blob: 0cc83aa8c26d93a708c3bce04411adb4280b65ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024, The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use core::cmp::min;
use core::ffi::CStr;
use core::str::Split;
use fastboot::{
next_arg, next_arg_u64, CommandError, FastbootImplementation, FastbootUtils, UploadBuilder,
use gbl_storage::{AsBlockDevice, AsMultiBlockDevices, GPT_NAME_LEN_U16};
mod vars;
use vars::{BlockDevice, Partition, Variable};
pub(crate) const GPT_NAME_LEN_U8: usize = GPT_NAME_LEN_U16 * 2;
/// `GblFbPartition` represents a GBL Fastboot partition, which is defined as any sub window of a
/// GPT partition or raw storage.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct GblFbPartition {
// GPT partition if it is a non-null string, raw block otherwise.
part: [u8; GPT_NAME_LEN_U8],
blk_id: u64,
// The offset where the window starts.
window_start: u64,
// The size of the window.
window_size: u64,
impl GblFbPartition {
pub fn part(&self) -> &str {
// The construction is guaranteed to give a valid UTF8 string.
/// `GblFbPartitionIo` provides read/write/size methods for a GBL Fastboot partition.
pub(crate) struct GblFbPartitionIo<'a> {
part: GblFbPartition,
devs: &'a mut dyn AsMultiBlockDevices,
impl GblFbPartitionIo<'_> {
/// Checks read/write offset/size and returns the absolute offset.
fn check_range(&self, rw_off: u64, rw_size: usize) -> Result<u64, CommandError> {
if add(rw_off, u64::try_from(rw_size)?)? > self.part.window_size {
return Err("Read/Write range overflow".into());
Ok(add(rw_off, self.part.window_start)?)
/// Reads from the GBL Fastboot partition.
pub fn read(&mut self, offset: u64, out: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), CommandError> {
let offset = self.check_range(offset, out.len())?;
let mut dev = (&mut self.devs).get(self.part.blk_id)?;
Ok(match self.part.part() {
"" =>, out),
part => dev.read_gpt_partition(part, offset, out),
/// Writes to the GBL Fastboot partition.
pub fn write(&mut self, offset: u64, data: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), CommandError> {
let offset = self.check_range(offset, data.len())?;
let mut dev = (&mut self.devs).get(self.part.blk_id)?;
Ok(match self.part.part() {
"" => dev.write(offset, data),
part => dev.write_gpt_partition_mut(part, offset, data),
/// Returns the size of the GBL Fastboot partition.
pub fn size(&mut self) -> u64 {
/// `GblFastboot` implements fastboot commands in the GBL context.
pub struct GblFastboot<'a> {
pub storage: &'a mut dyn AsMultiBlockDevices,
impl<'a> GblFastboot<'a> {
/// Native GBL fastboot variables.
const NATIVE_VARS: &'static [&'static dyn Variable] = &[
&("version-bootloader", "1.0"), // Placeholder for now.
// GBL Fastboot can internally handle uploading in batches, thus there is no limit on
// max-fetch-size.
&("max-fetch-size", "0xffffffffffffffff"),
&BlockDevice {},
&Partition {},
/// Creates a new instance.
pub fn new(storage: &'a mut dyn AsMultiBlockDevices) -> Self {
Self { storage: storage }
/// Returns the storage object.
/// `AsMultiBlockDevices` has methods with `Self: Sized` constraint. Thus we return a
/// `&mut &mut dyn AsMultiBlockDevices` which also implements `AsMultiBlockDevices` but meets
/// the `Sized` bound.
pub fn storage(&mut self) -> &mut &'a mut dyn AsMultiBlockDevices {
/// Parses and checks partition name, block device ID and offset from the arguments and
/// returns an instance of `GblFbPartition`.
pub(crate) fn parse_partition<'b>(
&mut self,
mut args: Split<'b, char>,
) -> Result<GblFbPartition, CommandError> {
let devs =;
// Copies over partition name string
let part = next_arg(&mut args, Ok(""))?;
let mut part_str = [0u8; GPT_NAME_LEN_U8];
.ok_or("Partition name too long")?
