blob: 4ff5ee7c8bdb350c5a6cf9c04199992caa68bc11 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
namespace base {
// This object maintains a list of IDs that can be quickly converted to
// pointers to objects. It is implemented as a hash table, optimized for
// relatively small data sets (in the common case, there will be exactly one
// item in the list).
// Items can be inserted into the container with arbitrary ID, but the caller
// must ensure they are unique. Inserting IDs and relying on automatically
// generated ones is not allowed because they can collide.
// The map's value type (the V param) can be any dereferenceable type, such as a
// raw pointer or smart pointer, and must be comparable with nullptr.
template <typename V, typename K = int32_t>
class IDMap final {
using KeyType = K;
// The value type `V` must be pointer-like and support operator*.
using T = typename std::remove_reference<decltype(*V())>::type;
using HashTable = std::unordered_map<KeyType, V>;
IDMap() : iteration_depth_(0), next_id_(1), check_on_null_data_(false) {
// A number of consumers of IDMap create it on one thread but always
// access it from a different, but consistent, thread (or sequence)
// post-construction. The first call to CalledOnValidSequence() will re-bind
// it.
IDMap(const IDMap&) = delete;
IDMap& operator=(const IDMap&) = delete;
~IDMap() {
// Many IDMap's are static, and hence will be destroyed on the main
// thread. However, all the accesses may take place on another thread (or
// sequence), such as the IO thread. Detaching again to clean this up.
// Sets whether Add and Replace should DCHECK if passed in NULL data.
// Default is false.
void set_check_on_null_data(bool value) { check_on_null_data_ = value; }
// Adds a view with an automatically generated unique ID. See AddWithID.
// The generated key comes from the template type `K`, with each key being
// generated by incrementing `K`. The key type should not generate duplicate
// keys or this function can CHECK-fail.
KeyType Add(V data) { return AddInternal(std::move(data)); }
// Adds a new data member with the specified ID. The ID must not be in
// the list. The caller either must generate all unique IDs itself and use
// this function, or allow this object to generate IDs and call Add. These
// two methods may not be mixed, or duplicate IDs may be generated.
void AddWithID(V data, KeyType id) { AddWithIDInternal(std::move(data), id); }
// Removes the `id` from the map.
// Does nothing if the `id` is not in the map.
void Remove(KeyType id) {
typename HashTable::iterator i = data_.find(id);
if (i == data_.end() || IsRemoved(id)) {
if (iteration_depth_ == 0) {
} else {
// Replaces the value for `id` with `new_data` and returns the existing value.
// May only be called with an id that is in the map, and will CHECK()
// otherwise. It is up to the caller to keep track whether the `id` is in the
// map, as Lookup() can return null for ids that are in the map but have an
// empty value.
V Replace(KeyType id, V new_data) {
DCHECK(!check_on_null_data_ || new_data);
typename HashTable::iterator i = data_.find(id);
CHECK(i != data_.end());
using std::swap;
swap(i->second, new_data);
return new_data;
void Clear() {
if (iteration_depth_ == 0) {
} else {
removed_ids_.insert(KeyIterator(data_.begin()), KeyIterator(data_.end()));
bool IsEmpty() const {
return size() == 0u;
// Returns a pointer to raw value associated with `id` if the `id` is in the
// map and is not empty.
// The raw value is obtained by dereferencing the stored value type `V`.
// If the `id` is not in the map, or the value type compares as equal to
// nullptr, this function will return null.
T* Lookup(KeyType id) const {
typename HashTable::const_iterator i = data_.find(id);
if (i == data_.end() || IsRemoved(id)) {
return nullptr;
// The IDMap contains a pointer or pointer-like object. We don't want to
// dereference null, so this acts as an extension point for
// IDMap, where if the value object compares as equal to nullptr, it its
// dereference type will not be returned from the map.
if (i->second == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
return std::addressof(*i->second);
size_t size() const {
return data_.size() - removed_ids_.size();
#if defined(UNIT_TEST)
int iteration_depth() const { return iteration_depth_; }
#endif // defined(UNIT_TEST)
// It is safe to remove elements from the map during iteration. All iterators
// will remain valid.
template <class ReturnType>
class Iterator {
Iterator(IDMap<V, K>* map) : map_(map), iter_(map_->data_.begin()) {
Iterator(const Iterator& iter) : map_(iter.map_), iter_(iter.iter_) {
const Iterator& operator=(const Iterator& iter) {
map_ =;
iter_ = iter.iter;
return *this;
~Iterator() {
if (--map_->iteration_depth_ == 0) {
} else {
// The iteration depth should not become negative, it would mean there
// was an untracked iterator which is now being destroyed, and the
// Compact() call would have happened while an iterator was live.
CHECK_GT(map_->iteration_depth_, 0);
bool IsAtEnd() const {
return iter_ == map_->data_.end();
KeyType GetCurrentKey() const {
return iter_->first;
ReturnType* GetCurrentValue() const {
if (!iter_->second || map_->IsRemoved(iter_->first)) {
return nullptr;
return &*iter_->second;
void Advance() {
void Init() {
// Guard signed integer overflow.
CHECK(map_->iteration_depth_ < std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
void SkipRemovedEntries() {
while (iter_ != map_->data_.end() && map_->IsRemoved(iter_->first)) {
raw_ptr<IDMap<V, K>> map_;
typename HashTable::const_iterator iter_;
typedef Iterator<T> iterator;
typedef Iterator<const T> const_iterator;
// Transforms a map iterator to an iterator on the keys of the map.
// Used by Clear() to populate |removed_ids_| in bulk.
struct KeyIterator {
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
using value_type = KeyType;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = KeyType*;
using reference = KeyType&;
using inner_iterator = typename HashTable::iterator;
inner_iterator iter_;
KeyIterator(inner_iterator iter) : iter_(iter) {}
KeyType operator*() const { return iter_->first; }
KeyIterator& operator++() {
return *this;
KeyIterator operator++(int) { return KeyIterator(iter_++); }
friend bool operator==(const KeyIterator&, const KeyIterator&) = default;
KeyType AddInternal(V data) {
DCHECK(!check_on_null_data_ || data);
KeyType this_id = next_id_;
AddWithIDInternal(std::move(data), this_id);
if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<K>) {
// Guard signed integer overflow, and duplicate unsigned keys.
CHECK(next_id_ < std::numeric_limits<K>::max());
return this_id;
void AddWithIDInternal(V data, KeyType id) {
DCHECK(!check_on_null_data_ || data);
if (IsRemoved(id)) {
data_[id] = std::move(data);
} else {
auto [_, inserted] = data_.emplace(id, std::move(data));
CHECK(inserted) << "Inserting duplicate item";
bool IsRemoved(KeyType key) const {
return removed_ids_.find(key) != removed_ids_.end();
void Compact() {
DCHECK_EQ(0, iteration_depth_);
for (const auto& i : removed_ids_) {
// Keep track of how many iterators are currently iterating on us to safely
// handle removing items during iteration.
int iteration_depth_;
// Keep set of IDs that should be removed after the outermost iteration has
// finished. This way we manage to not invalidate the iterator when an element
// is removed.
base::flat_set<KeyType> removed_ids_;
// The next ID that we will return from Add()
KeyType next_id_;
HashTable data_;
// See description above setter.
bool check_on_null_data_;
} // namespace base