blob: dad490468cefd1ac4493a18d15a88faac9614624 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- bazel-starlark -*-
load("@builtin//", "json")
load("@builtin//", "path")
load("@builtin//", "module")
def _load(ctx, tsconfig_path, loaded):
if tsconfig_path in loaded:
return loaded[tsconfig_path]
tsconfig = json.decode(str(
loaded[tsconfig_path] = tsconfig
return tsconfig
def _paths(ctx, tsconfig_path, tsconfig, loaded):
paths = [tsconfig_path]
tsconfig_dir = path.dir(tsconfig_path)
if "extends" in tsconfig and tsconfig["extends"]:
base = path.join(tsconfig_dir, tsconfig["extends"])
parent = _load(ctx, base, loaded)
if "files" in parent and not tsconfig["files"]:
tsconfig["files"] = parent["files"]
if "files" in tsconfig:
for file in tsconfig["files"]:
paths.append(path.join(tsconfig_dir, file))
if file.endswith(".js"):
# Add if d.ts version of the file exists.
file_dts = path.join(tsconfig_dir, file[:-2] + "d.ts")
if ctx.fs.exists(file_dts):
return paths
def _scan_inputs(ctx, tsconfig_path, tsconfig, loaded, scanned):
if tsconfig_path in scanned:
return scanned[tsconfig_path]
inputs = {}
for fname in _paths(ctx, tsconfig_path, tsconfig, loaded):
if fname not in inputs:
inputs[fname] = True
if "references" in tsconfig:
for ref in tsconfig["references"]:
refname = path.join(path.dir(tsconfig_path), ref["path"])
if refname not in inputs:
inputs[refname] = True
reftc = _load(ctx, refname, loaded)
for fname in _scan_inputs(ctx, refname, reftc, loaded, scanned):
if fname not in inputs:
inputs[fname] = True
scanned[tsconfig_path] = inputs.keys()
return scanned[tsconfig_path]
def _scandeps(ctx, tsconfig_path, tsconfig):
loaded = {tsconfig_path: tsconfig}
scanned = {}
inputs = _scan_inputs(ctx, tsconfig_path, tsconfig, loaded, scanned)
return inputs
tsc = module(
scandeps = _scandeps,