blob: 0e85fac76973c3724cd8b9dc7b96caebd789d858 [file] [log] [blame]
/* quotex.cpp
This example is both a SOAP service and a client application.
As a CGI program, it will serve currency-converted stock quote requests.
As a client, it will return the currency-converted stock quote given as
arguments to the program on the command-line. For example
> quotex AOL uk
#include "soapH.h" // include generated proxy and SOAP support
#include "quotex.nsmap" // include generated namespace map file
const char endpoint[] = "";
int main(int argc, char **argv)
{ struct soap *soap = soap_new();
float q;
if (argc <= 2)
{ soap->user = soap_new(); // pass a new gSOAP environment which we need to make server-side client calls
soap_serve(soap); // serve request
soap_destroy((struct soap*)soap->user);
soap_end((struct soap*)soap->user);
soap_done((struct soap*)soap->user);
soap->user = NULL;
else if (soap_call_ns3__getQuote(soap, endpoint, NULL, argv[1], argv[2], q) == 0)
printf("\nCompany %s: %f (%s)\n", argv[1], q, argv[2]);
{ soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
soap_print_fault_location(soap, stderr);
return 0;
int ns3__getQuote(struct soap *soap, char *symbol, char *country, float &result)
{ float q, r;
// soap->user contains an environment that we can use to make calls that do not interfere with the current service environment
if (soap_call_ns1__getQuote((struct soap*)soap->user, "", NULL, symbol, q) == 0 &&
soap_call_ns2__getRate((struct soap*)soap->user, "", NULL, "us", country, r) == 0)
{ result = q*r;
return SOAP_OK;
soap_receiver_fault(soap, *soap_faultstring((struct soap*)soap->user), NULL);
return SOAP_FAULT; // pass soap fault messages on to the client of this app
/* Since this app is a combined client-server, it is easy to put it together with
* one header file that describes all remote methods. However, as a consequence we
* have to implement the methods that are not ours. Since these implementations are
* never called, we can make them dummies.
int ns1__getQuote(struct soap *soap, char *symbol, float &Result)
{ return SOAP_NO_METHOD; } // dummy: will never be called
int ns2__getRate(struct soap *soap, char *country1, char *country2, float &Result)
{ return SOAP_NO_METHOD; } // dummy: will never be called