blob: 086bb62cab5c0033fe07a5a710448d3cdab3f86b [file] [log] [blame]
//! Caching handle into the [ArcSwapAny].
//! The [Cache] keeps a copy of the internal [Arc] for faster access.
//! [Arc]: std::sync::Arc
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use super::ref_cnt::RefCnt;
use super::strategy::Strategy;
use super::ArcSwapAny;
/// Generalization of caches providing access to `T`.
/// This abstracts over all kinds of caches that can provide a cheap access to values of type `T`.
/// This is useful in cases where some code doesn't care if the `T` is the whole structure or just
/// a part of it.
/// See the example at [`Cache::map`].
pub trait Access<T> {
/// Loads the value from cache.
/// This revalidates the value in the cache, then provides the access to the cached value.
fn load(&mut self) -> &T;
/// Caching handle for [`ArcSwapAny`][ArcSwapAny].
/// Instead of loading the [`Arc`][Arc] on every request from the shared storage, this keeps
/// another copy inside itself. Upon request it only cheaply revalidates it is up to
/// date. If it is, access is significantly faster. If it is stale, the [load_full] is done and the
/// cache value is replaced. Under a read-heavy loads, the measured speedup are 10-25 times,
/// depending on the architecture.
/// There are, however, downsides:
/// * The handle needs to be kept around by the caller (usually, one per thread). This is fine if
/// there's one global `ArcSwapAny`, but starts being tricky with eg. data structures build from
/// them.
/// * As it keeps a copy of the [Arc] inside the cache, the old value may be kept alive for longer
/// period of time ‒ it is replaced by the new value on [load][Cache::load]. You may not want to
/// use this if dropping the old value in timely manner is important (possibly because of
/// releasing large amount of RAM or because of closing file handles).
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// # fn do_something<V>(_v: V) { }
/// use std::sync::Arc;
/// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
/// use arc_swap::{ArcSwap, Cache};
/// let shared = Arc::new(ArcSwap::from_pointee(42));
/// # let mut threads = Vec::new();
/// let terminate = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
/// // Start 10 worker threads...
/// for _ in 0..10 {
/// let mut cache = Cache::new(Arc::clone(&shared));
/// let terminate = Arc::clone(&terminate);
/// # let thread =
/// std::thread::spawn(move || {
/// // Keep loading it like mad..
/// while !terminate.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
/// let value = cache.load();
/// do_something(value);
/// }
/// });
/// # threads.push(thread);
/// }
/// #, Ordering::Relaxed);
/// # for thread in threads { thread.join().unwrap() }
/// ```
/// Another one with using a thread local storage and explicit types:
/// ```rust
/// # use std::sync::Arc;
/// # use std::ops::Deref;
/// # use std::cell::RefCell;
/// #
/// # use arc_swap::ArcSwap;
/// # use arc_swap::cache::Cache;
/// # use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
/// #
/// # #[derive(Debug, Default)]
/// # struct Config;
/// #
/// static CURRENT_CONFIG: Lazy<ArcSwap<Config>> = Lazy::new(|| ArcSwap::from_pointee(Config::default()));
/// thread_local! {
/// static CACHE: RefCell<Cache<&'static ArcSwap<Config>, Arc<Config>>> = RefCell::new(Cache::from(CURRENT_CONFIG.deref()));
/// }
/// CACHE.with(|c| {
/// // * RefCell needed, because load on cache is `&mut`.
/// // * You want to operate inside the `with` ‒ cloning the Arc is comparably expensive as
/// // ArcSwap::load itself and whatever you'd save by the cache would be lost on that.
/// println!("{:?}", c.borrow_mut().load());
/// });
/// ```
/// [Arc]: std::sync::Arc
/// [load_full]: ArcSwapAny::load_full
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Cache<A, T> {
arc_swap: A,
cached: T,
impl<A, T, S> Cache<A, T>
A: Deref<Target = ArcSwapAny<T, S>>,
T: RefCnt,
S: Strategy<T>,
/// Creates a new caching handle.
/// The parameter is something dereferencing into an [`ArcSwapAny`] (eg. either to [`ArcSwap`]
/// or [`ArcSwapOption`]). That can be [`ArcSwapAny`] itself, but that's not very useful. But
/// it also can be a reference to it or `Arc`, which makes it possible to share the
/// [`ArcSwapAny`] with multiple caches or access it in non-cached way too.
/// [`ArcSwapOption`]: crate::ArcSwapOption
/// [`ArcSwap`]: crate::ArcSwap
pub fn new(arc_swap: A) -> Self {
let cached = arc_swap.load_full();
Self { arc_swap, cached }
/// Gives access to the (possibly shared) cached [`ArcSwapAny`].
pub fn arc_swap(&self) -> &A::Target {
/// Loads the currently held value.
/// This first checks if the cached value is up to date. This check is very cheap.