// Parses block device ID.
let blk_id = next_arg_u64(&mut args, Err("".into())).ok();
// Parses offset
let window_start = next_arg_u64(&mut args, Ok(0))?;
// Checks blk_id and computes maximum partition size.
let (blk_id, max_size) = match part {
"" => {
let blk_id = blk_id.ok_or("Must provide a block device ID")?;
(blk_id, devs.get(blk_id)?.total_size()?)
gpt => match blk_id {
Some(id) => (id, devs.get(id)?.find_partition(gpt)?.size()?),
_ => {
devs.check_part(gpt).map(|(id, p)| Ok::<_, CommandError>((id, p.size()?)))??
let max_size = max_size.checked_sub(window_start).ok_or("Offset overflows")?;
// Parses size or uses `max_size`
let window_size = next_arg_u64(&mut args, Ok(max_size))?;
match window_size > max_size {
true => Err("Size overflows".into()),
_ => Ok(GblFbPartition {
part: part_str,
blk_id: blk_id,
window_start: window_start,
window_size: window_size,
/// Creates an instance of `GblFbPartitionIO`
pub(crate) fn partition_io(&mut self, part: GblFbPartition) -> GblFbPartitionIo {
GblFbPartitionIo { part: part, devs: }
impl FastbootImplementation for GblFastboot<'_> {
fn get_var(
&mut self,
var: &str,
args: Split<char>,
out: &mut [u8],
_utils: &mut FastbootUtils,
) -> Result<usize, CommandError> {
.find_map(|v| v.get(self, var, args.clone(), out).transpose())
.ok_or::<CommandError>("No such variable".into())?
fn get_var_all(
&mut self,
f: &mut dyn FnMut(&str, &[&str], &str) -> Result<(), CommandError>,
_utils: &mut FastbootUtils,
) -> Result<(), CommandError> {
Self::NATIVE_VARS.iter().find_map(|v| v.get_all(self, f).err()).map_or(Ok(()), |e| Err(e))
fn flash(&mut self, part: &str, utils: &mut FastbootUtils) -> Result<(), CommandError> {
let part = self.parse_partition(part.split(':'))?;
self.partition_io(part).write(0, utils.download_data())
fn upload(
&mut self,
_upload_builder: UploadBuilder,
_utils: &mut FastbootUtils,
) -> Result<(), CommandError> {
fn fetch(
&mut self,
part: &str,
offset: u64,
size: u64,
upload_builder: UploadBuilder,
utils: &mut FastbootUtils,
) -> Result<(), CommandError> {
let part = self.parse_partition(part.split(':'))?;
let buffer = utils.take_download_buffer();
let buffer_len = u64::try_from(buffer.len())
.map_err::<CommandError, _>(|_| "buffer size overflow".into())?;
let end = add(offset, size)?;
let mut curr = offset;
let mut uploader = upload_builder.start(size)?;
while curr < end {
let to_send = min(end - curr, buffer_len);
self.partition_io(part).read(curr, &mut buffer[..to_usize(to_send)?])?;
uploader.upload(&mut buffer[..to_usize(to_send)?])?;
curr += to_send;
fn oem<'a>(
&mut self,
_cmd: &str,
utils: &mut FastbootUtils,
_res: &'a mut [u8],
) -> Result<&'a [u8], CommandError> {
let _ = utils.info_send("GBL OEM not implemented yet")?;
/// Check and convert u64 into usize
fn to_usize(val: u64) -> Result<usize, CommandError> {
val.try_into().map_err(|_| "Overflow".into())
/// Add two u64 integers and check overflow
fn add(lhs: u64, rhs: u64) -> Result<u64, CommandError> {
/// Subtracts two u64 integers and check overflow
fn sub(lhs: u64, rhs: u64) -> Result<u64, CommandError> {
mod test {
use super::*;
use fastboot::test_utils::with_mock_upload_builder;
use gbl_storage::{required_scratch_size, AsBlockDevice, BlockIo};
use std::string::String;
use Vec;
const BLOCK_SIZE: u64 = 512;
const MAX_GPT_ENTRIES: u64 = 128;
// TODO(b/329138620): Migrate to common storage test library once available.
