blob: a053cf8bef0c2d3c3ecaee309e56adcca02abf52 [file] [log] [blame]
//! This file is managed by `util/dev update_lints`. Do not edit.
pub mod lint;
pub use lint::Level;
pub use lint::Lint;
pub use lint::LINT_LEVELS;
// begin lint list, do not remove this comment, it’s used in `update_lints`
pub const ALL_LINTS: [Lint; 332] = [
Lint {
name: "absurd_extreme_comparisons",
group: "correctness",
desc: "a comparison with a maximum or minimum value that is always true or false",
deprecation: None,
module: "types",
Lint {
name: "almost_swapped",
group: "correctness",
desc: "`foo = bar; bar = foo` sequence",
deprecation: None,
module: "swap",
Lint {
name: "approx_constant",
group: "correctness",
desc: "the approximate of a known float constant (in `std::fXX::consts`)",
deprecation: None,
module: "approx_const",
Lint {
name: "assertions_on_constants",
group: "style",
desc: "`assert!(true)` / `assert!(false)` will be optimized out by the compiler, and should probably be replaced by a `panic!()` or `unreachable!()`",
deprecation: None,
module: "assertions_on_constants",
Lint {
name: "assign_op_pattern",
group: "style",
desc: "assigning the result of an operation on a variable to that same variable",
deprecation: None,
module: "assign_ops",
Lint {
name: "bad_bit_mask",
group: "correctness",
desc: "expressions of the form `_ & mask == select` that will only ever return `true` or `false`",
deprecation: None,
module: "bit_mask",
Lint {
name: "blacklisted_name",
group: "style",
desc: "usage of a blacklisted/placeholder name",
deprecation: None,
module: "blacklisted_name",
Lint {
name: "block_in_if_condition_expr",
group: "style",
desc: "braces that can be eliminated in conditions, e.g., `if { true } ...`",
deprecation: None,
module: "block_in_if_condition",
Lint {
name: "block_in_if_condition_stmt",
group: "style",
desc: "complex blocks in conditions, e.g., `if { let x = true; x } ...`",
deprecation: None,
module: "block_in_if_condition",
Lint {
name: "bool_comparison",
group: "complexity",
desc: "comparing a variable to a boolean, e.g., `if x == true` or `if x != true`",
deprecation: None,
module: "needless_bool",
Lint {
name: "borrow_interior_mutable_const",
group: "correctness",
desc: "referencing const with interior mutability",
deprecation: None,
module: "non_copy_const",
Lint {
name: "borrowed_box",
group: "complexity",
desc: "a borrow of a boxed type",
deprecation: None,
module: "types",
Lint {
name: "box_vec",
group: "perf",
desc: "usage of `Box<Vec<T>>`, vector elements are already on the heap",
deprecation: None,
module: "types",
Lint {
name: "boxed_local",
group: "perf",
desc: "using `Box<T>` where unnecessary",
deprecation: None,
module: "escape",
Lint {
name: "builtin_type_shadow",
group: "style",
desc: "shadowing a builtin type",
deprecation: None,
module: "misc_early",
Lint {
name: "cargo_common_metadata",
group: "cargo",
desc: "common metadata is defined in `Cargo.toml`",
deprecation: None,
module: "cargo_common_metadata",
Lint {
name: "cast_lossless",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "casts using `as` that are known to be lossless, e.g., `x as u64` where `x: u8`",
deprecation: None,
module: "types",
Lint {
name: "cast_possible_truncation",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "casts that may cause truncation of the value, e.g., `x as u8` where `x: u32`, or `x as i32` where `x: f32`",
deprecation: None,
module: "types",
Lint {
name: "cast_possible_wrap",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "casts that may cause wrapping around the value, e.g., `x as i32` where `x: u32` and `x > i32::MAX`",
deprecation: None,
module: "types",
Lint {
name: "cast_precision_loss",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "casts that cause loss of precision, e.g., `x as f32` where `x: u64`",
deprecation: None,
module: "types",
Lint {
name: "cast_ptr_alignment",
group: "correctness",
desc: "cast from a pointer to a more-strictly-aligned pointer",
deprecation: None,
module: "types",
Lint {
name: "cast_ref_to_mut",
group: "correctness",
desc: "a cast of reference to a mutable pointer",
deprecation: None,
module: "types",
Lint {
name: "cast_sign_loss",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "casts from signed types to unsigned types, e.g., `x as u32` where `x: i32`",
deprecation: None,
module: "types",
Lint {
name: "char_lit_as_u8",
group: "complexity",
desc: "casting a character literal to u8 truncates",
deprecation: None,
module: "types",
Lint {
name: "chars_last_cmp",
group: "style",
desc: "using `.chars().last()` or `.chars().next_back()` to check if a string ends with a char",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "chars_next_cmp",
group: "complexity",
desc: "using `.chars().next()` to check if a string starts with a char",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "checked_conversions",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "`try_from` could replace manual bounds checking when casting",
deprecation: None,
module: "checked_conversions",
Lint {
name: "clone_double_ref",
group: "correctness",
desc: "using `clone` on `&&T`",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "clone_on_copy",
group: "complexity",
desc: "using `clone` on a `Copy` type",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "clone_on_ref_ptr",
group: "restriction",
desc: "using \'clone\' on a ref-counted pointer",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "cmp_nan",
group: "correctness",
desc: "comparisons to NAN, which will always return false, probably not intended",
deprecation: None,
module: "misc",
Lint {
name: "cmp_null",
group: "style",
desc: "comparing a pointer to a null pointer, suggesting to use `.is_null()` instead.",
deprecation: None,
module: "ptr",
Lint {
name: "cmp_owned",
group: "perf",
desc: "creating owned instances for comparing with others, e.g., `x == \"foo\".to_string()`",
deprecation: None,
module: "misc",
Lint {
name: "cognitive_complexity",
group: "complexity",
desc: "functions that should be split up into multiple functions",
deprecation: None,
module: "cognitive_complexity",
Lint {
name: "collapsible_if",
group: "style",
desc: "`if`s that can be collapsed (e.g., `if x { if y { ... } }` and `else { if x { ... } }`)",
deprecation: None,
module: "collapsible_if",
Lint {
name: "comparison_chain",
group: "style",
desc: "`if`s that can be rewritten with `match` and `cmp`",
deprecation: None,
module: "comparison_chain",
Lint {
name: "copy_iterator",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "implementing `Iterator` on a `Copy` type",
deprecation: None,
module: "copy_iterator",
Lint {
name: "crosspointer_transmute",
group: "complexity",
desc: "transmutes that have to or from types that are a pointer to the other",
deprecation: None,
module: "transmute",
Lint {
name: "dbg_macro",
group: "restriction",
desc: "`dbg!` macro is intended as a debugging tool",
deprecation: None,
module: "dbg_macro",
Lint {
name: "debug_assert_with_mut_call",
