blob: 0cc2e50374f2fee140e76ef84aa921cdd2c1bc93 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "image_io/xml/xml_rule.h"
namespace photos_editing_formats {
namespace image_io {
/// The XmlCdataRule parses the following syntax "<![CDATA[ ... ]]>".
/// As mentioned in the comments for the XmlHandler::Cdata() function, the token
/// value that is passed to the handler never includes the leading "<![CDATA["
/// syntax and always includes the trailing "]]>" syntax. This considerably
/// simplifies the parsing task. The alternate start point constructor is used
/// by the XmlCdataOrCommentRule.
class XmlCdataRule : public XmlRule {
explicit XmlCdataRule(StartPoint start_point);
/// Builds an XmlTokenContext from the XmlActionContext and calls the
/// handler's Cdata() function.
/// @param context The action context from the rule's terminal.
/// @return The result value from the handler's function.
DataMatchResult HandleCdataValue(const XmlActionContext& context);
/// The XmlCommentRule parses the following syntax "<!-- ... -->".
/// As mentioned in the comments for the XmlHandler::Comment() function, the
/// token value that is passed to the handler never includes the leading "<!--"
/// syntax and always includes the trailing "-->" syntax. This considerably
/// simplifies the parsing task. The alternate start point constructor is used
/// by the XmlCdataOrCommentRule.
class XmlCommentRule : public XmlRule {
explicit XmlCommentRule(StartPoint start_point);
/// Builds an XmlTokenContext from the XmlActionContext and calls the
/// handler's Comment() function.
/// @param context The action context from the rule's terminal.
/// @return The result value from the handler's function.
DataMatchResult HandleCommentValue(const XmlActionContext& context);
/// This rule will use chain delegation to start either the XmlCdataRule or the
/// XmlCommentRule, depending on the text being parsed. The syntax for XML is
/// pretty poor here - the parser needs to look ahead two characters from the <
/// character to determine what to do. The alternate start point constructor is
/// used by the XmlElementContentRule.
class XmlCdataOrCommentRule : public XmlRule {
explicit XmlCdataOrCommentRule(StartPoint start_point);
/// Builds an XmlTokenContext from the XmlActionContext and creates the
/// XmlCdataRule or XmlCommentRule to chain to depending on what character
/// follows the exclamation point of the "<!" syntax.
/// @param context The action context from the rule's terminal.
/// @return The result value from the action context.
DataMatchResult HandlePostBangChar(const XmlActionContext& context);
} // namespace image_io
} // namespace photos_editing_formats