blob: 0a809a5bd9bfc7b39de2d8006a57890d24b4bb3f [file] [log] [blame]
use std::cell::{RefCell, RefMut};
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry::{Occupied, Vacant};
use std::collections::hash_map::HashMap;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::env;
use std::fmt;
use std::fs::{self, File};
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::{self, SeekFrom};
use std::mem;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::Once;
use std::time::Instant;
use curl::easy::Easy;
use lazycell::LazyCell;
use serde::Deserialize;
use url::Url;
use self::ConfigValue as CV;
use crate::core::profiles::ConfigProfiles;
use crate::core::shell::Verbosity;
use crate::core::{nightly_features_allowed, CliUnstable, Shell, SourceId, Workspace};
use crate::ops;
use crate::util::errors::{self, internal, CargoResult, CargoResultExt};
use crate::util::toml as cargo_toml;
use crate::util::Filesystem;
use crate::util::Rustc;
use crate::util::{paths, validate_package_name, FileLock};
use crate::util::{IntoUrl, IntoUrlWithBase};
mod de;
use de::Deserializer;
mod value;
pub use value::{Definition, OptValue, Value};
mod key;
use key::ConfigKey;
mod path;
pub use path::ConfigRelativePath;
/// Configuration information for cargo. This is not specific to a build, it is information
/// relating to cargo itself.
/// This struct implements `Default`: all fields can be inferred.
pub struct Config {
/// The location of the user's 'home' directory. OS-dependent.
home_path: Filesystem,
/// Information about how to write messages to the shell
shell: RefCell<Shell>,
/// A collection of configuration options
values: LazyCell<HashMap<String, ConfigValue>>,
/// The current working directory of cargo
cwd: PathBuf,
/// The location of the cargo executable (path to current process)
cargo_exe: LazyCell<PathBuf>,
/// The location of the rustdoc executable
rustdoc: LazyCell<PathBuf>,
/// Whether we are printing extra verbose messages
extra_verbose: bool,
/// `frozen` is the same as `locked`, but additionally will not access the
/// network to determine if the lock file is out-of-date.
frozen: bool,
/// `locked` is set if we should not update lock files. If the lock file
/// is missing, or needs to be updated, an error is produced.
locked: bool,
/// `offline` is set if we should never access the network, but otherwise
/// continue operating if possible.
offline: bool,
/// A global static IPC control mechanism (used for managing parallel builds)
jobserver: Option<jobserver::Client>,
/// Cli flags of the form "-Z something"
cli_flags: CliUnstable,
/// A handle on curl easy mode for http calls
easy: LazyCell<RefCell<Easy>>,
/// Cache of the `SourceId` for
crates_io_source_id: LazyCell<SourceId>,
/// If false, don't cache `rustc --version --verbose` invocations
cache_rustc_info: bool,
/// Creation time of this config, used to output the total build time
creation_time: Instant,
/// Target Directory via resolved Cli parameter
target_dir: Option<Filesystem>,
/// Environment variables, separated to assist testing.
env: HashMap<String, String>,
/// Profiles loaded from config.
profiles: LazyCell<ConfigProfiles>,
/// Tracks which sources have been updated to avoid multiple updates.
updated_sources: LazyCell<RefCell<HashSet<SourceId>>>,
/// Lock, if held, of the global package cache along with the number of
/// acquisitions so far.
package_cache_lock: RefCell<Option<(Option<FileLock>, usize)>>,
/// Cached configuration parsed by Cargo
http_config: LazyCell<CargoHttpConfig>,
net_config: LazyCell<CargoNetConfig>,
build_config: LazyCell<CargoBuildConfig>,
impl Config {
pub fn new(shell: Shell, cwd: PathBuf, homedir: PathBuf) -> Config {
static mut GLOBAL_JOBSERVER: *mut jobserver::Client = 0 as *mut _;
static INIT: Once = Once::new();
// This should be called early on in the process, so in theory the
// unsafety is ok here. (taken ownership of random fds)
INIT.call_once(|| unsafe {
if let Some(client) = jobserver::Client::from_env() {
GLOBAL_JOBSERVER = Box::into_raw(Box::new(client));
let env: HashMap<_, _> = env::vars_os()
.filter_map(|(k, v)| {
// Ignore any key/values that are not valid Unicode.
