blob: 130a7abb9b4d57b0e22481e976992cfc2e5331dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/src/partition_alloc/thread_cache.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <cstdint>
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/src/partition_alloc/partition_alloc-inl.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/src/partition_alloc/partition_alloc_base/component_export.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/src/partition_alloc/partition_alloc_base/debug/debugging_buildflags.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/src/partition_alloc/partition_alloc_base/immediate_crash.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/src/partition_alloc/partition_alloc_base/time/time.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/src/partition_alloc/partition_alloc_buildflags.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/src/partition_alloc/partition_alloc_check.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/src/partition_alloc/partition_alloc_config.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/src/partition_alloc/partition_alloc_constants.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/src/partition_alloc/partition_root.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace partition_alloc {
namespace {
ThreadCacheRegistry g_instance;
} // namespace
namespace tools {
uintptr_t kThreadCacheNeedleArray[kThreadCacheNeedleArraySize] = {
kNeedle1, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&g_instance),
} // namespace tools
namespace internal {
PA_COMPONENT_EXPORT(PARTITION_ALLOC) PartitionTlsKey g_thread_cache_key;
thread_local ThreadCache* g_thread_cache;
} // namespace internal
namespace {
// Since |g_thread_cache_key| is shared, make sure that no more than one
// PartitionRoot can use it.
static std::atomic<PartitionRoot*> g_thread_cache_root;
void OnDllProcessDetach() {
// Very late allocations do occur (see for instance),
// including during CRT teardown. This is problematic for the thread cache
// which relies on the CRT for TLS access for instance. This cannot be
// mitigated inside the thread cache (since getting to it requires querying
// TLS), but the PartitionRoot associated wih the thread cache can be made to
// not use the thread cache anymore.
->settings.with_thread_cache = false;
static bool g_thread_cache_key_created = false;
} // namespace
uint8_t ThreadCache::global_limits_[ThreadCache::kBucketCount];
// Start with the normal size, not the maximum one.
uint16_t ThreadCache::largest_active_bucket_index_ =
// static
ThreadCacheRegistry& ThreadCacheRegistry::Instance() {
return g_instance;
void ThreadCacheRegistry::RegisterThreadCache(ThreadCache* cache) {
internal::ScopedGuard scoped_locker(GetLock());
cache->next_ = nullptr;
cache->prev_ = nullptr;
ThreadCache* previous_head = list_head_;
list_head_ = cache;
cache->next_ = previous_head;
if (previous_head) {
previous_head->prev_ = cache;
void ThreadCacheRegistry::UnregisterThreadCache(ThreadCache* cache) {
internal::ScopedGuard scoped_locker(GetLock());
if (cache->prev_) {
cache->prev_->next_ = cache->next_;
if (cache->next_) {
cache->next_->prev_ = cache->prev_;
if (cache == list_head_) {
list_head_ = cache->next_;
void ThreadCacheRegistry::DumpStats(bool my_thread_only,
ThreadCacheStats* stats) {
memset(reinterpret_cast<void*>(stats), 0, sizeof(ThreadCacheStats));
internal::ScopedGuard scoped_locker(GetLock());
if (my_thread_only) {
auto* tcache = ThreadCache::Get();
if (!ThreadCache::IsValid(tcache)) {
} else {
ThreadCache* tcache = list_head_;
while (tcache) {
// Racy, as other threads are still allocating. This is not an issue,
// since we are only interested in statistics. However, this means that
// count is not necessarily equal to hits + misses for the various types
// of events.
tcache = tcache->next_;
void ThreadCacheRegistry::PurgeAll() {
auto* current_thread_tcache = ThreadCache::Get();
// May take a while, don't hold the lock while purging.
// In most cases, the current thread is more important than other ones. For
// instance in renderers, it is the main thread. It is also the only thread
// that we can synchronously purge.
// The reason why we trigger the purge for this one first is that assuming
// that all threads are allocating memory, they will start purging
// concurrently in the loop below. This will then make them all contend with
// the main thread for the partition lock, since it is acquired/released once
// per bucket. By purging the main thread first, we avoid these interferences
// for this thread at least.
if (ThreadCache::IsValid(current_thread_tcache)) {
internal::ScopedGuard scoped_locker(GetLock());
ThreadCache* tcache = list_head_;
while (tcache) {
// Cannot purge directly, need to ask the other thread to purge "at some
// point".
