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Libc++ 18.0.0 (In-Progress) Release Notes
.. contents::
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Written by the `Libc++ Team <>`_
.. warning::
These are in-progress notes for the upcoming libc++ 18.0.0 release.
Release notes for previous releases can be found on
`the Download Page <>`_.
This document contains the release notes for the libc++ C++ Standard Library,
part of the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, release 18.0.0. Here we describe the
status of libc++ in some detail, including major improvements from the previous
release and new feature work. For the general LLVM release notes, see `the LLVM
documentation <>`_. All LLVM releases may
be downloaded from the `LLVM releases web site <>`_.
For more information about libc++, please see the `Libc++ Web Site
<>`_ or the `LLVM Web Site <>`_.
Note that if you are reading this file from a Git checkout or the
main Libc++ web page, this document applies to the *next* release, not
the current one. To see the release notes for a specific release, please
see the `releases page <>`_.
What's New in Libc++ 18.0.0?
- A new debug mode has been added, replacing the legacy debug mode that was
removed in the LLVM 17 release. See ``libcxx/docs/Hardening.rst`` for more
Implemented Papers
- P2497R0 - Testing for success or failure of ``<charconv>`` functions
- P2697R1 - Interfacing ``bitset`` with ``string_view``
- P2443R1 - ``views::chunk_by``
- P2538R1 - ADL-proof ``std::projected``
- P2614R2 - Deprecate ``numeric_limits::has_denorm``
- P0053R7 - C++ Synchronized Buffered Ostream (in the experimental library)
- P2467R1 - Support exclusive mode for fstreams
- P0020R6 - Floating Point Atomic
- P2918R2 - Runtime format strings II
- P2871R3 - Remove Deprecated Unicode Conversion Facets from C++26
- P2870R3 - Remove basic_string::reserve()
- P2909R4 - Fix formatting of code units as integers (Dude, where’s my ``char``?)
Improvements and New Features
- ``std::ranges::count`` is now optimized for ``vector<bool>::iterator``, which
can lead up to 350x performance improvements.
- ``std::for_each`` has been optimized for segmented iterators like ``std::deque::iterator`` in C++23 and
later, which can lead up to 40x performance improvements.
- The library now provides several hardening modes under which common cases of library undefined behavior will be turned
into a reliable program termination. The ``fast`` hardening mode enables a set of security-critical checks with
minimal runtime overhead; the ``extensive`` hardening mode additionally enables relatively cheap checks that catch
common logic errors but aren't necessarily security-critical; and the ``debug`` hardening mode enables all available
checks, some of which might be very expensive. Vendors can configure which hardening mode is enabled by default with
the ``LIBCXX_HARDENING_MODE`` variable at CMake configuration time. Users can control which hardening mode is enabled
on a per translation unit basis using the ``_LIBCPP_HARDENING_MODE`` macro. See :ref:`the hardening documentation
<using-hardening-modes>` for more details.
- The ``_LIBCPP_ENABLE_CXX26_REMOVED_CODECVT`` macro has been added to make
the declarations in ``<codecvt>`` available.
- The ``_LIBCPP_ENABLE_CXX26_REMOVED_STRING_RESERVE`` macro has been added to make
the function ``std::basic_string<...>::reserve()`` available.
Deprecations and Removals
- Availability macros which will never trigger an error have been removed. This includes anything that has been
introduced before macOS 10.13, iOS 12, tvOS 12 and watchOS 4. This shouldn't affect anybody, since AppleClang 15
doesn't support any older OSes. If you are a vendor and make use of these macros, please inform the libc++ team so we
can re-introduce them and consider upstreaming support for your platform.
- The non-conforming constructor ``std::future_error(std::error_code)`` has been removed. Please use the
``std::future_error(std::future_errc)`` constructor provided in C++17 instead.
- `P1957 <>` has been implemented in Clang and libc++ removed a code path that led to
narrowing conversions in ``std::variant`` behaving in a non-standard way. This may change how some uses of
``std::variant``'s constructor behave in user code. The ``_LIBCPP_ENABLE_NARROWING_CONVERSIONS_IN_VARIANT``
macro is provided to restore the previous behavior, and it will be supported in the LLVM 18 release only.
In LLVM 19 and beyond, ``_LIBCPP_ENABLE_NARROWING_CONVERSIONS_IN_VARIANT`` will not be honored anymore.
