blob: 97755b8ee46ff143031490befd6bab034f645746 [file] [log] [blame]
use core::mem;
use crate::convert::slices::WasmSlice;
use crate::convert::RefFromWasmAbi;
use crate::convert::{FromWasmAbi, IntoWasmAbi, ReturnWasmAbi};
use crate::describe::{inform, WasmDescribe, FUNCTION};
use crate::throw_str;
macro_rules! stack_closures {
($( ($cnt:tt $invoke:ident $invoke_mut:ident $($var:ident)*) )*) => ($(
impl<'a, 'b, $($var,)* R> IntoWasmAbi for &'a (dyn Fn($($var),*) -> R + 'b)
where $($var: FromWasmAbi,)*
R: ReturnWasmAbi
type Abi = WasmSlice;
fn into_abi(self) -> WasmSlice {
unsafe {
let (a, b): (usize, usize) = mem::transmute(self);
WasmSlice { ptr: a as u32, len: b as u32 }
unsafe extern "C" fn $invoke<$($var: FromWasmAbi,)* R: ReturnWasmAbi>(
a: usize,
b: usize,
$($var: <$var as FromWasmAbi>::Abi),*
) -> <R as ReturnWasmAbi>::Abi {
if a == 0 {
throw_str("closure invoked recursively or destroyed already");
// Scope all local variables before we call `return_abi` to
// ensure they're all destroyed as `return_abi` may throw
let ret = {
let f: &dyn Fn($($var),*) -> R = mem::transmute((a, b));
let $var = <$var as FromWasmAbi>::from_abi($var);
impl<'a, $($var,)* R> WasmDescribe for dyn Fn($($var),*) -> R + 'a
where $($var: FromWasmAbi,)*
R: ReturnWasmAbi
fn describe() {
inform($invoke::<$($var,)* R> as u32);
$(<$var as WasmDescribe>::describe();)*
<R as WasmDescribe>::describe();
<R as WasmDescribe>::describe();
impl<'a, 'b, $($var,)* R> IntoWasmAbi for &'a mut (dyn FnMut($($var),*) -> R + 'b)
where $($var: FromWasmAbi,)*
R: ReturnWasmAbi
type Abi = WasmSlice;
fn into_abi(self) -> WasmSlice {
unsafe {
let (a, b): (usize, usize) = mem::transmute(self);
WasmSlice { ptr: a as u32, len: b as u32 }
unsafe extern "C" fn $invoke_mut<$($var: FromWasmAbi,)* R: ReturnWasmAbi>(
a: usize,
b: usize,
$($var: <$var as FromWasmAbi>::Abi),*
) -> <R as ReturnWasmAbi>::Abi {
if a == 0 {
throw_str("closure invoked recursively or destroyed already");
// Scope all local variables before we call `return_abi` to
// ensure they're all destroyed as `return_abi` may throw
let ret = {
let f: &mut dyn FnMut($($var),*) -> R = mem::transmute((a, b));
let $var = <$var as FromWasmAbi>::from_abi($var);
impl<'a, $($var,)* R> WasmDescribe for dyn FnMut($($var),*) -> R + 'a
where $($var: FromWasmAbi,)*
R: ReturnWasmAbi
fn describe() {
inform($invoke_mut::<$($var,)* R> as u32);
$(<$var as WasmDescribe>::describe();)*
<R as WasmDescribe>::describe();
<R as WasmDescribe>::describe();
stack_closures! {
(0 invoke0 invoke0_mut)
(1 invoke1 invoke1_mut A)
(2 invoke2 invoke2_mut A B)
(3 invoke3 invoke3_mut A B C)
(4 invoke4 invoke4_mut A B C D)
(5 invoke5 invoke5_mut A B C D E)
(6 invoke6 invoke6_mut A B C D E F)
(7 invoke7 invoke7_mut A B C D E F G)
(8 invoke8 invoke8_mut A B C D E F G H)
impl<'a, 'b, A, R> IntoWasmAbi for &'a (dyn Fn(&A) -> R + 'b)
A: RefFromWasmAbi,
R: ReturnWasmAbi,
type Abi = WasmSlice;
fn into_abi(self) -> WasmSlice {
unsafe {
let (a, b): (usize, usize) = mem::transmute(self);
WasmSlice {
ptr: a as u32,
len: b as u32,
unsafe extern "C" fn invoke1_ref<A: RefFromWasmAbi, R: ReturnWasmAbi>(
a: usize,
b: usize,
arg: <A as RefFromWasmAbi>::Abi,
) -> <R as ReturnWasmAbi>::Abi {
if a == 0 {
throw_str("closure invoked recursively or destroyed already");
// Scope all local variables before we call `return_abi` to
// ensure they're all destroyed as `return_abi` may throw
let ret = {
let f: &dyn Fn(&A) -> R = mem::transmute((a, b));
let arg = <A as RefFromWasmAbi>::ref_from_abi(arg);
impl<'a, A, R> WasmDescribe for dyn Fn(&A) -> R + 'a
A: RefFromWasmAbi,
R: ReturnWasmAbi,
fn describe() {
inform(invoke1_ref::<A, R> as u32);
<&A as WasmDescribe>::describe();
<R as WasmDescribe>::describe();
<R as WasmDescribe>::describe();
impl<'a, 'b, A, R> IntoWasmAbi for &'a mut (dyn FnMut(&A) -> R + 'b)
A: RefFromWasmAbi,
R: ReturnWasmAbi,
type Abi = WasmSlice;
fn into_abi(self) -> WasmSlice {
unsafe {
let (a, b): (usize, usize) = mem::transmute(self);
WasmSlice {
ptr: a as u32,
len: b as u32,
unsafe extern "C" fn invoke1_mut_ref<A: RefFromWasmAbi, R: ReturnWasmAbi>(
a: usize,
b: usize,
arg: <A as RefFromWasmAbi>::Abi,
) -> <R as ReturnWasmAbi>::Abi {
if a == 0 {
throw_str("closure invoked recursively or destroyed already");
// Scope all local variables before we call `return_abi` to
// ensure they're all destroyed as `return_abi` may throw
let ret = {
let f: &mut dyn FnMut(&A) -> R = mem::transmute((a, b));
let arg = <A as RefFromWasmAbi>::ref_from_abi(arg);
impl<'a, A, R> WasmDescribe for dyn FnMut(&A) -> R + 'a
A: RefFromWasmAbi,
R: ReturnWasmAbi,
fn describe() {
inform(invoke1_mut_ref::<A, R> as u32);
<&A as WasmDescribe>::describe();
<R as WasmDescribe>::describe();
<R as WasmDescribe>::describe();