group: "correctness",
desc: "mutable arguments in `debug_assert{,_ne,_eq}!`",
deprecation: None,
module: "mutable_debug_assertion",
Lint {
name: "decimal_literal_representation",
group: "restriction",
desc: "using decimal representation when hexadecimal would be better",
deprecation: None,
module: "literal_representation",
Lint {
name: "declare_interior_mutable_const",
group: "correctness",
desc: "declaring const with interior mutability",
deprecation: None,
module: "non_copy_const",
Lint {
name: "default_trait_access",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "checks for literal calls to Default::default()",
deprecation: None,
module: "default_trait_access",
Lint {
name: "deprecated_cfg_attr",
group: "complexity",
desc: "usage of `cfg_attr(rustfmt)` instead of `tool_attributes`",
deprecation: None,
module: "attrs",
Lint {
name: "deprecated_semver",
group: "correctness",
desc: "use of `#[deprecated(since = \"x\")]` where x is not semver",
deprecation: None,
module: "attrs",
Lint {
name: "deref_addrof",
group: "complexity",
desc: "use of `*&` or `*&mut` in an expression",
deprecation: None,
module: "reference",
Lint {
name: "derive_hash_xor_eq",
group: "correctness",
desc: "deriving `Hash` but implementing `PartialEq` explicitly",
deprecation: None,
module: "derive",
Lint {
name: "diverging_sub_expression",
group: "complexity",
desc: "whether an expression contains a diverging sub expression",
deprecation: None,
module: "eval_order_dependence",
Lint {
name: "doc_markdown",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "presence of `_`, `::` or camel-case outside backticks in documentation",
deprecation: None,
module: "doc",
Lint {
name: "double_comparisons",
group: "complexity",
desc: "unnecessary double comparisons that can be simplified",
deprecation: None,
module: "double_comparison",
Lint {
name: "double_must_use",
group: "style",
desc: "`#[must_use]` attribute on a `#[must_use]`-returning function / method",
deprecation: None,
module: "functions",
Lint {
name: "double_neg",
group: "style",
desc: "`--x`, which is a double negation of `x` and not a pre-decrement as in C/C++",
deprecation: None,
module: "misc_early",
Lint {
name: "double_parens",
group: "complexity",
desc: "Warn on unnecessary double parentheses",
deprecation: None,
module: "double_parens",
Lint {
name: "drop_bounds",
group: "correctness",
desc: "Bounds of the form `T: Drop` are useless",
deprecation: None,
module: "drop_bounds",
Lint {
name: "drop_copy",
group: "correctness",
desc: "calls to `std::mem::drop` with a value that implements Copy",
deprecation: None,
module: "drop_forget_ref",
Lint {
name: "drop_ref",
group: "correctness",
desc: "calls to `std::mem::drop` with a reference instead of an owned value",
deprecation: None,
module: "drop_forget_ref",
Lint {
name: "duplicate_underscore_argument",
group: "style",
desc: "function arguments having names which only differ by an underscore",
deprecation: None,
module: "misc_early",
Lint {
name: "duration_subsec",
group: "complexity",
desc: "checks for calculation of subsecond microseconds or milliseconds",
deprecation: None,
module: "duration_subsec",
Lint {
name: "else_if_without_else",
group: "restriction",
desc: "if expression with an `else if`, but without a final `else` branch",
deprecation: None,
module: "else_if_without_else",
Lint {
name: "empty_enum",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "enum with no variants",
deprecation: None,
module: "empty_enum",
Lint {
name: "empty_line_after_outer_attr",
group: "nursery",
desc: "empty line after outer attribute",
deprecation: None,
module: "attrs",
Lint {
name: "empty_loop",
group: "style",
desc: "empty `loop {}`, which should block or sleep",
deprecation: None,
module: "loops",
Lint {
name: "enum_clike_unportable_variant",
group: "correctness",
desc: "C-like enums that are `repr(isize/usize)` and have values that don\'t fit into an `i32`",
deprecation: None,
module: "enum_clike",
Lint {
name: "enum_glob_use",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "use items that import all variants of an enum",
deprecation: None,
module: "enum_glob_use",
Lint {
name: "enum_variant_names",
group: "style",
desc: "enums where all variants share a prefix/postfix",
deprecation: None,
module: "enum_variants",
Lint {
name: "eq_op",
group: "correctness",
desc: "equal operands on both sides of a comparison or bitwise combination (e.g., `x == x`)",
deprecation: None,
module: "eq_op",
Lint {
name: "erasing_op",
group: "correctness",
desc: "using erasing operations, e.g., `x * 0` or `y & 0`",
deprecation: None,
module: "erasing_op",
Lint {
name: "eval_order_dependence",
group: "complexity",
desc: "whether a variable read occurs before a write depends on sub-expression evaluation order",
deprecation: None,
module: "eval_order_dependence",
Lint {
name: "excessive_precision",
group: "style",
desc: "excessive precision for float literal",
deprecation: None,
module: "excessive_precision",
Lint {
name: "expect_fun_call",
group: "perf",
desc: "using any `expect` method with a function call",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "expl_impl_clone_on_copy",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "implementing `Clone` explicitly on `Copy` types",
deprecation: None,
module: "derive",
Lint {
name: "explicit_counter_loop",
group: "complexity",
desc: "for-looping with an explicit counter when `_.enumerate()` would do",
deprecation: None,
module: "loops",
Lint {
name: "explicit_into_iter_loop",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "for-looping over `_.into_iter()` when `_` would do",
deprecation: None,
module: "loops",
Lint {
name: "explicit_iter_loop",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "for-looping over `_.iter()` or `_.iter_mut()` when `&_` or `&mut _` would do",
deprecation: None,
module: "loops",
Lint {
name: "explicit_write",
group: "complexity",
desc: "using the `write!()` family of functions instead of the `print!()` family of functions, when using the latter would work",
deprecation: None,
module: "explicit_write",
Lint {
name: "extra_unused_lifetimes",
group: "complexity",
desc: "unused lifetimes in function definitions",
deprecation: None,
module: "lifetimes",
Lint {
name: "fallible_impl_from",
group: "nursery",
desc: "Warn on impls of `From<..>` that contain `panic!()` or `unwrap()`",
deprecation: None,
module: "fallible_impl_from",
Lint {
name: "filter_map",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "using combinations of `filter`, `map`, `filter_map` and `flat_map` which can usually be written as a single method call",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "filter_map_next",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "using combination of `filter_map` and `next` which can usually be written as a single method call",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "filter_next",
group: "complexity",
