blob: a8cc8959965213660df3753d14de5851ec733da1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
* Test utility class for capturing logcat output.
* <p>This class is useful for testing code that logs to logcat.
* <p><b>Note:</b> when using this class, it is recommended to match the resulting log lines based
* on randomly generated markers (e.g. {@link UUID#randomUUID()}), if possible. This ensures the
* test cannot be confused by similar code running in parallel on the same device.
public final class LogcatCapture implements Closeable {
private static final String TAG = "LogcatCapture";
private Process mLogcat;
private final BufferedReader mLogcatOutput;
* Starts capturing logcat.
* <p>By default, this only captures the {@code main} log and filters out all tags and levels.
* Use {@code additionalArgs} to customize this behavior.
* @param additionalArgs Additional arguments to pass to the logcat command. This can be used
* to select which tags and levels to capture, e.g. {@code cr_MyTag:I}. Refer to the
* documentation of the {@code logcat} command for details.
LogcatCapture(List<String> additionalArgs) throws IOException {
List<String> args =
new ArrayList<String>(
Arrays.asList("logcat", "-s", "-b", "main", Log.normalizeTag(TAG) + ":I"));
mLogcat = new ProcessBuilder().command(args).start();
mLogcatOutput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(mLogcat.getInputStream()));
// To ensure we only return logs that have been produced after this point, log a line with
// a marker then consume the logcat output until we find the marker. This also provides
// useful information to a human troubleshooting the logcat output.
String marker = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
Log.i(TAG, "%s --- START OF LOGCAT CAPTURE --- (command: %s)", marker, args);
while (!readLine().contains(marker)) {}
* Waits for a log line to arrive, then returns it.
* <p>Note that, contrary to the logcat command, this will only return log lines that have been
* produced <i>after</i> the capture started. This ensures the output is not polluted by logs
* from previous tests.
* @return The log line. Never null.
* @throws IllegalStateException if {@link #close()} was called
String readLine() throws IOException {
if (mLogcat == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Attempting to read a closed LogcatCapture");
String line = mLogcatOutput.readLine();
if (line == null) {
// We've reached end of stream, which means logcat unexpectedly closed its stdout
// (most likely an error/crash). Clean up the process.
close(/* reachedEndOfStream= */ true); // guaranteed to throw
return line;
/** Stops the capture. */
public void close() {
close(/* reachedEndOfStream= */ false);
private void close(boolean reachedEndOfStream) {
if (mLogcat == null) return;
try {
// Announce the end of the capture as a courtesy to a human reading the logcat output.
String marker = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
Log.i(TAG, "%s --- END OF LOGCAT CAPTURE ---", marker);
// As a self-check, make sure the end marker shows up in the capture.
while (!reachedEndOfStream) {
String line = mLogcatOutput.readLine();
if (line == null) {
reachedEndOfStream = true;
} else if (line.contains(marker)) {
mLogcat = null;
if (reachedEndOfStream) {
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected end of stream from logcat command");
} catch (InterruptedException exception) {
throw new RuntimeException("Interrupted while closing logcat", exception);
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw new RuntimeException("I/O exception while closing logcat", exception);