struct TestBlockIo(Vec<u8>);
impl BlockIo for TestBlockIo {
fn block_size(&mut self) -> u64 {
fn num_blocks(&mut self) -> u64 {
u64::try_from(self.0.len()).unwrap() / BLOCK_SIZE
fn alignment(&mut self) -> u64 {
fn read_blocks(&mut self, blk_offset: u64, out: &mut [u8]) -> bool {
&self.0[usize::try_from(blk_offset * BLOCK_SIZE).unwrap()..][..out.len()],
fn write_blocks(&mut self, blk_offset: u64, data: &[u8]) -> bool {
self.0[usize::try_from(blk_offset * BLOCK_SIZE).unwrap()..][]
struct TestBlockDevice((TestBlockIo, Vec<u8>));
impl AsBlockDevice for TestBlockDevice {
fn with(&mut self, f: &mut dyn FnMut(&mut dyn BlockIo, &mut [u8], u64)) {
f(&mut self.0 .0, &mut self.0 .1[..], MAX_GPT_ENTRIES)
fn test_block_device(storage: &[u8]) -> TestBlockDevice {
let mut io = TestBlockIo(Vec::from(storage));
let scratch_size = required_scratch_size(&mut io, MAX_GPT_ENTRIES).unwrap();
TestBlockDevice((io, vec![0u8; scratch_size]))
struct TestMultiBlockDevices(Vec<TestBlockDevice>);
impl AsMultiBlockDevices for TestMultiBlockDevices {
fn for_each_until(&mut self, f: &mut dyn FnMut(&mut dyn AsBlockDevice, u64) -> bool) {
let _ = self
.find_map(|(idx, ele)| f(ele, u64::try_from(idx).unwrap()).then_some(()));
/// Helper to test fastboot variable value.
fn check_var(gbl_fb: &mut GblFastboot, var: &str, args: &str, expected: &str) {
let mut dl_size = 0;
let mut utils = FastbootUtils::new(&mut [], &mut dl_size, None);
let mut out = vec![0u8; fastboot::MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE];
gbl_fb.get_var_as_str(var, args.split(':'), &mut out[..], &mut utils).unwrap(),
fn test_get_var_partition_info() {
let mut devs = TestMultiBlockDevices(vec![
devs.sync_gpt_all(&mut |_, _, _| panic!("GPT sync failed"));
let mut gbl_fb = GblFastboot::new(&mut devs);
// Check different semantics
check_var(&mut gbl_fb, "partition-size", "boot_a", "0x2000");
check_var(&mut gbl_fb, "partition-size", "boot_a:", "0x2000");
check_var(&mut gbl_fb, "partition-size", "boot_a::", "0x2000");
check_var(&mut gbl_fb, "partition-size", "boot_a:::", "0x2000");
check_var(&mut gbl_fb, "partition-size", "boot_a:0", "0x2000");
check_var(&mut gbl_fb, "partition-size", "boot_a:0:", "0x2000");
check_var(&mut gbl_fb, "partition-size", "boot_a::0", "0x2000");
check_var(&mut gbl_fb, "partition-size", "boot_a:0:0", "0x2000");
check_var(&mut gbl_fb, "partition-size", "boot_a::0x1000", "0x1000");
check_var(&mut gbl_fb, "partition-size", "boot_b:0", "0x3000");
check_var(&mut gbl_fb, "partition-size", "vendor_boot_a:1", "0x1000");
check_var(&mut gbl_fb, "partition-size", "vendor_boot_b:1", "0x1800");
let mut dl_size = 0;
let mut utils = FastbootUtils::new(&mut [], &mut dl_size, None);
let mut out = vec![0u8; fastboot::MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE];
.get_var_as_str("partition", "non-existent".split(':'), &mut out[..], &mut utils)
fn test_get_var_all() {
let mut devs = TestMultiBlockDevices(vec![
devs.sync_gpt_all(&mut |_, _, _| panic!("GPT sync failed"));
let mut gbl_fb = GblFastboot::new(&mut devs);
let mut dl_size = 0;
let mut utils = FastbootUtils::new(&mut [], &mut dl_size, None);
let mut out: Vec<String> = Default::default();
&mut |name, args, val| {
out.push(format!("{}:{}: {}", name, args.join(":"), val));
&mut utils,
"version-bootloader:: 1.0",
"max-fetch-size:: 0xffffffffffffffff",
"block-device:0:total-blocks: 0x80",
"block-device:0:block-size: 0x200",
"block-device:1:total-blocks: 0x100",
"block-device:1:block-size: 0x200",
"partition-size:boot_a:0: 0x2000",
"partition-type:boot_a:0: raw",
"partition-size:boot_b:0: 0x3000",
"partition-type:boot_b:0: raw",
"partition-size:vendor_boot_a:1: 0x1000",
"partition-type:vendor_boot_a:1: raw",
"partition-size:vendor_boot_b:1: 0x1800",
"partition-type:vendor_boot_b:1: raw"
/// A helper for fetching partition from a `GblFastboot`
fn fetch(
fb: &mut GblFastboot,
part: String,
off: u64,
size: u64,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, CommandError> {
let mut dl_size = 0;
// Forces upload in two batches for testing.
