blob: 584ca84f6932f6d5666110bdad2dc78ea0ebcb96 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module containing base test results classes."""
import functools
import re
import sys
import threading
from lib.results import result_types # pylint: disable=import-error
# This must match the source adding the suffix:
MULTIPROCESS_SUFFIX = '__multiprocess_mode'
# This must match the source adding the suffix:
_MUTATION_SUFFIX_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^(.*)__([a-zA-Z]+)\.\.([a-zA-Z]+)_$')
class ResultType:
"""Class enumerating test types.
Wraps the results defined in //build/util/lib/results/.
PASS = result_types.PASS
SKIP = result_types.SKIP
FAIL = result_types.FAIL
CRASH = result_types.CRASH
TIMEOUT = result_types.TIMEOUT
UNKNOWN = result_types.UNKNOWN
NOTRUN = result_types.NOTRUN
def GetTypes():
"""Get a list of all test types."""
return [ResultType.PASS, ResultType.SKIP, ResultType.FAIL,
ResultType.CRASH, ResultType.TIMEOUT, ResultType.UNKNOWN,
class BaseTestResult:
"""Base class for a single test result."""
def __init__(self, name, test_type, duration=0, log='', failure_reason=None):
"""Construct a BaseTestResult.
name: Name of the test which defines uniqueness.
test_type: Type of the test result as defined in ResultType.
duration: Time it took for the test to run in milliseconds.
log: An optional string listing any errors.
assert name
assert test_type in ResultType.GetTypes()
self._name = name
self._test_type = test_type
self._duration = duration
self._log = log
self._failure_reason = failure_reason
self._links = {}
self._webview_multiprocess_mode = MULTIPROCESS_SUFFIX in name
def __str__(self):
return self._name
def __repr__(self):
return self._name
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.GetName() == other.GetName()
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.GetName() < other.GetName()
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self._name)
def SetName(self, name):
"""Set the test name.
Because we're putting this into a set, this should only be used if moving
this test result into another set.
self._name = name
def GetName(self):
"""Get the test name."""
return self._name
def GetNameForResultSink(self):
"""Get the test name to be reported to resultsink."""
raw_name = self.GetName()
# The name can include suffixes encoding Webview variant data:
# a Webview multiprocess mode suffix and an AwSettings mutation suffix.
# If both are present, the mutation suffix will come after the multiprocess
# suffix. The mutation suffix can either be "__null_" or "__{key}..{value}_"
# Examples:
# (...)AwSettingsTest#testAssetUrl__multiprocess_mode__allMutations..true_
# (...)AwSettingsTest#testAssetUrl__multiprocess_mode__null_
# (...)AwSettingsTest#testAssetUrl__allMutations..true_
# org.chromium.android_webview.test.AwSettingsTest#testAssetUrl__null_
# first, strip any AwSettings mutation parameter information
# from the RHS of the raw_name
if raw_name.endswith(_NULL_MUTATION_SUFFIX):
raw_name = raw_name[:-len(_NULL_MUTATION_SUFFIX)]
elif match :=
raw_name =
# At this stage, the name will only have the multiprocess suffix appended,
# if applicable.
# Examples:
# (...)AwSettingsTest#testAssetUrl__multiprocess_mode
# org.chromium.android_webview.test.AwSettingsTest#testAssetUrl
# then check for multiprocess mode suffix and strip it, if present
if self._webview_multiprocess_mode:
assert raw_name.endswith(
), 'multiprocess mode test raw name should have the corresponding suffix'
return raw_name[:-len(MULTIPROCESS_SUFFIX)]
return raw_name
def SetType(self, test_type):
"""Set the test result type."""
assert test_type in ResultType.GetTypes()
self._test_type = test_type
def GetType(self):
"""Get the test result type."""
return self._test_type
def GetDuration(self):
"""Get the test duration."""
return self._duration
def SetLog(self, log):
"""Set the test log."""
self._log = log
def GetLog(self):
"""Get the test log."""
return self._log
def SetFailureReason(self, failure_reason):
"""Set the reason the test failed.
This should be the first failure the test encounters and exclude any stack
self._failure_reason = failure_reason
def GetFailureReason(self):
"""Get the reason the test failed.