match (k.into_string(), v.into_string()) {
(Ok(k), Ok(v)) => Some((k, v)),
_ => None,
let cache_rustc_info = match env.get("CARGO_CACHE_RUSTC_INFO") {
Some(cache) => cache != "0",
_ => true,
Config {
home_path: Filesystem::new(homedir),
shell: RefCell::new(shell),
values: LazyCell::new(),
cargo_exe: LazyCell::new(),
rustdoc: LazyCell::new(),
extra_verbose: false,
frozen: false,
locked: false,
offline: false,
jobserver: unsafe {
if GLOBAL_JOBSERVER.is_null() {
} else {
cli_flags: CliUnstable::default(),
easy: LazyCell::new(),
crates_io_source_id: LazyCell::new(),
creation_time: Instant::now(),
target_dir: None,
profiles: LazyCell::new(),
updated_sources: LazyCell::new(),
package_cache_lock: RefCell::new(None),
http_config: LazyCell::new(),
net_config: LazyCell::new(),
build_config: LazyCell::new(),
pub fn default() -> CargoResult<Config> {
let shell = Shell::new();
let cwd =
env::current_dir().chain_err(|| "couldn't get the current directory of the process")?;
let homedir = homedir(&cwd).ok_or_else(|| {
"Cargo couldn't find your home directory. \
This probably means that $HOME was not set."
Ok(Config::new(shell, cwd, homedir))
/// Gets the user's Cargo home directory (OS-dependent).
pub fn home(&self) -> &Filesystem {
/// Gets the Cargo Git directory (`<cargo_home>/git`).
pub fn git_path(&self) -> Filesystem {
/// Gets the Cargo registry index directory (`<cargo_home>/registry/index`).
pub fn registry_index_path(&self) -> Filesystem {
/// Gets the Cargo registry cache directory (`<cargo_home>/registry/path`).
pub fn registry_cache_path(&self) -> Filesystem {
/// Gets the Cargo registry source directory (`<cargo_home>/registry/src`).
pub fn registry_source_path(&self) -> Filesystem {
/// Gets the default Cargo registry.
pub fn default_registry(&self) -> CargoResult<Option<String>> {
Ok(match self.get_string("registry.default")? {
Some(registry) => Some(registry.val),
None => None,
/// Gets a reference to the shell, e.g., for writing error messages.
pub fn shell(&self) -> RefMut<'_, Shell> {
/// Gets the path to the `rustdoc` executable.
pub fn rustdoc(&self) -> CargoResult<&Path> {
.try_borrow_with(|| self.get_tool("rustdoc"))
/// Gets the path to the `rustc` executable.
pub fn load_global_rustc(&self, ws: Option<&Workspace<'_>>) -> CargoResult<Rustc> {
let cache_location =|ws| {
let wrapper = self.maybe_get_tool("rustc_wrapper")?;
if self.cache_rustc_info {
} else {
/// Gets the path to the `cargo` executable.
pub fn cargo_exe(&self) -> CargoResult<&Path> {
.try_borrow_with(|| {
fn from_current_exe() -> CargoResult<PathBuf> {
// Try fetching the path to `cargo` using `env::current_exe()`.
// The method varies per operating system and might fail; in particular,
// it depends on `/proc` being mounted on Linux, and some environments
// (like containers or chroots) may not have that available.
let exe = env::current_exe()?.canonicalize()?;
fn from_argv() -> CargoResult<PathBuf> {
// Grab `argv[0]` and attempt to resolve it to an absolute path.
// If `argv[0]` has one component, it must have come from a `PATH` lookup,
// so probe `PATH` in that case.
// Otherwise, it has multiple components and is either:
// - a relative path (e.g., `./cargo`, `target/debug/cargo`), or
// - an absolute path (e.g., `/usr/local/bin/cargo`).
