blob: f62bd66417c5a1c781449eb8ee8a333544abe798 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.base;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.HandlerThread;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import org.jni_zero.CalledByNative;
import org.jni_zero.JNINamespace;
import org.chromium.base.process_launcher.ChildConnectionAllocator;
import org.chromium.base.process_launcher.ChildProcessConnection;
import org.chromium.base.process_launcher.ChildProcessLauncher;
import org.chromium.base.process_launcher.FileDescriptorInfo;
import org.chromium.base.process_launcher.IChildProcessService;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy;
/** Helper class for launching test client processes for multiprocess unit tests. */
public final class MultiprocessTestClientLauncher {
private static final String TAG = "MProcTCLauncher";
private static final int CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS = 10 * 1000;
private static final SparseArray<MultiprocessTestClientLauncher> sPidToLauncher =
new SparseArray<>();
private static final SparseArray<Boolean> sPidToCleanExit = new SparseArray<>();
private static final SparseArray<Integer> sPidToMainResult = new SparseArray<>();
private static final Object sLauncherHandlerInitLock = new Object();
private static Handler sLauncherHandler;
private static ChildConnectionAllocator sConnectionAllocator;
private final ITestCallback.Stub mCallback =
new ITestCallback.Stub() {
public void childConnected(ITestController controller) {
mTestController = controller;
// This method can be called before onServiceConnected below has set the PID.
// Wait for mPid to be set before notifying.
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
Log.e(TAG, "Interrupted while waiting for connection PID.");
// Now we are fully initialized, notify clients.
try {
mConnected = true;
} finally {
public void mainReturned(int returnCode) {
try {
mMainReturnCode = returnCode;
} finally {
// Also store the return code in a map as the connection might get disconnected
// before waitForMainToReturn is called and then we would not have a way to
// retrieve the connection.
sPidToMainResult.put(mPid, returnCode);
private final ChildProcessLauncher.Delegate mLauncherDelegate =
new ChildProcessLauncher.Delegate() {
public void onConnectionEstablished(ChildProcessConnection connection) {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
int pid = connection.getPid();
sPidToLauncher.put(pid, MultiprocessTestClientLauncher.this);
mPid = pid;
public void onConnectionLost(ChildProcessConnection connection) {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
assert sPidToLauncher.get(connection.getPid())
== MultiprocessTestClientLauncher.this;
sPidToCleanExit.put(connection.getPid(), connection.hasCleanExit());
private final CountDownLatch mPidReceived = new CountDownLatch(1);
private final ChildProcessLauncher mLauncher;
private final ReentrantLock mConnectedLock = new ReentrantLock();
private final Condition mConnectedCondition = mConnectedLock.newCondition();
private boolean mConnected;
private IChildProcessService mService;
private int mPid;
private ITestController mTestController;
private final ReentrantLock mMainReturnCodeLock = new ReentrantLock();
private final Condition mMainReturnCodeCondition = mMainReturnCodeLock.newCondition();
// The return code returned by the service's main method.
// null if the service has not sent it yet.
private Integer mMainReturnCode;
private MultiprocessTestClientLauncher(String[] commandLine, FileDescriptorInfo[] filesToMap) {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
if (sConnectionAllocator == null) {
sConnectionAllocator =
/* bindToCaller= */ false,
/* bindAsExternalService= */ false,
/* useStrongBinding= */ false);
mLauncher =
new ChildProcessLauncher(
private boolean waitForConnection(long timeoutMs) {
assert !isRunningOnLauncherThread();
long timeoutNs = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(timeoutMs);
try {
while (!mConnected) {
if (timeoutNs <= 0L) {
return false;
try {
timeoutNs = mConnectedCondition.awaitNanos(timeoutNs);
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
Log.e(TAG, "Interrupted while waiting for connection.");
} finally {
return true;
private Integer getMainReturnCode(long timeoutMs) {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
long timeoutNs = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(timeoutMs);
try {
while (mMainReturnCode == null) {
if (timeoutNs <= 0L) {
return null;
try {
timeoutNs = mMainReturnCodeCondition.awaitNanos(timeoutNs);
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
Log.e(TAG, "Interrupted while waiting for main return code.");
return mMainReturnCode;
} finally {
* Spawns and connects to a child process.
* May not be called from the main thread.
* @param commandLine the child process command line argv.
