blob: 3f7fa1b7968671b0ea0d635165cf6bb80fc42a80 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <bit>
#include <climits>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include "partition_alloc/partition_alloc_base/bits.h"
#include "partition_alloc/partition_alloc_base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "partition_alloc/partition_alloc_check.h"
namespace partition_alloc::internal {
// Bitmap which tracks allocation states. An allocation can be in one of 3
// states:
// - freed (00),
// - allocated (11),
// - quarantined (01 or 10, depending on the *Scan epoch).
// The state machine of allocation states:
// +-------------+ +-------------+
// | | malloc() | |
// | Freed +--------------->| Allocated |
// | (00) | (or 11) | (11) |
// | | | |
// +-------------+ +------+------+
// ^ |
// | |
// real_free() | (and 00) free() | (and 01(10))
// | |
// | +-------------+ |
// | | | |
// +-------+ Quarantined |<-------+
// | (01,10) |
// | |
// +-------------+
// ^ |
// | mark() |
// +-----------+
// (xor 11)
// The bitmap can be safely accessed from multiple threads, but this doesn't
// imply visibility on the data (i.e. no ordering guaranties, since relaxed
// atomics are used underneath). The bitmap itself must be created inside a
// page, size and alignment of which are specified as template arguments
// |PageSize| and |PageAlignment|. |AllocationAlignment| specifies the minimal
// alignment of objects that are allocated inside a page (serves as the
// granularity in the bitmap).
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
class StateBitmap final {
enum class State : uint8_t {
kFreed = 0b00,
kQuarantined1 = 0b01,
kQuarantined2 = 0b10,
kAlloced = 0b11,
kMaxValue = kAlloced,
using CellType = uintptr_t;
static constexpr size_t kBitsPerCell = sizeof(CellType) * CHAR_BIT;
static constexpr size_t kBitsNeededForAllocation =
static constexpr CellType kStateMask = (1 << kBitsNeededForAllocation) - 1;
static constexpr size_t kBitmapSize =
(PageSize + ((kBitsPerCell * AllocationAlignment) - 1)) /
(kBitsPerCell * AllocationAlignment) * kBitsNeededForAllocation;
static constexpr size_t kPageOffsetMask = PageAlignment - 1;
static constexpr size_t kPageBaseMask = ~kPageOffsetMask;
using Epoch = size_t;
static constexpr size_t kPageSize = PageSize;
static constexpr size_t kPageAlignment = PageAlignment;
static constexpr size_t kAllocationAlignment = AllocationAlignment;
static constexpr size_t kMaxEntries =
(kBitmapSize / kBitsNeededForAllocation) * kBitsPerCell;
inline StateBitmap();
// Sets the bits corresponding to |address| as allocated.
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE void Allocate(uintptr_t address);
// Sets the bits corresponding to |address| as quarantined. Must be called
// only once, in which case returns |true|. Otherwise, if the object was
// already quarantined or freed before, returns |false|.
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE bool Quarantine(uintptr_t address, Epoch epoch);
// Marks ("promotes") quarantined object. Returns |true| on success, otherwise
// |false| if the object was marked before.
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE bool MarkQuarantinedAsReachable(uintptr_t address,
Epoch epoch);
// Sets the bits corresponding to |address| as freed.
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE void Free(uintptr_t address);
// Getters that check object state.
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsAllocated(uintptr_t address) const;
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsQuarantined(uintptr_t address) const;
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsFreed(uintptr_t address) const;
// Iterate objects depending on their state.
// The callback is of type
// void(uintptr_t object_start)
template <typename Callback>
inline void IterateAllocated(Callback) const;
// The callback is of type
// void(uintptr_t object_start)
template <typename Callback, decltype(std::declval<Callback>()(0), 0) = 0>
inline void IterateQuarantined(Callback) const;
// The callback is of type
// void(uintptr_t object_start, bool is_marked)
template <typename Callback,
decltype(std::declval<Callback>()(0, true), 0) = 0>
inline void IterateQuarantined(size_t epoch, Callback) const;
// The callback is of type
// void(uintptr_t object_start)
template <typename Callback>
inline void IterateUnmarkedQuarantined(size_t epoch, Callback) const;
// The callback is of type
// void(uintptr_t object_start)
// The function is similar as above, but it also frees (clears) the iterated
// bits.
template <typename Callback>
inline void IterateUnmarkedQuarantinedAndFree(size_t epoch, Callback);
inline void Clear();
std::atomic<CellType>& AsAtomicCell(size_t cell_index) {
return reinterpret_cast<std::atomic<CellType>&>(bitmap_[cell_index]);
const std::atomic<CellType>& AsAtomicCell(size_t cell_index) const {
return reinterpret_cast<const std::atomic<CellType>&>(bitmap_[cell_index]);
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE unsigned GetBits(uintptr_t address) const;
struct FilterQuarantine {
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator()(CellType cell) const;
const size_t epoch;
struct FilterUnmarkedQuarantine {
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator()(CellType cell) const;
const size_t epoch;
struct FilterAllocated {
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator()(CellType cell) const;
const size_t epoch;
// Simply calls the callback.
