blob: f227cec8f2eaeec5271c5e61c9b1dc70d7a256b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// UNSUPPORTED: no-filesystem
// UNSUPPORTED: availability-filesystem-missing
// Starting in Android N (API 24), SELinux policy prevents the shell user from
// creating a hard link.
// XFAIL: LIBCXX-ANDROID-FIXME && !android-device-api={{21|22|23}}
// <filesystem>
// bool equivalent(path const& lhs, path const& rhs);
// bool equivalent(path const& lhs, path const& rhs, std::error_code& ec) noexcept;
#include "filesystem_include.h"
#include <type_traits>
#include <cassert>
#include "assert_macros.h"
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "filesystem_test_helper.h"
using namespace fs;
static void signature_test() {
const path p;
std::error_code ec;
ASSERT_NOEXCEPT(equivalent(p, p, ec));
ASSERT_NOT_NOEXCEPT(equivalent(p, p));
static void equivalent_test() {
static_test_env static_env;
struct TestCase {
path lhs;
path rhs;
bool expect;
const TestCase testCases[] = {
{static_env.Dir, static_env.Dir, true},
{static_env.File, static_env.Dir, false},
{static_env.Dir, static_env.SymlinkToDir, true},
{static_env.Dir, static_env.SymlinkToFile, false},
{static_env.File, static_env.File, true},
{static_env.File, static_env.SymlinkToFile, true},
for (auto& TC : testCases) {
std::error_code ec;
assert(equivalent(TC.lhs, TC.rhs, ec) == TC.expect);
static void equivalent_reports_error_if_input_dne() {
static_test_env static_env;
const path E = static_env.File;
const path DNE = static_env.DNE;
{ // Test that an error is reported when either of the paths don't exist
std::error_code ec = GetTestEC();
assert(equivalent(E, DNE, ec) == false);
assert(ec != GetTestEC());
std::error_code ec = GetTestEC();
assert(equivalent(DNE, E, ec) == false);
assert(ec != GetTestEC());
TEST_THROWS_TYPE(filesystem_error, equivalent(DNE, E));
TEST_THROWS_TYPE(filesystem_error, equivalent(E, DNE));
{ // Test that an exception is thrown if both paths do not exist.
TEST_THROWS_TYPE(filesystem_error, equivalent(DNE, DNE));
std::error_code ec = GetTestEC();
assert(equivalent(DNE, DNE, ec) == false);
assert(ec != GetTestEC());
static void equivalent_hardlink_succeeds() {
scoped_test_env env;
path const file = env.create_file("file", 42);
const path hl1 = env.create_hardlink(file, "hl1");
const path hl2 = env.create_hardlink(file, "hl2");
assert(equivalent(file, hl1));
assert(equivalent(file, hl2));
assert(equivalent(hl1, hl2));
#ifndef _WIN32
static void equivalent_is_other_succeeds() {
scoped_test_env env;
path const file = env.create_file("file", 42);
const path fifo1 = env.create_fifo("fifo1");
const path fifo2 = env.create_fifo("fifo2");
// Required to test behavior for inputs where is_other(p) is true.
assert(!equivalent(file, fifo1));
assert(!equivalent(fifo2, file));
assert(!equivalent(fifo1, fifo2));
assert(equivalent(fifo1, fifo1));
#endif // _WIN32
int main(int, char**) {
#ifndef _WIN32
return 0;