Returns None if the test did not fail or if the reason the test failed is
return self._failure_reason
def SetLink(self, name, link_url):
"""Set link with test result data."""
self._links[name] = link_url
def GetLinks(self):
"""Get dict containing links to test result data."""
return self._links
def GetVariantForResultSink(self):
"""Get the variant dict to be reported to result sink."""
variants = {}
if match :=
# variant keys need to be lowercase
variants[] =
if self._webview_multiprocess_mode:
variants['webview_multiprocess_mode'] = 'Yes'
return variants or None
class TestRunResults:
"""Set of results for a test run."""
def __init__(self):
self._links = {}
self._results = set()
self._results_lock = threading.RLock()
def SetLink(self, name, link_url):
"""Add link with test run results data."""
self._links[name] = link_url
def GetLinks(self):
"""Get dict containing links to test run result data."""
return self._links
def GetLogs(self):
"""Get the string representation of all test logs."""
with self._results_lock:
s = []
for test_type in ResultType.GetTypes():
if test_type != ResultType.PASS:
for t in sorted(self._GetType(test_type)):
log = t.GetLog()
if log:
s.append('[%s] %s:' % (test_type, t))
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
decoded = [u.decode(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') for u in s]
return '\n'.join(decoded)
return '\n'.join(s)
def GetGtestForm(self):
"""Get the gtest string representation of this object."""
with self._results_lock:
s = []
plural = lambda n, s, p: '%d %s' % (n, p if n != 1 else s)
tests = lambda n: plural(n, 'test', 'tests')
s.append('[==========] %s ran.' % (tests(len(self.GetAll()))))
s.append('[ PASSED ] %s.' % (tests(len(self.GetPass()))))
skipped = self.GetSkip()
if skipped:
s.append('[ SKIPPED ] Skipped %s, listed below:' % tests(len(skipped)))
for t in sorted(skipped):
s.append('[ SKIPPED ] %s' % str(t))
all_failures = self.GetFail().union(self.GetCrash(), self.GetTimeout(),
if all_failures:
s.append('[ FAILED ] %s, listed below:' % tests(len(all_failures)))
for t in sorted(self.GetFail()):
s.append('[ FAILED ] %s' % str(t))
for t in sorted(self.GetCrash()):
s.append('[ FAILED ] %s (CRASHED)' % str(t))
for t in sorted(self.GetTimeout()):
s.append('[ FAILED ] %s (TIMEOUT)' % str(t))
for t in sorted(self.GetUnknown()):
s.append('[ FAILED ] %s (UNKNOWN)' % str(t))
s.append(plural(len(all_failures), 'FAILED TEST', 'FAILED TESTS'))
return '\n'.join(s)
def GetShortForm(self):
"""Get the short string representation of this object."""
with self._results_lock:
s = []
s.append('ALL: %d' % len(self._results))
for test_type in ResultType.GetTypes():
s.append('%s: %d' % (test_type, len(self._GetType(test_type))))
return ''.join([x.ljust(15) for x in s])
def __str__(self):
return self.GetGtestForm()
def AddResult(self, result):
"""Add |result| to the set.
result: An instance of BaseTestResult.
assert isinstance(result, BaseTestResult)
with self._results_lock:
def AddResults(self, results):
"""Add |results| to the set.
results: An iterable of BaseTestResult objects.
with self._results_lock:
for t in results:
def AddTestRunResults(self, results):
"""Add the set of test results from |results|.
results: An instance of TestRunResults.
assert isinstance(results, TestRunResults), (
'Expected TestRunResult object: %s' % type(results))
with self._results_lock:
# pylint: disable=W0212
def GetAll(self):
"""Get the set of all test results."""
with self._results_lock:
return self._results.copy()
def _GetType(self, test_type):
"""Get the set of test results with the given test type."""
with self._results_lock:
return set(t for t in self._results if t.GetType() == test_type)
def GetPass(self):
"""Get the set of all passed test results."""
return self._GetType(ResultType.PASS)
def GetSkip(self):
"""Get the set of all skipped test results."""
return self._GetType(ResultType.SKIP)
def GetFail(self):
"""Get the set of all failed test results."""
return self._GetType(ResultType.FAIL)
def GetCrash(self):
"""Get the set of all crashed test results."""
return self._GetType(ResultType.CRASH)
def GetTimeout(self):
"""Get the set of all timed out test results."""
return self._GetType(ResultType.TIMEOUT)
def GetUnknown(self):
"""Get the set of all unknown test results."""
return self._GetType(ResultType.UNKNOWN)
def GetNotPass(self):
"""Get the set of all non-passed test results."""
return self.GetAll() - self.GetPass()
def DidRunPass(self):
"""Return whether the test run was successful."""
return not self.GetNotPass() - self.GetSkip()