/// If it is up to date, the cached value is simply returned without additional costs. If it is
/// outdated, a load is done on the underlying shared storage. The newly loaded value is then
/// stored in the cache and returned.
pub fn load(&mut self) -> &T {
fn load_no_revalidate(&self) -> &T {
fn revalidate(&mut self) {
let cached_ptr = RefCnt::as_ptr(&self.cached);
// Node: Relaxed here is fine. We do not synchronize any data through this, we already have
// it synchronized in self.cache. We just want to check if it changed, if it did, the
// load_full will be responsible for any synchronization needed.
let shared_ptr = self.arc_swap.ptr.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
if cached_ptr != shared_ptr {
self.cached = self.arc_swap.load_full();
/// Turns this cache into a cache with a projection inside the cached value.
/// You'd use this in case when some part of code needs access to fresh values of `U`, however
/// a bigger structure containing `U` is provided by this cache. The possibility of giving the
/// whole structure to the part of the code falls short in terms of reusability (the part of
/// the code could be used within multiple contexts, each with a bigger different structure
/// containing `U`) and code separation (the code shouldn't needs to know about the big
/// structure).
/// # Warning
/// As the provided `f` is called inside every [`load`][Access::load], this one should be
/// cheap. Most often it is expected to be just a closure taking reference of some inner field.
/// For the same reasons, it should not have side effects and should never panic (these will
/// not break Rust's safety rules, but might produce behaviour you don't expect).
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use arc_swap::ArcSwap;
/// use arc_swap::cache::{Access, Cache};
/// struct InnerCfg {
/// answer: usize,
/// }
/// struct FullCfg {
/// inner: InnerCfg,
/// }
/// fn use_inner<A: Access<InnerCfg>>(cache: &mut A) {
/// let value = cache.load();
/// println!("The answer is: {}", value.answer);
/// }
/// let full_cfg = ArcSwap::from_pointee(FullCfg {
/// inner: InnerCfg {
/// answer: 42,
/// }
/// });
/// let cache = Cache::new(&full_cfg);
/// use_inner(&mut|full| &full.inner));
/// let inner_cfg = ArcSwap::from_pointee(InnerCfg { answer: 24 });
/// let mut inner_cache = Cache::new(&inner_cfg);
/// use_inner(&mut inner_cache);
/// ```
pub fn map<F, U>(self, f: F) -> MapCache<A, T, F>
F: FnMut(&T) -> &U,
MapCache {
inner: self,
projection: f,
impl<A, T, S> Access<T::Target> for Cache<A, T>
A: Deref<Target = ArcSwapAny<T, S>>,
T: Deref<Target = <T as RefCnt>::Base> + RefCnt,
S: Strategy<T>,
fn load(&mut self) -> &T::Target {
impl<A, T, S> From<A> for Cache<A, T>
A: Deref<Target = ArcSwapAny<T, S>>,
T: RefCnt,
S: Strategy<T>,
fn from(arc_swap: A) -> Self {
/// An implementation of a cache with a projection into the accessed value.
/// This is the implementation structure for [`Cache::map`]. It can't be created directly and it
/// should be used through the [`Access`] trait.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct MapCache<A, T, F> {
inner: Cache<A, T>,
projection: F,
impl<A, T, S, F, U> Access<U> for MapCache<A, T, F>
A: Deref<Target = ArcSwapAny<T, S>>,
T: RefCnt,
S: Strategy<T>,
F: FnMut(&T) -> &U,
fn load(&mut self) -> &U {
mod tests {
use std::sync::Arc;
use super::*;
use crate::{ArcSwap, ArcSwapOption};
fn cached_value() {
let a = ArcSwap::from_pointee(42);
let mut c1 = Cache::new(&a);
let mut c2 = Cache::new(&a);
assert_eq!(42, **c1.load());
assert_eq!(42, **c2.load());;
assert_eq!(42, **c1.load_no_revalidate());
assert_eq!(43, **c1.load());
fn cached_through_arc() {
let a = Arc::new(ArcSwap::from_pointee(42));
let mut c = Cache::new(Arc::clone(&a));
assert_eq!(42, **c.load());;
drop(a); // A is just one handle, the ArcSwap is kept alive by the cache.
fn cache_option() {
let a = ArcSwapOption::from_pointee(42);
let mut c = Cache::new(&a);
assert_eq!(42, **c.load().as_ref().unwrap());;
struct Inner {
answer: usize,
struct Outer {
inner: Inner,
fn map_cache() {
let a = ArcSwap::from_pointee(Outer {
inner: Inner { answer: 42 },
let mut cache = Cache::new(&a);
let mut inner = cache.clone().map(|outer| &outer.inner);
let mut answer = cache.clone().map(|outer| &outer.inner.answer);
assert_eq!(42, cache.load().inner.answer);
assert_eq!(42, inner.load().answer);
assert_eq!(42, *answer.load()); {
inner: Inner { answer: 24 },
assert_eq!(24, cache.load().inner.answer);
assert_eq!(24, inner.load().answer);
assert_eq!(24, *answer.load());