let mut download_buffer =
vec![0u8; core::cmp::max(1, usize::try_from(size).unwrap() / 2usize)];
let mut utils = FastbootUtils::new(&mut download_buffer[..], &mut dl_size, None);
let mut upload_out = vec![0u8; usize::try_from(size).unwrap()];
let mut res = Ok(());
let (uploaded, _) = with_mock_upload_builder(&mut upload_out[..], |upload_builder| {
res = fb.fetch(part.as_str(), off, size, upload_builder, &mut utils)
assert!(res.is_err() || uploaded == usize::try_from(size).unwrap());|_| upload_out)
fn test_fetch_invalid_partition_arg() {
let mut devs = TestMultiBlockDevices(vec![
devs.sync_gpt_all(&mut |_, _, _| panic!("GPT sync failed"));
let mut fb = GblFastboot::new(&mut devs);
// Missing mandatory block device ID for raw block partition.
assert!(fetch(&mut fb, "::0:0".into(), 0, 0).is_err());
// GPT partition does not exist.
assert!(fetch(&mut fb, "non:::".into(), 0, 0).is_err());
// GPT Partition is not unique.
assert!(fetch(&mut fb, "vendor_boot_a:::".into(), 0, 0).is_err());
// Offset overflows.
assert!(fetch(&mut fb, "boot_a::0x2001:".into(), 0, 1).is_err());
assert!(fetch(&mut fb, "boot_a".into(), 0x2000, 1).is_err());
// Size overflows.
assert!(fetch(&mut fb, "boot_a:::0x2001".into(), 0, 0).is_err());
assert!(fetch(&mut fb, "boot_a".into(), 0, 0x2001).is_err());
/// A helper for testing raw block upload. It verifies that data read from block device
/// `blk_id` in range [`off`, `off`+`size`) is the same as `disk[off..][..size]`
fn check_blk_upload(fb: &mut GblFastboot, blk_id: u64, off: u64, size: u64, disk: &[u8]) {
let expected = disk[off.try_into().unwrap()..][..size.try_into().unwrap()].to_vec();
// offset/size as part of the partition string.
let part = format!(":{:#x}:{:#x}:{:#x}", blk_id, off, size);
assert_eq!(fetch(fb, part, 0, size).unwrap(), expected);
// offset/size as separate fetch arguments.
let part = format!(":{:#x}", blk_id);
assert_eq!(fetch(fb, part, off, size).unwrap(), expected);
fn test_fetch_raw_block() {
let disk_0 = include_bytes!("../../../libstorage/test/gpt_test_1.bin");
let disk_1 = include_bytes!("../../../libstorage/test/gpt_test_2.bin");
let mut devs =
TestMultiBlockDevices(vec![test_block_device(disk_0), test_block_device(disk_1)]);
devs.sync_gpt_all(&mut |_, _, _| panic!("GPT sync failed"));
let mut gbl_fb = GblFastboot::new(&mut devs);
let off = 512;
let size = 512;
check_blk_upload(&mut gbl_fb, 0, off, size, disk_0);
check_blk_upload(&mut gbl_fb, 1, off, size, disk_1);
/// A helper for testing uploading GPT partition. It verifies that data read from GPT partition
/// `part` at disk `blk_id` in range [`off`, `off`+`size`) is the same as
/// `partition_data[off..][..size]`.
fn check_gpt_upload(
fb: &mut GblFastboot,
part: &str,
off: u64,
size: u64,
blk_id: Option<u64>,
partition_data: &[u8],
) {
let expected =
let blk_id = blk_id.map_or("".to_string(), |v| format!("{:#x}", v));
// offset/size as part of the partition string.
