blob: 0d37ddb2b34d1044edb3aa6192303037b8ba93f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include "base/containers/enum_set.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "components/metrics/metrics_provider.h"
#include "components/metrics/structured/event.h"
#include "components/metrics/structured/event_storage.h"
#include "components/metrics/structured/key_data.h"
#include "components/metrics/structured/key_data_provider.h"
#include "components/metrics/structured/project_validator.h"
#include "components/metrics/structured/recorder.h"
namespace metrics::structured {
// StructuredMetricsRecorder is responsible for storing and managing the all
// Structured Metrics events recorded on-device. This class is not thread safe
// and should only be called on the browser UI sequence, because calls from the
// metrics service come on the UI sequence.
// This is to be used as a base class for different platform implementations.
// The subclass will instantiate the desired KeyDataProvider and EventStorage.
// This class accepts events to record from
// StructuredMetricsRecorder::OnRecord via Recorder::Record via
// Event::Record. These events are not uploaded immediately, and are cached
// in ready-to-upload form.
class StructuredMetricsRecorder : public Recorder::RecorderImpl,
KeyDataProvider::Observer {
StructuredMetricsRecorder(std::unique_ptr<KeyDataProvider> key_data_provider,
std::unique_ptr<EventStorage> event_storage);
~StructuredMetricsRecorder() override;
StructuredMetricsRecorder(const StructuredMetricsRecorder&) = delete;
StructuredMetricsRecorder& operator=(const StructuredMetricsRecorder&) =
// Manages whether or not Structured Metrics is recording.
// If these functions are overloaded, make sure they are explicitly called in
// the overriding function.
virtual void EnableRecording();
virtual void DisableRecording();
void Purge();
bool recording_enabled() const { return recording_enabled_; }
void ProvideUmaEventMetrics(ChromeUserMetricsExtension& uma_proto);
// Provides event metrics stored in the recorder into |uma_proto|.
// This calls OnIndependentMetrics() to populate |uma_proto| with metadata
// fields.
virtual void ProvideEventMetrics(ChromeUserMetricsExtension& uma_proto);
// Returns true if ready to provide metrics via ProvideEventMetrics.
bool CanProvideMetrics();
// Returns true if there are metrics to provide.
bool HasMetricsToProvide();
// KeyDataProvider::Observer:
void OnKeyReady() override;
EventStorage* event_storage() { return event_storage_.get(); }
KeyDataProvider* key_data_provider() { return key_data_provider_.get(); }
friend class TestStructuredMetricsProvider;
friend class StructuredMetricsMixin;
// Recorder::RecorderImpl:
void OnProfileAdded(const base::FilePath& profile_path) override;
void OnEventRecord(const Event& event) override;
// Different initialization states for the recorder.
enum State {
// Set once OnKeyReady has been called once.
// Set once OnProfileAdded has been called once.
// Set once the profile key data has been initialized.
kMaxValue = kProfileKeyDataInitialized,
// Collection of InitValues that represents the current initialization state
// of the recorder.
// For events to be persisted, both kKeyDataInitialized, kEventsInitialized,
// and kProfileKeyDataInitialized msut be set for events to be recorded.
using InitState =
base::EnumSet<State, State::kUninitialized, State::kMaxValue>;
bool HasState(State state) const;
friend class Recorder;
friend class StructuredMetricsMixin;
friend class StructuredMetricsProviderTest;
friend class StructuredMetricsRecorderTest;
friend class StructuredMetricsRecorderHwidTest;
friend class TestStructuredMetricsRecorder;
friend class TestStructuredMetricsProvider;
friend class StructuredMetricsServiceTest;
// Recorder::RecorderImpl:
void OnReportingStateChanged(bool enabled) override;
// Records events before IsInitialized().
void RecordEventBeforeInitialization(const Event& event);
// Records events before IsProfileInitialized().
void RecordProfileEventBeforeInitialization(const Event& event);
// Records |event| to persistent disk to be eventually sent.
void RecordEvent(const Event& event);
// Sets the event and project fields and the identification fields.
void InitializeEventProto(StructuredEventProto* proto,
const Event& event,
const ProjectValidator& project_validator,
const EventValidator& event_validator);
// Processes the events metric to proto format.
void AddMetricsToProto(StructuredEventProto* proto,
const Event& event,
const ProjectValidator& project_validator,
const EventValidator& validator);
// Adds sequence metadata to the event.
virtual void AddSequenceMetadata(StructuredEventProto* proto,
const Event& event,
const ProjectValidator& project_validator,
const KeyData& key_data) {}
// Populates system profile needed for Structured Metrics.
