blob: 154d09bc8bd099ceb555091adfb6b92e4f166dd5 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Rule to support Bazel in copying its output files to the dist dir outside of
the standard Bazel output user root.
load("@bazel_skylib//rules:copy_file.bzl", "copy_file")
load("//build/bazel_common_rules/exec/impl:embedded_exec.bzl", "embedded_exec")
def _label_list_to_manifest(lst):
"""Convert the outputs of a label list to manifest content."""
all_dist_files = []
for f in lst:
all_dist_files += f[DefaultInfo].files.to_list()
return all_dist_files, "\n".join([dist_file.short_path for dist_file in all_dist_files])
def _generate_dist_manifest_impl(ctx):
# Create a manifest of dist files to differentiate them from other runfiles.
dist_manifest = ctx.actions.declare_file( + "_dist_manifest.txt")
all_dist_files, dist_manifest_content = _label_list_to_manifest(
output = dist_manifest,
content = dist_manifest_content,
dist_archives_manifest = ctx.actions.declare_file( + "_dist_archives_manifest.txt")
all_dist_archives, dist_archives_manifest_content = _label_list_to_manifest(ctx.attr.archives)
output = dist_archives_manifest,
content = dist_archives_manifest_content,
# Create the runfiles object.
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = all_dist_files + all_dist_archives + [
return [DefaultInfo(runfiles = runfiles)]
_generate_dist_manifest = rule(
implementation = _generate_dist_manifest_impl,
doc = """Generate a manifest of files to be dist to a directory.""",
attrs = {
"data": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
doc = """Files or targets to copy to the dist dir.
In the case of targets, the rule copies the list of `files` from the target's DefaultInfo provider.
"archives": attr.label_list(
allow_files = [".tar.gz", ".tar"],
doc = """Files or targets to be extracted to the dist dir.
In the case of targets, the rule copies the list of `files` from the target's DefaultInfo provider.
def copy_to_dist_dir(
data = None,
archives = None,
flat = None,
prefix = None,
strip_components = 0,
archive_prefix = None,
dist_dir = None,
wipe_dist_dir = None,
allow_duplicate_filenames = None,
mode_overrides = None,
log = None,
testonly = False,
"""A dist rule to copy files out of Bazel's output directory into a custom location.
bazel run //path/to/my:dist_target -- --dist_dir=/tmp/dist
Run `bazel run //path/to/my:dist_target -- --help` for explanations of
name: name of this rule
data: A list of labels, whose outputs are copied to `--dist_dir`.
archives: A list of labels, whose outputs are treated as tarballs and
extracted to `--dist_dir`.
flat: If true, `--flat` is provided to the script by default. Flatten the distribution
strip_components: If specified, `--strip_components <prefix>` is provided to the script. Strip
leading components from the existing copied file paths before applying --prefix
(if specified).
prefix: If specified, `--prefix <prefix>` is provided to the script by default. Path prefix
to apply within dist_dir for copied files.
archive_prefix: If specified, `--archive_prefix <prefix>` is provided to the script by
default. Path prefix to apply within dist_dir for extracted archives.
dist_dir: If specified, `--dist_dir <dist_dir>` is provided to the script by default.
In particular, if this is a relative path, it is interpreted as a relative path
under workspace root when the target is executed with `bazel run`.
By default, the script will overwrite any files of the same name in `dist_dir`, but preserve
any other contents there. This can be overridden with `wipe_dist_dir`.
See details by running the target with `--help`.
wipe_dist_dir: If true, and `dist_dir` already exists, `dist_dir` will be removed prior to
allow_duplicate_filenames: If true, duplicate filenames from different sources will be allowed to
be copied to the same `dist_dir` (with subsequent sources overwriting previous sources).
With this option enabled, order matters. The final source of the file listed in `data` will be the
final version copied.
Use of this option is discouraged. Preferably, the input `data` targets would not include labels
which produce a duplicate filename. This option is available as a last resort.
mode_overrides: Map of glob patterns to octal permissions. If the file path being copied matches the
glob pattern, the corresponding permissions will be set in `dist_dir`. Full file paths are used for
matching even if `flat = True`. Paths are relative to the workspace root.
Order matters; the overrides will be stepped through in the order given for each file. To prevent
buildifier from sorting the list, use the `# do not sort` magic line. For example:
mode_overrides = {
# do not sort
"**/*.sh": 755,
"**/hello_world": 755,
"restricted_dir/**": 600,
"common/kernel_aarch64/vmlinux": 755,
"**/*": 644,
If no `mode_overrides` are provided, the default Bazel output permissions are preserved.
log: If specified, `--log <log>` is provided to the script by default. This sets the
default log level of the script.
testonly: If enabled, testonly will also be set on the internal targets
for Bazel analysis to succeed due to the nature of testonly enforcement
on reverse dependencies.
See `` for allowed values and the default value.
**kwargs: Additional attributes to the internal rule, e.g.
These additional attributes are only passed to the underlying embedded_exec rule.
default_args = []
if flat:
if strip_components != None:
if strip_components < 0:
fail("strip_components must greater than 0, but is %s" % strip_components)
default_args += ["--strip_components", str(strip_components)]
if prefix != None:
default_args += ["--prefix", prefix]
if archive_prefix != None:
default_args += ["--archive_prefix", archive_prefix]
if dist_dir != None:
default_args += ["--dist_dir", dist_dir]
if wipe_dist_dir:
if allow_duplicate_filenames:
if mode_overrides != None:
for (pattern, mode) in mode_overrides.items():
default_args += ["--mode_override", pattern, str(mode)]
if log != None:
default_args += ["--log", log]
name = name + "_dist_manifest",
data = data,
archives = archives,
testonly = testonly,
name = name + "_dist_tool",
src = "//build/bazel_common_rules/",
out = name + "",
# The dist py_binary tool must be colocated in the same package as the
# dist_manifest so that the runfiles directory is the same, and that the
# dist_manifest is in the data runfiles of the dist tool.
name = name + "_internal",
main = name + "",
srcs = [name + ""],
python_version = "PY3",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
data = [name + "_dist_manifest"],
testonly = testonly,
args = default_args,
name = name,
actual = name + "_internal",
testonly = testonly,