blob: 2623644c8409a6dc5b00c8ba9e0f51b3b6008a46 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "components/metrics/metrics_log.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace metrics {
// TODO(crbug/1363747): Add unit tests for the various calls to the notify
// functions in ReportingService and UnsentLogStore.
class MetricsLogsEventManager {
enum class LogEvent {
// The log was staged (queued to be uploaded).
// The log was discarded.
// The log was trimmed.
// The log has been sent out and is currently being uploaded.
// The log was successfully uploaded.
// The log was created.
enum class CreateReason {
// The log is a periodic log, which are created at regular intervals.
// The log was created due to the UMA/UKM service shutting down.
// The log was loaded from a previous session.
// The log was created due to the browser being backgrounded.
// The log was created due to the browser being foregrounded.
// The log was created due to a new alternate ongoing log store being set.
// The log was created due to the alternate ongoing log store being unset.
// The log was created due to the previous session having stability metrics
// to report.
// The log was fully created and provided by a metrics provider.
class Observer : public base::CheckedObserver {
virtual void OnLogCreated(base::StringPiece log_hash,
base::StringPiece log_data,
base::StringPiece log_timestamp,
CreateReason reason) = 0;
virtual void OnLogEvent(MetricsLogsEventManager::LogEvent event,
base::StringPiece log_hash,
base::StringPiece message) = 0;
virtual void OnLogType(absl::optional<MetricsLog::LogType> log_type) {}
Observer() = default;
~Observer() override = default;
// Helper class used to indicate that UMA logs created while an instance of
// this class is in scope are of a certain type. Only one instance of this
// class should exist at a time.
class ScopedNotifyLogType {
ScopedNotifyLogType(MetricsLogsEventManager* logs_event_manager,
MetricsLog::LogType log_type);
ScopedNotifyLogType(const ScopedNotifyLogType& other) = delete;
ScopedNotifyLogType& operator=(const ScopedNotifyLogType& other) = delete;
const raw_ptr<MetricsLogsEventManager> logs_event_manager_;
// Used to ensure that only one instance of this class exists at a time.
static bool instance_exists_;
MetricsLogsEventManager(const MetricsLogsEventManager&) = delete;
MetricsLogsEventManager& operator=(const MetricsLogsEventManager&) = delete;
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// Notifies observers that a log was newly created and is now known by the
// metrics service. This may occur when closing a log, or when loading a log
// from persistent storage. |log_hash| is the SHA1 hash of the log data, used
// to uniquely identify the log. This hash may be re-used to notify that an
// event occurred on the log (e.g., the log was trimmed, uploaded, etc.). See
// NotifyLogEvent(). |log_data| is the compressed serialized log protobuf
// (see UnsentLogStore::LogInfo for more details on the compression).
// |log_timestamp| is the time at which the log was closed.
void NotifyLogCreated(base::StringPiece log_hash,
base::StringPiece log_data,
base::StringPiece log_timestamp,
CreateReason reason);
// Notifies observers that an event |event| occurred on the log associated
// with |log_hash|. Optionally, a |message| can be associated with the event.
// In particular, for |kLogDiscarded|, |message| is the reason the log was
// discarded (e.g., log is ill-formed). For |kLogTrimmed|, |message| is the
// reason why the log was trimmed (e.g., log is too large).
void NotifyLogEvent(LogEvent event,
base::StringPiece log_hash,
base::StringPiece message = "");
// Notifies observers that logs that are created after this function is called
// are of the type |log_type|. This should only be used in UMA. This info is
// not passed through NotifyLogCreated() because the concept of a log type
// only exists in UMA, and this class is intended to be re-used across
// different metrics collection services (e.g., UKM).
// Note: Typically, this should not be called directly. Consider using
// ScopedNotifyLogType.
void NotifyLogType(absl::optional<MetricsLog::LogType> log_type);
base::ObserverList<Observer> observers_;
} // namespace metrics