struct SimpleCallbackForwarder {
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE explicit SimpleCallbackForwarder(size_t epoch) {}
template <typename Callback>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE void operator()(Callback,
uintptr_t pointer,
CellType bits) const;
// Calls the callback and passes a bool argument, indicating whether a
// quarantine object is marked or not.
struct QuarantineCallbackForwarder {
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE explicit QuarantineCallbackForwarder(size_t epoch)
: is_unmarked{epoch} {}
template <typename Callback>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE void operator()(Callback,
uintptr_t pointer,
CellType bits) const;
FilterUnmarkedQuarantine is_unmarked;
template <typename Filter,
typename CallbackForwarder,
typename Callback,
bool Clear>
inline void IterateImpl(size_t epoch, Callback);
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE CellType LoadCell(size_t cell_index) const;
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static constexpr std::pair<size_t, size_t>
std::array<CellType, kBitmapSize> bitmap_;
// The constructor can be omitted, but the Chromium's clang plugin wrongly
// warns that the type is not trivially constructible.
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
inline StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::
StateBitmap() = default;
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::Allocate(
uintptr_t address) {
auto [cell_index, object_bit] = AllocationIndexAndBit(address);
const CellType mask = static_cast<CellType>(State::kAlloced) << object_bit;
auto& cell = AsAtomicCell(cell_index);
cell.fetch_or(mask, std::memory_order_relaxed);
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::Quarantine(
uintptr_t address,
Epoch epoch) {
// *Scan is enabled at runtime, which means that we can quarantine allocation,
// that was previously not recorded in the bitmap. Hence, we can't reliably
// check transition from kAlloced to kQuarantined.
static_assert((~static_cast<CellType>(State::kQuarantined1) & kStateMask) ==
(static_cast<CellType>(State::kQuarantined2) & kStateMask),
"kQuarantined1 must be inverted kQuarantined2");
const State quarantine_state =
epoch & 0b1 ? State::kQuarantined1 : State::kQuarantined2;
auto [cell_index, object_bit] = AllocationIndexAndBit(address);
const CellType mask =
~(static_cast<CellType>(quarantine_state) << object_bit);
auto& cell = AsAtomicCell(cell_index);
const CellType cell_before = cell.fetch_and(mask, std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Check if the previous state was also quarantined.
return __builtin_popcount(static_cast<unsigned>((cell_before >> object_bit) &
kStateMask)) != 1;
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::
MarkQuarantinedAsReachable(uintptr_t address, Epoch epoch) {
static_assert((~static_cast<CellType>(State::kQuarantined1) & kStateMask) ==
(static_cast<CellType>(State::kQuarantined2) & kStateMask),
"kQuarantined1 must be inverted kQuarantined2");
const State quarantine_state_old =
epoch & 0b1 ? State::kQuarantined2 : State::kQuarantined1;
auto [cell_index, object_bit] = AllocationIndexAndBit(address);
const CellType clear_mask =
~(static_cast<CellType>(State::kAlloced) << object_bit);
const CellType set_mask_old = static_cast<CellType>(quarantine_state_old)
<< object_bit;
const CellType xor_mask = static_cast<CellType>(0b11) << object_bit;
auto& cell = AsAtomicCell(cell_index);
CellType expected =
(cell.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) & clear_mask) | set_mask_old;
CellType desired = expected ^ xor_mask;
while (PA_UNLIKELY(!cell.compare_exchange_weak(expected, desired,
std::memory_order_relaxed))) {
// First check if the object was already marked before or in parallel.
if ((expected & set_mask_old) == 0) {
// Check that the bits can't be in any state other than
// marked-quarantined.
((expected >> object_bit) & kStateMask) ==
(~static_cast<CellType>(quarantine_state_old) & kStateMask));
return false;
// Otherwise, some other bits in the cell were concurrently changed. Update
// desired and retry.
desired = expected ^ xor_mask;
return true;
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::Free(
uintptr_t address) {
// *Scan is enabled at runtime, which means that we can free an allocation,
// that was previously not recorded as quarantined in the bitmap. Hence, we
// can't reliably check the transition from kQuarantined to kFreed.
static_assert((~static_cast<CellType>(State::kAlloced) & kStateMask) ==
(static_cast<CellType>(State::kFreed) & kStateMask),
"kFreed must be inverted kAlloced");
auto [cell_index, object_bit] = AllocationIndexAndBit(address);
const CellType mask = ~(static_cast<CellType>(State::kAlloced) << object_bit);
auto& cell = AsAtomicCell(cell_index);
cell.fetch_and(mask, std::memory_order_relaxed);
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::IsAllocated(
uintptr_t address) const {
return GetBits(address) == static_cast<unsigned>(State::kAlloced);
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::IsQuarantined(
uintptr_t address) const {
// On x86 CPI of popcnt is the same as tzcnt, so we use it instead of tzcnt +
// inversion.