// Independent metric uploads will rely on a SystemProfileProvider
// to supply the system profile since ChromeOSMetricsProvider will
// not be called to populate the SystemProfile.
void ProvideSystemProfile(SystemProfileProto* system_profile);
// Hashes events and persists the events to disk. Should be called once |this|
// has been initialized.
void HashUnhashedEventsAndPersist();
// Checks if |project_name_hash| can be uploaded.
bool CanUploadProject(uint64_t project_name_hash) const;
// Builds a cache of disallow projects from the Finch controlled variable.
void CacheDisallowedProjectsSet();
// Returns true if key data is ready to use.
bool IsKeyDataInitialized();
// Returns true if ready to record events.
bool IsInitialized();
// Returns true if ready to record profile events.
bool IsProfileInitialized();
// Returns whether the |event| can be recorded event if metrics is opted-out.
// Note that uploading is still guarded by metrics opt-in state and that these
// events will never be uploaded. In the event that a user opts-in, these
// events will be purged.
bool CanForceRecord(const Event& event) const;
// Helper functions to determine scope of the event.
bool IsDeviceEvent(const Event& event) const;
bool IsProfileEvent(const Event& event) const;
// Helper function to get the validators for |event|.
absl::optional<std::pair<const ProjectValidator*, const EventValidator*>>
GetEventValidators(const Event& event) const;
void SetOnReadyToRecord(base::OnceClosure callback);
// Sets a callback to be made every time an event is recorded. This is exposed
// so that tests can check if a specific event is recorded since recording
// happens asynchronously.
void SetEventRecordCallbackForTest(base::RepeatingClosure callback);
// Adds a project to the diallowed list for testing.
void AddDisallowedProjectForTest(uint64_t project_name_hash);
// Key data provider that provides device and profile keys.
std::unique_ptr<KeyDataProvider> key_data_provider_;
// Storage for events while on device.
std::unique_ptr<EventStorage> event_storage_;
// Whether the metrics provider has completed initialization. Initialization
// occurs across OnProfileAdded and OnKeyReady. No incoming
// events are recorded until initialization has succeeded.
// Execution is:
// - A profile is added.
// - OnProfileAdded is called, which constructs |storage_| and
// asynchronously reads events and keys are loaded.
// The metrics provider does not handle multiprofile: initialization happens
// only once, for the first-logged-in account aka. primary user.
// After a profile is added, two files need to be read from disk:
// per-profile keys and per-device keys. |init_count_| tracks
// how many of these have been read and, when it reaches 2, we set
// |init_state_| to kInitialized.
InitState init_state_;
// Tracks the recording state signalled to the metrics provider by
// OnRecordingEnabled and OnRecordingDisabled. This is false until
// OnRecordingEnabled is called, which sets it true if structured metrics'
// feature flag is enabled.
bool recording_enabled_ = false;
// Set by OnReportingStateChanged if all keys and events should be deleted,
// but the files backing that state haven't been initialized yet. If set,
// state will be purged upon initialization.
bool purge_state_on_init_ = false;
// Store for events that were recorded before keys are loaded.
std::deque<Event> unhashed_events_;
// Store for events that were recorded before profile keys are loaded.
std::deque<Event> unhashed_profile_events_;
// A set of projects that are not allowed to be recorded. This is a cache of
// GetDisabledProjects().
base::flat_set<uint64_t> disallowed_projects_;
// Callbacks for tests whenever an event is recorded.
base::RepeatingClosure test_callback_on_record_ = base::DoNothing();
// Callback to be made once recorder is ready to persist events to disk.
base::OnceClosure on_ready_callback_ = base::DoNothing();
base::WeakPtrFactory<StructuredMetricsRecorder> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace metrics::structured