desc: "using `filter(p).next()`, which is more succinctly expressed as `.find(p)`",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "find_map",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "using a combination of `find` and `map` can usually be written as a single method call",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "flat_map_identity",
group: "complexity",
desc: "call to `flat_map` where `flatten` is sufficient",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "float_arithmetic",
group: "restriction",
desc: "any floating-point arithmetic statement",
deprecation: None,
module: "arithmetic",
Lint {
name: "float_cmp",
group: "correctness",
desc: "using `==` or `!=` on float values instead of comparing difference with an epsilon",
deprecation: None,
module: "misc",
Lint {
name: "float_cmp_const",
group: "restriction",
desc: "using `==` or `!=` on float constants instead of comparing difference with an epsilon",
deprecation: None,
module: "misc",
Lint {
name: "fn_to_numeric_cast",
group: "style",
desc: "casting a function pointer to a numeric type other than usize",
deprecation: None,
module: "types",
Lint {
name: "fn_to_numeric_cast_with_truncation",
group: "style",
desc: "casting a function pointer to a numeric type not wide enough to store the address",
deprecation: None,
module: "types",
Lint {
name: "for_kv_map",
group: "style",
desc: "looping on a map using `iter` when `keys` or `values` would do",
deprecation: None,
module: "loops",
Lint {
name: "for_loop_over_option",
group: "correctness",
desc: "for-looping over an `Option`, which is more clearly expressed as an `if let`",
deprecation: None,
module: "loops",
Lint {
name: "for_loop_over_result",
group: "correctness",
desc: "for-looping over a `Result`, which is more clearly expressed as an `if let`",
deprecation: None,
module: "loops",
Lint {
name: "forget_copy",
group: "correctness",
desc: "calls to `std::mem::forget` with a value that implements Copy",
deprecation: None,
module: "drop_forget_ref",
Lint {
name: "forget_ref",
group: "correctness",
desc: "calls to `std::mem::forget` with a reference instead of an owned value",
deprecation: None,
module: "drop_forget_ref",
Lint {
name: "get_last_with_len",
group: "complexity",
desc: "Using `x.get(x.len() - 1)` when `x.last()` is correct and simpler",
deprecation: None,
module: "get_last_with_len",
Lint {
name: "get_unwrap",
group: "restriction",
desc: "using `.get().unwrap()` or `.get_mut().unwrap()` when using `[]` would work instead",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "identity_conversion",
group: "complexity",
desc: "using always-identical `Into`/`From`/`IntoIter` conversions",
deprecation: None,
module: "identity_conversion",
Lint {
name: "identity_op",
group: "complexity",
desc: "using identity operations, e.g., `x + 0` or `y / 1`",
deprecation: None,
module: "identity_op",
Lint {
name: "if_let_some_result",
group: "style",
desc: "usage of `ok()` in `if let Some(pat)` statements is unnecessary, match on `Ok(pat)` instead",
deprecation: None,
module: "ok_if_let",
Lint {
name: "if_not_else",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "`if` branches that could be swapped so no negation operation is necessary on the condition",
deprecation: None,
module: "if_not_else",
Lint {
name: "if_same_then_else",
group: "correctness",
desc: "if with the same *then* and *else* blocks",
deprecation: None,
module: "copies",
Lint {
name: "ifs_same_cond",
group: "correctness",
desc: "consecutive `ifs` with the same condition",
deprecation: None,
module: "copies",
Lint {
name: "implicit_hasher",
group: "style",
desc: "missing generalization over different hashers",
deprecation: None,
module: "types",
Lint {
name: "implicit_return",
group: "restriction",
desc: "use a return statement like `return expr` instead of an expression",
deprecation: None,
module: "implicit_return",
Lint {
name: "inconsistent_digit_grouping",
group: "style",
desc: "integer literals with digits grouped inconsistently",
deprecation: None,
module: "literal_representation",
Lint {
name: "indexing_slicing",
group: "restriction",
desc: "indexing/slicing usage",
deprecation: None,
module: "indexing_slicing",
Lint {
name: "ineffective_bit_mask",
group: "correctness",
desc: "expressions where a bit mask will be rendered useless by a comparison, e.g., `(x | 1) > 2`",
deprecation: None,
module: "bit_mask",
Lint {
name: "inefficient_to_string",
group: "perf",
desc: "using `to_string` on `&&T` where `T: ToString`",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "infallible_destructuring_match",
group: "style",
desc: "a match statement with a single infallible arm instead of a `let`",
deprecation: None,
module: "infallible_destructuring_match",
Lint {
name: "infinite_iter",
group: "correctness",
desc: "infinite iteration",
deprecation: None,
module: "infinite_iter",
Lint {
name: "inherent_to_string",
group: "style",
desc: "type implements inherent method `to_string()`, but should instead implement the `Display` trait",
deprecation: None,
module: "inherent_to_string",
Lint {
name: "inherent_to_string_shadow_display",
group: "correctness",
desc: "type implements inherent method `to_string()`, which gets shadowed by the implementation of the `Display` trait ",
deprecation: None,
module: "inherent_to_string",
Lint {
name: "inline_always",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "use of `#[inline(always)]`",
deprecation: None,
module: "attrs",
Lint {
name: "inline_fn_without_body",
group: "correctness",
desc: "use of `#[inline]` on trait methods without bodies",
deprecation: None,
module: "inline_fn_without_body",
Lint {
name: "int_plus_one",
group: "complexity",
desc: "instead of using x >= y + 1, use x > y",
deprecation: None,
module: "int_plus_one",
Lint {
name: "integer_arithmetic",
group: "restriction",
desc: "any integer arithmetic statement",
deprecation: None,
module: "arithmetic",
Lint {
name: "integer_division",
group: "restriction",
desc: "integer division may cause loss of precision",
deprecation: None,
module: "integer_division",
Lint {
name: "into_iter_on_array",
group: "correctness",
desc: "using `.into_iter()` on an array",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "into_iter_on_ref",
group: "style",
desc: "using `.into_iter()` on a reference",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "invalid_regex",
group: "correctness",
desc: "invalid regular expressions",
deprecation: None,
module: "regex",
Lint {
name: "invalid_upcast_comparisons",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "a comparison involving an upcast which is always true or false",
deprecation: None,
module: "types",
Lint {
name: "items_after_statements",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "blocks where an item comes after a statement",
deprecation: None,
module: "items_after_statements",
Lint {
name: "iter_cloned_collect",
group: "style",
desc: "using `.cloned().collect()` on slice to create a `Vec`",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "iter_next_loop",
