blob: e0b367973c68aef22b805cf94f7471d52188f1e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string_view>
#include "components/prefs/persistent_pref_store.h"
namespace metrics::structured {
// Possible internal errors of the structured metrics system. These are events
// we expect to never see, so only the absolute counts should be looked at, the
// bucket proportion doesn't make sense. These values are persisted to logs.
// Entries should not be renumbered and numeric values should never be reused.
enum class StructuredMetricsError {
kMissingKey = 0,
kWrongKeyLength = 1,
kMissingLastRotation = 2,
kMissingRotationPeriod = 3,
kFailedUintConversion = 4,
kKeyReadError = 5,
kKeyParseError = 6,
kKeyWriteError = 7,
kKeySerializationError = 8,
kEventReadError = 9,
kEventParseError = 10,
kEventWriteError = 11,
kEventSerializationError = 12,
kUninitializedClient = 13,
kInvalidEventParsed = 14,
kMaxValue = kInvalidEventParsed,
// Whether a single event was recorded correctly, or otherwise what error state
// occurred. These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be
// renumbered and numeric values should never be reused.
enum class EventRecordingState {
kRecorded = 0,
kProviderUninitialized = 1,
kRecordingDisabled = 2,
kProviderMissing = 3,
kProjectDisallowed = 4,
kLogSizeExceeded = 5,
kMaxValue = kLogSizeExceeded,
// Describes the action taken by KeyData::ValidateAndGetKey on a particular user
// event key. A key can either be valid with no action taken, missing and so
// created, or out of its rotation period and so re-created. These values are
// persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and numeric values should
// never be reused.
enum class KeyValidationState {
kValid = 0,
kCreated = 1,
kRotated = 2,
kMaxValue = kRotated,
void LogInternalError(StructuredMetricsError error);
void LogEventRecordingState(EventRecordingState state);
void LogKeyValidation(KeyValidationState state);
// Log how many structured metrics events were contained in a call to
// ProvideCurrentSessionData.
void LogNumEventsInUpload(int num_events);
// Logs the number of events that were recorded before device and user
// cryptographic keys have been loaded to hash events. These events will be kept
// in memory.
void LogNumEventsRecordedBeforeInit(int num_events);
// Logs the number of files processed per external metrics scan.
void LogNumFilesPerExternalMetricsScan(int num_files);
// Logs the file size of an event.
void LogEventFileSizeKB(int64_t file_size_kb);
// Logs the serialized size of an event when it is recorded in bytes.
void LogEventSerializedSizeBytes(int64_t event_size_bytes);
// Logs the StructuredMetrics uploaded size to UMA in bytes.
void LogUploadSizeBytes(int64_t upload_size_bytes);
// Logs the number of external metrics were scanned for an upload.
void LogExternalMetricsScanInUpload(int num_scans);
// Logs the number of external metrics that were dropped.
void LogDroppedExternalMetrics(int num_dropped);
// Logs the number of external metrics that were dropped per-project.
void LogDroppedProjectExternalMetrics(std::string_view project_name,
int num_dropped);
// Logs the number of external metrics produced per-project.
void LogProducedProjectExternalMetrics(std::string_view project_name,
int num_produced);
} // namespace metrics::structured