return __builtin_popcount(GetBits(address)) == 1;
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::IsFreed(
uintptr_t address) const {
return GetBits(address) == static_cast<unsigned>(State::kFreed);
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
typename StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::CellType
StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::LoadCell(
size_t cell_index) const {
return AsAtomicCell(cell_index).load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr std::pair<size_t, size_t>
StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::
AllocationIndexAndBit(uintptr_t address) {
const uintptr_t offset_in_page = address & kPageOffsetMask;
const size_t allocation_number =
(offset_in_page / kAllocationAlignment) * kBitsNeededForAllocation;
const size_t cell_index = allocation_number / kBitsPerCell;
PA_SCAN_DCHECK(kBitmapSize > cell_index);
const size_t bit = allocation_number % kBitsPerCell;
return {cell_index, bit};
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
unsigned StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::GetBits(
uintptr_t address) const {
auto [cell_index, object_bit] = AllocationIndexAndBit(address);
return (LoadCell(cell_index) >> object_bit) & kStateMask;
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
bool StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::
FilterQuarantine::operator()(CellType bits) const {
return __builtin_popcount(static_cast<unsigned>(bits)) == 1;
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
bool StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::
FilterUnmarkedQuarantine::operator()(CellType bits) const {
// Truth table:
// epoch & 1 | bits | result
// 0 | 01 | 1
// 1 | 10 | 1
// * | ** | 0
return bits - (epoch & 0b01) == 0b01;
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
bool StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::
FilterAllocated::operator()(CellType bits) const {
return bits == 0b11;
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
template <typename Callback>
StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::
SimpleCallbackForwarder::operator()(Callback callback,
uintptr_t pointer,
CellType bits) const {
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
template <typename Callback>
StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::
QuarantineCallbackForwarder::operator()(Callback callback,
uintptr_t pointer,
CellType bits) const {
callback(pointer, !is_unmarked(bits));
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
template <typename Filter,
typename CallbackForwarder,
typename Callback,
bool Clear>
inline void
StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::IterateImpl(
size_t epoch,
Callback callback) {
// The bitmap (|this|) is allocated inside the page with |kPageAlignment|.
Filter filter{epoch};
CallbackForwarder callback_forwarder{epoch};
const uintptr_t base = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) & kPageBaseMask;
for (size_t cell_index = 0; cell_index < kBitmapSize; ++cell_index) {
CellType value = LoadCell(cell_index);
while (value) {
const size_t trailing_zeroes =
static_cast<size_t>(std::countr_zero(value) & ~0b1);
const size_t clear_value_mask =
~(static_cast<CellType>(kStateMask) << trailing_zeroes);
const CellType bits = (value >> trailing_zeroes) & kStateMask;
if (!filter(bits)) {
// Clear current object bit in temporary value to advance iteration.
value &= clear_value_mask;
const size_t object_number =
(cell_index * kBitsPerCell) + trailing_zeroes;
const uintptr_t object_address =
base +
(object_number * kAllocationAlignment / kBitsNeededForAllocation);
callback_forwarder(callback, object_address, bits);
if (Clear) {
// Clear the current bits.
.fetch_and(clear_value_mask, std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Clear current object bit in temporary value to advance iteration.
value &= clear_value_mask;
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
template <typename Callback>
inline void
StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::IterateAllocated(
Callback callback) const {
->IterateImpl<FilterAllocated, SimpleCallbackForwarder, Callback, false>(
0, std::move(callback));
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
template <typename Callback, decltype(std::declval<Callback>()(0), 0)>
inline void
StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::IterateQuarantined(
Callback callback) const {
->IterateImpl<FilterQuarantine, SimpleCallbackForwarder, Callback, false>(
0, std::move(callback));
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
template <typename Callback, decltype(std::declval<Callback>()(0, true), 0)>
inline void
StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::IterateQuarantined(
size_t epoch,
Callback callback) const {
->IterateImpl<FilterQuarantine, QuarantineCallbackForwarder, Callback,
false>(epoch, std::move(callback));
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
template <typename Callback>
inline void StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::
IterateUnmarkedQuarantined(size_t epoch, Callback callback) const {
->IterateImpl<FilterUnmarkedQuarantine, SimpleCallbackForwarder, Callback,
false>(epoch, std::move(callback));
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
template <typename Callback>
inline void StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::
IterateUnmarkedQuarantinedAndFree(size_t epoch, Callback callback) {
IterateImpl<FilterUnmarkedQuarantine, SimpleCallbackForwarder, Callback,
true>(epoch, std::move(callback));
template <size_t PageSize, size_t PageAlignment, size_t AllocationAlignment>
void StateBitmap<PageSize, PageAlignment, AllocationAlignment>::Clear() {
std::fill(bitmap_.begin(), bitmap_.end(), '\0');
} // namespace partition_alloc::internal