// In either case, `Path::canonicalize` will return the full absolute path
// to the target if it exists.
let argv0 = env::args_os()
.ok_or_else(|| failure::format_err!("no argv[0]"))?;
let exe = from_current_exe()
.or_else(|_| from_argv())
.chain_err(|| "couldn't get the path to cargo executable")?;
pub fn profiles(&self) -> CargoResult<&ConfigProfiles> {
self.profiles.try_borrow_with(|| {
let ocp = self.get::<Option<ConfigProfiles>>("profile")?;
if let Some(config_profiles) = ocp {
// Warn if config profiles without CLI option.
if !self.cli_unstable().config_profile {
"profiles in config files require `-Z config-profile` \
command-line option",
return Ok(ConfigProfiles::default());
} else {
pub fn updated_sources(&self) -> RefMut<'_, HashSet<SourceId>> {
.borrow_with(|| RefCell::new(HashSet::new()))
pub fn values(&self) -> CargoResult<&HashMap<String, ConfigValue>> {
self.values.try_borrow_with(|| self.load_values())
pub fn values_mut(&mut self) -> CargoResult<&mut HashMap<String, ConfigValue>> {
match self.values.borrow_mut() {
Some(map) => Ok(map),
None => failure::bail!("config values not loaded yet"),
// Note: this is used by RLS, not Cargo.
pub fn set_values(&self, values: HashMap<String, ConfigValue>) -> CargoResult<()> {
if self.values.borrow().is_some() {
failure::bail!("config values already found")
match self.values.fill(values) {
Ok(()) => Ok(()),
Err(_) => failure::bail!("could not fill values"),
pub fn reload_rooted_at<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> CargoResult<()> {
let values = self.load_values_from(path.as_ref())?;
pub fn cwd(&self) -> &Path {
pub fn target_dir(&self) -> CargoResult<Option<Filesystem>> {
if let Some(dir) = &self.target_dir {
} else if let Some(dir) = env::var_os("CARGO_TARGET_DIR") {
} else if let Some(val) = &self.build_config()?.target_dir {
let val = val.resolve_path(self);
} else {
fn get_cv(&self, key: &str) -> CargoResult<Option<ConfigValue>> {
let vals = self.values()?;
let mut parts = key.split('.').enumerate();
let mut val = match vals.get( {
Some(val) => val,
None => return Ok(None),
for (i, part) in parts {
match *val {
CV::Table(ref map, _) => {
val = match map.get(part) {
Some(val) => val,
None => return Ok(None),
CV::Integer(_, ref path)
| CV::String(_, ref path)
| CV::List(_, ref path)
| CV::Boolean(_, ref path) => {
let idx = key.split('.').take(i).fold(0, |n, s| n + s.len()) + i - 1;
let key_so_far = &key[..idx];
"expected table for configuration key `{}`, \
but found {} in {}",
// Helper primarily for testing.
pub fn set_env(&mut self, env: HashMap<String, String>) {
self.env = env;
fn get_env<T>(&self, key: &ConfigKey) -> Result<OptValue<T>, ConfigError>
T: FromStr,
<T as FromStr>::Err: fmt::Display,
match self.env.get(key.as_env_key()) {
Some(value) => {
let definition = Definition::Environment(key.as_env_key().to_string());
Ok(Some(Value {
val: value
.map_err(|e| ConfigError::new(format!("{}", e), definition.clone()))?,
None => Ok(None),
fn has_key(&self, key: &ConfigKey) -> bool {
if self.env.get(key.as_env_key()).is_some() {
return true;
let env_pattern = format!("{}_", key.as_env_key());
if self.env.keys().any(|k| k.starts_with(&env_pattern)) {
return true;
if let Ok(o_cv) = self.get_cv(key.as_config_key()) {
if o_cv.is_some() {
return true;
pub fn get_string(&self, key: &str) -> CargoResult<OptValue<String>> {
fn get_string_priv(&self, key: &ConfigKey) -> Result<OptValue<String>, ConfigError> {
match self.get_env(key)? {
Some(v) => Ok(Some(v)),
None => {
let o_cv = self.get_cv(key.as_config_key())?;
match o_cv {
Some(CV::String(s, path)) => Ok(Some(Value {
val: s,
definition: Definition::Path(path),
Some(cv) => Err(ConfigError::expected(key.as_config_key(), "a string", &cv)),
None => Ok(None),
fn get_bool_priv(&self, key: &ConfigKey) -> Result<OptValue<bool>, ConfigError> {
match self.get_env(key)? {
Some(v) => Ok(Some(v)),
None => {
let o_cv = self.get_cv(key.as_config_key())?;
match o_cv {
Some(CV::Boolean(b, path)) => Ok(Some(Value {
val: b,
definition: Definition::Path(path),
Some(cv) => Err(ConfigError::expected(
None => Ok(None),
pub fn get_path(&self, key: &str) -> CargoResult<OptValue<PathBuf>> {
self.get::<Option<Value<ConfigRelativePath>>>(key).map(|v| {|v| Value {
val: v.val.resolve_program(self),
definition: v.definition,
fn string_to_path(&self, value: String, definition: &Definition) -> PathBuf {
let is_path = value.contains('/') || (cfg!(windows) && value.contains('\\'));
if is_path {
} else {
// A pathless name.