// Note that this will not work if the other thread is sleeping forever.
// TODO(lizeb): Handle sleeping threads.
if (tcache != current_thread_tcache) {
tcache = tcache->next_;
void ThreadCacheRegistry::ForcePurgeAllThreadAfterForkUnsafe() {
internal::ScopedGuard scoped_locker(GetLock());
ThreadCache* tcache = list_head_;
while (tcache) {
// Before fork(), locks are acquired in the parent process. This means that
// a concurrent allocation in the parent which must be filled by the central
// allocator (i.e. the thread cache bucket is empty) will block inside the
// thread cache waiting for the lock to be released.
// In the child process, this allocation will never complete since this
// thread will not be resumed. However, calling |Purge()| triggers the
// reentrancy guard since the parent process thread was suspended from
// within the thread cache.
// Clear the guard to prevent this from crashing.
tcache->is_in_thread_cache_ = false;
// There is a PA_DCHECK() in code called from |Purge()| checking that thread
// cache memory accounting is correct. Since we are after fork() and the
// other threads got interrupted mid-flight, this guarantee does not hold,
// and we get inconsistent results. Rather than giving up on checking this
// invariant in regular code, reset it here so that the PA_DCHECK()
// passes. See
tcache->cached_memory_ = tcache->CachedMemory();
// At this point, we should call |TryPurge|. However, due to the thread
// cache being possibly inconsistent at this point, this may crash. Rather
// than crash, we'd prefer to simply not purge, even though this may leak
// memory in some cases.
// see for details of the crashes.
tcache = tcache->next_;
void ThreadCacheRegistry::SetLargestActiveBucketIndex(
uint8_t largest_active_bucket_index) {
largest_active_bucket_index_ = largest_active_bucket_index;
void ThreadCacheRegistry::SetThreadCacheMultiplier(float multiplier) {
// Two steps:
// - Set the global limits, which will affect newly created threads.
// - Enumerate all thread caches and set the limit to the global one.
internal::ScopedGuard scoped_locker(GetLock());
ThreadCache* tcache = list_head_;
// If this is called before *any* thread cache has serviced *any*
// allocation, which can happen in tests, and in theory in non-test code as
// well.
if (!tcache) {
// Setting the global limit while locked, because we need |tcache->root_|.
ThreadCache::SetGlobalLimits(tcache->root_, multiplier);
while (tcache) {
for (int index = 0; index < ThreadCache::kBucketCount; index++) {
// This is racy, but we don't care if the limit is enforced later, and
// we really want to avoid atomic instructions on the fast path.
tcache = tcache->next_;
void ThreadCacheRegistry::SetPurgingConfiguration(
const internal::base::TimeDelta min_purge_interval,
const internal::base::TimeDelta max_purge_interval,
const internal::base::TimeDelta default_purge_interval,
size_t min_cached_memory_for_purging_bytes) {
PA_CHECK(min_purge_interval <= default_purge_interval);
PA_CHECK(default_purge_interval <= max_purge_interval);
min_purge_interval_ = min_purge_interval;
max_purge_interval_ = max_purge_interval;
default_purge_interval_ = default_purge_interval;
min_cached_memory_for_purging_bytes_ = min_cached_memory_for_purging_bytes;
is_purging_configured_ = true;
void ThreadCacheRegistry::RunPeriodicPurge() {
if (!periodic_purge_is_initialized_) {
periodic_purge_is_initialized_ = true;
// Summing across all threads can be slow, but is necessary. Otherwise we rely
// on the assumption that the current thread is a good proxy for overall
// allocation activity. This is not the case for all process types.
// Since there is no synchronization with other threads, the value is stale,
// which is fine.
size_t cached_memory_approx = 0;
internal::ScopedGuard scoped_locker(GetLock());
ThreadCache* tcache = list_head_;
// Can run when there is no thread cache, in which case there is nothing to
// do, and the task should not be rescheduled. This would typically indicate
// a case where the thread cache was never enabled, or got disabled.
if (!tcache) {
while (tcache) {
cached_memory_approx += tcache->cached_memory_;
tcache = tcache->next_;
// If cached memory is low, this means that either memory footprint is fine,
// or the process is mostly idle, and not allocating much since the last
// purge. In this case, back off. On the other hand, if there is a lot of
// cached memory, make purge more frequent, but always within a set frequency
// range.
