blob: 4347baf0f03ca08de18d6da4c84108659bf135c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/cert/internal/trust_store_android.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/task/task_traits.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool.h"
#include "base/threading/scoped_blocking_call.h"
#include "net/android/network_library.h"
#include "net/cert/x509_certificate.h"
#include "net/cert/x509_util.h"
#include "third_party/boringssl/src/pki/cert_errors.h"
#include "third_party/boringssl/src/pki/parse_name.h"
#include "third_party/boringssl/src/pki/parsed_certificate.h"
namespace net {
class TrustStoreAndroid::Impl
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<TrustStoreAndroid::Impl> {
explicit Impl(int generation) : generation_(generation) {
base::ScopedBlockingCall scoped_blocking_call(
FROM_HERE, base::BlockingType::MAY_BLOCK);
std::vector<std::string> roots = net::android::GetUserAddedRoots();
for (auto& root : roots) {
bssl::CertErrors errors;
auto parsed = bssl::ParsedCertificate::Create(
net::x509_util::DefaultParseCertificateOptions(), &errors);
if (!parsed) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing certificate:\n" << errors.ToDebugString();
// TODO(hchao): see if we can get SyncGetIssueresOf marked const
void SyncGetIssuersOf(const bssl::ParsedCertificate* cert,
bssl::ParsedCertificateList* issuers) {
trust_store_.SyncGetIssuersOf(cert, issuers);
// TODO(hchao): see if we can get GetTrust marked const again
bssl::CertificateTrust GetTrust(const bssl::ParsedCertificate* cert) {
return trust_store_.GetTrust(cert);
int generation() { return generation_; }
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<TrustStoreAndroid::Impl>;
~Impl() = default;
// Generation # that trust_store_ was loaded at.
const int generation_;
bssl::TrustStoreInMemory trust_store_;
TrustStoreAndroid::TrustStoreAndroid() = default;
TrustStoreAndroid::~TrustStoreAndroid() {
if (is_observing_certdb_changes_) {
void TrustStoreAndroid::Initialize() {
// This function is not thread safe. CertDatabase observation is added here
// rather than in the constructor to avoid having to add a TaskEnvironment to
// every unit test that uses TrustStoreAndroid.
void TrustStoreAndroid::ObserveCertDBChanges() {
if (!is_observing_certdb_changes_) {
is_observing_certdb_changes_ = true;
void TrustStoreAndroid::OnTrustStoreChanged() {
// Increment the generation number. This will regenerate the impl_ next time
// it is fetched. It would be neater to regenerate the impl_ here but
// complications around blocking of threads prevents this from being easily
// accomplished.
TrustStoreAndroid::MaybeInitializeAndGetImpl() {
base::AutoLock lock(init_lock_);
// It is possible that generation_ might be incremented in between the various
// statements here, but that's okay as the worst case is that we will cause a
// bit of extra work in reloading the android trust store if we get many
// OnTrustStoreChanged() calls in rapid succession.
int current_generation = generation_.load();
if (!impl_ || impl_->generation() != current_generation) {
impl_ = base::MakeRefCounted<TrustStoreAndroid::Impl>(current_generation);
return impl_;
void TrustStoreAndroid::SyncGetIssuersOf(const bssl::ParsedCertificate* cert,
bssl::ParsedCertificateList* issuers) {
MaybeInitializeAndGetImpl()->SyncGetIssuersOf(cert, issuers);
bssl::CertificateTrust TrustStoreAndroid::GetTrust(
const bssl::ParsedCertificate* cert) {
return MaybeInitializeAndGetImpl()->GetTrust(cert);
} // namespace net