blob: 03d3fea261b55b1ca22a93c08762d735bddddf33 [file] [log] [blame]
load("//go/private:sdk.bzl", "detect_host_platform", "go_download_sdk_rule", "go_host_sdk_rule", "go_multiple_toolchains")
load("//go/private:repositories.bzl", "go_rules_dependencies")
def host_compatible_toolchain_impl(ctx):
ctx.file("defs.bzl", content = """
host_compatible_toolchain = repository_rule(
implementation = host_compatible_toolchain_impl,
attrs = {
# We cannot use attr.label for the `toolchain` attribute since the module extension cannot
# refer to the repositories it creates by their apparent repository names.
"toolchain": attr.string(
doc = "The apparent label of a `ROOT` file in the repository of a host compatible toolchain created by the `go_sdk` extension",
mandatory = True,
doc = "An external repository to expose the first host compatible toolchain",
_download_tag = tag_class(
attrs = {
"name": attr.string(),
"goos": attr.string(),
"goarch": attr.string(),
"sdks": attr.string_list_dict(),
"urls": attr.string_list(default = ["{}"]),
"version": attr.string(),
"strip_prefix": attr.string(default = "go"),
_host_tag = tag_class(
attrs = {
"name": attr.string(),
"version": attr.string(),
# This limit can be increased essentially arbitrarily, but doing so will cause a rebuild of all
# targets using any of these toolchains due to the changed repository name.
def _go_sdk_impl(ctx):
multi_version_module = {}
for module in ctx.modules:
if in multi_version_module:
multi_version_module[] = True
multi_version_module[] = False
# We remember the first host compatible toolchain declared by the download and host tags.
# The order follows bazel's iteration over modules (the toolchains declared by the root module are considered first).
# We know that at least `go_default_sdk` (which is declared by the `rules_go` module itself) is host compatible.
first_host_compatible_toolchain = None
host_detected_goos, host_detected_goarch = detect_host_platform(ctx)
toolchains = []
for module in ctx.modules:
for index, download_tag in enumerate(
# SDKs without an explicit version are fetched even when not selected by toolchain
# resolution. This is acceptable if brought in by the root module, but transitive
# dependencies should not slow down the build in this way.
if not module.is_root and not download_tag.version:
fail(" version must be specified in non-root module " +
# SDKs with an explicit name are at risk of colliding with those from other modules.
# This is acceptable if brought in by the root module as the user is responsible for any
# conflicts that arise. rules_go itself provides "go_default_sdk", which is used by
# Gazelle to bootstrap itself.
# TODO( Investigate whether
# Gazelle can use the first user-defined SDK instead to prevent unnecessary downloads.
if (not module.is_root and not == "rules_go") and
fail(" name must not be specified in non-root module " +
name = or _default_go_sdk_name(
module = module,
multi_version = multi_version_module[],
tag_type = "download",
index = index,
name = name,
goos = download_tag.goos,
goarch = download_tag.goarch,
sdks = download_tag.sdks,
urls = download_tag.urls,
version = download_tag.version,
if (not download_tag.goos or download_tag.goos == host_detected_goos) and (not download_tag.goarch or download_tag.goarch == host_detected_goarch):
first_host_compatible_toolchain = first_host_compatible_toolchain or "@{}//:ROOT".format(name)
goos = download_tag.goos,
goarch = download_tag.goarch,
sdk_repo = name,
sdk_type = "remote",
sdk_version = download_tag.version,
for index, host_tag in enumerate(
# Dependencies can rely on rules_go providing a default remote SDK. They can also
# configure a specific version of the SDK to use. However, they should not add a
# dependency on the host's Go SDK.
if not module.is_root:
fail(" cannot be used in non-root module " +
name = or _default_go_sdk_name(
module = module,
multi_version = multi_version_module[],
tag_type = "host",
index = index,
name = name,
version = host_tag.version,
goos = "",
goarch = "",
sdk_repo = name,
sdk_type = "host",
sdk_version = host_tag.version,
first_host_compatible_toolchain = first_host_compatible_toolchain or "@{}//:ROOT".format(name)
host_compatible_toolchain(name = "go_host_compatible_sdk_label", toolchain = first_host_compatible_toolchain)
if len(toolchains) > _MAX_NUM_TOOLCHAINS:
fail("more than {} go_sdk tags are not supported".format(_MAX_NUM_TOOLCHAINS))
# Toolchains in a BUILD file are registered in the order given by name, not in the order they
# are declared:
# We pad with an index that lexicographically sorts in the same order as if these toolchains
# were registered using register_toolchains in their MODULE.bazel files.
name = "go_toolchains",
prefixes = [
_toolchain_prefix(index, toolchain.sdk_repo)
for index, toolchain in enumerate(toolchains)
geese = [toolchain.goos for toolchain in toolchains],
goarchs = [toolchain.goarch for toolchain in toolchains],
sdk_repos = [toolchain.sdk_repo for toolchain in toolchains],
sdk_types = [toolchain.sdk_type for toolchain in toolchains],
sdk_versions = [toolchain.sdk_version for toolchain in toolchains],
def _default_go_sdk_name(*, module, multi_version, tag_type, index):
# Keep the version out of the repository name if possible to prevent unnecessary rebuilds when
# it changes.
return "{name}_{version}_{tag_type}_{index}".format(
name =,
version = module.version if multi_version else "",
tag_type = tag_type,
index = index,
def _toolchain_prefix(index, name):
"""Prefixes the given name with the index, padded with zeros to ensure lexicographic sorting.
_toolchain_prefix( 2, "foo") == "_0002_foo_"
_toolchain_prefix(2000, "foo") == "_2000_foo_"
return "_{}_{}_".format(_left_pad_zero(index, _TOOLCHAIN_INDEX_PAD_LENGTH), name)
def _left_pad_zero(index, length):
if index < 0:
fail("index must be non-negative")
return ("0" * length + str(index))[-length:]
go_sdk = module_extension(
implementation = _go_sdk_impl,
tag_classes = {
"download": _download_tag,
"host": _host_tag,
def _non_module_dependencies_impl(_ctx):
go_rules_dependencies(force = True)
non_module_dependencies = module_extension(
implementation = _non_module_dependencies_impl,