let gpt_part = format!("{}:{}:{:#x}:{:#x}", part, blk_id, off, size);
assert_eq!(fetch(fb, gpt_part, 0, size).unwrap(), expected);
// offset/size as separate fetch arguments.
let gpt_part = format!("{}:{}", part, blk_id);
assert_eq!(fetch(fb, gpt_part, off, size).unwrap(), expected);
fn test_fetch_gpt_partition() {
let mut devs = TestMultiBlockDevices(vec![
devs.sync_gpt_all(&mut |_, _, _| panic!("GPT sync failed"));
let mut gbl_fb = GblFastboot::new(&mut devs);
let expect_boot_a = include_bytes!("../../../libstorage/test/boot_a.bin");
let expect_boot_b = include_bytes!("../../../libstorage/test/boot_b.bin");
let expect_vendor_boot_a = include_bytes!("../../../libstorage/test/vendor_boot_a.bin");
let expect_vendor_boot_b = include_bytes!("../../../libstorage/test/vendor_boot_b.bin");
let size = 512;
let off = 512;
check_gpt_upload(&mut gbl_fb, "boot_a", off, size, Some(0), expect_boot_a);
check_gpt_upload(&mut gbl_fb, "boot_b", off, size, Some(0), expect_boot_b);
check_gpt_upload(&mut gbl_fb, "vendor_boot_a", off, size, Some(1), expect_vendor_boot_a);
check_gpt_upload(&mut gbl_fb, "vendor_boot_b", off, size, Some(1), expect_vendor_boot_b);
// No block device id
check_gpt_upload(&mut gbl_fb, "boot_a", off, size, None, expect_boot_a);
check_gpt_upload(&mut gbl_fb, "boot_b", off, size, None, expect_boot_b);
check_gpt_upload(&mut gbl_fb, "vendor_boot_a", off, size, None, expect_vendor_boot_a);
check_gpt_upload(&mut gbl_fb, "vendor_boot_b", off, size, None, expect_vendor_boot_b);
/// A helper for testing GPT partition flashing.
fn check_flash_part(fb: &mut GblFastboot, part: &str, expected: &[u8]) {
// Prepare a download buffer.
let mut dl_size = expected.len();
let mut download = expected.to_vec();
let mut utils = FastbootUtils::new(&mut download[..], &mut dl_size, None);
fb.flash(part, &mut utils).unwrap();
assert_eq!(fetch(fb, part.into(), 0, dl_size.try_into().unwrap()).unwrap(), download);
// Also flashes bit-wise reversed version in case the initial content is the same.
let mut download = expected.iter().map(|v| !(*v)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut utils = FastbootUtils::new(&mut download[..], &mut dl_size, None);
fb.flash(part, &mut utils).unwrap();
assert_eq!(fetch(fb, part.into(), 0, dl_size.try_into().unwrap()).unwrap(), download);
fn test_flash_partition() {
let mut disk_0 = include_bytes!("../../../libstorage/test/gpt_test_1.bin").to_vec();
let mut disk_1 = include_bytes!("../../../libstorage/test/gpt_test_2.bin").to_vec();
let mut devs = TestMultiBlockDevices(vec![
devs.sync_gpt_all(&mut |_, _, _| panic!("GPT sync failed"));
let mut gbl_fb = GblFastboot::new(&mut devs);
let expect_boot_a = &mut include_bytes!("../../../libstorage/test/boot_a.bin").to_vec()[..];
let expect_boot_b = &mut include_bytes!("../../../libstorage/test/boot_b.bin").to_vec()[..];
check_flash_part(&mut gbl_fb, "boot_a", expect_boot_a);
check_flash_part(&mut gbl_fb, "boot_b", expect_boot_b);
check_flash_part(&mut gbl_fb, ":0", &mut disk_0[..]);
check_flash_part(&mut gbl_fb, ":1", &mut disk_1[..]);
// Partital flash
let off = 0x200;
let size = 1024;
check_flash_part(&mut gbl_fb, "boot_a::200", &expect_boot_a[off..][..size]);
check_flash_part(&mut gbl_fb, "boot_b::200", &expect_boot_b[off..][..size]);
check_flash_part(&mut gbl_fb, ":0:200", &mut disk_0[off..][..size]);
check_flash_part(&mut gbl_fb, ":1:200", &mut disk_1[off..][..size]);