blob: ce4dffffc4763a544a809ec241d0b04b71146e98 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// <algorithm>
// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14, c++17, c++20
// template<input_iterator I1, sentinel_for<I1> S1, input_iterator I2, sentinel_for<I2> S2,
// class Pred = ranges::equal_to, class Proj1 = identity, class Proj2 = identity>
// requires indirectly_comparable<I1, I2, Pred, Proj1, Proj2>
// constexpr bool ranges::ends_with(I1 first1, S1 last1, I2 first2, S2 last2, Pred pred = {},
// Proj1 proj1 = {}, Proj2 proj2 = {});
// template<input_range R1, input_range R2, class Pred = ranges::equal_to, class Proj1 = identity,
// class Proj2 = identity>
// requires indirectly_comparable<iterator_t<R1>, iterator_t<R2>, Pred, Proj1, Proj2>
// constexpr bool ranges::ends_with(R1&& r1, R2&& r2, Pred pred = {},
// Proj1 proj1 = {}, Proj2 proj2 = {});
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <chrono>
#include <ranges>
#include "almost_satisfies_types.h"
#include "test_iterators.h"
using namespace std::chrono;
template <class Iter1, class Sent1 = Iter1, class Iter2 = int*, class Sent2 = Iter2>
concept HasEndsWithIt = requires(Iter1 first1, Sent1 last1, Iter2 first2, Sent2 last2) {
std::ranges::ends_with(first1, last1, first2, last2);
static_assert(HasEndsWithIt<int*, int*>);
static_assert(!HasEndsWithIt<int*, SentinelForNotSemiregular>);
static_assert(!HasEndsWithIt<int*, int*, int**>); // not indirectly comparable
static_assert(!HasEndsWithIt<int*, SentinelForNotWeaklyEqualityComparableWith>);
static_assert(!HasEndsWithIt<int*, int*, ForwardIteratorNotDerivedFrom>);
static_assert(!HasEndsWithIt<int*, int*, ForwardIteratorNotIncrementable>);
static_assert(!HasEndsWithIt<int*, int*, int*, SentinelForNotSemiregular>);
static_assert(!HasEndsWithIt<int*, int*, int*, SentinelForNotWeaklyEqualityComparableWith>);
template <class Range1, class Range2 = UncheckedRange<int*>>
concept HasEndsWithR = requires(Range1&& range1, Range2&& range2) {
std::ranges::ends_with(std::forward<Range1>(range1), std::forward<Range2>(range2)); };
static_assert(HasEndsWithR<UncheckedRange<int*>, UncheckedRange<int*>>);
static_assert(!HasEndsWithR<UncheckedRange<int*>, UncheckedRange<int**>>); // not indirectly comparable
static_assert(!HasEndsWithR<UncheckedRange<int*>, ForwardRangeNotDerivedFrom>);
static_assert(!HasEndsWithR<UncheckedRange<int*>, ForwardRangeNotSentinelSemiregular>);
// clang-format off
template <class Iter1, class Sent1 = Iter1, class Iter2, class Sent2 = Iter2>
constexpr void test_iterators() {
{ // simple tests
int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
int p[] = {4, 5, 6};
auto whole = std::ranges::subrange(Iter1(a), Sent1(Iter1(a + 6)));
auto suffix = std::ranges::subrange(Iter2(p), Sent2(Iter2(p + 3)));
[[maybe_unused]] std::same_as<bool> decltype(auto) ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole.begin(), whole.end(), suffix.begin(), suffix.end());
[[maybe_unused]] std::same_as<bool> decltype(auto) ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole, suffix);
{ // suffix doesn't match
int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
int p[] = {1, 2, 3};
auto whole = std::ranges::subrange(Iter1(a), Sent1(Iter1(a + 6)));
auto suffix = std::ranges::subrange(Iter2(p), Sent2(Iter2(p + 3)));
bool ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole.begin(), whole.end(), suffix.begin(), suffix.end());
bool ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole, suffix);
{ // range consists of just one element
int a[] = {1};
int p[] = {1};
auto whole = std::ranges::subrange(Iter1(a), Sent1(Iter1(a + 1)));
auto suffix = std::ranges::subrange(Iter2(p), Sent2(Iter2(p + 1)));
bool ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole.begin(), whole.end(), suffix.begin(), suffix.end());
bool ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole, suffix);
{ // suffix consists of just one element
int a[] = {5, 1, 2, 4, 3};
int p[] = {3};
auto whole = std::ranges::subrange(Iter1(a), Sent1(Iter1(a + 5)));
auto suffix = std::ranges::subrange(Iter2(p), Sent2(Iter2(p + 1)));
bool ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole.begin(), whole.end(), suffix.begin(), suffix.end());
bool ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole, suffix);
