blob: c300b6416941ff4952bb727717f80ce0de2fb117 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.base.jank_tracker;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils.ThreadChecker;
import org.chromium.base.TimeUtils;
import org.chromium.base.TraceEvent;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
* This class stores relevant metrics from FrameMetrics between the calls to UMA reporting methods.
public class FrameMetricsStore {
// FrameMetricsStore can only be accessed on the handler thread (from the
// JankReportingScheduler.getOrCreateHandler() method). However construction occurs on a
// separate thread so the ThreadChecker is instead constructed later.
private ThreadChecker mThreadChecker;
// An arbitrary value from which to create a trace event async track. The only risk if this
// clashes with another track is trace events will show up on both potentially looking weird in
// the tracing UI. No other issue will occur.
private static final long TRACE_EVENT_TRACK_ID = 84186319646187624L;
// Android FrameMetrics promises in order frame metrics so this is just the latest timestamp.
private long mMaxTimestamp = -1;
// Array of timestamps stored in nanoseconds, they represent the moment when each frame
// began (VSYNC_TIMESTAMP), must always be the same size as mTotalDurationsNs.
private final ArrayList<Long> mTimestampsNs = new ArrayList<>();
// Array of total durations stored in nanoseconds, they represent how long each frame took to
// draw.
private final ArrayList<Long> mTotalDurationsNs = new ArrayList<>();
// Array of integers denoting number of vsyncs we missed for given frame. 0 missed vsyncs mean
// no jank, while >0 missed vsyncs mean the frame was janky. Must always be the same size as
// mTotalDurationsNs.
private final ArrayList<Integer> mNumMissedVsyncs = new ArrayList<>();
// Stores the timestamp (nanoseconds) of the most recent frame metric as a scenario started.
// Zero if no FrameMetrics have been received.
private final HashMap<Integer, Long> mScenarioPreviousFrameTimestampNs = new HashMap<>();
private final HashMap<Integer, Long> mPendingStartTimestampNs = new HashMap<>();
public FrameMetricsStore() {
// Add 0 to mTimestampNS array. This simplifies handling edge case when starting a scenario
// and we don't have any frame metrics stored. Adding 0 also makes sure the array stays in
// sorted order since the actual metrics received will have larger vsync start timestamps.
// Add arbitrary values to related arrays as well since we always want them to be of same
// size.
// Convert an enum value to string to use as an UMA histogram name, changes to strings should be
// reflected in android/histograms.xml and base/android/jank_
public static String scenarioToString(@JankScenario int scenario) {
switch (scenario) {
return "Total";
case JankScenario.OMNIBOX_FOCUS:
return "OmniboxFocus";
case JankScenario.NEW_TAB_PAGE:
return "NewTabPage";
case JankScenario.STARTUP:
return "Startup";
case JankScenario.TAB_SWITCHER:
return "TabSwitcher";
case JankScenario.OPEN_LINK_IN_NEW_TAB:
return "OpenLinkInNewTab";
return "StartSurfaceHomepage";
return "StartSurfaceTabSwitcher";
case JankScenario.FEED_SCROLLING:
return "FeedScrolling";
case JankScenario.WEBVIEW_SCROLLING:
return "WebviewScrolling";
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid scenario value");
* initialize is the first entry point that is on the HandlerThread, so set up our thread
* checking.
void initialize() {
mThreadChecker = new ThreadChecker();
/** Records the total draw duration and jankiness for a single frame. */
void addFrameMeasurement(long totalDurationNs, int numMissedVsyncs, long frameStartVsyncTs) {
mMaxTimestamp = frameStartVsyncTs;
void startTrackingScenario(@JankScenario int scenario) {
try (TraceEvent e =
TraceEvent.scoped("startTrackingScenario: " + scenarioToString(scenario))) {
// Ignore multiple calls to startTrackingScenario without corresponding
// stopTrackingScenario calls.
if (mScenarioPreviousFrameTimestampNs.containsKey(scenario)) {
scenario, TimeUtils.uptimeMillis() * TimeUtils.NANOSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND);
// Make a unique ID for each scenario for tracing.
"JankCUJ:" + scenarioToString(scenario), TRACE_EVENT_TRACK_ID + scenario);
// Scenarios are tracked based on the latest stored timestamp to allow fast lookups
// (find index of [timestamp] vs find first index that's >= [timestamp]).
Long startingTimestamp = mTimestampsNs.get(mTimestampsNs.size() - 1);
mScenarioPreviousFrameTimestampNs.put(scenario, startingTimestamp);
boolean hasReceivedMetricsPast(long endScenarioTimeNs) {
return mMaxTimestamp > endScenarioTimeNs;
JankMetrics stopTrackingScenario(@JankScenario int scenario) {
return stopTrackingScenario(scenario, -1);
// The string added is a static string.
