blob: abf41b295b6e95ba7c086170389bc2bbb62eba8e [file] [log] [blame]
// This is a part of rust-encoding.
// Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Kang Seonghoon.
// See and LICENSE.txt for details.
//! A placeholder encoding that returns encoder/decoder error for every case.
use std::convert::Into;
use types::*;
/// An encoding that returns encoder/decoder error for every case.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct ErrorEncoding;
impl Encoding for ErrorEncoding {
fn name(&self) -> &'static str { "error" }
fn raw_encoder(&self) -> Box<RawEncoder> { ErrorEncoder::new() }
fn raw_decoder(&self) -> Box<RawDecoder> { ErrorDecoder::new() }
/// An encoder that always returns error.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct ErrorEncoder;
impl ErrorEncoder {
pub fn new() -> Box<RawEncoder> { Box::new(ErrorEncoder) }
impl RawEncoder for ErrorEncoder {
fn from_self(&self) -> Box<RawEncoder> { ErrorEncoder::new() }
fn raw_feed(&mut self, input: &str, _output: &mut ByteWriter) -> (usize, Option<CodecError>) {
if let Some(ch) = input.chars().next() {
(0, Some(CodecError { upto: ch.len_utf8() as isize,
cause: "unrepresentable character".into() }))
} else {
(0, None)
fn raw_finish(&mut self, _output: &mut ByteWriter) -> Option<CodecError> {
/// A decoder that always returns error.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct ErrorDecoder;
impl ErrorDecoder {
pub fn new() -> Box<RawDecoder> { Box::new(ErrorDecoder) }
impl RawDecoder for ErrorDecoder {
fn from_self(&self) -> Box<RawDecoder> { ErrorDecoder::new() }
fn raw_feed(&mut self,
input: &[u8], _output: &mut StringWriter) -> (usize, Option<CodecError>) {
if input.len() > 0 {
(0, Some(CodecError { upto: 1, cause: "invalid sequence".into() }))
} else {
(0, None)
fn raw_finish(&mut self, _output: &mut StringWriter) -> Option<CodecError> {
mod tests {
use super::ErrorEncoding;
use types::*;
fn test_encoder() {
let mut e = ErrorEncoding.raw_encoder();
assert_feed_err!(e, "", "A", "", []);
assert_feed_err!(e, "", "B", "C", []);
assert_feed_ok!(e, "", "", []);
assert_feed_err!(e, "", "\u{a0}", "", []);
assert_finish_ok!(e, []);
fn test_decoder() {
let mut d = ErrorEncoding.raw_decoder();
assert_feed_err!(d, [], [0x41], [], "");
assert_feed_err!(d, [], [0x42], [0x43], "");
assert_feed_ok!(d, [], [], "");
assert_feed_err!(d, [], [0xa0], [], "");
assert_finish_ok!(d, "");