blob: c5f6e9cea82bdfe4d1c263699dea28e9d0eddf0f [file] [log] [blame]
//! This contains a build plan that is created during the Cargo build routine
//! and stored afterwards, which can be later queried, given a list of dirty
//! files, to retrieve a queue of compiler calls to be invoked (including
//! appropriate arguments and env variables).
//! The underlying structure is a dependency graph between simplified units
//! (package id and crate target kind), as opposed to Cargo units (package with
//! a target info, including crate target kind, profile and host/target kind).
//! This will be used for a quick check recompilation and does not aim to
//! reimplement all the intricacies of Cargo.
//! The unit dependency graph in Cargo also distinguishes between compiling the
//! build script and running it and collecting the build script output to modify
//! the subsequent compilations etc. Since build script executions (not building)
//! are not exposed via `Executor` trait in Cargo, we simply coalesce every unit
//! with a same package and crate target kind (e.g. both building and running
//! build scripts).
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fmt;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::sync::Mutex;
use cargo::core::compiler::{CompileKind, CompileMode, Context, Unit};
use cargo::core::profiles::Profile;
use cargo::core::{PackageId, Target, TargetKind};
use cargo::util::ProcessBuilder;
use cargo_metadata;
use log::{error, trace};
use crate::build::plan::{BuildGraph, BuildKey, JobQueue, WorkStatus};
use crate::build::rustc::src_path;
use crate::build::PackageArg;
/// Main key type by which `Unit`s will be distinguished in the build plan.
/// In `Target` we're mostly interested in `TargetKind` (Lib, Bin, ...) and name
/// (e.g., we can have 2 binary targets with different names).
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub(crate) struct UnitKey {
pkg_id: PackageId,
target: Target,
mode: CompileMode,
/// Holds the information how exactly the build will be performed for a given
/// workspace with given, specified features.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub(crate) struct CargoPlan {
/// Stores a full Cargo `Unit` data for a first processed unit with a given key.
pub(crate) units: HashMap<UnitKey, OwnedUnit>,
/// Main dependency graph between the simplified units.
pub(crate) dep_graph: HashMap<UnitKey, HashSet<UnitKey>>,
/// Reverse dependency graph that's used to construct a dirty compiler call queue.
pub(crate) rev_dep_graph: HashMap<UnitKey, HashSet<UnitKey>>,
/// Cached compiler calls used when creating a compiler call queue.
pub(crate) compiler_jobs: HashMap<UnitKey, ProcessBuilder>,
/// Calculated input files that unit depend on.
pub(crate) input_files: HashMap<UnitKey, Vec<PathBuf>>,
pub(crate) file_key_mapping: HashMap<PathBuf, HashSet<UnitKey>>,
// An object for finding the package which a file belongs to and this inferring
// a package argument.
package_map: Option<PackageMap>,
/// Packages (names) for which this build plan was prepared.
/// Used to detect if the plan can reused when building certain packages.
built_packages: HashSet<String>,
impl CargoPlan {
pub(crate) fn with_manifest(manifest_path: &Path) -> CargoPlan {
CargoPlan { package_map: Some(PackageMap::new(manifest_path)), ..Default::default() }
pub(crate) fn with_packages(manifest_path: &Path, pkgs: HashSet<String>) -> CargoPlan {
CargoPlan { built_packages: pkgs, ..Self::with_manifest(manifest_path) }
/// Returns `true` if a build plan has cached compiler invocations and dep
/// graph, so it's possibly able to return a job queue via `prepare_work`.
pub(crate) fn is_ready(&self) -> bool {
/// Caches a given compiler invocation in `ProcessBuilder` for a given
/// `PackageId` and `TargetKind` in `Target`, to be used when processing
/// cached build plan.
pub(crate) fn cache_compiler_job(
&mut self,
id: PackageId,
target: &Target,
mode: CompileMode,
cmd: &ProcessBuilder,
) {
let unit_key = UnitKey { pkg_id: id, target: target.clone(), mode };
self.compiler_jobs.insert(unit_key, cmd.clone());
pub(crate) fn cache_input_files(
&mut self,
id: PackageId,
target: &Target,
mode: CompileMode,
input_files: Vec<PathBuf>,
cwd: Option<&Path>,
) {
let input_files: Vec<_> = input_files
.filter_map(|file| src_path(cwd, file))
.filter_map(|file| match std::fs::canonicalize(&file) {
Ok(file) => Some(file),
Err(err) => {
error!("Couldn't canonicalize `{}`: {}", file.display(), err);
let unit_key = UnitKey { pkg_id: id, target: target.clone(), mode };
trace!("Caching these files: {:#?} for {:?} key", &input_files, &unit_key);
// Create reverse file -> unit mapping (to be used for dirty unit calculation).
