blob: 3982575968f7dc1ac305010cc98c5c571d936f9c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Hartmut Kaiser
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#if !defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_SUPPORT_CONFIX_AUG_19_2008_1103AM)
#include <boost/spirit/home/support/placeholders.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace tag
// This is the tag returned by the confix() function
template <typename Prefix, typename Suffix>
struct confix_tag
Prefix prefix;
Suffix suffix;
namespace boost { namespace spirit
template <typename Prefix, typename Suffix = Prefix>
struct confix_spec
: proto::terminal<tag::confix_tag<Prefix, Suffix> >::type
typedef typename
proto::terminal<tag::confix_tag<Prefix, Suffix> >::type
base_type make_tag(Prefix const& prefix, Suffix const& suffix) const
base_type xpr = {{prefix, suffix}};
return xpr;
confix_spec(Prefix const& prefix, Suffix const& suffix)
: base_type(make_tag(prefix, suffix))
namespace detail
struct confix_extractor
template <typename Prefix, typename Suffix>
static Prefix const& prefix(tag::confix_tag<Prefix, Suffix> const& c)
{ return c.prefix; }
template <typename Prefix, typename Suffix>
static Suffix const& suffix(tag::confix_tag<Prefix, Suffix> const& c)
{ return c.suffix; }
// construct a confix component
inline confix_spec<char const*>
confix(char const* prefix, char const* suffix)
return confix_spec<char const*>(prefix, suffix);
inline confix_spec<wchar_t const*>
confix(wchar_t const* prefix, wchar_t const* suffix)
return confix_spec<wchar_t const*>(prefix, suffix);
template <typename Prefix, typename Suffix>
inline confix_spec<Prefix, Suffix>
confix(Prefix const& prefix, Suffix const& suffix)
return confix_spec<Prefix, Suffix>(prefix, suffix);