blob: 845c3bbba56ab47d57c35765bdf46da74b690a07 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
namespace logging {
class VlogInfo;
// Saves the current logging settings and restores them when destroyed.
// This is used by logging tests to avoid affecting later tests that
// may run afterward, in the same process.
// Note that this helper cannot be used when an un-named log-file is configured
// via |LoggingSettings::log_file|.
class BASE_EXPORT ScopedLoggingSettings {
ScopedLoggingSettings(const ScopedLoggingSettings&) = delete;
ScopedLoggingSettings& operator=(const ScopedLoggingSettings&) = delete;
void SetLogFormat(LogFormat) const;
// Please keep the following fields in the same order as the corresponding
// globals in //base/
const int min_log_level_;
const uint32_t logging_destination_;
const LogFormat log_format_;
std::unique_ptr<base::FilePath::StringType> log_file_name_;
const bool enable_process_id_;
const bool enable_thread_id_;
const bool enable_timestamp_;
const bool enable_tickcount_;
const char* const log_prefix_;
const LogMessageHandlerFunction message_handler_;
// Replaces the existing VLOG config with a new one based on it
// but with extra modules enabled.
// *** Using this leaks memory ***
// For thread safety, we cannot delete the VlogInfo object created by this.
// This is intended for use in testing only, e.g. in the setup of a test, enable
// vlogging for modules that are of interest. This can help debug a flaky test
// which cannot be reproduced locally while avoiding log-spam from the rest of
// the code.
// This follows the same pattern as ScopedFeatureList, with init separate from
// construction to allow easy use in test classes.
// Using this on multiple threads requires coordination, ScopedVmoduleSwitches
// must be destroyed in reverse creation order.
class BASE_EXPORT ScopedVmoduleSwitches {
explicit ScopedVmoduleSwitches();
// Specify which modules and levels to enable. This uses the same syntax as
// the commandline flag, e.g. "file=1,dir/other_file=2".
void InitWithSwitches(const std::string& vmodule_switch);
// Creates a new instance of |VlogInfo| adding |vmodule_switch|.
VlogInfo* CreateVlogInfoWithSwitches(const std::string& vmodule_switch);
raw_ptr<VlogInfo> scoped_vlog_info_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<VlogInfo> previous_vlog_info_ = nullptr;
} // namespace logging