pub fn get_path_and_args(&self, key: &str) -> CargoResult<OptValue<(PathBuf, Vec<String>)>> {
if let Some(mut val) = self.get_list_or_split_string(key)? {
if !val.val.is_empty() {
return Ok(Some(Value {
val: (
self.string_to_path(val.val.remove(0), &val.definition),
definition: val.definition,
// NOTE: this does **not** support environment variables. Use `get` instead
// if you want that.
pub fn get_list(&self, key: &str) -> CargoResult<OptValue<Vec<(String, PathBuf)>>> {
match self.get_cv(key)? {
Some(CV::List(i, path)) => Ok(Some(Value {
val: i,
definition: Definition::Path(path),
Some(val) => self.expected("list", key, &val),
None => Ok(None),
fn get_list_or_split_string(&self, key: &str) -> CargoResult<OptValue<Vec<String>>> {
match self.get::<Option<Value<StringList>>>(key)? {
None => Ok(None),
Some(val) => Ok(Some(Value {
val: val.val.list,
definition: val.definition,
pub fn get_table(&self, key: &str) -> CargoResult<OptValue<HashMap<String, CV>>> {
match self.get_cv(key)? {
Some(CV::Table(i, path)) => Ok(Some(Value {
val: i,
definition: Definition::Path(path),
Some(val) => self.expected("table", key, &val),
None => Ok(None),
fn get_integer(&self, key: &ConfigKey) -> Result<OptValue<i64>, ConfigError> {
match self.get_env::<i64>(key)? {
Some(v) => Ok(Some(v)),
None => match self.get_cv(key.as_config_key())? {
Some(CV::Integer(i, path)) => Ok(Some(Value {
val: i,
definition: Definition::Path(path),
Some(cv) => Err(ConfigError::expected(
"an integer",
None => Ok(None),
fn expected<T>(&self, ty: &str, key: &str, val: &CV) -> CargoResult<T> {
val.expected(ty, key)
.map_err(|e| failure::format_err!("invalid configuration for key `{}`\n{}", key, e))
pub fn configure(
&mut self,
verbose: u32,
quiet: Option<bool>,
color: &Option<String>,
frozen: bool,
locked: bool,
offline: bool,
target_dir: &Option<PathBuf>,
unstable_flags: &[String],
) -> CargoResult<()> {
let extra_verbose = verbose >= 2;
let verbose = if verbose == 0 { None } else { Some(true) };
#[derive(Deserialize, Default)]
struct TermConfig {
verbose: Option<bool>,
color: Option<String>,
// Ignore errors in the configuration files.
let cfg = self.get::<TermConfig>("term").unwrap_or_default();
let color = color.as_ref().or_else(|| cfg.color.as_ref());
let verbosity = match (verbose, cfg.verbose, quiet) {
(Some(true), _, None) | (None, Some(true), None) => Verbosity::Verbose,
// Command line takes precedence over configuration, so ignore the
// configuration..
(None, _, Some(true)) => Verbosity::Quiet,
// Can't pass both at the same time on the command line regardless
// of configuration.
(Some(true), _, Some(true)) => {
failure::bail!("cannot set both --verbose and --quiet");
// Can't actually get `Some(false)` as a value from the command
// line, so just ignore them here to appease exhaustiveness checking
// in match statements.
