blob: dcb7fc8940ca90476687ac83f4b7d13313140653 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// UNSUPPORTED: availability-filesystem-missing
// These tests require locale for non-char paths
// UNSUPPORTED: no-localization
// <filesystem>
// class path
// path& operator+=(const path& x);
// path& operator+=(const string_type& x);
// path& operator+=(string_view x);
// path& operator+=(const value_type* x);
// path& operator+=(value_type x);
// template <class Source>
// path& operator+=(const Source& x);
// template <class EcharT>
// path& operator+=(EcharT x);
// template <class Source>
// path& concat(const Source& x);
// template <class InputIterator>
// path& concat(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
#include "filesystem_include.h"
#include <type_traits>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <cassert>
// On Windows, charset conversions cause allocations in the path class in
// cases where no allocations are done on other platforms.
#include "../path_helper.h"
#include "count_new.h"
#include "make_string.h"
#include "test_iterators.h"
#include "test_macros.h"
struct ConcatOperatorTestcase {
MultiStringType lhs;
MultiStringType rhs;
MultiStringType expect;
#define S(Str) MKSTR(Str)
const ConcatOperatorTestcase Cases[] =
{S(""), S(""), S("")}
, {S("p1"), S("p2"), S("p1p2")}
, {S("p1/"), S("/p2"), S("p1//p2")}
, {S(""), S("\\foo/bar/baz"), S("\\foo/bar/baz")}
, {S("c:\\foo"), S(""), S("c:\\foo")}
, {S(LONGSTR), S("foo"), S(LONGSTR "foo")}
, {S("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/\\"), S("/\\123456789"), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/\\/\\123456789")}
const ConcatOperatorTestcase LongLHSCases[] =
, {S("p1/"), S(LONGSTR), S("p1/" LONGSTR)}
const ConcatOperatorTestcase CharTestCases[] =
{S(""), S("P"), S("P")}
, {S("/fooba"), S("r"), S("/foobar")}
#undef S
#undef LONGSTR
// The concat operator may need to allocate a temporary buffer before a code_cvt
// conversion. Test if this allocation occurs by:
// 1. Create a path, `LHS`, and reserve enough space to append `RHS`.
// This prevents `LHS` from allocating during the actual appending.
// 2. Create a `Source` object `RHS`, which represents a "large" string.
// (The string must not trigger the SSO)
// 3. Concat `RHS` to `LHS` and check for the expected allocation behavior.
template <class CharT>
void doConcatSourceAllocTest(ConcatOperatorTestcase const& TC)
using namespace fs;
using Ptr = CharT const*;
using Str = std::basic_string<CharT>;
using StrView = std::basic_string_view<CharT>;
using InputIter = cpp17_input_iterator<Ptr>;
const Ptr L = TC.lhs;
const Ptr R = TC.rhs;
const Ptr E = TC.expect;
std::size_t ReserveSize = StrLen(E) + 1;
// basic_string
path LHS(L); PathReserve(LHS, ReserveSize);
Str RHS(R);
TEST_NOT_WIN32(DisableAllocationGuard g);
assert(LHS == E);
// basic_string_view
path LHS(L); PathReserve(LHS, ReserveSize);
StrView RHS(R);
TEST_NOT_WIN32(DisableAllocationGuard g);
assert(LHS == E);
// CharT*
path LHS(L); PathReserve(LHS, ReserveSize);
Ptr RHS(R);
TEST_NOT_WIN32(DisableAllocationGuard g);
assert(LHS == E);
path LHS(L); PathReserve(LHS, ReserveSize);
Ptr RHS(R);
TEST_NOT_WIN32(DisableAllocationGuard g);
LHS.concat(RHS, StrEnd(RHS));
assert(LHS == E);
// input iterator - For non-native char types, appends needs to copy the
// iterator range into a contiguous block of memory before it can perform the
// code_cvt conversions.
// For the path native type, no allocations will be performed because no
// conversion is required.
// Only check allocations if we can pick up allocations done within the
// library implementation.
