blob: e57fe887eb348871c32bb42e1956b078a29da73a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "net/base/ip_address.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
struct ifaddrmsg;
namespace net {
class AddressMapCacheLinux;
namespace internal {
class AddressTrackerLinux;
// Various components of //net need to access a real-time-updated AddressMap
// (see comments below). For example, AddressSorterPosix (used in DNS
// resolution) and GetNetworkList() (used in many places).
// The methods defined in this interface should be safe to call from any thread.
class NET_EXPORT AddressMapOwnerLinux {
// A map from net::IPAddress to netlink's ifaddrmsg, which includes
// information about the network interface that the IP address is associated
// with (e.g. interface index).
using AddressMap = std::map<IPAddress, struct ifaddrmsg>;
// Represents a diff between one AddressMap and a new one. IPAddresses that
// map to std::nullopt have been deleted from the map, and IPAddresses that
// map to non-nullopt have been added or updated.
using AddressMapDiff =
base::flat_map<IPAddress, std::optional<struct ifaddrmsg>>;
// Represents a diff between one set of online links and new one. Interface
// indices that map to true are newly online and indices that map to false are
// newly offline.
using OnlineLinksDiff = base::flat_map<int, bool>;
// A callback for diffs, to be used by AddressTrackerLinux.
using DiffCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const AddressMapDiff& addr_diff,
const OnlineLinksDiff&)>;
AddressMapOwnerLinux() = default;
AddressMapOwnerLinux(const AddressMapOwnerLinux&) = delete;
AddressMapOwnerLinux& operator=(const AddressMapOwnerLinux&) = delete;
virtual ~AddressMapOwnerLinux() = default;
// These functions can be called on any thread. Implementations should use
// locking if necessary.
// Returns the current AddressMap.
virtual AddressMap GetAddressMap() const = 0;
// Returns set of interface indices for online interfaces.
virtual std::unordered_set<int> GetOnlineLinks() const = 0;
// These are the concrete implementations of AddressMapOwnerLinux and these
// functions serve as an ad-hoc dynamic cast to the concrete implementation,
// so this base class is not polluted with methods that end up unimplemented
// in one subclass.
virtual internal::AddressTrackerLinux* GetAddressTrackerLinux();
virtual AddressMapCacheLinux* GetAddressMapCacheLinux();
} // namespace net