// There is a potential drawback: a process that was idle for a long time and
// suddenly becomes very active will take some time to go back to regularly
// scheduled purge with a small enough interval. This is the case for instance
// of a renderer moving to foreground. To mitigate that, if cached memory
// jumps is very large, make a greater leap to faster purging.
if (cached_memory_approx > 10 * min_cached_memory_for_purging_bytes_) {
periodic_purge_next_interval_ =
std::min(default_purge_interval_, periodic_purge_next_interval_ / 2);
} else if (cached_memory_approx > 2 * min_cached_memory_for_purging_bytes_) {
periodic_purge_next_interval_ =
std::max(min_purge_interval_, periodic_purge_next_interval_ / 2);
} else if (cached_memory_approx < min_cached_memory_for_purging_bytes_) {
periodic_purge_next_interval_ =
std::min(max_purge_interval_, periodic_purge_next_interval_ * 2);
// Make sure that the next interval is in the right bounds. Even though the
// logic above should eventually converge to a reasonable interval, if a
// sleeping background thread holds onto a large amount of cached memory, then
// |PurgeAll()| will not free any memory from it, and the first branch above
// can be taken repeatedly until the interval gets very small, as the amount
// of cached memory cannot change between calls (since we do not purge
// background threads, but only ask them to purge their own cache at the next
// allocation).
periodic_purge_next_interval_ = std::clamp(
periodic_purge_next_interval_, min_purge_interval_, max_purge_interval_);
int64_t ThreadCacheRegistry::GetPeriodicPurgeNextIntervalInMicroseconds()
const {
return periodic_purge_next_interval_.InMicroseconds();
void ThreadCacheRegistry::ResetForTesting() {
periodic_purge_next_interval_ = default_purge_interval_;
// static
void ThreadCache::EnsureThreadSpecificDataInitialized() {
// Using the registry lock to protect from concurrent initialization without
// adding a special-pupose lock.
internal::ScopedGuard scoped_locker(
if (g_thread_cache_key_created) {
bool ok = internal::PartitionTlsCreate(&internal::g_thread_cache_key, Delete);
g_thread_cache_key_created = true;
// static
void ThreadCache::DeleteForTesting(ThreadCache* tcache) {
// static
void ThreadCache::SwapForTesting(PartitionRoot* root) {
auto* old_tcache = ThreadCache::Get();, std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (old_tcache) {
if (root) {
} else {
// OnDllProcessDetach accesses g_thread_cache_root which is nullptr now.
// static
void ThreadCache::RemoveTombstoneForTesting() {
internal::PartitionTlsSet(internal::g_thread_cache_key, nullptr);
// static
void ThreadCache::Init(PartitionRoot* root) {
static_assert(false, "PartitionAlloc isn't supported for NaCl");
PA_CHECK(root->buckets[kBucketCount - 1].slot_size ==
PA_CHECK(root->buckets[largest_active_bucket_index_].slot_size ==
// Make sure that only one PartitionRoot wants a thread cache.
PartitionRoot* expected = nullptr;
if (!g_thread_cache_root.compare_exchange_strong(expected, root,
std::memory_order_seq_cst)) {
<< "Only one PartitionRoot is allowed to have a thread cache";
SetGlobalLimits(root, kDefaultMultiplier);
// static
void ThreadCache::SetGlobalLimits(PartitionRoot* root, float multiplier) {
size_t initial_value =
static_cast<size_t>(kSmallBucketBaseCount) * multiplier;
for (int index = 0; index < kBucketCount; index++) {
const auto& root_bucket = root->buckets[index];
// Invalid bucket.
if (!root_bucket.active_slot_spans_head) {
global_limits_[index] = 0;
// Smaller allocations are more frequent, and more performance-sensitive.