for file in &input_files {
self.input_files.insert(unit_key, input_files);
/// Places a given `Unit`, along with its `Unit` dependencies (recursively)
/// into the dependency graph as long as the passed `Unit` isn't filtered
/// out by the `filter` closure.
pub(crate) fn emplace_dep_with_filter<'a, Filter>(
&mut self,
unit: Unit<'a>,
cx: &Context<'a, '_>,
filter: &Filter,
) where
Filter: Fn(Unit<'a>) -> bool,
if !filter(unit) {
let key = UnitKey::from(unit);
self.units.entry(key.clone()).or_insert_with(|| unit.into());
// Process only those units, which are not yet in the dep graph.
if self.dep_graph.get(&key).is_some() {
// Keep all the additional Unit information for a given unit (It's
// worth remembering, that the units are only discriminated by a
// pair of (PackageId, TargetKind), so only first occurrence will be saved.
self.units.insert(key.clone(), unit.into());
// Fetch and insert relevant unit dependencies to the forward dep graph.
let units = cx.dep_targets(&unit);
let dep_keys: HashSet<UnitKey> = units
// We might not want certain deps to be added transitively (e.g.
// when creating only a sub-dep-graph, limiting the scope).
.filter(|unit| filter(*unit))
// Units can depend on others with different Targets or Profiles
// (e.g. different `run_custom_build`) despite having the same UnitKey.
// We coalesce them here while creating the UnitKey dep graph.
.filter(|dep| key != *dep)
self.dep_graph.insert(key.clone(), dep_keys.clone());
// We also need to track reverse dependencies here, as it's needed
// to quickly construct a work sub-graph from a set of dirty units.
for unit in dep_keys {
let revs = self.rev_dep_graph.entry(unit).or_insert_with(HashSet::new);
// Recursively process other remaining forward dependencies.
for unit in units {
self.emplace_dep_with_filter(unit, cx, filter);
/// TODO: improve detecting dirty crate targets for a set of dirty file paths.
/// This uses a lousy heuristic of checking path prefix for a given crate
/// target to determine whether a given unit (crate target) is dirty. This
/// can easily backfire, e.g., when build script is under `src/`. Any change
/// to a file under src/ would imply the build script is always dirty, so we
/// never do work and always offload to Cargo in such case.
/// Because of that, build scripts are checked separately and only other
/// crate targets are checked with path prefixes.
fn fetch_dirty_units<T: AsRef<Path>>(&self, files: &[T]) -> HashSet<UnitKey> {
let mut result = HashSet::new();
let build_scripts: HashMap<&Path, UnitKey> = self
.filter(|(UnitKey { target, .. }, _)| {
target.is_custom_build() && target.src_path().is_path()
.map(|(key, unit)| (, key.clone()))
let other_targets: HashMap<UnitKey, &Path> = self
.filter(|(UnitKey { target, .. }, _)| !target.is_custom_build())
.map(|(key, unit)| {
.expect("normal targets should have a path")
.expect("no parent for src_path"),
for modified in files.iter().map(AsRef::as_ref) {
if let Some(unit) = build_scripts.get(modified) {
} else {
// Not a build script, so we associate a dirty file with a
// package by finding longest (most specified) path prefix.
let matching_prefix_components = |a: &Path, b: &Path| -> usize {
assert!(a.is_absolute() && b.is_absolute());
.skip(1) // Skip RootDir
.take_while(|&(x, y)| x == y)
// Since a package can correspond to many units (e.g., compiled
// as a regular binary or a test harness for unit tests), we
// collect every unit having the longest path prefix.
let max_matching_prefix = other_targets
.map(|src_dir| matching_prefix_components(modified, src_dir))
match max_matching_prefix {
Some(0) => error!(
"Modified file {} didn't correspond to any buildable unit!",
Some(max) => {
let dirty_units = other_targets
.filter(|(_, dir)| max == matching_prefix_components(modified, dir))
.map(|(unit, _)| unit);
None => {} // Possible that only build scripts were modified
/// For a given set of select dirty units, returns a set of all the
/// dependencies that has to be rebuilt transitively.
fn transitive_dirty_units(&self, dirties: &HashSet<UnitKey>) -> HashSet<UnitKey> {
let mut transitive = dirties.clone();
// Walk through a rev dep graph using a stack of nodes to collect
// transitively every dirty node.
