blob: 63a80b97594bb18f42f634695bde3765bd9d8fc8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "components/metrics/structured/persistent_proto.h"
#include "components/metrics/structured/storage.pb.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace metrics::structured {
class KeyDataTest;
// KeyData is the central class for managing keys and generating hashes for
// structured metrics.
// The class maintains one key and its rotation data for every project defined
// in /tools/metrics/structured/sync/structured.xml. This can be used to
// generate:
// - an ID for the project with KeyData::Id.
// - a hash of a given value for an event with KeyData::HmacMetric.
// KeyData performs key rotation. Every project is associated with a rotation
// period, which is 90 days unless specified in structured.xml. Keys are rotated
// with a resolution of one day. They are guaranteed not to be used for
// HmacMetric or UserProjectId for longer than their rotation period, except in
// cases of local clock changes.
// When first created, every project's key rotation date is selected uniformly
// so that there is an even distribution of rotations across users. This means
// that, for most users, the first rotation period will be shorter than the
// standard full rotation period for that project.
// Key storage is backed by a PersistentProto, stored at the path given to the
// constructor.
class KeyData {
KeyData(const base::FilePath& path,
const base::TimeDelta& save_delay,
base::OnceCallback<void()> on_initialized);
KeyData(const KeyData&) = delete;
KeyData& operator=(const KeyData&) = delete;
// Returns a digest of |value| for |metric| in the context of
// |project_name_hash|. Terminology: a metric is a (name, value) pair, and an
// event is a bundle of metrics. Each event is associated with a project.
// - |project_name_hash| is the uint64 name hash of a project.
// - |metric_name_hash| is the uint64 name hash of a metric.
// - |value| is the string value to hash.
// The result is the HMAC digest of the |value| salted with |metric|, using
// the key for |project_name_hash|. That is:
// HMAC_SHA256(key(project_name_hash), concat(value, hex(event),
// hex(metric)))
// Returns 0u in case of an error.
uint64_t HmacMetric(uint64_t project_name_hash,
uint64_t metric_name_hash,
const std::string& value,
int key_rotation_period);
// Returns an ID for this (user, |project_name_hash|) pair.
// |project_name_hash| is the name of a project, represented by the first 8
// bytes of the MD5 hash of its name defined in structured.xml.
// The derived ID is the first 8 bytes of SHA256(key(project_name_hash)).
// Returns 0u in case of an error.
// This ID is intended as the only ID for the events of a particular
// structured metrics project. However, events are uploaded from the device
// alongside the UMA client ID, which is only removed after the event reaches
// the server. This means events are associated with the client ID when
// uploaded from the device. See the class comment of
// StructuredMetricsProvider for more details.
// Default |key_rotation_period| is 90 days.
uint64_t Id(uint64_t project_name_hash, int key_rotation_period);
// Returns when the key for |project_name_hash| was last rotated, in days
// since epoch. Returns nullopt if the key doesn't exist.
absl::optional<int> LastKeyRotation(uint64_t project_name_hash) const;
// Return the age of the key for |project_name_hash| since the last rotation,
// in weeks.
absl::optional<int> GetKeyAgeInWeeks(uint64_t project_name_hash) const;
// Clears all key data from memory and from disk. If this is called before the
// underlying proto has been read from disk, the purge will be performed once
// the read is complete.
void Purge();
// Returns whether this KeyData instance has finished reading from disk and is
// ready to be used. If false, both Id and HmacMetric will return 0u.
bool is_initialized() { return is_initialized_; }
friend class KeyDataTest;
void WriteNowForTest();
void OnRead(ReadStatus status);
void OnWrite(WriteStatus status);
// Ensure that a valid key exists for |project|, and return it. Either returns
// a string of size |kKeySize| or absl::nullopt, which indicates an error. If
// a key doesn't exist OR if the key needs to be rotated, then a new key with
// |key_rotation_period| will be created.
absl::optional<std::string> ValidateAndGetKey(uint64_t project_name_hash,
int key_rotation_period);
// Regenerate |key|, also updating the |last_key_rotation| and
// |key_rotation_period|. This triggers a save.
void UpdateKey(KeyProto* key, int last_key_rotation, int key_rotation_period);
// Storage for keys.
std::unique_ptr<PersistentProto<KeyDataProto>> proto_;
// Whether this instance has finished reading from disk.
bool is_initialized_ = false;
base::OnceCallback<void()> on_initialized_;
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<KeyData> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace metrics::structured