blob: be091f9bfbe6cd8e1972c1732096e41c72f76490 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include "base/unguessable_token.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/base/network_isolation_key.h"
#include "net/base/schemeful_site.h"
namespace base {
class Value;
namespace net {
// NetworkAnonymizationKey will be used to partition shared network state based
// on the context on which they were made. This class is an expiremental key
// that contains properties that will be changed via feature flags.
// NetworkAnonymizationKey contains the following properties:
// `top_frame_site` represents the SchemefulSite of the pages top level frame.
// In order to separate first and third party context from each other this field
// will always be populated.
// `is_cross_site` indicates whether the key is cross-site or same-site. A
// same-site key indicates that he schemeful site of the top frame and the frame
// are the same. Intermediary frames between the two may be cross-site to them.
// The effect of this property is to partition first-party and third-party
// resources within a given `top_frame_site`.
// The following show how the `is_cross_site` boolean is populated for the
// innermost frame in the chain.
// a->a => is_cross_site = false
// a->b => is_cross_site = true
// a->b->a => is_cross_site = false
// a->(sandboxed a [has nonce]) => is_cross_site = true
// The `nonce` value creates a key for anonymous iframes by giving them a
// temporary `nonce` value which changes per top level navigation. For now, any
// NetworkAnonymizationKey with a nonce will be considered transient. This is
// being considered to possibly change in the future in an effort to allow
// anonymous iframes with the same partition key access to shared resources.
// The nonce value will be empty except for anonymous iframes.
// TODO @brgoldstein, add link to public documentation of key scheme naming
// conventions.
class NET_EXPORT NetworkAnonymizationKey {
// Construct an empty key.
const NetworkAnonymizationKey& network_anonymization_key);
NetworkAnonymizationKey(NetworkAnonymizationKey&& network_anonymization_key);
NetworkAnonymizationKey& operator=(
const NetworkAnonymizationKey& network_anonymization_key);
NetworkAnonymizationKey& operator=(
NetworkAnonymizationKey&& network_anonymization_key);
// Compare keys for equality, true if all enabled fields are equal.
bool operator==(const NetworkAnonymizationKey& other) const {
return std::tie(top_frame_site_, is_cross_site_, nonce_) ==
std::tie(other.top_frame_site_, other.is_cross_site_, other.nonce_);
// Compare keys for inequality, true if any enabled field varies.
bool operator!=(const NetworkAnonymizationKey& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
// Provide an ordering for keys based on all enabled fields.
bool operator<(const NetworkAnonymizationKey& other) const {
return std::tie(top_frame_site_, is_cross_site_, nonce_) <
std::tie(other.top_frame_site_, other.is_cross_site_, other.nonce_);
// Create a `NetworkAnonymizationKey` from a `top_frame_site`, assuming it is
// same-site (see comment on the class, above) and has no nonce.
static NetworkAnonymizationKey CreateSameSite(
const SchemefulSite& top_frame_site) {
return NetworkAnonymizationKey(top_frame_site, false, std::nullopt);
// Create a `NetworkAnonymizationKey` from a `top_frame_site`, assuming it is
// cross-site (see comment on the class, above) and has no nonce.
static NetworkAnonymizationKey CreateCrossSite(
const SchemefulSite& top_frame_site) {
return NetworkAnonymizationKey(top_frame_site, true, std::nullopt);
// Create a `NetworkAnonymizationKey` from a `top_frame_site` and
// `frame_site`. This calculates is_cross_site on the basis of those two
// sites.
static NetworkAnonymizationKey CreateFromFrameSite(
const SchemefulSite& top_frame_site,
const SchemefulSite& frame_site,
std::optional<base::UnguessableToken> nonce = std::nullopt);
// Creates a `NetworkAnonymizationKey` from a `NetworkIsolationKey`. This is
// possible because a `NetworkIsolationKey` must always be more granular
// than a `NetworkAnonymizationKey`.
static NetworkAnonymizationKey CreateFromNetworkIsolationKey(
const net::NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key);
// Creates a `NetworkAnonymizationKey` from its constituent parts. This
// is intended to be used to build a NAK from Mojo, and for tests.
static NetworkAnonymizationKey CreateFromParts(
const SchemefulSite& top_frame_site,
bool is_cross_site,
std::optional<base::UnguessableToken> nonce = std::nullopt) {
return NetworkAnonymizationKey(top_frame_site, is_cross_site, nonce);
// Creates a transient non-empty NetworkAnonymizationKey by creating an opaque
// origin. This prevents the NetworkAnonymizationKey from sharing data with
// other NetworkAnonymizationKey.
static NetworkAnonymizationKey CreateTransient();
// Returns the string representation of the key.
std::string ToDebugString() const;
// Returns true if all parts of the key are empty.
bool IsEmpty() const;
// Returns true if `top_frame_site_` is non-empty.
bool IsFullyPopulated() const;
// Returns true if this key's lifetime is short-lived. It may not make sense
// to persist state to disk related to it (e.g., disk cache).
// A NetworkAnonymizationKey will be considered transient if
// `top_frame_site_` is empty or opaque or if the key has a `nonce_`.
bool IsTransient() const;
// Getters for the top frame, frame site, nonce and is cross site flag.
const std::optional<SchemefulSite>& GetTopFrameSite() const {
return top_frame_site_;
bool IsCrossSite() const { return is_cross_site_; }
bool IsSameSite() const { return !IsCrossSite(); }
const std::optional<base::UnguessableToken>& GetNonce() const {
return nonce_;
// Returns a representation of |this| as a base::Value. Returns false on
// failure. Succeeds if either IsEmpty() or !IsTransient().
[[nodiscard]] bool ToValue(base::Value* out_value) const;
// Inverse of ToValue(). Writes the result to |network_anonymization_key|.
// Returns false on failure. Fails on values that could not have been produced
// by ToValue(), like transient origins.
[[nodiscard]] static bool FromValue(
const base::Value& value,
NetworkAnonymizationKey* out_network_anonymization_key);
// Determine whether network state partitioning is enabled. This is true if
// any of the features
// * `SplitHostCacheByNetworkIsolationKey`
// * `PartitionConnectionsByNetworkIsolationKey`
// * `PartitionHttpServerPropertiesByNetworkIsolationKey`
// * `PartitionSSLSessionsByNetworkIsolationKey`
// * `PartitionNelAndReportingByNetworkIsolationKey`
// is enabled, or if `PartitionByDefault()` has been called.
static bool IsPartitioningEnabled();
// Default partitioning to enabled, regardless of feature settings. This must
// be called before any calls to `IsPartitioningEnabled()`.
static void PartitionByDefault();
// Clear partitioning-related globals.
static void ClearGlobalsForTesting();
const SchemefulSite& top_frame_site,
bool is_cross_site,
std::optional<base::UnguessableToken> nonce = std::nullopt);
std::string GetSiteDebugString(
const std::optional<SchemefulSite>& site) const;
static std::optional<std::string> SerializeSiteWithNonce(
const SchemefulSite& site);
// The origin/etld+1 of the top frame of the page making the request. This
// will always be populated unless all other fields are also nullopt.
std::optional<SchemefulSite> top_frame_site_;
// True if the frame site is cross site when compared to the top frame site.
// This is always false for a non-fully-populated NAK.
bool is_cross_site_;
// for non-opaque origins.
std::optional<base::UnguessableToken> nonce_;
} // namespace net