blob: d6817158b3b84ae765a68bcd75b80e3c4483488a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
* An implementation of {@link} that buffers entire request
* body in memory. This is used when neither
* {@link CronetHttpURLConnection#setFixedLengthStreamingMode}
* nor {@link CronetHttpURLConnection#setChunkedStreamingMode} is set.
public final class CronetBufferedOutputStream extends CronetOutputStream {
// QUIC uses a read buffer of 14520 bytes, SPDY uses 2852 bytes, and normal
// stream uses 16384 bytes. Therefore, use 16384 for now to avoid growing
// the buffer too many times.
private static final int INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE = 16384;
// If content length is not passed in the constructor, this is -1.
private final int mInitialContentLength;
private final CronetHttpURLConnection mConnection;
private final UploadDataProvider mUploadDataProvider = new UploadDataProviderImpl();
// Internal buffer that is used to buffer the request body.
private ByteBuffer mBuffer;
private boolean mConnected;
* Package protected constructor.
* @param connection The CronetHttpURLConnection object.
* @param contentLength The content length of the request body. It must not
* be smaller than 0 or bigger than {@link Integer.MAX_VALUE}.
CronetBufferedOutputStream(final CronetHttpURLConnection connection, final long contentLength) {
if (connection == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Argument connection cannot be null.");
if (contentLength > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Use setFixedLengthStreamingMode()"
+ " or setChunkedStreamingMode() for requests larger than 2GB.");
if (contentLength < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Content length < 0.");
mConnection = connection;
mInitialContentLength = (int) contentLength;
mBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(mInitialContentLength);
* Package protected constructor used when content length is not known.
* @param connection The CronetHttpURLConnection object.
CronetBufferedOutputStream(final CronetHttpURLConnection connection) {
if (connection == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
mConnection = connection;
mInitialContentLength = -1;
// Buffering without knowing content-length.
mBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE);
public void write(int oneByte) throws IOException {
mBuffer.put((byte) oneByte);
public void write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) throws IOException {
mBuffer.put(buffer, offset, count);
/** Ensures that {@code count} bytes can be written to the internal buffer. */
private void ensureCanWrite(int count) throws IOException {
if (mInitialContentLength != -1 && mBuffer.position() + count > mInitialContentLength) {
// Error message is to match that of the default implementation.
throw new ProtocolException(
"exceeded content-length limit of " + mInitialContentLength + " bytes");
if (mConnected) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Use setFixedLengthStreamingMode() or "
+ "setChunkedStreamingMode() for writing after connect");
if (mInitialContentLength != -1) {
// If mInitialContentLength is known, the buffer should not grow.
if (mBuffer.limit() - mBuffer.position() > count) {
// If there is enough capacity, the buffer should not grow.
int afterSize = Math.max(mBuffer.capacity() * 2, mBuffer.capacity() + count);
ByteBuffer newByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(afterSize);
mBuffer = newByteBuffer;
// Below are CronetOutputStream implementations:
/** Sets {@link #mConnected} to {@code true}. */
void setConnected() throws IOException {
mConnected = true;
if (mBuffer.position() < mInitialContentLength) {
throw new ProtocolException("Content received is less than Content-Length");
// Flip the buffer to prepare it for UploadDataProvider read calls.
void checkReceivedEnoughContent() throws IOException {
// Already checked in setConnected. Skip the check here, since mBuffer
// might be flipped.
UploadDataProvider getUploadDataProvider() {
return mUploadDataProvider;
private class UploadDataProviderImpl extends UploadDataProvider {
public long getLength() {
// This method is supposed to be called just before starting the request.
// If content length is not initially passed in, the number of bytes
// written will be used as the content length.
// TODO(xunjieli): Think of a less fragile way, since getLength() can be
// potentially called in other places in the future.
if (mInitialContentLength == -1) {
// Account for the fact that setConnected() flip()s mBuffer.
return mConnected ? mBuffer.limit() : mBuffer.position();
return mInitialContentLength;
public void read(UploadDataSink uploadDataSink, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) {
final int availableSpace = byteBuffer.remaining();
if (availableSpace < mBuffer.remaining()) {
byteBuffer.put(mBuffer.array(), mBuffer.position(), availableSpace);
mBuffer.position(mBuffer.position() + availableSpace);
} else {
public void rewind(UploadDataSink uploadDataSink) {