blob: c8aa51b2caa138c65620de0e75f5cc6d21b7533c [file] [log] [blame]
use cfg_if::cfg_if;
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature = "enable-interning")] {
use std::thread_local;
use std::string::String;
use std::borrow::ToOwned;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use crate::JsValue;
struct Cache {
entries: RefCell<HashMap<String, JsValue>>,
thread_local! {
static CACHE: Cache = Cache {
entries: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
/// This returns the raw index of the cached JsValue, so you must take care
/// so that you don't use it after it is freed.
pub(crate) fn unsafe_get_str(s: &str) -> Option<u32> {
CACHE.with(|cache| {
let cache = cache.entries.borrow();
cache.get(s).map(|x| x.idx)
fn intern_str(key: &str) {
CACHE.with(|cache| {
let mut cache = cache.entries.borrow_mut();
// Can't use `entry` because `entry` requires a `String`
if !cache.contains_key(key) {
cache.insert(key.to_owned(), JsValue::from(key));
fn unintern_str(key: &str) {
CACHE.with(|cache| {
let mut cache = cache.entries.borrow_mut();
/// Interns Rust strings so that it's much faster to send them to JS.
/// Sending strings from Rust to JS is slow, because it has to do a full `O(n)`
/// copy and *also* encode from UTF-8 to UTF-16. This must be done every single
/// time a string is sent to JS.
/// If you are sending the same string multiple times, you can call this `intern`
/// function, which simply returns its argument unchanged:
/// ```rust
/// # use wasm_bindgen::intern;
/// intern("foo") // returns "foo"
/// # ;
/// ```
/// However, if you enable the `"enable-interning"` feature for wasm-bindgen,
/// then it will add the string into an internal cache.
/// When you send that cached string to JS, it will look it up in the cache,
/// which completely avoids the `O(n)` copy and encoding. This has a significant
/// speed boost (as high as 783%)!
/// However, there is a small cost to this caching, so you shouldn't cache every
/// string. Only cache strings which have a high likelihood of being sent
/// to JS multiple times.
/// Also, keep in mind that this function is a *performance hint*: it's not
/// *guaranteed* that the string will be cached, and the caching strategy
/// might change at any time, so don't rely upon it.
pub fn intern(s: &str) -> &str {
#[cfg(feature = "enable-interning")]
/// Removes a Rust string from the intern cache.
/// This does the opposite of the [`intern`](fn.intern.html) function.
/// If the [`intern`](fn.intern.html) function is called again then it will re-intern the string.
pub fn unintern(s: &str) {
#[cfg(feature = "enable-interning")]