// Cache more small objects, and fewer larger ones, to save memory.
size_t slot_size = root_bucket.slot_size;
size_t value;
if (slot_size <= 128) {
value = initial_value;
} else if (slot_size <= 256) {
value = initial_value / 2;
} else if (slot_size <= 512) {
value = initial_value / 4;
} else {
value = initial_value / 8;
// Bare minimum so that malloc() / free() in a loop will not hit the central
// allocator each time.
constexpr size_t kMinLimit = 1;
// |PutInBucket()| is called on a full bucket, which should not overflow.
constexpr size_t kMaxLimit = std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max() - 1;
global_limits_[index] =
static_cast<uint8_t>(std::clamp(value, kMinLimit, kMaxLimit));
PA_DCHECK(global_limits_[index] >= kMinLimit);
PA_DCHECK(global_limits_[index] <= kMaxLimit);
// static
void ThreadCache::SetLargestCachedSize(size_t size) {
if (size > ThreadCache::kLargeSizeThreshold) {
size = ThreadCache::kLargeSizeThreshold;
largest_active_bucket_index_ = PartitionRoot::SizeToBucketIndex(
size, PartitionRoot::BucketDistribution::kNeutral);
PA_CHECK(largest_active_bucket_index_ < kBucketCount);
// static
ThreadCache* ThreadCache::Create(PartitionRoot* root) {
// See comment in thread_cache.h, this is used to make sure
// kThreadCacheNeedleArray is kept in the final binary.
PA_CHECK(tools::kThreadCacheNeedleArray[0] == tools::kNeedle1);
// Placement new and RawAlloc() are used, as otherwise when this partition is
// the malloc() implementation, the memory allocated for the new thread cache
// would make this code reentrant.
// This also means that deallocation must use RawFreeStatic(), hence the
// operator delete() implementation below.
size_t raw_size = root->AdjustSizeForExtrasAdd(sizeof(ThreadCache));
size_t usable_size;
bool already_zeroed;
auto* bucket = root->buckets + PartitionRoot::SizeToBucketIndex(
raw_size, root->GetBucketDistribution());
uintptr_t buffer = root->RawAlloc<AllocFlags::kZeroFill>(
bucket, raw_size, internal::PartitionPageSize(), &usable_size,
ThreadCache* tcache =
new (internal::SlotStartAddr2Ptr(buffer)) ThreadCache(root);
// This may allocate.
internal::PartitionTlsSet(internal::g_thread_cache_key, tcache);
// |thread_local| variables with destructors cause issues on some platforms.
// Since we need a destructor (to empty the thread cache), we cannot use it
// directly. However, TLS accesses with |thread_local| are typically faster,
// as it can turn into a fixed offset load from a register (GS/FS on Linux
// x86, for instance). On Windows, saving/restoring the last error increases
// cost as well.
// To still get good performance, use |thread_local| to store a raw pointer,
// and rely on the platform TLS to call the destructor.
internal::g_thread_cache = tcache;
return tcache;
ThreadCache::ThreadCache(PartitionRoot* root)
: should_purge_(false),
prev_(nullptr) {
memset(&stats_, 0, sizeof(stats_));
for (int index = 0; index < kBucketCount; index++) {
const auto& root_bucket = root->buckets[index];
Bucket* tcache_bucket = &buckets_[index];
tcache_bucket->freelist_head = nullptr;
tcache_bucket->count = 0;
tcache_bucket->slot_size = root_bucket.slot_size;
// Invalid bucket.
if (!root_bucket.is_valid()) {
// Explicitly set this, as size computations iterate over all buckets.
tcache_bucket->, std::memory_order_relaxed);
ThreadCache::~ThreadCache() {
// static
void ThreadCache::Delete(void* tcache_ptr) {
auto* tcache = static_cast<ThreadCache*>(tcache_ptr);
if (!IsValid(tcache)) {
internal::g_thread_cache = nullptr;
internal::PartitionTlsSet(internal::g_thread_cache_key, nullptr);
auto* root = tcache->root_;
// TreadCache was allocated using RawAlloc() and SlotStartAddr2Ptr(), so it
// shifted by extras, but is MTE-tagged.
// On Windows, allocations do occur during thread/process teardown, make sure
// they don't resurrect the thread cache.
// Don't MTE-tag, as it'd mess with the sentinel value.
