blob: bc9ca3124b124cc418760b795a51ffc7f41a0f92 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2003 Dr John Maddock
* Use, modification and distribution is subject to the
* Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
* LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
* This file implements the following:
* void bcp_implementation::is_source_file(const fs::path& p)
* void bcp_implementation::is_html_file(const fs::path& p)
* void bcp_implementation::is_binary_file(const fs::path& p)
#include "bcp_imp.hpp"
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
bool bcp_implementation::is_source_file(const fs::path& p)
static const boost::regex e(
boost::regex::perl | boost::regex::icase
return boost::regex_match(p.string(), e);
bool bcp_implementation::is_html_file(const fs::path& p)
static const boost::regex e(
return boost::regex_match(p.string(), e);
bool bcp_implementation::is_binary_file(const fs::path& p)
if(m_cvs_mode || m_svn_mode)
std::map<fs::path, bool, path_less>::iterator pos = m_cvs_paths.find(p);
if(pos != m_cvs_paths.end()) return pos->second;
static const boost::regex e(
boost::regex::perl | boost::regex::icase);
return !boost::regex_match(p.leaf(), e);