blob: 2aaad9d2c001c0ae121faadcb341374c7a15551f [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Joel de Guzman
Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Hartmut Kaiser
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#if !defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_PLACEHOLDERS_NOV_18_2006_0326PM)
#include <boost/proto/core.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_enum.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace spirit
// This file contains the common placeholders. If you have a placeholder
// that can be (re)used in different spirit domains. This is the place
// to put them in.
namespace tag
struct char_ {};
struct wchar {};
struct lit {};
struct wlit {};
struct eol {};
struct eoi {};
struct bin {};
struct oct {};
struct hex {};
struct byte {};
struct word {};
struct dword {};
struct big_word {};
struct big_dword {};
struct little_word {};
struct little_dword {};
struct qword {};
struct big_qword {};
struct little_qword {};
struct pad {};
struct ushort {};
struct ulong {};
struct uint {};
struct short_ {};
struct long_ {};
struct int_ {};
struct ulong_long {};
struct long_long {};
struct float_ {};
struct double_ {};
struct long_double {};
struct left_align {};
struct right_align {};
struct center {};
struct delimit {};
struct verbatim {};
struct none {};
struct eps {};
struct lexeme {};
struct lazy {};
struct omit {};
struct raw {};
struct stream {};
struct wstream {};
struct token {};
typedef proto::terminal<tag::char_>::type char_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::wchar>::type wchar_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::lit>::type lit_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::wlit>::type wlit_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::eol>::type eol_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::eoi>::type eoi_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::bin>::type bin_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::oct>::type oct_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::hex>::type hex_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::byte>::type byte_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::word>::type word_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::dword>::type dword_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::big_word>::type big_word_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::big_dword>::type big_dword_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::little_word>::type little_word_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::little_dword>::type little_dword_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::qword>::type qword_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::big_qword>::type big_qword_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::little_qword>::type little_qword_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::pad>::type pad_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::ushort>::type ushort_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::ulong>::type ulong_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::uint>::type uint_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::short_>::type short_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::long_>::type long_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::int_>::type int_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::ulong_long>::type ulong_long_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::long_long>::type long_long_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::float_>::type float_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::double_>::type double_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::long_double>::type long_double_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::left_align>::type left_align_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::right_align>::type right_align_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::center>::type center_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::delimit>::type delimit_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::verbatim>::type verbatim_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::none>::type none_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::eps>::type eps_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::lexeme>::type lexeme_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::lazy>::type lazy_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::omit>::type omitted;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::raw>::type raw_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::stream>::type stream_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::wstream>::type wstream_type;
typedef proto::terminal<tag::token>::type token_type;
proto::terminal<tag::char_>::type const char_ = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::wchar>::type const wchar = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::lit>::type const lit = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::wlit>::type const wlit = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::eol>::type const eol = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::eoi>::type const eoi = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::bin>::type const bin = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::oct>::type const oct = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::hex>::type const hex = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::byte>::type const byte = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::word>::type const word = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::dword>::type const dword = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::big_word>::type const big_word = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::big_dword>::type const big_dword = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::little_word>::type const little_word = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::little_dword>::type const little_dword = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::qword>::type const qword = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::big_qword>::type const big_qword = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::little_qword>::type const little_qword = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::pad>::type const pad = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::ushort>::type const ushort = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::ulong>::type const ulong = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::uint>::type const uint = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::short_>::type const short_ = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::long_>::type const long_ = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::int_>::type const int_ = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::ulong_long>::type const ulong_long = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::long_long>::type const long_long = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::float_>::type const float_ = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::double_>::type const double_ = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::long_double>::type const long_double = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::left_align>::type const left_align = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::right_align>::type const right_align = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::center>::type const center = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::delimit>::type const delimit = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::verbatim>::type const verbatim = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::none>::type const none = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::eps>::type const eps = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::lexeme>::type const lexeme = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::lazy>::type const lazy = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::omit>::type const omit = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::raw>::type const raw = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::stream>::type const stream = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::wstream>::type const wstream = {{}};
proto::terminal<tag::token>::type const token = {{}};
// Some platforms/compilers have conflict with these terminals below
// we'll provide variations for them with trailing underscores as
// substitutes.
proto::terminal<tag::uint>::type const uint_ = {{}};
#if defined(__GNUC__)
inline void silence_unused_warnings__placeholders()
(void) char_; (void) wchar; (void) lit; (void) wlit;
(void) eol; (void) eoi;
(void) bin; (void) oct; (void) hex;
(void) byte; (void) word; (void) dword;
(void) big_word; (void) big_dword;
(void) little_word; (void) little_dword;
(void) ushort; (void) uint; (void) ulong;
(void) short_; (void) int_; (void) long_;
(void) qword; (void) little_qword; (void) big_qword;
(void) ulong_long; (void) long_long;
(void) pad;
(void) float_; (void) double_; (void) long_double;
(void) left_align; (void) right_align; (void) center;
(void) delimit; (void) verbatim;
(void) none; (void) eps; (void) lazy; (void) lexeme;
(void) omit; (void) raw;
(void) stream; (void) wstream;
(void) token;
// test if a tag is an int tag
template <typename T, typename Domain>
struct is_int_tag : mpl::false_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_int_tag<tag::bin, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_int_tag<tag::oct, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_int_tag<tag::hex, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_int_tag<tag::ushort, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_int_tag<tag::ulong, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_int_tag<tag::uint, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_int_tag<tag::short_, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_int_tag<tag::long_, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_int_tag<tag::int_, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_int_tag<tag::ulong_long, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_int_tag<tag::long_long, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
// test if a tag is an integer type
template <typename T, typename Domain>
struct is_int_lit_tag : is_enum<T> {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_int_lit_tag<short, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_int_lit_tag<unsigned short, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_int_lit_tag<int, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_int_lit_tag<unsigned int, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_int_lit_tag<long, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_int_lit_tag<unsigned long, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_int_lit_tag<boost::ulong_long_type, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_int_lit_tag<boost::long_long_type, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
// test if a tag is an floating point tag
template <typename T, typename Domain>
struct is_real_tag : mpl::false_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_real_tag<tag::float_, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_real_tag<tag::double_, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_real_tag<tag::long_double, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
// test if a tag is a floating type
template <typename T, typename Domain>
struct is_real_lit_tag : mpl::false_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_real_lit_tag<float, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_real_lit_tag<double, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_real_lit_tag<long double, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
// test if a tag is a character literal type
template <typename T, typename Domain>
struct is_char_tag : mpl::false_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_char_tag<tag::char_, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_char_tag<tag::wchar, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
// test if a tag is a character literal type
template <typename T, typename Domain>
struct is_lit_tag : mpl::false_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_lit_tag<tag::lit, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_lit_tag<tag::wlit, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
// test if a tag is a binary type
template <typename T, typename Domain>
struct is_binary_tag : mpl::false_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_binary_tag<tag::byte, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_binary_tag<tag::word, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_binary_tag<tag::dword, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_binary_tag<tag::big_word, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_binary_tag<tag::big_dword, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_binary_tag<tag::little_word, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_binary_tag<tag::little_dword, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_binary_tag<tag::qword, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_binary_tag<tag::big_qword, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_binary_tag<tag::little_qword, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
// test if a tag is a stream terminal
template <typename T, typename Domain>
struct is_stream_tag : mpl::false_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_stream_tag<tag::stream, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};
template <typename Domain>
struct is_stream_tag<tag::wstream, Domain> : mpl::true_ {};