* @return the PID of the started process or 0 if the process could not be started.
private static int launchClient(
final String[] commandLine, final FileDescriptorInfo[] filesToMap) {
assert Looper.myLooper() != Looper.getMainLooper();
final MultiprocessTestClientLauncher launcher =
() -> createAndStartLauncherOnLauncherThread(commandLine, filesToMap));
if (launcher == null) {
return 0;
if (!launcher.waitForConnection(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS)) {
return 0; // Timed-out.
return runOnLauncherAndGetResult(
() -> {
int pid = launcher.mLauncher.getPid();
assert pid > 0;
sPidToLauncher.put(pid, launcher);
return pid;
private static MultiprocessTestClientLauncher createAndStartLauncherOnLauncherThread(
String[] commandLine, FileDescriptorInfo[] filesToMap) {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
MultiprocessTestClientLauncher launcher =
new MultiprocessTestClientLauncher(commandLine, filesToMap);
if (!launcher.mLauncher.start(
/* setupConnection= */ true, /* queueIfNoFreeConnection= */ true)) {
return null;
return launcher;
* Blocks until the main method invoked by a previous call to launchClient terminates or until
* the specified time-out expires.
* Returns immediately if main has already returned.
* @param pid the process ID that was returned by the call to launchClient
* @param timeoutMs the timeout in milliseconds after which the method returns even if main has
* not returned.
* @return the return code returned by the main method or whether it timed-out.
private static MainReturnCodeResult waitForMainToReturn(final int pid, final int timeoutMs) {
return runOnLauncherAndGetResult(() -> waitForMainToReturnOnLauncherThread(pid, timeoutMs));
private static MainReturnCodeResult waitForMainToReturnOnLauncherThread(
int pid, int timeoutMs) {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
MultiprocessTestClientLauncher launcher = sPidToLauncher.get(pid);
// The launcher can be null if it got cleaned-up (because the connection was lost) before
// this gets called.
if (launcher != null) {
Integer mainResult = launcher.getMainReturnCode(timeoutMs);
return mainResult == null
? MainReturnCodeResult.createTimeoutMainResult()
: MainReturnCodeResult.createMainResult(mainResult);
Integer mainResult = sPidToMainResult.get(pid);
if (mainResult == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "waitForMainToReturn called on unknown connection for pid " + pid);
return null;
return MainReturnCodeResult.createMainResult(mainResult);
private static boolean terminate(final int pid, final int exitCode, final boolean wait) {
return runOnLauncherAndGetResult(() -> terminateOnLauncherThread(pid, exitCode, wait));
private static boolean terminateOnLauncherThread(int pid, int exitCode, boolean wait) {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
MultiprocessTestClientLauncher launcher = sPidToLauncher.get(pid);
if (launcher == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "terminate called on unknown launcher for pid " + pid);
return false;
try {
if (wait) {
} else {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// We expect this failure, since the forceStop's service implementation calls
// System.exit().
return true;
private static void initLauncherThread() {
synchronized (sLauncherHandlerInitLock) {
if (sLauncherHandler != null) return;
HandlerThread launcherThread = new HandlerThread("LauncherThread");
sLauncherHandler = new Handler(launcherThread.getLooper());
private static boolean hasCleanExit(final int pid) {
return runOnLauncherAndGetResult(() -> hasCleanExitOnLauncherThread(pid));
private static boolean hasCleanExitOnLauncherThread(int pid) {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
MultiprocessTestClientLauncher launcher = sPidToLauncher.get(pid);
if (launcher == null) {
return sPidToCleanExit.get(pid, false);
return launcher.mLauncher.getConnection().hasCleanExit();
/** Does not take ownership of of fds. */
private static FileDescriptorInfo[] makeFdInfoArray(int[] keys, int[] fds) {
FileDescriptorInfo[] fdInfos = new FileDescriptorInfo[keys.length];
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
FileDescriptorInfo fdInfo = makeFdInfo(keys[i], fds[i]);
if (fdInfo == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to make file descriptor (" + keys[i] + ", " + fds[i] + ").");
return null;
fdInfos[i] = fdInfo;
return fdInfos;
private static FileDescriptorInfo makeFdInfo(int id, int fd) {
ParcelFileDescriptor parcelableFd = null;
try {
parcelableFd = ParcelFileDescriptor.fromFd(fd);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Invalid FD provided for process connection, aborting connection.", e);
return null;
return new FileDescriptorInfo(id, parcelableFd, /* offset= */ 0, /* size= */ 0);
private static boolean isRunningOnLauncherThread() {
return sLauncherHandler.getLooper() == Looper.myLooper();
private static void runOnLauncherThreadBlocking(final Runnable runnable) {
assert !isRunningOnLauncherThread();
final Semaphore done = new Semaphore(0);
() -> {;
private static <RT> RT runOnLauncherAndGetResult(Callable<RT> callable) {
if (isRunningOnLauncherThread()) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
try {
FutureTask<RT> task = new FutureTask<RT>(callable);;
return task.get();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);