group: "correctness",
desc: "for-looping over `` which is probably not intended",
deprecation: None,
module: "loops",
Lint {
name: "iter_nth",
group: "perf",
desc: "using `.iter().nth()` on a standard library type with O(1) element access",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "iter_skip_next",
group: "style",
desc: "using `.skip(x).next()` on an iterator",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "iterator_step_by_zero",
group: "correctness",
desc: "using `Iterator::step_by(0)`, which produces an infinite iterator",
deprecation: None,
module: "ranges",
Lint {
name: "just_underscores_and_digits",
group: "style",
desc: "unclear name",
deprecation: None,
module: "non_expressive_names",
Lint {
name: "large_digit_groups",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "grouping digits into groups that are too large",
deprecation: None,
module: "literal_representation",
Lint {
name: "large_enum_variant",
group: "perf",
desc: "large size difference between variants on an enum",
deprecation: None,
module: "large_enum_variant",
Lint {
name: "len_without_is_empty",
group: "style",
desc: "traits or impls with a public `len` method but no corresponding `is_empty` method",
deprecation: None,
module: "len_zero",
Lint {
name: "len_zero",
group: "style",
desc: "checking `.len() == 0` or `.len() > 0` (or similar) when `.is_empty()` could be used instead",
deprecation: None,
module: "len_zero",
Lint {
name: "let_and_return",
group: "style",
desc: "creating a let-binding and then immediately returning it like `let x = expr; x` at the end of a block",
deprecation: None,
module: "returns",
Lint {
name: "let_unit_value",
group: "style",
desc: "creating a let binding to a value of unit type, which usually can\'t be used afterwards",
deprecation: None,
module: "types",
Lint {
name: "linkedlist",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "usage of LinkedList, usually a vector is faster, or a more specialized data structure like a VecDeque",
deprecation: None,
module: "types",
Lint {
name: "logic_bug",
group: "correctness",
desc: "boolean expressions that contain terminals which can be eliminated",
deprecation: None,
module: "booleans",
Lint {
name: "main_recursion",
group: "style",
desc: "recursion using the entrypoint",
deprecation: None,
module: "main_recursion",
Lint {
name: "manual_memcpy",
group: "perf",
desc: "manually copying items between slices",
deprecation: None,
module: "loops",
Lint {
name: "manual_mul_add",
group: "nursery",
desc: "Using `a.mul_add(b, c)` for floating points has higher numerical precision than `a * b + c`",
deprecation: None,
module: "mul_add",
Lint {
name: "manual_saturating_arithmetic",
group: "style",
desc: "`.chcked_add/sub(x).unwrap_or(MAX/MIN)`",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "manual_swap",
group: "complexity",
desc: "manual swap of two variables",
deprecation: None,
module: "swap",
Lint {
name: "many_single_char_names",
group: "style",
desc: "too many single character bindings",
deprecation: None,
module: "non_expressive_names",
Lint {
name: "map_clone",
group: "style",
desc: "using `|x| x.clone())`, or dereferencing closures for `Copy` types",
deprecation: None,
module: "map_clone",
Lint {
name: "map_entry",
group: "perf",
desc: "use of `contains_key` followed by `insert` on a `HashMap` or `BTreeMap`",
deprecation: None,
module: "entry",
Lint {
name: "map_flatten",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "using combinations of `flatten` and `map` which can usually be written as a single method call",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "match_as_ref",
group: "complexity",
desc: "a match on an Option value instead of using `as_ref()` or `as_mut`",
deprecation: None,
module: "matches",
Lint {
name: "match_bool",
group: "style",
desc: "a match on a boolean expression instead of an `if..else` block",
deprecation: None,
module: "matches",
Lint {
name: "match_overlapping_arm",
group: "style",
desc: "a match with overlapping arms",
deprecation: None,
module: "matches",
Lint {
name: "match_ref_pats",
group: "style",
desc: "a match or `if let` with all arms prefixed with `&` instead of deref-ing the match expression",
deprecation: None,
module: "matches",
Lint {
name: "match_same_arms",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "`match` with identical arm bodies",
deprecation: None,
module: "copies",
Lint {
name: "match_wild_err_arm",
group: "style",
desc: "a match with `Err(_)` arm and take drastic actions",
deprecation: None,
module: "matches",
Lint {
name: "maybe_infinite_iter",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "possible infinite iteration",
deprecation: None,
module: "infinite_iter",
Lint {
name: "mem_discriminant_non_enum",
group: "correctness",
desc: "calling mem::descriminant on non-enum type",
deprecation: None,
module: "mem_discriminant",
Lint {
name: "mem_forget",
group: "restriction",
desc: "`mem::forget` usage on `Drop` types, likely to cause memory leaks",
deprecation: None,
module: "mem_forget",
Lint {
name: "mem_replace_option_with_none",
group: "style",
desc: "replacing an `Option` with `None` instead of `take()`",
deprecation: None,
module: "mem_replace",
Lint {
name: "mem_replace_with_uninit",
group: "correctness",
desc: "`mem::replace(&mut _, mem::uninitialized())` or `mem::replace(&mut _, mem::zeroed())`",
deprecation: None,
module: "mem_replace",
Lint {
name: "min_max",
group: "correctness",
desc: "`min(_, max(_, _))` (or vice versa) with bounds clamping the result to a constant",
deprecation: None,
module: "minmax",
Lint {
name: "misrefactored_assign_op",
group: "complexity",
desc: "having a variable on both sides of an assign op",
deprecation: None,
module: "assign_ops",
Lint {
name: "missing_const_for_fn",
group: "nursery",
desc: "Lint functions definitions that could be made `const fn`",
deprecation: None,
module: "missing_const_for_fn",
Lint {
name: "missing_docs_in_private_items",
group: "restriction",
desc: "detects missing documentation for public and private members",
deprecation: None,
module: "missing_doc",
Lint {
name: "missing_inline_in_public_items",
group: "restriction",
desc: "detects missing #[inline] attribute for public callables (functions, trait methods, methods...)",
deprecation: None,
module: "missing_inline",
Lint {
name: "missing_safety_doc",
group: "style",
desc: "`pub unsafe fn` without `# Safety` docs",
deprecation: None,
module: "doc",
Lint {
name: "mistyped_literal_suffixes",
group: "correctness",
desc: "mistyped literal suffix",
deprecation: None,
module: "literal_representation",
Lint {
name: "mixed_case_hex_literals",
group: "style",
desc: "hex literals whose letter digits are not consistently upper- or lowercased",
deprecation: None,
module: "misc_early",
Lint {
name: "module_inception",
group: "style",
desc: "modules that have the same name as their parent module",
deprecation: None,
module: "enum_variants",
Lint {