{ // range and suffix are identical
int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
int p[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
auto whole = std::ranges::subrange(Iter1(a), Sent1(Iter1(a + 6)));
auto suffix = std::ranges::subrange(Iter2(p), Sent2(Iter2(p + 6)));
bool ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole.begin(), whole.end(), suffix.begin(), suffix.end());
bool ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole, suffix);
{ // suffix is longer than range
int a[] = {3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
int p[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
auto whole = std::ranges::subrange(Iter1(a), Sent1(Iter1(a + 6)));
auto suffix = std::ranges::subrange(Iter2(p), Sent2(Iter2(p + 8)));
bool ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole.begin(), whole.end(), suffix.begin(), suffix.end());
bool ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole, suffix);
{ // suffix has zero length
int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
int p[] = {};
auto whole = std::ranges::subrange(Iter1(a), Sent1(Iter1(a + 6)));
auto suffix = std::ranges::subrange(Iter2(p), Sent2(Iter2(p)));
bool ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole.begin(), whole.end(), suffix.begin(), suffix.end());
bool ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole, suffix);
{ // range has zero length
int a[] = {};
int p[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
auto whole = std::ranges::subrange(Iter1(a), Sent1(Iter1(a)));
auto suffix = std::ranges::subrange(Iter2(p), Sent2(Iter2(p + 8)));
bool ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole.begin(), whole.end(), suffix.begin(), suffix.end());
bool ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole, suffix);
{ // subarray
int a[] = {0, 3, 5, 10, 7, 3, 5, 89, 3, 5, 2, 1, 8, 6};
int p[] = {3, 5};
auto whole = std::ranges::subrange(Iter1(a), Sent1(Iter1(a + 13)));
auto suffix = std::ranges::subrange(Iter2(p), Sent2(Iter2(p + 2)));
bool ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole.begin(), whole.end(), suffix.begin(), suffix.end());
bool ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole, suffix);
{ // repeated suffix
int a[] = {8, 6, 3, 5, 1, 2};
int p[] = {1, 2, 1, 2};
auto whole = std::ranges::subrange(Iter1(a), Sent1(Iter1(a + 6)));
auto suffix = std::ranges::subrange(Iter2(p), Sent2(Iter2(p + 4)));
bool ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole.begin(), whole.end(), suffix.begin(), suffix.end());
bool ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole, suffix);
{ // check that the predicate is used
int a[] = {5, 1, 3, 2, 7};
int p[] = {-2, -7};
auto pred = [](int l, int r) { return l * -1 == r; };
auto whole = std::ranges::subrange(Iter1(a), Sent1(Iter1(a + 5)));
auto suffix = std::ranges::subrange(Iter2(p), Sent2(Iter2(p + 2)));
bool ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole.begin(), whole.end(), suffix.begin(), suffix.end(), pred);
bool ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole, suffix, pred);
{ // check that the projections are used
int a[] = {1, 3, 15, 1, 2, 1};
int p[] = {2, 1, 2};
auto whole = std::ranges::subrange(Iter1(a), Sent1(Iter1(a + 6)));
auto suffix = std::ranges::subrange(Iter2(p), Sent2(Iter2(p + 3)));
bool ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole.begin(), whole.end(), suffix.begin(), suffix.end(), {},
[](int i) { return i - 3; },
[](int i) { return i * -1; });
bool ret = std::ranges::ends_with(whole, suffix, {},
[](int i) { return i - 3; },
[](int i) { return i * -1; });
constexpr bool test() {
// This is to test (forward_iterator<_Iter1> || sized_sentinel_for<_Sent1, _Iter1>) condition.
types::for_each(types::cpp20_input_iterator_list<int*>{}, []<class Iter2>() {
types::for_each(types::cpp20_input_iterator_list<int*>{}, []<class Iter1>() {
if constexpr (std::forward_iterator<Iter1> && std::forward_iterator<Iter2>)
test_iterators<Iter1, Iter1, Iter2, Iter2>();
if constexpr (std::forward_iterator<Iter2>)
test_iterators<Iter1, sized_sentinel<Iter1>, Iter2, Iter2>();
if constexpr (std::forward_iterator<Iter1>)
test_iterators<Iter1, Iter1, Iter2, sized_sentinel<Iter2>>();
test_iterators<Iter1, sized_sentinel<Iter1>, Iter2, sized_sentinel<Iter2>>();
return true;
int main(int, char**) {
return 0;