bool ExpectNoAllocations = std::is_same<CharT, path::value_type>::value;
path LHS(L); PathReserve(LHS, ReserveSize);
InputIter RHS(R);
RequireAllocationGuard g(0); // require "at least zero" allocations by default
if (ExpectNoAllocations)
assert(LHS == E);
path LHS(L); PathReserve(LHS, ReserveSize);
InputIter RHS(R);
InputIter REnd(StrEnd(R));
RequireAllocationGuard g(0); // require "at least zero" allocations by default
if (ExpectNoAllocations)
LHS.concat(RHS, REnd);
assert(LHS == E);
template <class CharT>
void doConcatSourceTest(ConcatOperatorTestcase const& TC)
using namespace fs;
using Ptr = CharT const*;
using Str = std::basic_string<CharT>;
using StrView = std::basic_string_view<CharT>;
using InputIter = cpp17_input_iterator<Ptr>;
const Ptr L = TC.lhs;
const Ptr R = TC.rhs;
const Ptr E = TC.expect;
// basic_string
path LHS(L);
Str RHS(R);
path& Ref = (LHS += RHS);
assert(LHS == E);
assert(&Ref == &LHS);
path LHS(L);
Str RHS(R);
path& Ref = LHS.concat(RHS);
assert(LHS == E);
assert(&Ref == &LHS);
// basic_string_view
path LHS(L);
StrView RHS(R);
path& Ref = (LHS += RHS);
assert(LHS == E);
assert(&Ref == &LHS);
path LHS(L);
StrView RHS(R);
path& Ref = LHS.concat(RHS);
assert(LHS == E);
assert(&Ref == &LHS);
// Char*
path LHS(L);
Str RHS(R);
path& Ref = (LHS += RHS);
assert(LHS == E);
assert(&Ref == &LHS);
path LHS(L);
Ptr RHS(R);
path& Ref = LHS.concat(RHS);
assert(LHS == E);
assert(&Ref == &LHS);
path LHS(L);
Ptr RHS(R);
path& Ref = LHS.concat(RHS, StrEnd(RHS));
assert(LHS == E);
assert(&Ref == &LHS);
// iterators
path LHS(L);
InputIter RHS(R);
path& Ref = (LHS += RHS);
assert(LHS == E);
assert(&Ref == &LHS);
path LHS(L); InputIter RHS(R);
path& Ref = LHS.concat(RHS);
assert(LHS == E);
assert(&Ref == &LHS);
path LHS(L);
InputIter RHS(R);
InputIter REnd(StrEnd(R));
path& Ref = LHS.concat(RHS, REnd);
assert(LHS == E);
assert(&Ref == &LHS);
template <class CharT>
void doConcatECharTest(ConcatOperatorTestcase const& TC)
using namespace fs;
using Ptr = CharT const*;
const Ptr RStr = TC.rhs;
assert(StrLen(RStr) == 1);
const Ptr L = TC.lhs;
const CharT R = RStr[0];
const Ptr E = TC.expect;
path LHS(L);
path& Ref = (LHS += R);
assert(LHS == E);
assert(&Ref == &LHS);
template <class It, class = decltype(fs::path{}.concat(std::declval<It>()))>
constexpr bool has_concat(int) { return true; }
template <class It>
constexpr bool has_concat(long) { return false; }
template <class It, class = decltype(fs::path{}.operator+=(std::declval<It>()))>
constexpr bool has_concat_op(int) { return true; }
template <class It>
constexpr bool has_concat_op(long) { return false; }
template <class It>
constexpr bool has_concat_op() { return has_concat_op<It>(0); }
template <class It>
constexpr bool has_concat() {
static_assert(has_concat<It>(0) == has_concat_op<It>(0), "must be same");
return has_concat<It>(0) && has_concat_op<It>(0);
void test_sfinae() {
using namespace fs;
static_assert(has_concat_op<char>(), "");
static_assert(has_concat_op<const char>(), "");
static_assert(has_concat_op<char16_t>(), "");
static_assert(has_concat_op<const char16_t>(), "");
using It = const char* const;
static_assert(has_concat<It>(), "");
using It = cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>;
static_assert(has_concat<It>(), "");
struct Traits {
using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
using value_type = const char;
using pointer = const char*;
using reference = const char&;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using It = cpp17_input_iterator<const char*, Traits>;
static_assert(has_concat<It>(), "");
using It = cpp17_output_iterator<const char*>;
static_assert(!has_concat<It>(), "");
static_assert(!has_concat<int>(0), "");
// operator+=(int) is well formed since it converts to operator+=(value_type)
// but concat(int) isn't valid because there is no concat(value_type).
// This should probably be addressed by a LWG issue.
static_assert(has_concat_op<int>(), "");
static_assert(!has_concat<int*>(), "");
int main(int, char**)
using namespace fs;
for (auto const & TC : Cases) {
path LHS((const char*)TC.lhs);
path RHS((const char*)TC.rhs);
path& Ref = (LHS += RHS);
assert(LHS == (const char*)TC.expect);
assert(&Ref == &LHS);
path LHS((const char*)TC.lhs);
std::basic_string_view<path::value_type> RHS((const path::value_type*)TC.rhs);
path& Ref = (LHS += RHS);
assert(LHS == (const char*)TC.expect);
assert(&Ref == &LHS);
doConcatSourceTest<char> (TC);
doConcatSourceTest<wchar_t> (TC);
for (auto const & TC : LongLHSCases) {
// Do path test
path LHS((const char*)TC.lhs);
path RHS((const char*)TC.rhs);
const char* E = TC.expect;
PathReserve(LHS, StrLen(E) + 5);
LIBCPP_ONLY(DisableAllocationGuard g);
path& Ref = (LHS += RHS);
assert(&Ref == &LHS);
assert(LHS == E);
path LHS((const char*)TC.lhs);
std::basic_string_view<path::value_type> RHS((const path::value_type*)TC.rhs);
const char* E = TC.expect;
PathReserve(LHS, StrLen(E) + 5);
LIBCPP_ONLY(DisableAllocationGuard g);
path& Ref = (LHS += RHS);
assert(&Ref == &LHS);
assert(LHS == E);
for (auto const& TC : CharTestCases) {
return 0;