name: "module_name_repetitions",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "type names prefixed/postfixed with their containing module\'s name",
deprecation: None,
module: "enum_variants",
Lint {
name: "modulo_one",
group: "correctness",
desc: "taking a number modulo 1, which always returns 0",
deprecation: None,
module: "misc",
Lint {
name: "multiple_crate_versions",
group: "cargo",
desc: "multiple versions of the same crate being used",
deprecation: None,
module: "multiple_crate_versions",
Lint {
name: "multiple_inherent_impl",
group: "restriction",
desc: "Multiple inherent impl that could be grouped",
deprecation: None,
module: "inherent_impl",
Lint {
name: "must_use_candidate",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "function or method that could take a `#[must_use]` attribute",
deprecation: None,
module: "functions",
Lint {
name: "must_use_unit",
group: "style",
desc: "`#[must_use]` attribute on a unit-returning function / method",
deprecation: None,
module: "functions",
Lint {
name: "mut_from_ref",
group: "correctness",
desc: "fns that create mutable refs from immutable ref args",
deprecation: None,
module: "ptr",
Lint {
name: "mut_mut",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "usage of double-mut refs, e.g., `&mut &mut ...`",
deprecation: None,
module: "mut_mut",
Lint {
name: "mut_range_bound",
group: "complexity",
desc: "for loop over a range where one of the bounds is a mutable variable",
deprecation: None,
module: "loops",
Lint {
name: "mutex_atomic",
group: "perf",
desc: "using a mutex where an atomic value could be used instead",
deprecation: None,
module: "mutex_atomic",
Lint {
name: "mutex_integer",
group: "nursery",
desc: "using a mutex for an integer type",
deprecation: None,
module: "mutex_atomic",
Lint {
name: "naive_bytecount",
group: "perf",
desc: "use of naive `<slice>.filter(|&x| x == y).count()` to count byte values",
deprecation: None,
module: "bytecount",
Lint {
name: "needless_bool",
group: "complexity",
desc: "if-statements with plain booleans in the then- and else-clause, e.g., `if p { true } else { false }`",
deprecation: None,
module: "needless_bool",
Lint {
name: "needless_borrow",
group: "nursery",
desc: "taking a reference that is going to be automatically dereferenced",
deprecation: None,
module: "needless_borrow",
Lint {
name: "needless_borrowed_reference",
group: "complexity",
desc: "taking a needless borrowed reference",
deprecation: None,
module: "needless_borrowed_ref",
Lint {
name: "needless_collect",
group: "perf",
desc: "collecting an iterator when collect is not needed",
deprecation: None,
module: "loops",
Lint {
name: "needless_continue",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "`continue` statements that can be replaced by a rearrangement of code",
deprecation: None,
module: "needless_continue",
Lint {
name: "needless_doctest_main",
group: "style",
desc: "presence of `fn main() {` in code examples",
deprecation: None,
module: "doc",
Lint {
name: "needless_lifetimes",
group: "complexity",
desc: "using explicit lifetimes for references in function arguments when elision rules would allow omitting them",
deprecation: None,
module: "lifetimes",
Lint {
name: "needless_pass_by_value",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "functions taking arguments by value, but not consuming them in its body",
deprecation: None,
module: "needless_pass_by_value",
Lint {
name: "needless_range_loop",
group: "style",
desc: "for-looping over a range of indices where an iterator over items would do",
deprecation: None,
module: "loops",
Lint {
name: "needless_return",
group: "style",
desc: "using a return statement like `return expr;` where an expression would suffice",
deprecation: None,
module: "returns",
Lint {
name: "needless_update",
group: "complexity",
desc: "using `Foo { ..base }` when there are no missing fields",
deprecation: None,
module: "needless_update",
Lint {
name: "neg_cmp_op_on_partial_ord",
group: "complexity",
desc: "The use of negated comparison operators on partially ordered types may produce confusing code.",
deprecation: None,
module: "neg_cmp_op_on_partial_ord",
Lint {
name: "neg_multiply",
group: "style",
desc: "multiplying integers with -1",
deprecation: None,
module: "neg_multiply",
Lint {
name: "never_loop",
group: "correctness",
desc: "any loop that will always `break` or `return`",
deprecation: None,
module: "loops",
Lint {
name: "new_ret_no_self",
group: "style",
desc: "not returning `Self` in a `new` method",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "new_without_default",
group: "style",
desc: "`fn new() -> Self` method without `Default` implementation",
deprecation: None,
module: "new_without_default",
Lint {
name: "no_effect",
group: "complexity",
desc: "statements with no effect",
deprecation: None,
module: "no_effect",
Lint {
name: "non_ascii_literal",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "using any literal non-ASCII chars in a string literal instead of using the `\\\\u` escape",
deprecation: None,
module: "unicode",
Lint {
name: "nonminimal_bool",
group: "complexity",
desc: "boolean expressions that can be written more concisely",
deprecation: None,
module: "booleans",
Lint {
name: "nonsensical_open_options",
group: "correctness",
desc: "nonsensical combination of options for opening a file",
deprecation: None,
module: "open_options",
Lint {
name: "not_unsafe_ptr_arg_deref",
group: "correctness",
desc: "public functions dereferencing raw pointer arguments but not marked `unsafe`",
deprecation: None,
module: "functions",
Lint {
name: "ok_expect",
group: "style",
desc: "using `ok().expect()`, which gives worse error messages than calling `expect` directly on the Result",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "op_ref",
group: "style",
desc: "taking a reference to satisfy the type constraints on `==`",
deprecation: None,
module: "eq_op",
Lint {
name: "option_and_then_some",
group: "complexity",
desc: "using `Option.and_then(|x| Some(y))`, which is more succinctly expressed as `map(|x| y)`",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "option_expect_used",
group: "restriction",
desc: "using `Option.expect()`, which might be better handled",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "option_map_or_none",
group: "style",
desc: "using `Option.map_or(None, f)`, which is more succinctly expressed as `and_then(f)`",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "option_map_unit_fn",
group: "complexity",
desc: "using ``, where f is a function or closure that returns ()",
deprecation: None,
module: "map_unit_fn",
Lint {
name: "option_map_unwrap_or",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "using ``, which is more succinctly expressed as `map_or(a, f)`",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "option_map_unwrap_or_else",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "using ``, which is more succinctly expressed as `map_or_else(g, f)`",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "option_option",