// TODO(lizeb): Investigate whether this is needed on POSIX as well.
internal::g_thread_cache = reinterpret_cast<ThreadCache*>(kTombstone);
ThreadCache::Bucket::Bucket() {, std::memory_order_relaxed);
void ThreadCache::FillBucket(size_t bucket_index) {
// Filling multiple elements from the central allocator at a time has several
// advantages:
// - Amortize lock acquisition
// - Increase hit rate
// - Can improve locality, as consecutive allocations from the central
// allocator will likely return close addresses, especially early on.
// However, do not take too many items, to prevent memory bloat.
// Cache filling / purging policy:
// We aim at keeping the buckets neither empty nor full, while minimizing
// requests to the central allocator.
// For each bucket, there is a |limit| of how many cached objects there are in
// the bucket, so |count| < |limit| at all times.
// - Clearing: limit -> limit / 2
// - Filling: 0 -> limit / kBatchFillRatio
// These thresholds are somewhat arbitrary, with these considerations:
// (1) Batched filling should not completely fill the bucket
// (2) Batched clearing should not completely clear the bucket
// (3) Batched filling should not be too eager
// If (1) and (2) do not hold, we risk oscillations of bucket filling /
// clearing which would greatly increase calls to the central allocator. (3)
// tries to keep memory usage low. So clearing half of the bucket, and filling
// a quarter of it are sensible defaults.
Bucket& bucket = buckets_[bucket_index];
// Some buckets may have a limit lower than |kBatchFillRatio|, but we still
// want to at least allocate a single slot, otherwise we wrongly return
// nullptr, which ends up deactivating the bucket.
// In these cases, we do not really batch bucket filling, but this is expected
// to be used for the largest buckets, where over-allocating is not advised.
int count = std::max(
1, bucket.limit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) / kBatchFillRatio);
size_t usable_size;
bool is_already_zeroed;
size_t allocated_slots = 0;
// Same as calling RawAlloc() |count| times, but acquires the lock only once.
internal::ScopedGuard guard(internal::PartitionRootLock(root_));
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// Thread cache fill should not trigger expensive operations, to not grab
// the lock for a long time needlessly, but also to not inflate memory
// usage. Indeed, without AllocFlags::kFastPathOrReturnNull, cache
// fill may activate a new PartitionPage, or even a new SuperPage, which is
// clearly not desirable.
// |raw_size| is set to the slot size, as we don't know it. However, it is
// only used for direct-mapped allocations and single-slot ones anyway,
// which are not handled here.
uintptr_t slot_start =
root_->AllocFromBucket<AllocFlags::kFastPathOrReturnNull |
root_->buckets[bucket_index].slot_size /* raw_size */,
internal::PartitionPageSize(), &usable_size, &is_already_zeroed);
// Either the previous allocation would require a slow path allocation, or
// the central allocator is out of memory. If the bucket was filled with
// some objects, then the allocation will be handled normally. Otherwise,
// this goes to the central allocator, which will service the allocation,
// return nullptr or crash.
if (!slot_start) {
PutInBucket(bucket, slot_start);
cached_memory_ += allocated_slots * bucket.slot_size;
void ThreadCache::ClearBucket(Bucket& bucket, size_t limit) {
ClearBucketHelper<true>(bucket, limit);
template <bool crash_on_corruption>
void ThreadCache::ClearBucketHelper(Bucket& bucket, size_t limit) {
// Avoids acquiring the lock needlessly.
if (!bucket.count || bucket.count <= limit) {
// This serves two purposes: error checking and avoiding stalls when grabbing
// the lock:
// 1. Error checking: this is pretty clear. Since this path is taken
// infrequently, and is going to walk the entire freelist anyway, its
// incremental cost should be very small. Indeed, we free from the tail of
// the list, so all calls here will end up walking the entire freelist, and
// incurring the same amount of cache misses.