let mut to_process: Vec<_> = dirties.iter().cloned().collect();
while let Some(top) = to_process.pop() {
if transitive.get(&top).is_some() {
// Process every dirty rev dep of the processed node.
let dirty_rev_deps = self
.expect("missing key in rev_dep_graph")
.filter(|dep| dirties.contains(dep));
for rev_dep in dirty_rev_deps {
/// Creates a dirty reverse dependency graph using a set of given dirty units.
fn dirty_rev_dep_graph(
dirties: &HashSet<UnitKey>,
) -> HashMap<UnitKey, HashSet<UnitKey>> {
let dirties = self.transitive_dirty_units(dirties);
trace!("transitive_dirty_units: {:?}", dirties);
// Remove nodes that are not dirty.
.filter(|&(unit, _)| dirties.contains(unit))
// Retain only dirty dependencies of the ones that are dirty.
.map(|(k, deps)| {
(k.clone(), deps.iter().cloned().filter(|d| dirties.contains(d)).collect())
/// Returns a topological ordering of a connected DAG of rev deps. The
/// output is a stack of units that can be linearly rebuilt, starting from
/// the last element.
fn topological_sort(&self, dirties: &HashMap<UnitKey, HashSet<UnitKey>>) -> Vec<UnitKey> {
let mut visited = HashSet::new();
let mut output = vec![];
for k in dirties.keys() {
if !visited.contains(k) {
dfs(k, &self.rev_dep_graph, &mut visited, &mut output);
return output;
// Process graph depth-first recursively. A node needs to be pushed
// after processing every other before to ensure topological ordering.
fn dfs(
unit: &UnitKey,
graph: &HashMap<UnitKey, HashSet<UnitKey>>,
visited: &mut HashSet<UnitKey>,
output: &mut Vec<UnitKey>,
) {
if !visited.contains(unit) {
for neighbour in graph.get(unit).into_iter().flatten() {
dfs(neighbour, graph, visited, output);
pub(crate) fn prepare_work<T: AsRef<Path> + fmt::Debug>(&self, modified: &[T]) -> WorkStatus {
if !self.is_ready() || self.package_map.is_none() {
return WorkStatus::NeedsCargo(PackageArg::Default);
let dirty_packages = self.package_map.as_ref().unwrap().compute_dirty_packages(modified);
let needs_more_packages = dirty_packages.difference(&self.built_packages).next().is_some();
let needed_packages = self.built_packages.union(&dirty_packages).cloned().collect();
// We modified a file from a packages, that are not included in the
// cached build plan -- run Cargo to recreate the build plan including them.
if needs_more_packages {
return WorkStatus::NeedsCargo(PackageArg::Packages(needed_packages));
let dirties = self.fetch_dirty_units(modified);
trace!("fetch_dirty_units: for files {:?}, these units are dirty: {:?}", modified, dirties,);
if dirties.iter().any(|UnitKey { target, .. }| *target.kind() == TargetKind::CustomBuild) {
} else {
let graph = self.dirty_rev_dep_graph(&dirties);
trace!("Constructed dirty rev dep graph: {:?}", graph);
if graph.is_empty() {
return WorkStatus::NeedsCargo(PackageArg::Default);
let queue = self.topological_sort(&graph);
trace!("Topologically sorted dirty graph: {:?} {}", queue, self.is_ready());
let jobs: Option<Vec<_>> =
queue.iter().map(|x| self.compiler_jobs.get(x).cloned()).collect();
// It is possible that we want a job which is not in our cache (compiler_jobs),
// for example we might be building a workspace with an error in a crate and later
// crates within the crate that depend on the erroring one have never been built.
// In that case we need to build from scratch so that everything is in our cache, or
// we cope with the error. In the error case, jobs will be None.
match jobs {
None => WorkStatus::NeedsCargo(PackageArg::Default),
Some(jobs) => {
/// Maps paths to packages.