JankMetrics stopTrackingScenario(@JankScenario int scenario, long endScenarioTimeNs) {
try (TraceEvent e =
"finishTrackingScenario: " + scenarioToString(scenario),
Long.toString(endScenarioTimeNs))) {
"JankCUJ:" + scenarioToString(scenario), TRACE_EVENT_TRACK_ID + scenario);
// Get the timestamp of the latest frame before startTrackingScenario was called. This
// can be null if tracking never started for scenario, or 0L if tracking started when no
// frames were stored.
Long previousFrameTimestamp = mScenarioPreviousFrameTimestampNs.remove(scenario);
// If stopTrackingScenario is called without a corresponding startTrackingScenario then
// return an empty FrameMetrics object.
if (previousFrameTimestamp == null) {
return new JankMetrics();
int startingIndex = mTimestampsNs.indexOf(previousFrameTimestamp);
// The scenario starts with the frame after the tracking timestamp.
// If startingIndex is out of bounds then we haven't recorded any frames since
// tracking started, return an empty FrameMetrics object.
if (startingIndex >= mTimestampsNs.size()) {
return new JankMetrics();
// Ending index is exclusive, so this is not out of bounds.
int endingIndex = mTimestampsNs.size();
if (endScenarioTimeNs > 0) {
// binarySearch returns index of the search key (non-negative value) or (-(insertion
// point) - 1).
// The insertion point is defined as the index of the first element greater than the
// key, or a.length if all elements in the array are less than the specified key.
endingIndex = Collections.binarySearch(mTimestampsNs, endScenarioTimeNs);
if (endingIndex < 0) {
endingIndex = -1 * (endingIndex + 1);
} else {
endingIndex = Math.min(endingIndex + 1, mTimestampsNs.size());
if (endingIndex <= startingIndex) {
// Something went wrong reset
TraceEvent.instant("FrameMetricsStore invalid endScenarioTimeNs");
endingIndex = mTimestampsNs.size();
JankMetrics jankMetrics =
mTimestampsNs.subList(startingIndex, endingIndex),
mTotalDurationsNs.subList(startingIndex, endingIndex),
mNumMissedVsyncs.subList(startingIndex, endingIndex));
Long pendingStartTimestampNs = mPendingStartTimestampNs.remove(scenario);
if (pendingStartTimestampNs != null && pendingStartTimestampNs > endScenarioTimeNs) {
return jankMetrics;
private void removeUnusedFrames() {
if (mScenarioPreviousFrameTimestampNs.isEmpty()) {
TraceEvent.instant("removeUnusedFrames", Long.toString(mTimestampsNs.size()));
mTimestampsNs.subList(1, mTimestampsNs.size()).clear();
mTotalDurationsNs.subList(1, mTotalDurationsNs.size()).clear();
mNumMissedVsyncs.subList(1, mNumMissedVsyncs.size()).clear();
long firstUsedTimestamp = findFirstUsedTimestamp();
// If the earliest timestamp tracked is 0 then that scenario contains every frame
// stored, so we shouldn't delete anything.
if (firstUsedTimestamp == 0L) {
int firstUsedIndex = mTimestampsNs.indexOf(firstUsedTimestamp);
if (firstUsedIndex == -1) {
if (BuildConfig.ENABLE_ASSERTS) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Timestamp for tracked scenario not found");
// This shouldn't happen.
TraceEvent.instant("removeUnusedFrames", Long.toString(firstUsedIndex));
mTimestampsNs.subList(1, firstUsedIndex).clear();
mTotalDurationsNs.subList(1, firstUsedIndex).clear();
mNumMissedVsyncs.subList(1, firstUsedIndex).clear();
private long findFirstUsedTimestamp() {
long firstTimestamp = Long.MAX_VALUE;
for (long timestamp : mScenarioPreviousFrameTimestampNs.values()) {
if (timestamp < firstTimestamp) {
firstTimestamp = timestamp;
return firstTimestamp;
private JankMetrics convertArraysToJankMetrics(
List<Long> longTimestampsNs,
List<Long> longDurations,
List<Integer> intNumMissedVsyncs) {
long[] timestamps = new long[longTimestampsNs.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < longTimestampsNs.size(); i++) {
timestamps[i] = longTimestampsNs.get(i).longValue();
long[] durations = new long[longDurations.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < longDurations.size(); i++) {
durations[i] = longDurations.get(i).longValue();
int[] numMissedVsyncs = new int[intNumMissedVsyncs.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < intNumMissedVsyncs.size(); i++) {
numMissedVsyncs[i] = intNumMissedVsyncs.get(i).intValue();
JankMetrics jankMetrics = new JankMetrics(timestamps, durations, numMissedVsyncs);
return jankMetrics;