(Some(false), _, _)
| (_, _, Some(false))
| (None, Some(false), None)
| (None, None, None) => Verbosity::Normal,
let cli_target_dir = match target_dir.as_ref() {
Some(dir) => Some(Filesystem::new(dir.clone())),
None => None,
};;|s| &s[..]))?;
self.extra_verbose = extra_verbose;
self.frozen = frozen;
self.locked = locked;
self.offline = offline
|| self
.and_then(|n| n.offline)
self.target_dir = cli_target_dir;
if nightly_features_allowed() {
if let Some(val) = self.get::<Option<bool>>("unstable.mtime_on_use")? {
self.cli_flags.mtime_on_use |= val;
pub fn cli_unstable(&self) -> &CliUnstable {
pub fn extra_verbose(&self) -> bool {
pub fn network_allowed(&self) -> bool {
!self.frozen() && !self.offline()
pub fn offline(&self) -> bool {
pub fn frozen(&self) -> bool {
pub fn lock_update_allowed(&self) -> bool {
!self.frozen && !self.locked
/// Loads configuration from the filesystem.
pub fn load_values(&self) -> CargoResult<HashMap<String, ConfigValue>> {
fn load_values_from(&self, path: &Path) -> CargoResult<HashMap<String, ConfigValue>> {
let mut cfg = CV::Table(HashMap::new(), PathBuf::from("."));
let home = self.home_path.clone().into_path_unlocked();
self.walk_tree(path, &home, |path| {
let mut contents = String::new();
let mut file = File::open(&path)?;
file.read_to_string(&mut contents)
.chain_err(|| format!("failed to read configuration file `{}`", path.display()))?;
let toml = cargo_toml::parse(&contents, path, self).chain_err(|| {
format!("could not parse TOML configuration in `{}`", path.display())
let value = CV::from_toml(path, toml).chain_err(|| {
"failed to load TOML configuration from `{}`",
.chain_err(|| format!("failed to merge configuration at `{}`", path.display()))?;
.chain_err(|| "could not load Cargo configuration")?;
self.load_credentials(&mut cfg)?;
match cfg {
CV::Table(map, _) => Ok(map),
_ => unreachable!(),
/// The purpose of this function is to aid in the transition to using
/// .toml extensions on Cargo's config files, which were historically not used.
/// Both 'config.toml' and 'credentials.toml' should be valid with or without extension.
/// When both exist, we want to prefer the one without an extension for
/// backwards compatibility, but warn the user appropriately.
fn get_file_path(
dir: &Path,
filename_without_extension: &str,
warn: bool,
) -> CargoResult<Option<PathBuf>> {
let possible = dir.join(filename_without_extension);
let possible_with_extension = dir.join(format!("{}.toml", filename_without_extension));
if fs::metadata(&possible).is_ok() {
if warn && fs::metadata(&possible_with_extension).is_ok() {
// We don't want to print a warning if the version
// without the extension is just a symlink to the version
// WITH an extension, which people may want to do to
// support multiple Cargo versions at once and not
// get a warning.
let skip_warning = if let Ok(target_path) = fs::read_link(&possible) {
target_path == possible_with_extension
} else {
if !skip_warning {!(
"Both `{}` and `{}` exist. Using `{}`",
} else if fs::metadata(&possible_with_extension).is_ok() {
} else {
fn walk_tree<F>(&self, pwd: &Path, home: &Path, mut walk: F) -> CargoResult<()>
F: FnMut(&Path) -> CargoResult<()>,
let mut stash: HashSet<PathBuf> = HashSet::new();
for current in paths::ancestors(pwd) {
if let Some(path) = self.get_file_path(&current.join(".cargo"), "config", true)? {
// Once we're done, also be sure to walk the home directory even if it's not
// in our history to be sure we pick up that standard location for
// information.
if let Some(path) = self.get_file_path(home, "config", true)? {
if !stash.contains(&path) {
/// Gets the index for a registry.
