blob: e86933593a7d471f4100e44dc18d74a5ef4480a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/first_party_sets/local_set_declaration.h"
#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
#include "net/base/schemeful_site.h"
#include "net/first_party_sets/first_party_set_entry.h"
namespace net {
LocalSetDeclaration::LocalSetDeclaration() = default;
base::flat_map<SchemefulSite, FirstPartySetEntry> set_entries,
base::flat_map<SchemefulSite, SchemefulSite> aliases)
: entries_(std::move(set_entries)), aliases_(std::move(aliases)) {
// Every alias must map to some canonical site in `entries_`.
aliases_, [&](const auto& p) { return entries_.contains(p.second); }));
if (!entries_.empty()) {
// Must not be a singleton set (i.e. must have more than one entry).
CHECK_GT(entries_.size() + aliases_.size(), 1u);
// All provided entries must have the same primary site. I.e., there must
// only be one set.
const SchemefulSite& primary = entries_.begin()->second.primary();
[&](const std::pair<SchemefulSite, FirstPartySetEntry>& pair) {
return pair.second.primary() == primary;
LocalSetDeclaration::~LocalSetDeclaration() = default;
LocalSetDeclaration::LocalSetDeclaration(const LocalSetDeclaration&) = default;
LocalSetDeclaration& LocalSetDeclaration::operator=(
const LocalSetDeclaration&) = default;
LocalSetDeclaration::LocalSetDeclaration(LocalSetDeclaration&&) = default;
LocalSetDeclaration& LocalSetDeclaration::operator=(LocalSetDeclaration&&) =
} // namespace net