blob: 4724c959156e851cf50ce9be660680a40baf2486 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <climits>
#include "partition_alloc/pointers/raw_ptr.h"
#include "partition_alloc/pointers/raw_ptr_noop_impl.h"
namespace base::test {
// Provides a raw_ptr/raw_ref implementation that performs accounting for test
// purposes. It performs extra bookkeeping, e.g. to track the number of times
// the raw_ptr is wrapped, unrwapped, etc.
// Test only.
struct RawPtrCountingImplForTest : public base::internal::RawPtrNoOpImpl {
using SuperImpl = base::internal::RawPtrNoOpImpl;
static constexpr bool kMustZeroOnConstruct = false;
static constexpr bool kMustZeroOnMove = false;
static constexpr bool kMustZeroOnDestruct = false;
template <typename T>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static T* WrapRawPtr(T* ptr) {
return SuperImpl::WrapRawPtr(ptr);
template <typename T>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static void ReleaseWrappedPtr(T* ptr) {
template <typename T>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static T* SafelyUnwrapPtrForDereference(T* wrapped_ptr) {
return SuperImpl::SafelyUnwrapPtrForDereference(wrapped_ptr);
template <typename T>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static T* SafelyUnwrapPtrForExtraction(T* wrapped_ptr) {
return SuperImpl::SafelyUnwrapPtrForExtraction(wrapped_ptr);
template <typename T>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static T* UnsafelyUnwrapPtrForComparison(T* wrapped_ptr) {
return SuperImpl::UnsafelyUnwrapPtrForComparison(wrapped_ptr);
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static void IncrementSwapCountForTest() {
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static void IncrementLessCountForTest() {
template <typename T>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static T* WrapRawPtrForDuplication(T* ptr) {
return SuperImpl::WrapRawPtrForDuplication(ptr);
template <typename T>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static T* UnsafelyUnwrapPtrForDuplication(T* wrapped_ptr) {
return SuperImpl::UnsafelyUnwrapPtrForDuplication(wrapped_ptr);
static void ClearCounters() {
wrap_raw_ptr_cnt = 0;
release_wrapped_ptr_cnt = 0;
get_for_dereference_cnt = 0;
get_for_extraction_cnt = 0;
get_for_comparison_cnt = 0;
wrapped_ptr_swap_cnt = 0;
wrapped_ptr_less_cnt = 0;
pointer_to_member_operator_cnt = 0;
wrap_raw_ptr_for_dup_cnt = 0;
get_for_duplication_cnt = 0;
static inline int wrap_raw_ptr_cnt = INT_MIN;
static inline int release_wrapped_ptr_cnt = INT_MIN;
static inline int get_for_dereference_cnt = INT_MIN;
static inline int get_for_extraction_cnt = INT_MIN;
static inline int get_for_comparison_cnt = INT_MIN;
static inline int wrapped_ptr_swap_cnt = INT_MIN;
static inline int wrapped_ptr_less_cnt = INT_MIN;
static inline int pointer_to_member_operator_cnt = INT_MIN;
static inline int wrap_raw_ptr_for_dup_cnt = INT_MIN;
static inline int get_for_duplication_cnt = INT_MIN;
} // namespace base::test