group: "complexity",
desc: "usage of `Option<Option<T>>`",
deprecation: None,
module: "types",
Lint {
name: "option_unwrap_used",
group: "restriction",
desc: "using `Option.unwrap()`, which should at least get a better message using `expect()`",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "or_fun_call",
group: "perf",
desc: "using any `*or` method with a function call, which suggests `*or_else`",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "out_of_bounds_indexing",
group: "correctness",
desc: "out of bounds constant indexing",
deprecation: None,
module: "indexing_slicing",
Lint {
name: "overflow_check_conditional",
group: "complexity",
desc: "overflow checks inspired by C which are likely to panic",
deprecation: None,
module: "overflow_check_conditional",
Lint {
name: "panic",
group: "restriction",
desc: "usage of the `panic!` macro",
deprecation: None,
module: "panic_unimplemented",
Lint {
name: "panic_params",
group: "style",
desc: "missing parameters in `panic!` calls",
deprecation: None,
module: "panic_unimplemented",
Lint {
name: "panicking_unwrap",
group: "correctness",
desc: "checks for calls of unwrap[_err]() that will always fail",
deprecation: None,
module: "unwrap",
Lint {
name: "partialeq_ne_impl",
group: "complexity",
desc: "re-implementing `PartialEq::ne`",
deprecation: None,
module: "partialeq_ne_impl",
Lint {
name: "path_buf_push_overwrite",
group: "nursery",
desc: "calling `push` with file system root on `PathBuf` can overwrite it",
deprecation: None,
module: "path_buf_push_overwrite",
Lint {
name: "possible_missing_comma",
group: "correctness",
desc: "possible missing comma in array",
deprecation: None,
module: "formatting",
Lint {
name: "precedence",
group: "complexity",
desc: "operations where precedence may be unclear",
deprecation: None,
module: "precedence",
Lint {
name: "print_literal",
group: "style",
desc: "printing a literal with a format string",
deprecation: None,
module: "write",
Lint {
name: "print_stdout",
group: "restriction",
desc: "printing on stdout",
deprecation: None,
module: "write",
Lint {
name: "print_with_newline",
group: "style",
desc: "using `print!()` with a format string that ends in a single newline",
deprecation: None,
module: "write",
Lint {
name: "println_empty_string",
group: "style",
desc: "using `println!(\"\")` with an empty string",
deprecation: None,
module: "write",
Lint {
name: "ptr_arg",
group: "style",
desc: "fn arguments of the type `&Vec<...>` or `&String`, suggesting to use `&[...]` or `&str` instead, respectively",
deprecation: None,
module: "ptr",
Lint {
name: "ptr_offset_with_cast",
group: "complexity",
desc: "unneeded pointer offset cast",
deprecation: None,
module: "ptr_offset_with_cast",
Lint {
name: "pub_enum_variant_names",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "enums where all variants share a prefix/postfix",
deprecation: None,
module: "enum_variants",
Lint {
name: "question_mark",
group: "style",
desc: "checks for expressions that could be replaced by the question mark operator",
deprecation: None,
module: "question_mark",
Lint {
name: "range_minus_one",
group: "complexity",
desc: "`x..=(y-1)` reads better as `x..y`",
deprecation: None,
module: "ranges",
Lint {
name: "range_plus_one",
group: "complexity",
desc: "`x..(y+1)` reads better as `x..=y`",
deprecation: None,
module: "ranges",
Lint {
name: "range_zip_with_len",
group: "complexity",
desc: "zipping iterator with a range when `enumerate()` would do",
deprecation: None,
module: "ranges",
Lint {
name: "redundant_clone",
group: "perf",
desc: "`clone()` of an owned value that is going to be dropped immediately",
deprecation: None,
module: "redundant_clone",
Lint {
name: "redundant_closure",
group: "style",
desc: "redundant closures, i.e., `|a| foo(a)` (which can be written as just `foo`)",
deprecation: None,
module: "eta_reduction",
Lint {
name: "redundant_closure_call",
group: "complexity",
desc: "throwaway closures called in the expression they are defined",
deprecation: None,
module: "misc_early",
Lint {
name: "redundant_closure_for_method_calls",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "redundant closures for method calls",
deprecation: None,
module: "eta_reduction",
Lint {
name: "redundant_field_names",
group: "style",
desc: "checks for fields in struct literals where shorthands could be used",
deprecation: None,
module: "redundant_field_names",
Lint {
name: "redundant_pattern",
group: "style",
desc: "using `name @ _` in a pattern",
deprecation: None,
module: "misc_early",
Lint {
name: "redundant_pattern_matching",
group: "style",
desc: "use the proper utility function avoiding an `if let`",
deprecation: None,
module: "redundant_pattern_matching",
Lint {
name: "redundant_static_lifetimes",
group: "style",
desc: "Using explicit `\'static` lifetime for constants or statics when elision rules would allow omitting them.",
deprecation: None,
module: "redundant_static_lifetimes",
Lint {
name: "ref_in_deref",
group: "complexity",
desc: "Use of reference in auto dereference expression.",
deprecation: None,
module: "reference",
Lint {
name: "regex_macro",
group: "style",
desc: "use of `regex!(_)` instead of `Regex::new(_)`",
deprecation: None,
module: "regex",
Lint {
name: "replace_consts",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "Lint usages of standard library `const`s that could be replaced by `const fn`s",
deprecation: None,
module: "replace_consts",
Lint {
name: "result_expect_used",
group: "restriction",
desc: "using `Result.expect()`, which might be better handled",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "result_map_unit_fn",
group: "complexity",
desc: "using ``, where f is a function or closure that returns ()",
deprecation: None,
module: "map_unit_fn",
Lint {
name: "result_map_unwrap_or_else",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "using ``, which is more succinctly expressed as `.ok().map_or_else(g, f)`",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "result_unwrap_used",
group: "restriction",
desc: "using `Result.unwrap()`, which might be better handled",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "reverse_range_loop",
group: "correctness",
desc: "iteration over an empty range, such as `10..0` or `5..5`",
deprecation: None,
module: "loops",
Lint {
name: "search_is_some",
group: "complexity",
desc: "using an iterator search followed by `is_some()`, which is more succinctly expressed as a call to `any()`",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "serde_api_misuse",
group: "correctness",
desc: "various things that will negatively affect your serde experience",
deprecation: None,
module: "serde_api",
Lint {
name: "shadow_reuse",
group: "restriction",
desc: "rebinding a name to an expression that re-uses the original value, e.g., `let x = x + 1`",
deprecation: None,
module: "shadow",
Lint {
name: "shadow_same",
group: "restriction",
desc: "rebinding a name to itself, e.g., `let mut x = &mut x`",
