blob: d7c74db88fc7d34cd82db2fb90a9d0c90cab66b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/containers/checked_iterators.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace base {
TEST(CheckedContiguousIterator, SatisfiesContiguousIteratorConcept) {
// Checks that constexpr CheckedContiguousConstIterators can be compared at
// compile time.
TEST(CheckedContiguousIterator, StaticComparisonOperators) {
static constexpr int arr[] = {0};
constexpr CheckedContiguousConstIterator<int> begin(arr, arr, arr + 1);
constexpr CheckedContiguousConstIterator<int> end(arr, arr + 1, arr + 1);
static_assert(begin == begin, "");
static_assert(end == end, "");
static_assert(begin != end, "");
static_assert(end != begin, "");
static_assert(begin < end, "");
static_assert(begin <= begin, "");
static_assert(begin <= end, "");
static_assert(end <= end, "");
static_assert(end > begin, "");
static_assert(end >= end, "");
static_assert(end >= begin, "");
static_assert(begin >= begin, "");
// Checks that comparison between iterators and const iterators works in both
// directions.
TEST(CheckedContiguousIterator, ConvertingComparisonOperators) {
static int arr[] = {0};
CheckedContiguousIterator<int> begin(arr, arr, arr + 1);
CheckedContiguousConstIterator<int> cbegin(arr, arr, arr + 1);
CheckedContiguousIterator<int> end(arr, arr + 1, arr + 1);
CheckedContiguousConstIterator<int> cend(arr, arr + 1, arr + 1);
EXPECT_EQ(begin, cbegin);
EXPECT_EQ(cbegin, begin);
EXPECT_EQ(end, cend);
EXPECT_EQ(cend, end);
EXPECT_NE(begin, cend);
EXPECT_NE(cbegin, end);
EXPECT_NE(end, cbegin);
EXPECT_NE(cend, begin);
EXPECT_LT(begin, cend);
EXPECT_LT(cbegin, end);
EXPECT_LE(begin, cbegin);
EXPECT_LE(cbegin, begin);
EXPECT_LE(begin, cend);
EXPECT_LE(cbegin, end);
EXPECT_LE(end, cend);
EXPECT_LE(cend, end);
EXPECT_GT(end, cbegin);
EXPECT_GT(cend, begin);
EXPECT_GE(end, cend);
EXPECT_GE(cend, end);
EXPECT_GE(end, cbegin);
EXPECT_GE(cend, begin);
EXPECT_GE(begin, cbegin);
EXPECT_GE(cbegin, begin);
} // namespace base
namespace {
// Helper template that wraps an iterator and disables its dereference and
// increment operations.
template <typename Iterator>
struct DisableDerefAndIncr : Iterator {
using Iterator::Iterator;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
constexpr DisableDerefAndIncr(const Iterator& iter) : Iterator(iter) {}
void operator*() = delete;
void operator++() = delete;
void operator++(int) = delete;
} // namespace
// Inherit `pointer_traits` specialization from the base class.
template <typename Iter>
struct ::std::pointer_traits<DisableDerefAndIncr<Iter>>
: ::std::pointer_traits<Iter> {};
namespace base {
// Tests that using std::copy with CheckedContiguousIterator<int> results in an
// optimized code-path that does not invoke the iterator's dereference and
// increment operations. This would fail to compile if std::copy was not
// optimized.
// NOTE: This test relies on implementation details of the STL and thus might
// break in the future during a libc++ roll. If this does happen, please reach
// out to to reevaluate whether this test will
// still be needed.
TEST(CheckedContiguousIterator, OptimizedCopy) {
using Iter = DisableDerefAndIncr<CheckedContiguousIterator<int>>;
int arr_in[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int arr_out[5];
Iter in_begin(std::begin(arr_in), std::end(arr_in));
Iter in_end(std::begin(arr_in), std::end(arr_in), std::end(arr_in));
Iter out_begin(std::begin(arr_out), std::end(arr_out));
Iter out_end = std::copy(in_begin, in_end, out_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(out_end, out_begin + (in_end - in_begin));
EXPECT_TRUE(ranges::equal(arr_in, arr_out));
} // namespace base