blob: 0ec1b23e640aaabad13e13706ba5656292735ddb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "VsyncThread.h"
#include <utils/ThreadDefs.h>
#include <thread>
#include "Time.h"
namespace aidl::android::hardware::graphics::composer3::impl {
namespace {
// Returns the timepoint of the next vsync after the 'now' timepoint that is
// a multiple of 'vsyncPeriod' in-phase/offset-from 'previousSync'.
// Some examples:
// * vsyncPeriod=50ns previousVsync=500ns now=510ns => 550ns
// * vsyncPeriod=50ns previousVsync=300ns now=510ns => 550ns
// * vsyncPeriod=50ns previousVsync=500ns now=550ns => 550ns
TimePoint GetNextVsyncInPhase(Nanoseconds vsyncPeriod, TimePoint previousVsync, TimePoint now) {
const auto elapsed = Nanoseconds(now - previousVsync);
const auto nextMultiple = (elapsed / vsyncPeriod) + 1;
return previousVsync + (nextMultiple * vsyncPeriod);
} // namespace
VsyncThread::VsyncThread(int64_t displayId) : mDisplayId(displayId) {
mPreviousVsync = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - mVsyncPeriod;
VsyncThread::~VsyncThread() { stop(); }
HWC3::Error VsyncThread::start(int32_t vsyncPeriodNanos) {
DEBUG_LOG("%s for display:%" PRIu64, __FUNCTION__, mDisplayId);
mVsyncPeriod = Nanoseconds(vsyncPeriodNanos);
mThread = std::thread([this]() { threadLoop(); });
// Truncate to 16 chars (15 + null byte) to satisfy pthread_setname_np max name length
// requirement.
const std::string name =
std::string("display_" + std::to_string(mDisplayId) + "_vsync_thread").substr(15);
int ret = pthread_setname_np(mThread.native_handle(), name.c_str());
if (ret != 0) {
ALOGE("%s: failed to set Vsync thread name: %s", __FUNCTION__, strerror(ret));
struct sched_param param = {
ret = pthread_setschedparam(mThread.native_handle(), SCHED_FIFO, &param);
if (ret != 0) {
ALOGE("%s: failed to set Vsync thread priority: %s", __FUNCTION__, strerror(ret));
return HWC3::Error::None;
HWC3::Error VsyncThread::stop() {;
return HWC3::Error::None;
HWC3::Error VsyncThread::setCallbacks(const std::shared_ptr<IComposerCallback>& callback) {
DEBUG_LOG("%s for display:%" PRIu64, __FUNCTION__, mDisplayId);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mStateMutex);
mCallbacks = callback;
return HWC3::Error::None;
HWC3::Error VsyncThread::setVsyncEnabled(bool enabled) {
DEBUG_LOG("%s for display:%" PRIu64 " enabled:%d", __FUNCTION__, mDisplayId, enabled);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mStateMutex);
mVsyncEnabled = enabled;
return HWC3::Error::None;
HWC3::Error VsyncThread::scheduleVsyncUpdate(int32_t newVsyncPeriod,
const VsyncPeriodChangeConstraints& constraints,
VsyncPeriodChangeTimeline* outTimeline) {
DEBUG_LOG("%s for display:%" PRIu64, __FUNCTION__, mDisplayId);
PendingUpdate update;
update.period = Nanoseconds(newVsyncPeriod);
update.updateAfter = asTimePoint(constraints.desiredTimeNanos);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mStateMutex);
TimePoint nextVsync = GetNextVsyncInPhase(mVsyncPeriod, mPreviousVsync, update.updateAfter);
outTimeline->newVsyncAppliedTimeNanos = asNanosTimePoint(nextVsync);
outTimeline->refreshRequired = false;
outTimeline->refreshTimeNanos = 0;
return HWC3::Error::None;
Nanoseconds VsyncThread::updateVsyncPeriodLocked(TimePoint now) {
if (mPendingUpdate && now > mPendingUpdate->updateAfter) {
mVsyncPeriod = mPendingUpdate->period;
return mVsyncPeriod;
void VsyncThread::threadLoop() {
ALOGI("Vsync thread for display:%" PRId64 " starting", mDisplayId);
Nanoseconds vsyncPeriod = mVsyncPeriod;
int vsyncs = 0;
TimePoint previousLog = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
while (!mShuttingDown.load()) {
TimePoint now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
TimePoint nextVsync = GetNextVsyncInPhase(vsyncPeriod, mPreviousVsync, now);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mStateMutex);
mPreviousVsync = nextVsync;
// Display has finished refreshing at previous vsync period. Update the
// vsync period if there was a pending update.
vsyncPeriod = updateVsyncPeriodLocked(mPreviousVsync);
if (mVsyncEnabled) {
if (mCallbacks) {
DEBUG_LOG("%s: for display:%" PRIu64 " calling vsync", __FUNCTION__, mDisplayId);
mCallbacks->onVsync(mDisplayId, asNanosTimePoint(nextVsync),
static constexpr const int kLogIntervalSeconds = 60;
if (now > (previousLog + std::chrono::seconds(kLogIntervalSeconds))) {
DEBUG_LOG("%s: for display:%" PRIu64 " send %" PRIu32 " in last %d seconds",
__FUNCTION__, mDisplayId, vsyncs, kLogIntervalSeconds);
previousLog = now;
vsyncs = 0;
ALOGI("Vsync thread for display:%" PRId64 " finished", mDisplayId);
} // namespace aidl::android::hardware::graphics::composer3::impl