pub fn get_registry_index(&self, registry: &str) -> CargoResult<Url> {
validate_package_name(registry, "registry name", "")?;
match self.get_string(&format!("registries.{}.index", registry))? {
Some(index) => self.resolve_registry_index(index)?,
None => failure::bail!("No index found for registry: `{}`", registry),
/// Gets the index for the default registry.
pub fn get_default_registry_index(&self) -> CargoResult<Option<Url>> {
Ok(match self.get_string("registry.index")? {
Some(index) => Some(self.resolve_registry_index(index)?),
None => None,
fn resolve_registry_index(&self, index: Value<String>) -> CargoResult<Url> {
let base = index
// Parse val to check it is a URL, not a relative path without a protocol.
let _parsed = index.val.into_url()?;
let url = index.val.into_url_with_base(Some(&*base))?;
if url.password().is_some() {
failure::bail!("Registry URLs may not contain passwords");
/// Loads credentials config from the credentials file into the `ConfigValue` object, if
/// present.
fn load_credentials(&self, cfg: &mut ConfigValue) -> CargoResult<()> {
let home_path = self.home_path.clone().into_path_unlocked();
let credentials = match self.get_file_path(&home_path, "credentials", true)? {
Some(credentials) => credentials,
None => return Ok(()),
let mut contents = String::new();
let mut file = File::open(&credentials)?;
file.read_to_string(&mut contents).chain_err(|| {
"failed to read configuration file `{}`",
let toml = cargo_toml::parse(&contents, &credentials, self).chain_err(|| {
"could not parse TOML configuration in `{}`",
let mut value = CV::from_toml(&credentials, toml).chain_err(|| {
"failed to load TOML configuration from `{}`",
// Backwards compatibility for old `.cargo/credentials` layout.
let value = match value {
CV::Table(ref mut value, _) => value,
_ => unreachable!(),
if let Some(token) = value.remove("token") {
if let Vacant(entry) = value.entry("registry".into()) {
let mut map = HashMap::new();
map.insert("token".into(), token);
let table = CV::Table(map, PathBuf::from("."));
// We want value to override `cfg`, so swap these.
mem::swap(cfg, &mut value);
/// Looks for a path for `tool` in an environment variable or config path, and returns `None`
/// if it's not present.
fn maybe_get_tool(&self, tool: &str) -> CargoResult<Option<PathBuf>> {
let var = tool
.flat_map(|c| c.to_uppercase())
if let Some(tool_path) = env::var_os(&var) {
let maybe_relative = match tool_path.to_str() {
Some(s) => s.contains('/') || s.contains('\\'),
None => false,
let path = if maybe_relative {
} else {
return Ok(Some(path));
// For backwards compatibility we allow both snake_case config paths as well as the
// idiomatic kebab-case paths.
let config_paths = [
format!("build.{}", tool),
format!("build.{}", tool.replace('_', "-")),
for config_path in &config_paths {
if let Some(tool_path) = self.get_path(&config_path)? {
return Ok(Some(tool_path.val));
/// Looks for a path for `tool` in an environment variable or config path, defaulting to `tool`
/// as a path.
pub fn get_tool(&self, tool: &str) -> CargoResult<PathBuf> {
.map(|t| t.unwrap_or_else(|| PathBuf::from(tool)))
pub fn jobserver_from_env(&self) -> Option<&jobserver::Client> {
pub fn http(&self) -> CargoResult<&RefCell<Easy>> {
let http = self
.try_borrow_with(|| ops::http_handle(self).map(RefCell::new))?;
let mut http = http.borrow_mut();
let timeout = ops::configure_http_handle(self, &mut http)?;
timeout.configure(&mut http)?;
pub fn http_config(&self) -> CargoResult<&CargoHttpConfig> {
.try_borrow_with(|| Ok(self.get::<CargoHttpConfig>("http")?))
pub fn net_config(&self) -> CargoResult<&CargoNetConfig> {
.try_borrow_with(|| Ok(self.get::<CargoNetConfig>("net")?))
pub fn build_config(&self) -> CargoResult<&CargoBuildConfig> {
.try_borrow_with(|| Ok(self.get::<CargoBuildConfig>("build")?))
pub fn crates_io_source_id<F>(&self, f: F) -> CargoResult<SourceId>
F: FnMut() -> CargoResult<SourceId>,
pub fn creation_time(&self) -> Instant {
// Retrieves a config variable.
