blob: c342ad5ba37f3b7deac467640cbd8d8c776226ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Boost endian.hpp header file (proposed) ----------------------------------//
// (C) Copyright Darin Adler 2000
// (C) Copyright Beman Dawes 2006
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See library home page at
// Original design developed by Darin Adler based on classes developed by Mark
// Borgerding. Four original class templates combined into a single endian
// class template by Beman Dawes, who also added the unrolled_byte_loops sign
// partial specialization to correctly extend the sign when cover integer size
// differs from endian representation size.
#include <boost/detail/endian.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/support/detail/integer/cover_operators.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_signed.hpp>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <climits>
# if CHAR_BIT != 8
# error Platforms with CHAR_BIT != 8 are not supported
# endif
namespace boost
namespace detail
// Unrolled loops for loading and storing streams of bytes.
template <typename T, std::size_t n_bytes,
bool sign=boost::is_signed<T>::value >
struct unrolled_byte_loops
typedef unrolled_byte_loops<T, n_bytes - 1, sign> next;
static T load_big(const unsigned char* bytes)
{ return *(bytes - 1) | (next::load_big(bytes - 1) << 8); }
static T load_little(const unsigned char* bytes)
{ return *bytes | (next::load_little(bytes + 1) << 8); }
static void store_big(char* bytes, T value)
*(bytes - 1) = static_cast<char>(value);
next::store_big(bytes - 1, value >> 8);
static void store_little(char* bytes, T value)
*bytes = static_cast<char>(value);
next::store_little(bytes + 1, value >> 8);
template <typename T>
struct unrolled_byte_loops<T, 1, false>
static T load_big(const unsigned char* bytes)
{ return *(bytes - 1); }
static T load_little(const unsigned char* bytes)
{ return *bytes; }
static void store_big(char* bytes, T value)
{ *(bytes - 1) = static_cast<char>(value); }
static void store_little(char* bytes, T value)
{ *bytes = static_cast<char>(value); }
template <typename T>
struct unrolled_byte_loops<T, 1, true>
static T load_big(const unsigned char* bytes)
{ return *reinterpret_cast<const signed char*>(bytes - 1); }
static T load_little(const unsigned char* bytes)
{ return *reinterpret_cast<const signed char*>(bytes); }
static void store_big(char* bytes, T value)
{ *(bytes - 1) = static_cast<char>(value); }
static void store_little(char* bytes, T value)
{ *bytes = static_cast<char>(value); }
template <typename T, std::size_t n_bytes>
T load_big_endian(const void* bytes)
return unrolled_byte_loops<T, n_bytes>::load_big
(static_cast<const unsigned char*>(bytes) + n_bytes);
template <typename T, std::size_t n_bytes>
T load_little_endian(const void* bytes)
return unrolled_byte_loops<T, n_bytes>::load_little
(static_cast<const unsigned char*>(bytes));
template <typename T, std::size_t n_bytes>
void store_big_endian(void* bytes, T value)
unrolled_byte_loops<T, n_bytes>::store_big
(static_cast<char*>(bytes) + n_bytes, value);
template <typename T, std::size_t n_bytes>
void store_little_endian(void* bytes, T value)
unrolled_byte_loops<T, n_bytes>::store_little
(static_cast<char*>(bytes), value);
} // namespace detail
namespace integer
// endian class template and specializations -----------------------------//
enum endianness { big, little, native };
enum alignment { unaligned, aligned };
template <endianness E, typename T, std::size_t n_bits,
alignment A = unaligned>
class endian;
// Specializations that represent unaligned bytes.
// Taking an integer type as a parameter provides a nice way to pass both
// the size and signedness of the desired integer and get the appropriate
// corresponding integer type for the interface.
template <typename T, std::size_t n_bits>
class endian< big, T, n_bits, unaligned >
: cover_operators< endian< big, T, n_bits >, T >
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( (n_bits/8)*8 == n_bits );
typedef T value_type;
endian() {}
endian(T i) { detail::store_big_endian<T, n_bits/8>(bytes, i); }
operator T() const
{ return detail::load_big_endian<T, n_bits/8>(bytes); }
char bytes[n_bits/8];
template <typename T, std::size_t n_bits>
class endian< little, T, n_bits, unaligned >
: cover_operators< endian< little, T, n_bits >, T >
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( (n_bits/8)*8 == n_bits );
typedef T value_type;
endian() {}
endian(T i) { detail::store_little_endian<T, n_bits/8>(bytes, i); }
operator T() const
{ return detail::load_little_endian<T, n_bits/8>(bytes); }
char bytes[n_bits/8];
template <typename T, std::size_t n_bits>
class endian< native, T, n_bits, unaligned >
: cover_operators< endian< native, T, n_bits >, T >
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( (n_bits/8)*8 == n_bits );
typedef T value_type;
endian() {}
endian(T i) { detail::store_big_endian<T, n_bits/8>(bytes, i); }
operator T() const
{ return detail::load_big_endian<T, n_bits/8>(bytes); }
# else
endian(T i) { detail::store_little_endian<T, n_bits/8>(bytes, i); }
operator T() const
{ return detail::load_little_endian<T, n_bits/8>(bytes); }
# endif
char bytes[n_bits/8];
// Specializations that mimic built-in integer types.
