blob: d3ca7c757d5138a07e576e02ae44fda0e4c4e0c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include "src/element_parser.h"
#include "src/id_parser.h"
#include "src/size_parser.h"
#include "src/skip_parser.h"
#include "src/unknown_parser.h"
#include "src/void_parser.h"
#include "webm/callback.h"
#include "webm/element.h"
#include "webm/id.h"
#include "webm/reader.h"
#include "webm/status.h"
namespace webm {
// A general purpose parser for EBML master elements.
// For example, if a document specification defines a Foo master element that
// has two boolean children (Bar and Baz), then a FooParser capable of parsing
// the Foo master element could be defined as follows:
// struct FooParser : public MasterParser {
// FooParser()
// : MasterParser(MakeChild<BoolParser>(Id::kBar),
// MakeChild<BoolParser>(Id::kBaz)) {}
// };
// See the MasterValueParser for an alternative class for parsing master
// elements into a data structure.
class MasterParser : public ElementParser {
// Constructs a new MasterParser that uses the given
// {Id, std::unique_ptr<ElementParser>} pairs to map child IDs to the
// appropriate parser/handler. Each argument must be of type
// std::pair<Id, std::unique_ptr<ElementParser>>. If a parser is not
// explicitly provided for Id::kVoid, a VoidParser will automatically be used
// for it.
// Initializer lists don't support move-only types (i.e. std::unique_ptr), so
// instead a variadic template is used.
template <typename... T>
explicit MasterParser(T&&... parser_pairs) {
// Prefer an odd reserve size. This makes libc++ use a prime number for the
// bucket count. Otherwise, if it happens to be a power of 2, then libc++
// will use a power-of-2 bucket count (and since Matroska EBML IDs have low
// entropy in the low bits, there will be a lot of collisions). libstdc++
// always prefers a prime bucket count. I'm not sure how MSVC or others are
// implemented, but this shouldn't adversely affect them even if they are
// implemented differently. Add one to the count because we'll likely need
// to insert a parser for Id::kVoid.
parsers_.reserve((sizeof...(T) + 1) | 1);
// This dummy initializer list is just used to force the parameter pack to
// be expanded, which turns the expression into a for-each "loop" that
// inserts each argument into the map.
auto dummy = {0, (InsertParser(std::forward<T>(parser_pairs)), 0)...};
(void)dummy; // Silence unused variable warning.
if (parsers_.find(Id::kVoid) == parsers_.end()) {
MasterParser(const MasterParser&) = delete;
MasterParser& operator=(const MasterParser&) = delete;
Status Init(const ElementMetadata& metadata, std::uint64_t max_size) override;
void InitAfterSeek(const Ancestory& child_ancestory,
const ElementMetadata& child_metadata) override;
Status Feed(Callback* callback, Reader* reader,
std::uint64_t* num_bytes_read) override;
bool GetCachedMetadata(ElementMetadata* metadata) override;
std::uint32_t header_size() const { return header_size_; }
// Gets the size of this element. May be called before the parse is fully
// complete (but only after Init() has already been called and successfully
// returned).
std::uint64_t size() const { return my_size_; }
// Gets absolute byte position of the start of the element in the byte stream.
// May be called before the parse is fully complete (but only after Init() has
// already been called and successfully returned).
std::uint64_t position() const { return my_position_; }
// Gets the metadata for the child that is currently being parsed. This may
// only be called while the child's body (not its header information like ID
// and size) is being parsed.
const ElementMetadata& child_metadata() const {
assert(state_ == State::kValidatingChildSize ||
state_ == State::kGettingAction ||
state_ == State::kInitializingChildParser ||
state_ == State::kReadingChildBody);
return child_metadata_;
// Allocates a new parser of type T, forwarding args to the constructor, and
// creates a std::pair<Id, std::unique_ptr<ElementParser>> using the given id
// and the allocated parser.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
static std::pair<Id, std::unique_ptr<ElementParser>> MakeChild(
Id id, Args&&... args) {
std::unique_ptr<ElementParser> ptr(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
return std::pair<Id, std::unique_ptr<ElementParser>>(id, std::move(ptr));
// Parsing states for the finite-state machine.
enum class State {
/* clang-format off */
// State Transitions to state When
kFirstReadOfChildId, // kFinishingReadingChildId size(id) > 1
// kReadingChildSize size(id) == 1
// kEndReached EOF
kFinishingReadingChildId, // kReadingChildSize done
kReadingChildSize, // kValidatingChildSize done
kValidatingChildSize, // kGettingAction done
// kEndReached unknown id & unsized
kGettingAction, // kInitializingChildParser done
kInitializingChildParser, // kReadingChildBody done
kReadingChildBody, // kChildFullyParsed child parse done
kChildFullyParsed, // kValidatingChildSize cached metadata
// kFirstReadOfChildId read < my_size_
// kEndReached read == my_size_
kEndReached, // No transitions from here (must call Init)
/* clang-format on */
using StdHashIdKeyType = std::underlying_type<Id>::type;
using StdHashId = std::hash<StdHashIdKeyType>;
// Hash functor for hashing Id enums for storage in std::unordered_map.
struct IdHash : StdHashId {
#if __cpp_lib_is_invocable
using result_type = std::invoke_result<StdHashId, StdHashIdKeyType>::type;
using result_type = StdHashId::result_type;
#endif // __cpp_lib_is_invocable
// Returns the hash of the given id.
result_type operator()(Id id) const {
return StdHashId::operator()(static_cast<StdHashIdKeyType>(id));
// The parser for parsing element Ids.
IdParser id_parser_;
// The parser for parsing element sizes.
SizeParser size_parser_;
// Metadata for the child element that is currently being parsed.
ElementMetadata child_metadata_;
// Maps child IDs to the appropriate parser that can handle that child.
std::unordered_map<Id, std::unique_ptr<ElementParser>, IdHash> parsers_;
// The parser that is used to parse unknown children.
UnknownParser unknown_parser_;
// The parser that is used to skip over children.
SkipParser skip_parser_;
// The parser that is being used to parse the current child. This must be null
// or a pointer in parsers_.
ElementParser* child_parser_;
// The current parsing action for the child that is currently being parsed.
Action action_ = Action::kRead;
// The current state of the parser.
State state_;
std::uint32_t header_size_;
// The size of this element.
std::uint64_t my_size_;
std::uint64_t my_position_;
std::uint64_t max_size_;
// The total number of bytes read by this parser.
std::uint64_t total_bytes_read_;
// Set to true if parsing has completed and this parser consumed an extra
// element header (ID and size) that wasn't from a child.
bool has_cached_metadata_ = false;
// Inserts the parser into the parsers_ map and asserts it is the only parser
// registers to parse the corresponding Id.
template <typename T>
void InsertParser(T&& parser) {
bool inserted = parsers_.insert(std::forward<T>(parser)).second;
(void)inserted; // Silence unused variable warning.
assert(inserted); // Make sure there aren't duplicates.
// Common initialization logic for Init/InitAfterseek.
void InitSetup(std::uint32_t header_size, std::uint64_t size_in_bytes,
std::uint64_t position);
// Resets the internal parsers in preparation for parsing the next child.
void PrepareForNextChild();
} // namespace webm