.
+    fn contains(&self, other: Self) -> bool;
+    /// Inserts the specified flags in-place.
+    fn insert(&mut self, other: Self);
+    /// Removes the specified flags in-place.
+    fn remove(&mut self, other: Self);
+    /// Toggles the specified flags in-place.
+    fn toggle(&mut self, other: Self);
+    /// Inserts or removes the specified flags depending on the passed value.
+    fn set(&mut self, other: Self, value: bool);
+/// A marker trait that signals that an implementation of `BitFlags` came from the `bitflags!` macro.
+/// There's nothing stopping an end-user from implementing this trait, but we don't guarantee their
+/// manual implementations won't break between non-breaking releases.
+pub trait ImplementedByBitFlagsMacro {}
+// Not re-exported
+pub trait Sealed {}
+// Private implementation details
+// The `Bits`, `PublicFlags`, and `InternalFlags` traits are implementation details of the `bitflags!`
+// macro that we're free to change here. They work with the `bitflags!` macro to separate the generated
+// code that belongs to end-users, and the generated code that belongs to this library.
+/// A private trait that encodes the requirements of underlying bits types that can hold flags.
+/// This trait may be made public at some future point, but it presents a compatibility hazard
+/// so is left internal for now.
+pub trait Bits:
+    Clone
+    + Copy
+    + BitAnd
+    + BitAndAssign
+    + BitOr
+    + BitOrAssign
+    + BitXor
+    + BitXorAssign
+    + Not
+    + Sized
+    + Sealed
+    /// The value of `Self` where no bits are set.
+    const EMPTY: Self;
+    /// The value of `Self` where all bits are set.
+    const ALL: Self;
+macro_rules! impl_bits {
+    ($($u:ty, $i:ty,)*) => {
+        $(
+            impl Bits for $u {
+                const EMPTY: $u = 0;
+                const ALL: $u = <$u>::MAX;
+            }
+            impl Bits for $i {
+                const EMPTY: $i = 0;
+                const ALL: $i = <$u>::MAX as $i;
+            }
+            impl Sealed for $u {}
+            impl Sealed for $i {}
+        )*
+    }
+impl_bits! {
+    u8, i8,
+    u16, i16,
+    u32, i32,
+    u64, i64,
+    u128, i128,
+    usize, isize,
+/// A trait for referencing the `bitflags`-owned internal type
+/// without exposing it publicly.
+pub trait PublicFlags {
+    /// The type of the internal field on the generated flags type.
+    type Internal;