// This supports most serde `Deserialize` types. Examples:
// let v: Option<u32> = config.get("some.nested.key")?;
// let v: Option<MyStruct> = config.get("some.key")?;
// let v: Option<HashMap<String, MyStruct>> = config.get("foo")?;
pub fn get<'de, T: serde::de::Deserialize<'de>>(&self, key: &str) -> CargoResult<T> {
let d = Deserializer {
config: self,
key: ConfigKey::from_str(key),
T::deserialize(d).map_err(|e| e.into())
pub fn assert_package_cache_locked<'a>(&self, f: &'a Filesystem) -> &'a Path {
let ret = f.as_path_unlocked();
"package cache lock is not currently held, Cargo forgot to call \
`acquire_package_cache_lock` before we got to this stack frame",
/// Acquires an exclusive lock on the global "package cache"
/// This lock is global per-process and can be acquired recursively. An RAII
/// structure is returned to release the lock, and if this process
/// abnormally terminates the lock is also released.
pub fn acquire_package_cache_lock(&self) -> CargoResult<PackageCacheLock<'_>> {
let mut slot = self.package_cache_lock.borrow_mut();
match *slot {
// We've already acquired the lock in this process, so simply bump
// the count and continue.
Some((_, ref mut cnt)) => {
*cnt += 1;
None => {
let path = ".package-cache";
let desc = "package cache";
// First, attempt to open an exclusive lock which is in general
// the purpose of this lock!
// If that fails because of a readonly filesystem or a
// permission error, though, then we don't really want to fail
// just because of this. All files that this lock protects are
// in subfolders, so they're assumed by Cargo to also be
// readonly or have invalid permissions for us to write to. If
// that's the case, then we don't really need to grab a lock in
// the first place here.
// Despite this we attempt to grab a readonly lock. This means
// that if our read-only folder is shared read-write with
// someone else on the system we should synchronize with them,
// but if we can't even do that then we did our best and we just
// keep on chugging elsewhere.
match self.home_path.open_rw(path, self, desc) {
Ok(lock) => *slot = Some((Some(lock), 1)),
Err(e) => {
if maybe_readonly(&e) {
let lock = self.home_path.open_ro(path, self, desc).ok();
*slot = Some((lock, 1));
return Ok(PackageCacheLock(self));
Err(e).chain_err(|| "failed to acquire package cache lock")?;
return Ok(PackageCacheLock(self));
fn maybe_readonly(err: &failure::Error) -> bool {
err.iter_chain().any(|err| {
if let Some(io) = err.downcast_ref::<io::Error>() {
if io.kind() == io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied {
return true;
return io.raw_os_error() == Some(libc::EROFS);
pub fn release_package_cache_lock(&self) {}
/// Internal error for serde errors.
pub struct ConfigError {
error: failure::Error,
definition: Option<Definition>,
impl ConfigError {
fn new(message: String, definition: Definition) -> ConfigError {
ConfigError {
error: failure::err_msg(message),
definition: Some(definition),
fn expected(key: &str, expected: &str, found: &ConfigValue) -> ConfigError {
ConfigError {
error: failure::format_err!(
"`{}` expected {}, but found a {}",
definition: Some(Definition::Path(found.definition_path().to_path_buf())),
fn missing(key: &ConfigKey) -> ConfigError {
ConfigError {
error: failure::format_err!("missing config key `{}`", key.as_config_key()),
definition: None,
fn with_key_context(self, key: &ConfigKey, definition: Definition) -> ConfigError {
ConfigError {
error: failure::format_err!(
"could not load config key `{}`: {}",
definition: Some(definition),
impl std::error::Error for ConfigError {}
// Future note: currently, we cannot override `Fail::cause` (due to
// specialization) so we have no way to return the underlying causes. In the
// future, once this limitation is lifted, this should instead implement
// `cause` and avoid doing the cause formatting here.
