blob: 8f6510641821409c5a0e37684c52f4ecbd911753 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/cert/pki/trust_store.h"
#include "net/cert/pki/trust_store_in_memory.h"
#include "net/cert/root_store_proto_lite/root_store.pb.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace net {
struct ChromeRootCertInfo {
base::span<const uint8_t> root_cert_der;
// ChromeRootStoreData is a container class that stores all of the Chrome Root
// Store data in a single class.
class NET_EXPORT ChromeRootStoreData {
// CreateChromeRootStoreData converts |proto| into a usable
// ChromeRootStoreData object. Returns absl::nullopt if the passed in
// proto has errors in it (e.g. an unparsable DER-encoded certificate).
static absl::optional<ChromeRootStoreData> CreateChromeRootStoreData(
const chrome_root_store::RootStore& proto);
ChromeRootStoreData(const ChromeRootStoreData& other);
ChromeRootStoreData(ChromeRootStoreData&& other);
ChromeRootStoreData& operator=(const ChromeRootStoreData& other);
ChromeRootStoreData& operator=(ChromeRootStoreData&& other);
const ParsedCertificateList anchors() const { return anchors_; }
int64_t version() const { return version_; }
ParsedCertificateList anchors_;
int64_t version_;
// TrustStoreChrome contains the Chrome Root Store, as described at
class NET_EXPORT TrustStoreChrome : public TrustStore {
// Creates a TrustStoreChrome that uses a copy of `certs`, instead of the
// default Chrome Root Store.
static std::unique_ptr<TrustStoreChrome> CreateTrustStoreForTesting(
base::span<const ChromeRootCertInfo> certs,
int64_t version);
// Creates a TrustStoreChrome that uses the compiled in Chrome Root Store.
// Creates a TrustStoreChrome that uses the passed in anchors as
// the contents of the Chrome Root Store.
TrustStoreChrome(const ChromeRootStoreData& anchors);
~TrustStoreChrome() override;
TrustStoreChrome(const TrustStoreChrome& other) = delete;
TrustStoreChrome& operator=(const TrustStoreChrome& other) = delete;
// TrustStore implementation:
void SyncGetIssuersOf(const ParsedCertificate* cert,
ParsedCertificateList* issuers) override;
CertificateTrust GetTrust(const ParsedCertificate* cert) override;
// Returns true if the trust store contains the given ParsedCertificate
// (matches by DER).
bool Contains(const ParsedCertificate* cert) const;
int64_t version() const { return version_; }
TrustStoreChrome(base::span<const ChromeRootCertInfo> certs,
bool certs_are_static,
int64_t version);
TrustStoreInMemory trust_store_;
int64_t version_;
// Returns the version # of the Chrome Root Store that was compiled into the
// binary.
NET_EXPORT int64_t CompiledChromeRootStoreVersion();
// Returns the anchors of the Chrome Root Store that were compiled into the
// binary.
NET_EXPORT ParsedCertificateList CompiledChromeRootStoreAnchors();
} // namespace net