// These typically have the same alignment as the underlying types.
template <typename T, std::size_t n_bits>
class endian< big, T, n_bits, aligned >
: cover_operators< endian< big, T, n_bits, aligned >, T >
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( (n_bits/8)*8 == n_bits );
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof(T) == n_bits/8 );
typedef T value_type;
endian() {}
endian(T i) : integer(i) { }
operator T() const { return integer; }
endian(T i) { detail::store_big_endian<T, sizeof(T)>(&integer, i); }
operator T() const
{ return detail::load_big_endian<T, sizeof(T)>(&integer); }
T integer;
template <typename T, std::size_t n_bits>
class endian< little, T, n_bits, aligned >
: cover_operators< endian< little, T, n_bits, aligned >, T >
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( (n_bits/8)*8 == n_bits );
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof(T) == n_bits/8 );
typedef T value_type;
endian() {}
endian(T i) : integer(i) { }
operator T() const { return integer; }
endian(T i)
{ detail::store_little_endian<T, sizeof(T)>(&integer, i); }
operator T() const
{ return detail::load_little_endian<T, sizeof(T)>(&integer); }
T integer;
// naming convention typedefs --------------------------------------------//
// unaligned big endian signed integer types
typedef endian< big, int_least8_t, 8 > big8_t;
typedef endian< big, int_least16_t, 16 > big16_t;
typedef endian< big, int_least32_t, 24 > big24_t;
typedef endian< big, int_least32_t, 32 > big32_t;
typedef endian< big, int_least64_t, 40 > big40_t;
typedef endian< big, int_least64_t, 48 > big48_t;
typedef endian< big, int_least64_t, 56 > big56_t;
typedef endian< big, int_least64_t, 64 > big64_t;
// unaligned big endian unsigned integer types
typedef endian< big, uint_least8_t, 8 > ubig8_t;
typedef endian< big, uint_least16_t, 16 > ubig16_t;
typedef endian< big, uint_least32_t, 24 > ubig24_t;
typedef endian< big, uint_least32_t, 32 > ubig32_t;
typedef endian< big, uint_least64_t, 40 > ubig40_t;
typedef endian< big, uint_least64_t, 48 > ubig48_t;
typedef endian< big, uint_least64_t, 56 > ubig56_t;
typedef endian< big, uint_least64_t, 64 > ubig64_t;
// unaligned little endian signed integer types
typedef endian< little, int_least8_t, 8 > little8_t;
typedef endian< little, int_least16_t, 16 > little16_t;
typedef endian< little, int_least32_t, 24 > little24_t;
typedef endian< little, int_least32_t, 32 > little32_t;
typedef endian< little, int_least64_t, 40 > little40_t;
typedef endian< little, int_least64_t, 48 > little48_t;
typedef endian< little, int_least64_t, 56 > little56_t;
typedef endian< little, int_least64_t, 64 > little64_t;
// unaligned little endian unsigned integer types
typedef endian< little, uint_least8_t, 8 > ulittle8_t;
typedef endian< little, uint_least16_t, 16 > ulittle16_t;
typedef endian< little, uint_least32_t, 24 > ulittle24_t;
typedef endian< little, uint_least32_t, 32 > ulittle32_t;
typedef endian< little, uint_least64_t, 40 > ulittle40_t;
typedef endian< little, uint_least64_t, 48 > ulittle48_t;
typedef endian< little, uint_least64_t, 56 > ulittle56_t;
typedef endian< little, uint_least64_t, 64 > ulittle64_t;
// unaligned native endian signed integer types
typedef endian< native, int_least8_t, 8 > native8_t;
typedef endian< native, int_least16_t, 16 > native16_t;
typedef endian< native, int_least32_t, 24 > native24_t;
typedef endian< native, int_least32_t, 32 > native32_t;
typedef endian< native, int_least64_t, 40 > native40_t;
typedef endian< native, int_least64_t, 48 > native48_t;
typedef endian< native, int_least64_t, 56 > native56_t;
typedef endian< native, int_least64_t, 64 > native64_t;
// unaligned native endian unsigned integer types
typedef endian< native, uint_least8_t, 8 > unative8_t;
typedef endian< native, uint_least16_t, 16 > unative16_t;
typedef endian< native, uint_least32_t, 24 > unative24_t;
typedef endian< native, uint_least32_t, 32 > unative32_t;
typedef endian< native, uint_least64_t, 40 > unative40_t;
typedef endian< native, uint_least64_t, 48 > unative48_t;
typedef endian< native, uint_least64_t, 56 > unative56_t;
typedef endian< native, uint_least64_t, 64 > unative64_t;
#define BOOST_HAS_INT16_T
#define BOOST_HAS_INT32_T
#define BOOST_HAS_INT64_T
// These types only present if platform has exact size integers:
// aligned big endian signed integer types
// aligned big endian unsigned integer types
// aligned little endian signed integer types
// aligned little endian unsigned integer types
// aligned native endian typedefs are not provided because
// <cstdint> types are superior for this use case
# if defined(BOOST_HAS_INT16_T)
typedef endian< big, int16_t, 16, aligned > aligned_big16_t;
typedef endian< big, uint16_t, 16, aligned > aligned_ubig16_t;
typedef endian< little, int16_t, 16, aligned > aligned_little16_t;
typedef endian< little, uint16_t, 16, aligned > aligned_ulittle16_t;
# endif
# if defined(BOOST_HAS_INT32_T)
typedef endian< big, int32_t, 32, aligned > aligned_big32_t;
typedef endian< big, uint32_t, 32, aligned > aligned_ubig32_t;
typedef endian< little, int32_t, 32, aligned > aligned_little32_t;
typedef endian< little, uint32_t, 32, aligned > aligned_ulittle32_t;
# endif
# if defined(BOOST_HAS_INT64_T)
typedef endian< big, int64_t, 64, aligned > aligned_big64_t;
typedef endian< big, uint64_t, 64, aligned > aligned_ubig64_t;
typedef endian< little, int64_t, 64, aligned > aligned_little64_t;
typedef endian< little, uint64_t, 64, aligned > aligned_ulittle64_t;
# endif
} // namespace integer
} // namespace boost