blob: b0512325d4c2c2d2d9c1ac72e4d976992409c584 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This is a dummy feature that prevents this test from running by default.
// REQUIRES: template-cost-testing
// Test the cost of the mechanism used to create an overload set used by variant
// to determine which alternative to construct.
// The table below compares the compile time and object size for each of the
// variants listed in the RUN script.
// Impl Compile Time Object Size
// -----------------------------------------------------
// flat: 959 ms 792 KiB
// recursive: 23,444 ms 23,000 KiB
// -----------------------------------------------------
// variant_old: 16,894 ms 17,000 KiB
// variant_new: 1,105 ms 828 KiB
// RUN: %{cxx} %{flags} %{compile_flags} -std=c++17 -c %s \
// RUN: -ggdb -ggnu-pubnames -ftemplate-depth=5000 -ftime-trace -g \
// RUN: -DTEST_NS=flat_impl -o %S/flat.o
// RUN: %{cxx} %{flags} %{compile_flags} -std=c++17 -c %s \
// RUN: -ggdb -ggnu-pubnames -ftemplate-depth=5000 -ftime-trace -g \
// RUN: -DTEST_NS=rec_impl -o %S/rec.o
// RUN: %{cxx} %{flags} %{compile_flags} -std=c++17 -c %s \
// RUN: -ggdb -ggnu-pubnames -ftemplate-depth=5000 -ftime-trace -g \
// RUN: -DTEST_NS=variant_impl -o %S/variant.o
#include <type_traits>
#include <tuple>
#include <cassert>
#include <variant>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "template_cost_testing.h"
template <std::size_t Idx>
struct TestType {};
template <class T>
struct ID {
using type = T;
namespace flat_impl {
struct OverloadBase { void operator()() const; };
template <class Tp, std::size_t Idx>
struct Overload {
auto operator()(Tp, Tp) const -> ID<Tp>;
template <class ...Bases>
struct AllOverloads : OverloadBase, Bases... {};
template <class IdxSeq>
struct MakeOverloads;
template <std::size_t ..._Idx>
struct MakeOverloads<std::__tuple_indices<_Idx...> > {
template <class ...Types>
using Apply = AllOverloads<Overload<Types, _Idx>...>;
template <class ...Types>
using Overloads = typename MakeOverloads<
std::__make_indices_imp<sizeof...(Types), 0> >::template Apply<Types...>;
} // namespace flat_impl
namespace rec_impl {
template <class... Types> struct Overload;
template <>
struct Overload<> { void operator()() const; };
template <class Tp, class... Types>
struct Overload<Tp, Types...> : Overload<Types...> {
using Overload<Types...>::operator();
auto operator()(Tp, Tp) const -> ID<Tp>;
template <class... Types>
using Overloads = Overload<Types...>;
} // namespace rec_impl
namespace variant_impl {
template <class ...Types>
using Overloads = std::__variant_detail::_MakeOverloads<Types...>;
} // namespace variant_impl
#ifndef TEST_NS
#error TEST_NS must be defined
#define TEST_TYPE() TestType< __COUNTER__ >,
using T1 = TEST_NS::Overloads<REPEAT_1000(TEST_TYPE) TestType<1>, TestType<1>, int>;
static_assert(__COUNTER__ >= 1000, "");
void fn1(T1 x) { DoNotOptimize(&x); }
void fn2(typename std::invoke_result_t<T1, int, int>::type x) { DoNotOptimize(&x); }
int main(int, char**) {
return 0;