// 2. Avoiding stalls: If one of the freelist accesses in |FreeAfter()|
// triggers a major page fault, and we are running on a low-priority
// thread, we don't want the thread to be blocked while holding the lock,
// causing a priority inversion.
if constexpr (crash_on_corruption) {
uint8_t count_before = bucket.count;
if (limit == 0) {
FreeAfter<crash_on_corruption>(bucket.freelist_head, bucket.slot_size);
bucket.freelist_head = nullptr;
} else {
// Free the *end* of the list, not the head, since the head contains the
// most recently touched memory.
auto* head = bucket.freelist_head;
size_t items = 1; // Cannot free the freelist head.
while (items < limit) {
head = head->GetNextForThreadCache<crash_on_corruption>(bucket.slot_size);
bucket.count = limit;
uint8_t count_after = bucket.count;
size_t freed_memory = (count_before - count_after) * bucket.slot_size;
PA_DCHECK(cached_memory_ >= freed_memory);
cached_memory_ -= freed_memory;
PA_DCHECK(cached_memory_ == CachedMemory());
template <bool crash_on_corruption>
void ThreadCache::FreeAfter(internal::EncodedNextFreelistEntry* head,
size_t slot_size) {
// Acquire the lock once. Deallocation from the same bucket are likely to be
// hitting the same cache lines in the central allocator, and lock
// acquisitions can be expensive.
internal::ScopedGuard guard(internal::PartitionRootLock(root_));
while (head) {
uintptr_t slot_start = internal::SlotStartPtr2Addr(head);
head = head->GetNextForThreadCache<crash_on_corruption>(slot_size);
void ThreadCache::ResetForTesting() {
stats_.alloc_count = 0;
stats_.alloc_hits = 0;
stats_.alloc_misses = 0;
stats_.alloc_miss_empty = 0;
stats_.alloc_miss_too_large = 0;
stats_.cache_fill_count = 0;
stats_.cache_fill_hits = 0;
stats_.cache_fill_misses = 0;
stats_.batch_fill_count = 0;
stats_.bucket_total_memory = 0;
stats_.metadata_overhead = 0;
PA_CHECK(cached_memory_ == 0u);, std::memory_order_relaxed);
size_t ThreadCache::CachedMemory() const {
size_t total = 0;
for (const Bucket& bucket : buckets_) {
total += bucket.count * static_cast<size_t>(bucket.slot_size);
return total;
void ThreadCache::AccumulateStats(ThreadCacheStats* stats) const {
stats->alloc_count += stats_.alloc_count;
stats->alloc_hits += stats_.alloc_hits;
stats->alloc_misses += stats_.alloc_misses;
stats->alloc_miss_empty += stats_.alloc_miss_empty;
stats->alloc_miss_too_large += stats_.alloc_miss_too_large;
stats->cache_fill_count += stats_.cache_fill_count;
stats->cache_fill_hits += stats_.cache_fill_hits;
stats->cache_fill_misses += stats_.cache_fill_misses;
stats->batch_fill_count += stats_.batch_fill_count;
for (size_t i = 0; i < internal::kNumBuckets + 1; i++) {
stats->allocs_per_bucket_[i] += stats_.allocs_per_bucket_[i];
// cached_memory_ is not necessarily equal to |CachedMemory()| here, since
// this function can be called racily from another thread, to collect
// statistics. Hence no DCHECK_EQ(CachedMemory(), cached_memory_).
stats->bucket_total_memory += cached_memory_;
stats->metadata_overhead += sizeof(*this);
void ThreadCache::SetShouldPurge() {, std::memory_order_relaxed);
void ThreadCache::Purge() {
void ThreadCache::TryPurge() {
// static
void ThreadCache::PurgeCurrentThread() {
auto* tcache = Get();
if (IsValid(tcache)) {
void ThreadCache::PurgeInternal() {
void ThreadCache::ResetPerThreadAllocationStatsForTesting() {
thread_alloc_stats_ = {};
template <bool crash_on_corruption>
void ThreadCache::PurgeInternalHelper() {, std::memory_order_relaxed);
// TODO(lizeb): Investigate whether lock acquisition should be less
// frequent.
// Note: iterate over all buckets, even the inactive ones. Since
// |largest_active_bucket_index_| can be lowered at runtime, there may be
// memory already cached in the inactive buckets. They should still be
// purged.
for (auto& bucket : buckets_) {
ClearBucketHelper<crash_on_corruption>(bucket, 0);
} // namespace partition_alloc