blob: 98d8012e544a537da8f0bd51a03bcda230178d78 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <bitset>
#include <cstdint>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
class GURL;
namespace net {
// This class represents if a cookie was included or excluded in a cookie get or
// set operation, and if excluded why. It holds a vector of reasons for
// exclusion, where cookie inclusion is represented by the absence of any
// exclusion reasons. Also marks whether a cookie should be warned about, e.g.
// for deprecation or intervention reasons.
// TODO( Improve serialization validation comments.
class NET_EXPORT CookieInclusionStatus {
// Types of reasons why a cookie might be excluded.
enum ExclusionReason {
// Statuses applied when accessing a cookie (either sending or setting):
// Cookie was HttpOnly, but the attempted access was through a non-HTTP API.
// Cookie was Secure, but the URL was not allowed to access Secure cookies.
// The cookie's domain attribute did not match the domain of the URL
// attempting access.
// The cookie's path attribute did not match the path of the URL attempting
// access.
// The cookie had SameSite=Strict, and the attempted access did not have an
// appropriate SameSiteCookieContext.
// The cookie had SameSite=Lax, and the attempted access did not have an
// appropriate SameSiteCookieContext.
// The cookie did not specify a SameSite attribute, and therefore was
// treated as if it were SameSite=Lax, and the attempted access did not have
// an appropriate SameSiteCookieContext.
// The cookie specified SameSite=None, but it was not Secure.
// Caller did not allow access to the cookie.
// Statuses only applied when creating/setting cookies:
// Cookie was malformed and could not be stored, due to problem(s) while
// parsing.
// TODO( Use more specific reasons for parsing errors.
// Attempted to set a cookie from a scheme that does not support cookies.
// Cookie would have overwritten a Secure cookie, and was not allowed to do
// so. (See "Leave Secure Cookies Alone":
// )
// Cookie would have overwritten an HttpOnly cookie, and was not allowed to
// do so.
// Cookie was set with an invalid Domain attribute.
// Cookie was set with an invalid __Host- or __Secure- prefix.
/// Cookie was set with an invalid Partitioned attribute, which is only
// valid if the cookie has a __Host- prefix.
// Cookie exceeded the name/value pair size limit.
// Cookie exceeded the attribute size limit. Note that this exclusion value
// won't be used by code that parses cookie lines since RFC6265bis
// indicates that large attributes should be ignored instead of causing the
// whole cookie to be rejected. There will be a corresponding WarningReason
// to notify users that an attribute value was ignored in that case.
// Cookie was set with a Domain attribute containing non ASCII characters.
// Special case for when a cookie is blocked by third-party cookie blocking
// but the two sites are in the same First-Party Set.
// Cookie's source_port did not match the port of the request.
// Cookie's source_scheme did not match the scheme of the request.
// Cookie is a domain cookie and has the same name as an origin cookie on
// this origin.
// Cookie contains ASCII control characters (including the tab character,
// when it appears in the middle of the cookie name, value, an attribute
// name, or an attribute value).
// Cookie is blocked for third-party cookie phaseout.
// Cookie contains no content or only whitespace.
// This should be kept last.
// Mojom and some tests assume that all the exclusion reasons will fit within
// a uint32_t. Once that's not longer true those assumptions need to be
// updated (along with this assert).
static_assert(ExclusionReason::NUM_EXCLUSION_REASONS <= 32,
"Expanding ExclusionReasons past 32 reasons requires updating "
"usage assumptions.");
// Reason to warn about a cookie. Any information contained in
// WarningReason of an included cookie may be passed to an untrusted
// renderer.
enum WarningReason {
// Of the following 3 SameSite warnings, there will be, at most, a single
// active one.
// Warn if a cookie with unspecified SameSite attribute is used in a
// cross-site context.
// Warn if a cookie with SameSite=None is not Secure.
// Warn if a cookie with unspecified SameSite attribute is defaulted into
// Lax and is sent on a request with unsafe method, only because it is new
// enough to activate the Lax-allow-unsafe intervention.
// The following warnings indicate that an included cookie with an effective
// SameSite is experiencing a SameSiteCookieContext::|context| ->
// SameSiteCookieContext::|schemeful_context| downgrade that will prevent
// its access schemefully.
// This situation means that a cookie is accessible when the
// SchemefulSameSite feature is disabled but not when it's enabled,
// indicating changed behavior and potential breakage.
// For example, a Strict to Lax downgrade for an effective SameSite=Strict
// cookie:
// This cookie would be accessible in the Strict context as its SameSite
// value is Strict. However its context for schemeful same-site becomes Lax.
// A strict cookie cannot be accessed in a Lax context and therefore the
// behavior has changed.
// As a counterexample, a Strict to Lax downgrade for an effective
// SameSite=Lax cookie: A Lax cookie can be accessed in both Strict and Lax
// contexts so there is no behavior change (and we don't warn about it).