/// The point of the PackageMap is detect if additional packages need to be
/// included in the cached build plan. The cache can represent only a subset of
/// the entire workspace, hence why we need to detect if a package was modified
/// that's outside the cached build plan - if so, we need to recreate it,
/// including the new package.
struct PackageMap {
// A map from a manifest directory to the package name.
package_paths: HashMap<PathBuf, String>,
// A map from a file's path, to the package it belongs to.
map_cache: Mutex<HashMap<PathBuf, String>>,
impl PackageMap {
fn new(manifest_path: &Path) -> PackageMap {
PackageMap {
package_paths: Self::discover_package_paths(manifest_path),
map_cache: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
// Finds each package in the workspace and record the root directory and package name.
fn discover_package_paths(manifest_path: &Path) -> HashMap<PathBuf, String> {
trace!("read metadata {:?}", manifest_path);
.flat_map(|meta| meta.workspace_members.iter().map(move |id| &meta[id]))
.filter_map(|pkg| {
let dir = pkg.manifest_path.parent()?.to_path_buf();
/// Given modified set of files, returns a set of corresponding dirty packages.
fn compute_dirty_packages<T: AsRef<Path> + fmt::Debug>(
modified_files: &[T],
) -> HashSet<String> {
// Maps a file to the package which it belongs to.
// We do this by walking up the directory tree from `path` until we get to
// one of the recorded package root directories.
fn map(&self, path: &Path) -> Option<String> {
if self.package_paths.is_empty() {
return None;
let mut map_cache = self.map_cache.lock().unwrap();
if map_cache.contains_key(path) {
return Some(map_cache[path].clone());
let result = Self::map_uncached(path, &self.package_paths)?;
map_cache.insert(path.to_owned(), result.clone());
fn map_uncached(path: &Path, package_paths: &HashMap<PathBuf, String>) -> Option<String> {
if package_paths.is_empty() {
return None;
match package_paths.get(path) {
Some(package) => Some(package.clone()),
None => Self::map_uncached(path.parent()?, package_paths),
impl From<Unit<'_>> for UnitKey {
fn from(unit: Unit<'_>) -> UnitKey {
UnitKey { pkg_id: unit.pkg.package_id(), target:, mode: unit.mode }
#[derive(Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Clone)]
/// An owned version of `cargo::core::Unit`.
pub(crate) struct OwnedUnit {
pub(crate) id: PackageId,
pub(crate) target: Target,
pub(crate) profile: Profile,
pub(crate) kind: CompileKind,
pub(crate) mode: CompileMode,
impl From<Unit<'_>> for OwnedUnit {
fn from(unit: Unit<'_>) -> OwnedUnit {
OwnedUnit {
id: unit.pkg.package_id().to_owned(),
profile: unit.profile,
kind: unit.kind,
mode: unit.mode,
impl From<&OwnedUnit> for UnitKey {
fn from(unit: &OwnedUnit) -> UnitKey {
UnitKey { pkg_id:, target:, mode: unit.mode }
impl BuildKey for OwnedUnit {
type Key = UnitKey;
fn key(&self) -> UnitKey {
impl BuildGraph for CargoPlan {
type Unit = OwnedUnit;
fn units(&self) -> Vec<&Self::Unit> {
fn get(&self, key: <Self::Unit as BuildKey>::Key) -> Option<&Self::Unit> {
fn get_mut(&mut self, key: <Self::Unit as BuildKey>::Key) -> Option<&mut Self::Unit> {
fn deps(&self, key: <Self::Unit as BuildKey>::Key) -> Vec<&Self::Unit> {
.map(|d| d.iter().map(|d| &self.units[d]).collect())
fn add<T: Into<Self::Unit>>(&mut self, unit: T, deps: Vec<T>) {
let unit = unit.into();
// Units can depend on others with different `Target`s or `Profile`s
// (e.g., different `run_custom_build`) despite having the same `UnitKey`.
// We coalesce them here while creating the `UnitKey` dep graph.
// TODO: Are we sure? Can we figure that out?
let deps = deps.into_iter().map(|d| d.into()).filter(|dep| unit.key() != dep.key());
for dep in deps {
// We expect these entries to be present for each unit in the graph.
fn dirties<T: AsRef<Path>>(&self, files: &[T]) -> Vec<&Self::Unit> {
.map(|key| self.units.get(key).expect("dirties"))
fn dirties_transitive<T: AsRef<Path>>(&self, files: &[T]) -> Vec<&Self::Unit> {
let dirties = self.fetch_dirty_units(files);
.map(|key| self.units.get(key).expect("dirties_transitive"))
fn topological_sort(&self, units: Vec<&Self::Unit>) -> Vec<&Self::Unit> {
let keys = units.into_iter().map(BuildKey::key).collect();
let graph = self.dirty_rev_dep_graph(&keys);
CargoPlan::topological_sort(self, &graph)
.map(|key| self.units.get(key).expect("topological_sort"))
fn prepare_work<T: AsRef<Path> + std::fmt::Debug>(&self, files: &[T]) -> WorkStatus {
CargoPlan::prepare_work(self, files)