blob: 78bdd71cab6adb151f3aaca320373a71c5bc69e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace metrics::features {
// This is forward-declared since this file cannot have a direct dependency on
// //components/metrics to avoid circular dependencies. This feature is defined
// in //components/metrics/
} // namespace metrics::features
namespace metrics::structured {
// Controls whether event sequence logging is enabled or not.
// Controls whether fast pair logging is enabled or not.
// Controls whether nearby share logging is enabled or not.
// Controls whether the structured metrics service is recorder instead of the
// provider.
// Controls whether Phone Hub Structured Metrics is enabled or not.
// Controls the minimum number of logs to be stored.
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kMinLogQueueCount;
// Controls the minimum size of all logs that can be stored in bytes.
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kMinLogQueueSizeBytes;
// Controls the maximum size of a single log in bytes.
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kMaxLogSizeBytes;
// TODO( This is a temporary switch to revert structured
// metrics upload to its old behaviour. Old behaviour:
// - all metrics are uploaded in the main UMA upload
// New behaviour:
// - Projects with id type 'uma' are uploaded in the main UMA uploaded
// - Projects with id type 'project-id' or 'none' are uploaded independently.
// Once we are comfortable with this change, this parameter can be removed.
bool IsIndependentMetricsUploadEnabled();
// Returns the parameter used to control how many files will be read into memory
// before events start being discarded.
// This is to prevent too many files to be read into memory, causing Chrome to
// OOM.
int GetFileLimitPerScan();
// Returns the parameter used to control the max size of an event. Any event
// exceeding this memory limit will be discarded. Defaults to 50KB.
int GetFileSizeByteLimit();
// Returns the upload cadence in minutes for which events are uploaded to the
// UMA service to either be persisted as logs or uploaded.
int GetUploadCadenceMinutes();
// Returns the KiB proto limit per log. Events will not be added if the current
// log exceeds the proto limit and events will be dropped if exceeded.
int GetProtoKiBLimit();
// Returns the parameter used to control what projects are allowed to be
// recorded.
std::string GetDisabledProjects();
// Retrieves the Structured Metrics upload interval (defaults to 40 minutes).
int GetUploadInterval();
// Retrieves the collection interval for external metrics (defaults to 10
// minutes).
base::TimeDelta GetExternalMetricsCollectionInterval();
} // namespace metrics::structured