// The warnings are in the following format:
// WARN_{context}_{schemeful_context}_DOWNGRADE_{samesite_value}_SAMESITE
// Of the following 5 SameSite warnings, there will be, at most, a single
// active one.
// Strict to Lax downgrade for an effective SameSite=Strict cookie.
// This warning is only applicable for cookies being sent because a Strict
// cookie will be set in both Strict and Lax Contexts so the downgrade will
// not affect it.
// Strict to Cross-site downgrade for an effective SameSite=Strict cookie.
// This also applies to Strict to Lax Unsafe downgrades due to Lax Unsafe
// behaving like Cross-site.
// Strict to Cross-site downgrade for an effective SameSite=Lax cookie.
// This also applies to Strict to Lax Unsafe downgrades due to Lax Unsafe
// behaving like Cross-site.
// Lax to Cross-site downgrade for an effective SameSite=Strict cookie.
// This warning is only applicable for cookies being set because a Strict
// cookie will not be sent in a Lax context so the downgrade would not
// affect it.
// Lax to Cross-site downgrade for an effective SameSite=Lax cookie.
// Advisory warning attached when a Secure cookie is accessed from (sent to,
// or set by) a non-cryptographic URL. This can happen if the URL is
// potentially trustworthy (e.g. a localhost URL, or another URL that
// the CookieAccessDelegate is configured to allow). This also applies to
// cookies with secure source schemes when scheme binding is enabled.
// TODO(chlily): Add metrics for how often and where this occurs.
// The cookie would have been included prior to the spec change considering
// redirects in the SameSite context calculation
// (
// but would have been excluded after the spec change, due to a cross-site
// redirect causing the SameSite context calculation to be downgraded.
// This is applied if and only if the cookie's inclusion was changed by
// considering redirect chains (and is applied regardless of which context
// was actually used for the inclusion decision). This is not applied if
// the context was downgraded but the cookie would have been
// included/excluded in both cases.
// The cookie exceeded the attribute size limit. RFC6265bis indicates that
// large attributes should be ignored instead of causing the whole cookie
// to be rejected. This is applied by the code that parses cookie lines and
// notifies the user that an attribute value was ignored.
// The cookie was set with a Domain attribute containing non ASCII
// characters.
// The cookie's source_port did not match the port of the request.
// The cookie's source_scheme did not match the scheme of the request.
// The cookie's creation url is non-cryptographic but it specified the
// "Secure" attribute. A trustworthy url may be setting this cookie, but we
// can't confirm/deny that at the time of creation.
// Cookie is a domain cookie and has the same name as an origin cookie on
// this origin. This cookie would be blocked if shadowing protection was
// enabled.
// This cookie will be blocked for third-party cookie phaseout.
// This should be kept last.
// Mojom and some tests assume that all the warning reasons will fit within
// a uint32_t. Once that's not longer true those assumptions need to be
// updated (along with this assert).
static_assert(WarningReason::NUM_WARNING_REASONS <= 32,
"Expanding WarningReasons past 32 reasons requires updating "
"usage assumptions.");
// These enums encode the context downgrade warnings + the secureness of the
// url sending/setting the cookie. They're used for metrics only. The format
// is k{context}{schemeful_context}{samesite_value}{securness}.
// kNoDowngrade{securness} indicates that a cookie didn't have a breaking
// context downgrade and was A) included B) excluded only due to insufficient
// same-site context. I.e. the cookie wasn't excluded due to other reasons
// such as third-party cookie blocking. Keep this in line with
// SameSiteCookieContextBreakingDowngradeWithSecureness in enums.xml.
enum class ContextDowngradeMetricValues {
kNoDowngradeInsecure = 0,
kNoDowngradeSecure = 1,
kStrictLaxStrictInsecure = 2,
kStrictCrossStrictInsecure = 3,
kStrictCrossLaxInsecure = 4,
kLaxCrossStrictInsecure = 5,
kLaxCrossLaxInsecure = 6,
kStrictLaxStrictSecure = 7,
kStrictCrossStrictSecure = 8,
kStrictCrossLaxSecure = 9,
kLaxCrossStrictSecure = 10,
kLaxCrossLaxSecure = 11,
// Keep last.
kMaxValue = kLaxCrossLaxSecure
using ExclusionReasonBitset =
using WarningReasonBitset = std::bitset<WarningReason::NUM_WARNING_REASONS>;
// Makes a status that says include and should not warn.
// Make a status that contains the given exclusion reason.
explicit CookieInclusionStatus(ExclusionReason reason);
// Makes a status that contains the given exclusion reason and warning.
CookieInclusionStatus(ExclusionReason reason, WarningReason warning);
// Makes a status that contains the given warning.
explicit CookieInclusionStatus(WarningReason warning);
// Copyable.
