blob: fe6af2b91f17b2434765e65138bb99f51d7e3164 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Create a static library which exposes only symbols which are explicitly marked
# as visible e.g., by __attribute__((visibility("default"))).
# See in this directory for usage example.
# This way, we can reduce risk of symbol conflict when linking it into apps
# by exposing internal symbols, especially in third-party libraries.
import glob
import argparse
import os
import subprocess
import sys
# Mapping from GN's target_cpu attribute to ld's -arch parameter.
# Taken from the definition of config("compiler") in:
# //build/config/mac/
'x64': 'x86_64',
'x86': 'i386',
'armv7': 'armv7',
'arm': 'armv7',
'arm64': 'arm64',
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='Comma-separated paths to input .a files which contain symbols '
'which must be always linked.')
help='The path to a complete static library (.a file) which contains all '
'dependencies of --input_libs. .o files in this library are also '
'added to the output library, but only if they are referred from '
help='Outputs the generated .o file here. This is an intermediate file.')
help='Outputs the generated .a file here.')
help='The current processor architecture in the format of the target_cpu '
'attribute in GN.')
'--use_custom_libcxx', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Confirm there is a custom libc++ linked in.')
args, unknownargs = parser.parse_known_args()
assert not unknownargs
developer_dir = subprocess.check_output(
['xcode-select', '--print-path'], universal_newlines=True).strip()
xctoolchain_libs = glob.glob(developer_dir
+ '/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib'
+ '/clang/*/lib/darwin/*.ios.a')
print("Adding xctoolchain_libs: ", xctoolchain_libs)
# ld -r concatenates multiple .o files and .a files into a single .o file,
# while "hiding" symbols not marked as visible.
command = [
'xcrun', 'ld',
'-arch', GN_CPU_TO_LD_ARCH[args.current_cpu],
for input_lib in args.input_libs.split(','):
# By default, ld only pulls .o files out of a static library if needed to
# resolve some symbol reference. We apply -force_load option to input_lib
# (but not to deps_lib) to force pulling all .o files.
command += ['-force_load', input_lib]
command += xctoolchain_libs
command += [
'-o', args.output_obj
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
# Work around LD failure for x86 Debug buiilds when it fails with error:
# ld: scattered reloc r_address too large for architecture i386
if args.current_cpu == "x86":
# Combmine input lib with dependencies into output lib.
command = [
'xcrun', 'libtool', '-static', '-no_warning_for_no_symbols',
'-o', args.output_lib,
args.input_libs, args.deps_lib,
# Strip debug info from output lib so its size doesn't exceed 512mb.
command = [
'xcrun', 'strip', '-S', args.output_lib,
if os.path.exists(args.output_lib):
# Creates a .a file which contains a single .o file.
command = [
'xcrun', 'ar', '-r',
# When compiling for 64bit targets, the symbols in call_with_eh_frame.o are
# referenced in assembly and eventually stripped by the call to ld -r above,
# perhaps because the linker incorrectly assumes that those symbols are not
# used. Using -keep_private_externs fixes the compile issue, but breaks
# other parts of cronet. Instead, simply add a second .o file with the
# personality routine. Note that this issue was not caught by Chrome tests,
# it was only detected when apps tried to link the resulting .a file.
if args.current_cpu in ('x64', 'arm64'):
command += [ 'obj/base/base/call_with_eh_frame.o' ]
if args.use_custom_libcxx:
ret = os.system('xcrun nm -u "' + args.output_obj +
'" | grep ___cxa_pure_virtual')
if ret == 0:
print("ERROR: Found undefined libc++ symbols, "
"is libc++ included in dependencies?")
if __name__ == "__main__":