deprecation: None,
module: "shadow",
Lint {
name: "shadow_unrelated",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "rebinding a name without even using the original value",
deprecation: None,
module: "shadow",
Lint {
name: "short_circuit_statement",
group: "complexity",
desc: "using a short circuit boolean condition as a statement",
deprecation: None,
module: "misc",
Lint {
name: "should_implement_trait",
group: "style",
desc: "defining a method that should be implementing a std trait",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "similar_names",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "similarly named items and bindings",
deprecation: None,
module: "non_expressive_names",
Lint {
name: "single_char_pattern",
group: "perf",
desc: "using a single-character str where a char could be used, e.g., `_.split(\"x\")`",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "single_match",
group: "style",
desc: "a match statement with a single nontrivial arm (i.e., where the other arm is `_ => {}`) instead of `if let`",
deprecation: None,
module: "matches",
Lint {
name: "single_match_else",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "a match statement with two arms where the second arm\'s pattern is a placeholder instead of a specific match pattern",
deprecation: None,
module: "matches",
Lint {
name: "slow_vector_initialization",
group: "perf",
desc: "slow vector initialization",
deprecation: None,
module: "slow_vector_initialization",
Lint {
name: "string_add",
group: "restriction",
desc: "using `x + ..` where x is a `String` instead of `push_str()`",
deprecation: None,
module: "strings",
Lint {
name: "string_add_assign",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "using `x = x + ..` where x is a `String` instead of `push_str()`",
deprecation: None,
module: "strings",
Lint {
name: "string_extend_chars",
group: "style",
desc: "using `x.extend(s.chars())` where s is a `&str` or `String`",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "string_lit_as_bytes",
group: "style",
desc: "calling `as_bytes` on a string literal instead of using a byte string literal",
deprecation: None,
module: "strings",
Lint {
name: "suspicious_arithmetic_impl",
group: "correctness",
desc: "suspicious use of operators in impl of arithmetic trait",
deprecation: None,
module: "suspicious_trait_impl",
Lint {
name: "suspicious_assignment_formatting",
group: "style",
desc: "suspicious formatting of `*=`, `-=` or `!=`",
deprecation: None,
module: "formatting",
Lint {
name: "suspicious_else_formatting",
group: "style",
desc: "suspicious formatting of `else`",
deprecation: None,
module: "formatting",
Lint {
name: "suspicious_map",
group: "complexity",
desc: "suspicious usage of map",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "suspicious_op_assign_impl",
group: "correctness",
desc: "suspicious use of operators in impl of OpAssign trait",
deprecation: None,
module: "suspicious_trait_impl",
Lint {
name: "suspicious_unary_op_formatting",
group: "style",
desc: "suspicious formatting of unary `-` or `!` on the RHS of a BinOp",
deprecation: None,
module: "formatting",
Lint {
name: "temporary_assignment",
group: "complexity",
desc: "assignments to temporaries",
deprecation: None,
module: "temporary_assignment",
Lint {
name: "temporary_cstring_as_ptr",
group: "correctness",
desc: "getting the inner pointer of a temporary `CString`",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "todo",
group: "restriction",
desc: "`todo!` should not be present in production code",
deprecation: None,
module: "panic_unimplemented",
Lint {
name: "too_many_arguments",
group: "complexity",
desc: "functions with too many arguments",
deprecation: None,
module: "functions",
Lint {
name: "too_many_lines",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "functions with too many lines",
deprecation: None,
module: "functions",
Lint {
name: "toplevel_ref_arg",
group: "style",
desc: "an entire binding declared as `ref`, in a function argument or a `let` statement",
deprecation: None,
module: "misc",
Lint {
name: "transmute_bytes_to_str",
group: "complexity",
desc: "transmutes from a `&[u8]` to a `&str`",
deprecation: None,
module: "transmute",
Lint {
name: "transmute_int_to_bool",
group: "complexity",
desc: "transmutes from an integer to a `bool`",
deprecation: None,
module: "transmute",
Lint {
name: "transmute_int_to_char",
group: "complexity",
desc: "transmutes from an integer to a `char`",
deprecation: None,
module: "transmute",
Lint {
name: "transmute_int_to_float",
group: "complexity",
desc: "transmutes from an integer to a float",
deprecation: None,
module: "transmute",
Lint {
name: "transmute_ptr_to_ptr",
group: "complexity",
desc: "transmutes from a pointer to a pointer / a reference to a reference",
deprecation: None,
module: "transmute",
Lint {
name: "transmute_ptr_to_ref",
group: "complexity",
desc: "transmutes from a pointer to a reference type",
deprecation: None,
module: "transmute",
Lint {
name: "transmuting_null",
group: "correctness",
desc: "transmutes from a null pointer to a reference, which is undefined behavior",
deprecation: None,
module: "transmuting_null",
Lint {
name: "trivial_regex",
group: "style",
desc: "trivial regular expressions",
deprecation: None,
module: "regex",
Lint {
name: "trivially_copy_pass_by_ref",
group: "perf",
desc: "functions taking small copyable arguments by reference",
deprecation: None,
module: "trivially_copy_pass_by_ref",
Lint {
name: "try_err",
group: "style",
desc: "return errors explicitly rather than hiding them behind a `?`",
deprecation: None,
module: "try_err",
Lint {
name: "type_complexity",
group: "complexity",
desc: "usage of very complex types that might be better factored into `type` definitions",
deprecation: None,
module: "types",
Lint {
name: "type_repetition_in_bounds",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "Types are repeated unnecessary in trait bounds use `+` instead of using `T: _, T: _`",
deprecation: None,
module: "trait_bounds",
Lint {
name: "unicode_not_nfc",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "using a Unicode literal not in NFC normal form (see [Unicode tr15]( for further information)",
deprecation: None,
module: "unicode",
Lint {
name: "unimplemented",
group: "restriction",
desc: "`unimplemented!` should not be present in production code",
deprecation: None,
module: "panic_unimplemented",
Lint {
name: "uninit_assumed_init",
group: "correctness",
desc: "`MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init()`",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "unit_arg",
group: "complexity",
desc: "passing unit to a function",
deprecation: None,
module: "types",
Lint {
name: "unit_cmp",
group: "correctness",
desc: "comparing unit values",
deprecation: None,
module: "types",
Lint {
name: "unknown_clippy_lints",
group: "style",
desc: "unknown_lints for scoped Clippy lints",
deprecation: None,
module: "attrs",
Lint {
name: "unnecessary_cast",
