blob: 3e9b26153447cfd55888362078dfe3942b7316cd [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
""" - cr - like helper tool for cronet developers
import argparse
import os
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
from datetime import datetime
def quoted_args(args):
return ' '.join([shlex.quote(arg) for arg in args])
def run(command, **kwargs):
print(command, kwargs)
return, **kwargs)
def run_shell(command, extra_options=''):
command = command + ' ' + extra_options
return os.system(command)
def gn(out_dir, gn_args, gn_extra=None):
cmd = ['gn', 'gen', out_dir, '--args=%s' % gn_args]
if gn_extra:
cmd += gn_extra
return run(cmd)
def build(out_dir, build_target, extra_options=None):
cmd = ['ninja', '-C', out_dir, build_target] + get_ninja_jobs_options()
if extra_options:
cmd += extra_options
return run(cmd)
def install(out_dir):
cmd = ['build/android/']
# Propagate PATH to avoid issues with missing tools http://crbug/1217979
env = {
'BUILDTYPE': out_dir[4:],
'PATH': os.environ.get('PATH', '')
return run(cmd + ['CronetTestInstrumentation.apk'], env=env) or \
run(cmd + ['ChromiumNetTestSupport.apk'], env=env)
def test(out_dir, extra_options):
# Ideally we would fetch this path from somewhere. Though, that's not trivial
# and very unlikely to change. This being "best effort test code", it should
# be fine just to hardcode it.
remote_netlog_dir = '/data/data/'
run(['adb', 'shell', 'rm', '-rf', remote_netlog_dir])
run([out_dir + '/bin/run_cronet_test_instrumentation_apk'] + extra_options)
local_netlog_dir = out_dir + '/netlogs_for-' +
return run(['adb', 'pull', remote_netlog_dir, local_netlog_dir])
def unittest(out_dir, extra_options):
return run([out_dir + '/bin/run_cronet_unittests_android'] +
def debug(extra_options):
return run(['build/android/adb_gdb', '--start',
''] +
def stack(out_dir):
return run_shell('adb logcat -d | CHROMIUM_OUTPUT_DIR=' +
shlex.quote(out_dir) +
' third_party/android_platform/development/scripts/stack')
def use_goma():
goma_dir = (subprocess.check_output(['goma_ctl', 'goma_dir'])
result = run(['goma_ctl', 'ensure_start'])
if not result:
return 'use_goma=true goma_dir="' + goma_dir + '" '
return ''
def get_ninja_jobs_options():
if use_goma():
return ["-j1000"]
return []
def map_config_to_android_builder(is_release, target_cpu):
target_cpu_to_base_builder = {
'x86': 'android-cronet-x86',
'x64': 'android-cronet-x64',
'arm': 'android-cronet-arm',
'arm64': 'android-cronet-arm64',
'riscv64': 'android-cronet-riscv64',
if target_cpu not in target_cpu_to_base_builder:
raise ValueError('Unsupported target CPU')
builder_name = target_cpu_to_base_builder[target_cpu]
if is_release:
builder_name += '-rel'
builder_name += '-dbg'
return builder_name
def filter_gn_args(gn_args):
gn_arg_matcher = re.compile("^.*=.*$")
# `mb_py lookup` prints out a bunch of metadata lines which we don't
# care about, we only want the GN args.
assert len(gn_args) > 4
actual_gn_args = gn_args[1:-3]
for line in gn_args:
if line in actual_gn_args:
assert gn_arg_matcher.match(line), \
f'Not dropping {line}, which does not look like a GN arg'
assert not gn_arg_matcher.match(line), \
f'Dropping {line}, which looks like a GN arg'
return list(filter(lambda string: "remoteexec" not in string, actual_gn_args))
def android_gn_gen(is_release, target_cpu, out_dir):
group_name = ''
mb_script = 'tools/mb/'
builder_name = map_config_to_android_builder(is_release, target_cpu)
# Ideally we would call `mb_py gen` directly, but we need to filter out the
# use_remoteexec arg, as that cannot be used in a local environment.
gn_args = subprocess.check_output([
'python3', mb_script, 'lookup', '-m', group_name, '-b', builder_name
gn_args = filter_gn_args(gn_args.split("\n"))
return gn(out_dir, ' '.join(gn_args))
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-d', '--out_dir', action='store',
help='name of the build directory')
parser.add_argument('-x', '--x86', action='store_true',
help='build for Intel x86 architecture')
help='build for Intel x86_64 architecture')
help='build for riscv64 architecture')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--release', action='store_true',
help='use release configuration')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--asan', action='store_true',
help='use address sanitizer')
options, extra_options = parser.parse_known_args()
print("Options:", options)
print("Extra options:", extra_options)
test_target = 'cronet_test_instrumentation_apk'
unit_target = 'cronet_unittests_android'
if options.x86:
target_cpu = 'x86'
out_dir_suffix = '-x86'
elif options.x64:
target_cpu = 'x64'
out_dir_suffix = '-x64'
elif options.riscv64:
target_cpu = 'riscv64'
out_dir_suffix = '-riscv64'
target_cpu = 'arm64'
out_dir_suffix = '-arm64'
if options.asan:
# ASAN on Android requires one-time setup described here:
out_dir_suffix += '-asan'
if options.out_dir:
out_dir = options.out_dir
if options.release:
out_dir = 'out/Release' + out_dir_suffix
out_dir = 'out/Debug' + out_dir_suffix
if (options.command=='gn'):
return android_gn_gen(options.release, target_cpu, out_dir)
if (options.command=='sync'):
return run(['git', 'pull', '--rebase']) or run(['gclient', 'sync'])
if (options.command=='build'):
return build(out_dir, test_target, extra_options)
if (options.command == 'install'):
return install(out_dir)
if (options.command == 'proguard'):
return build(out_dir, 'cronet_sample_proguard_apk')
if (options.command == 'test'):
return install(out_dir) or test(out_dir, extra_options)
if (options.command == 'build-test'):
return build(out_dir, test_target) or install(out_dir) or \
test(out_dir, extra_options)
if (options.command == 'stack'):
return stack(out_dir)
if (options.command == 'debug'):
return install(out_dir) or debug(extra_options)
if (options.command == 'build-debug'):
return build(out_dir, test_target) or install(out_dir) or \
if (options.command == 'unit'):
return unittest(out_dir, extra_options)
if (options.command == 'build-unit'):
return build(out_dir, unit_target) or unittest(out_dir, extra_options)
return 1
if __name__ == '__main__':