- The ``_LIBCPP_AVAILABILITY_CUSTOM_VERBOSE_ABORT_PROVIDED`` macro is not honored anymore in LLVM 18.
Please see the updated documentation about the hardening modes in libc++ and in particular the
``_LIBCPP_VERBOSE_ABORT`` macro for details.
- The headers ``<experimental/deque>``, ``<experimental/forward_list>``, ``<experimental/list>``,
``<experimental/map>``, ``<experimental/memory_resource>``, ``<experimental/regex>``, ``<experimental/set>``,
``<experimental/string>``, ``<experimental/unordered_map>``, ``<experimental/unordered_set>``,
and ``<experimental/vector>`` have been removed in LLVM 18, as all their contents will have been
implemented in namespace ``std`` for at least two releases.
Upcoming Deprecations and Removals
- The ``LIBCXX_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS`` CMake variable that was used to enable the safe mode will be deprecated and setting
it will trigger an error; use the ``LIBCXX_HARDENING_MODE`` variable with the value ``extensive`` instead. Similarly,
the ``_LIBCPP_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS`` macro will be deprecated (setting it to ``1`` still enables the extensive mode the
LLVM 19 release while also issuing a deprecation warning). See :ref:`the hardening documentation
<using-hardening-modes>` for more details.
- The base template for ``std::char_traits`` has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in LLVM 19. If you
are using ``std::char_traits`` with types other than ``char``, ``wchar_t``, ``char8_t``, ``char16_t``, ``char32_t``
or a custom character type for which you specialized ``std::char_traits``, your code will stop working when we
remove the base template. The Standard does not mandate that a base template is provided, and such a base template
is bound to be incorrect for some types, which could currently cause unexpected behavior while going undetected.
Note that the ``_LIBCPP_CHAR_TRAITS_REMOVE_BASE_SPECIALIZATION`` macro can be defined in LLVM 18 to eagerly remove
the specialization and prepare code bases for the unconditional removal in LLVM 19.
- The ``_LIBCPP_ENABLE_NARROWING_CONVERSIONS_IN_VARIANT`` macro that changed the behavior for narrowing conversions
in ``std::variant`` will be removed in LLVM 19.
- The ``LIBCXX_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS`` CMake variable and the ``_LIBCPP_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS`` macro that were used to enable
the safe mode will be removed.
ABI Affecting Changes
- The symbol of a non-visible function part of ``std::system_error`` was removed.
This is not a breaking change as the private function ``__init`` was never referenced internally outside of the dylib.
- This release of libc++ added missing visibility annotations on some types in the library. Users compiling with
``-fvisbility=hidden`` may notice that additional type infos from libc++ are being exported from their ABI. This is
the correct behavior in almost all cases since exporting the RTTI is required for these types to work properly with
dynamic_cast, exceptions and other mechanisms across binaries. However, if you intend to use libc++ purely as an
internal implementation detail (i.e. you use libc++ as a static archive and never export libc++ symbols from your ABI)
and you notice changes to your exported symbols list, then this means that you were not properly preventing libc++
symbols from being part of your ABI.
- The name mangling for intantiations of ``std::projected`` has changed in order to implement P2538R1. This technically
results in an ABI break, however in practice we expect uses of ``std::projected`` in ABI-sensitive places to be
extremely rare. Any error resulting from this change should result in a link-time error.
- Under the unstable ABI, the internal alignment requirements for heap allocations
inside ``std::string`` has decreased from 16 to 8. This saves memory since string requests fewer additional
bytes than it did previously. However, this also changes the return value of ``std::string::max_size``
and can cause code compiled against older libc++ versions but linked at runtime to a new version
to throw a different exception when attempting allocations that are too large
(``std::bad_alloc`` vs ``std::length_error``).
Build System Changes
- The ``LIBCXX_EXECUTOR`` CMake variable has been deprecated. If you are relying on this, the new replacement is
passing ``-Dexecutor=...`` to ``llvm-lit``. Alternatively, this flag can be made persistent in the generated test
configuration file by passing ``-DLIBCXX_TEST_PARAMS=executor=...``. This also applies to the ``LIBUWIND_EXECTOR``
and ``LIBCXXABI_EXECUTOR`` CMake variables. LLVM 19 will completely remove support for the ``*_EXECUTOR`` variables.