group: "complexity",
desc: "cast to the same type, e.g., `x as i32` where `x: i32`",
deprecation: None,
module: "types",
Lint {
name: "unnecessary_filter_map",
group: "complexity",
desc: "using `filter_map` when a more succinct alternative exists",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "unnecessary_fold",
group: "style",
desc: "using `fold` when a more succinct alternative exists",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "unnecessary_mut_passed",
group: "style",
desc: "an argument passed as a mutable reference although the callee only demands an immutable reference",
deprecation: None,
module: "mut_reference",
Lint {
name: "unnecessary_operation",
group: "complexity",
desc: "outer expressions with no effect",
deprecation: None,
module: "no_effect",
Lint {
name: "unnecessary_unwrap",
group: "complexity",
desc: "checks for calls of unwrap[_err]() that cannot fail",
deprecation: None,
module: "unwrap",
Lint {
name: "unneeded_field_pattern",
group: "style",
desc: "struct fields bound to a wildcard instead of using `..`",
deprecation: None,
module: "misc_early",
Lint {
name: "unneeded_wildcard_pattern",
group: "complexity",
desc: "tuple patterns with a wildcard pattern (`_`) is next to a rest pattern (`..`)",
deprecation: None,
module: "misc_early",
Lint {
name: "unreachable",
group: "restriction",
desc: "`unreachable!` should not be present in production code",
deprecation: None,
module: "panic_unimplemented",
Lint {
name: "unreadable_literal",
group: "style",
desc: "long integer literal without underscores",
deprecation: None,
module: "literal_representation",
Lint {
name: "unsafe_removed_from_name",
group: "style",
desc: "`unsafe` removed from API names on import",
deprecation: None,
module: "unsafe_removed_from_name",
Lint {
name: "unseparated_literal_suffix",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "literals whose suffix is not separated by an underscore",
deprecation: None,
module: "misc_early",
Lint {
name: "unsound_collection_transmute",
group: "correctness",
desc: "transmute between collections of layout-incompatible types",
deprecation: None,
module: "transmute",
Lint {
name: "unused_io_amount",
group: "correctness",
desc: "unused written/read amount",
deprecation: None,
module: "unused_io_amount",
Lint {
name: "unused_label",
group: "complexity",
desc: "unused labels",
deprecation: None,
module: "unused_label",
Lint {
name: "unused_self",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "methods that contain a `self` argument but don\'t use it",
deprecation: None,
module: "unused_self",
Lint {
name: "unused_unit",
group: "style",
desc: "needless unit expression",
deprecation: None,
module: "returns",
Lint {
name: "use_debug",
group: "restriction",
desc: "use of `Debug`-based formatting",
deprecation: None,
module: "write",
Lint {
name: "use_self",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "Unnecessary structure name repetition whereas `Self` is applicable",
deprecation: None,
module: "use_self",
Lint {
name: "used_underscore_binding",
group: "pedantic",
desc: "using a binding which is prefixed with an underscore",
deprecation: None,
module: "misc",
Lint {
name: "useless_asref",
group: "complexity",
desc: "using `as_ref` where the types before and after the call are the same",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "useless_attribute",
group: "correctness",
desc: "use of lint attributes on `extern crate` items",
deprecation: None,
module: "attrs",
Lint {
name: "useless_format",
group: "complexity",
desc: "useless use of `format!`",
deprecation: None,
module: "format",
Lint {
name: "useless_let_if_seq",
group: "style",
desc: "unidiomatic `let mut` declaration followed by initialization in `if`",
deprecation: None,
module: "let_if_seq",
Lint {
name: "useless_transmute",
group: "complexity",
desc: "transmutes that have the same to and from types or could be a cast/coercion",
deprecation: None,
module: "transmute",
Lint {
name: "useless_vec",
group: "perf",
desc: "useless `vec!`",
deprecation: None,
module: "vec",
Lint {
name: "vec_box",
group: "complexity",
desc: "usage of `Vec<Box<T>>` where T: Sized, vector elements are already on the heap",
deprecation: None,
module: "types",
Lint {
name: "verbose_bit_mask",
group: "style",
desc: "expressions where a bit mask is less readable than the corresponding method call",
deprecation: None,
module: "bit_mask",
Lint {
name: "while_immutable_condition",
group: "correctness",
desc: "variables used within while expression are not mutated in the body",
deprecation: None,
module: "loops",
Lint {
name: "while_let_loop",
group: "complexity",
desc: "`loop { if let { ... } else break }`, which can be written as a `while let` loop",
deprecation: None,
module: "loops",
Lint {
name: "while_let_on_iterator",
group: "style",
desc: "using a while-let loop instead of a for loop on an iterator",
deprecation: None,
module: "loops",
Lint {
name: "wildcard_dependencies",
group: "cargo",
desc: "wildcard dependencies being used",
deprecation: None,
module: "wildcard_dependencies",
Lint {
name: "wildcard_enum_match_arm",
group: "restriction",
desc: "a wildcard enum match arm using `_`",
deprecation: None,
module: "matches",
Lint {
name: "write_literal",
group: "style",
desc: "writing a literal with a format string",
deprecation: None,
module: "write",
Lint {
name: "write_with_newline",
group: "style",
desc: "using `write!()` with a format string that ends in a single newline",
deprecation: None,
module: "write",
Lint {
name: "writeln_empty_string",
group: "style",
desc: "using `writeln!(buf, \"\")` with an empty string",
deprecation: None,
module: "write",
Lint {
name: "wrong_pub_self_convention",
group: "restriction",
desc: "defining a public method named with an established prefix (like \"into_\") that takes `self` with the wrong convention",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "wrong_self_convention",
group: "style",
desc: "defining a method named with an established prefix (like \"into_\") that takes `self` with the wrong convention",
deprecation: None,
module: "methods",
Lint {
name: "wrong_transmute",
group: "correctness",
desc: "transmutes that are confusing at best, undefined behaviour at worst and always useless",
deprecation: None,
module: "transmute",
Lint {
name: "zero_divided_by_zero",
group: "complexity",
desc: "usage of `0.0 / 0.0` to obtain NaN instead of std::f32::NaN or std::f64::NaN",
deprecation: None,
module: "zero_div_zero",
Lint {
name: "zero_prefixed_literal",
group: "complexity",
desc: "integer literals starting with `0`",
deprecation: None,
module: "misc_early",
Lint {
name: "zero_ptr",
group: "style",
desc: "using 0 as *{const, mut} T",
deprecation: None,
module: "misc",
Lint {
name: "zero_width_space",
group: "correctness",
desc: "using a zero-width space in a string literal, which is confusing",
deprecation: None,
module: "unicode",
// end lint list, do not remove this comment, it’s used in `update_lints`