CookieInclusionStatus(const CookieInclusionStatus& other);
CookieInclusionStatus& operator=(const CookieInclusionStatus& other);
bool operator==(const CookieInclusionStatus& other) const;
bool operator!=(const CookieInclusionStatus& other) const;
bool operator<(const CookieInclusionStatus& other) const;
// Whether the status is to include the cookie, and has no other reasons for
// exclusion.
bool IsInclude() const;
// Whether the given reason for exclusion is present.
bool HasExclusionReason(ExclusionReason status_type) const;
// Whether the given reason for exclusion is present, and is the ONLY reason
// for exclusion.
bool HasOnlyExclusionReason(ExclusionReason status_type) const;
// Add an exclusion reason.
void AddExclusionReason(ExclusionReason status_type);
// Remove an exclusion reason.
void RemoveExclusionReason(ExclusionReason reason);
// Remove multiple exclusion reasons.
void RemoveExclusionReasons(const std::vector<ExclusionReason>& reasons);
// If the cookie would have been excluded for reasons other than
// SameSite-related reasons, don't bother warning about it (clear the
// warning).
void MaybeClearSameSiteWarning();
// Whether to record the breaking downgrade metrics if the cookie is included
// or if it's only excluded because of insufficient same-site context.
bool ShouldRecordDowngradeMetrics() const;
// Whether the cookie should be warned about.
bool ShouldWarn() const;
// Whether the given reason for warning is present.
bool HasWarningReason(WarningReason reason) const;
// Whether a schemeful downgrade warning is present.
// A schemeful downgrade means that an included cookie with an effective
// SameSite is experiencing a SameSiteCookieContext::|context| ->
// SameSiteCookieContext::|schemeful_context| downgrade that will prevent its
// access schemefully. If the function returns true and |reason| is valid then
// |reason| will contain which warning was found.
bool HasSchemefulDowngradeWarning(
CookieInclusionStatus::WarningReason* reason = nullptr) const;
// Add an warning reason.
void AddWarningReason(WarningReason reason);
// Remove an warning reason.
void RemoveWarningReason(WarningReason reason);
// Used for serialization/deserialization.
ExclusionReasonBitset exclusion_reasons() const { return exclusion_reasons_; }
void set_exclusion_reasons(ExclusionReasonBitset exclusion_reasons) {
exclusion_reasons_ = exclusion_reasons;
WarningReasonBitset warning_reasons() const { return warning_reasons_; }
void set_warning_reasons(WarningReasonBitset warning_reasons) {
warning_reasons_ = warning_reasons;
ContextDowngradeMetricValues GetBreakingDowngradeMetricsEnumValue(
const GURL& url) const;
// Get exclusion reason(s) and warning in string format.
std::string GetDebugString() const;
// Checks whether the exclusion reasons are exactly the set of exclusion
// reasons in the vector. (Ignores warnings.)
bool HasExactlyExclusionReasonsForTesting(
std::vector<ExclusionReason> reasons) const;
// Checks whether the warning reasons are exactly the set of warning
// reasons in the vector. (Ignores exclusions.)
bool HasExactlyWarningReasonsForTesting(
std::vector<WarningReason> reasons) const;
// Validates mojo data, since mojo does not support bitsets.
// TODO( Improve serialization validation comments
// and check for mutually exclusive values.
static bool ValidateExclusionAndWarningFromWire(uint32_t exclusion_reasons,
uint32_t warning_reasons);
// Makes a status that contains the given exclusion reasons and warning.
static CookieInclusionStatus MakeFromReasonsForTesting(
std::vector<ExclusionReason> reasons,
std::vector<WarningReason> warnings = std::vector<WarningReason>());
// Returns true if the cookie was excluded because of user preferences.
// HasOnlyExclusionReason(EXCLUDE_USER_PREFERENCES) will not return true for
// third-party cookies blocked in sites in the same First-Party Set. See
bool ExcludedByUserPreferences() const;
void ResetForTesting() {
// Returns the `exclusion_reasons_` with the given `reasons` unset.
ExclusionReasonBitset ExclusionReasonsWithout(
const std::vector<ExclusionReason>& reasons) const;
// If the cookie would have been excluded by reasons that are not
// Third-party cookie phaseout related, clear the Third-party cookie phaseout
// warning/exclusion reason in this case.
void MaybeClearThirdPartyPhaseoutReason();
// A bit vector of the applicable exclusion reasons.
ExclusionReasonBitset exclusion_reasons_;
// A bit vector of the applicable warning reasons.
WarningReasonBitset warning_reasons_;
NET_EXPORT inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const CookieInclusionStatus status) {
return os << status.GetDebugString();
// Provided to allow gtest to create more helpful error messages, instead of
// printing hex.
inline void PrintTo(const CookieInclusionStatus& cis, std::ostream* os) {
*os << cis;
} // namespace net