impl fmt::Display for ConfigError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let message = errors::display_causes(&self.error);
if let Some(ref definition) = self.definition {
write!(f, "error in {}: {}", definition, message)
} else {
impl serde::de::Error for ConfigError {
fn custom<T: fmt::Display>(msg: T) -> Self {
ConfigError {
error: failure::err_msg(msg.to_string()),
definition: None,
impl From<failure::Error> for ConfigError {
fn from(error: failure::Error) -> Self {
ConfigError {
definition: None,
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum ConfigValue {
Integer(i64, PathBuf),
String(String, PathBuf),
List(Vec<(String, PathBuf)>, PathBuf),
Table(HashMap<String, ConfigValue>, PathBuf),
Boolean(bool, PathBuf),
impl fmt::Debug for ConfigValue {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
CV::Integer(i, ref path) => write!(f, "{} (from {})", i, path.display()),
CV::Boolean(b, ref path) => write!(f, "{} (from {})", b, path.display()),
CV::String(ref s, ref path) => write!(f, "{} (from {})", s, path.display()),
CV::List(ref list, ref path) => {
write!(f, "[")?;
for (i, &(ref s, ref path)) in list.iter().enumerate() {
if i > 0 {
write!(f, ", ")?;
write!(f, "{} (from {})", s, path.display())?;
write!(f, "] (from {})", path.display())
CV::Table(ref table, _) => write!(f, "{:?}", table),
impl ConfigValue {
fn from_toml(path: &Path, toml: toml::Value) -> CargoResult<ConfigValue> {
match toml {
toml::Value::String(val) => Ok(CV::String(val, path.to_path_buf())),
toml::Value::Boolean(b) => Ok(CV::Boolean(b, path.to_path_buf())),
toml::Value::Integer(i) => Ok(CV::Integer(i, path.to_path_buf())),
toml::Value::Array(val) => Ok(CV::List(
.map(|toml| match toml {
toml::Value::String(val) => Ok((val, path.to_path_buf())),
v => failure::bail!("expected string but found {} in list", v.type_str()),
toml::Value::Table(val) => Ok(CV::Table(
.map(|(key, value)| {
let value = CV::from_toml(path, value)
.chain_err(|| format!("failed to parse key `{}`", key))?;
Ok((key, value))
v => failure::bail!(
"found TOML configuration value of unknown type `{}`",
fn into_toml(self) -> toml::Value {
match self {
CV::Boolean(s, _) => toml::Value::Boolean(s),
CV::String(s, _) => toml::Value::String(s),
CV::Integer(i, _) => toml::Value::Integer(i),
CV::List(l, _) => {
toml::Value::Array(l.into_iter().map(|(s, _)| toml::Value::String(s)).collect())
CV::Table(l, _) => {
toml::Value::Table(l.into_iter().map(|(k, v)| (k, v.into_toml())).collect())
fn merge(&mut self, from: ConfigValue) -> CargoResult<()> {
match (self, from) {
(&mut CV::List(ref mut old, _), CV::List(ref mut new, _)) => {
let new = mem::replace(new, Vec::new());
(&mut CV::Table(ref mut old, _), CV::Table(ref mut new, _)) => {
let new = mem::replace(new, HashMap::new());
for (key, value) in new {
match old.entry(key.clone()) {
Occupied(mut entry) => {
let path = value.definition_path().to_path_buf();
let entry = entry.get_mut();
entry.merge(value).chain_err(|| {
"failed to merge key `{}` between \
files:\n \
file 1: {}\n \
file 2: {}",
Vacant(entry) => {
// Allow switching types except for tables or arrays.
(expected @ &mut CV::List(_, _), found)
| (expected @ &mut CV::Table(_, _), found)
| (expected, found @ CV::List(_, _))
| (expected, found @ CV::Table(_, _)) => {
return Err(internal(format!(
"expected {}, but found {}",
_ => {}
pub fn i64(&self, key: &str) -> CargoResult<(i64, &Path)> {
match *self {
CV::Integer(i, ref p) => Ok((i, p)),
_ => self.expected("integer", key),
pub fn string(&self, key: &str) -> CargoResult<(&str, &Path)> {
match *self {
CV::String(ref s, ref p) => Ok((s, p)),
_ => self.expected("string", key),
pub fn table(&self, key: &str) -> CargoResult<(&HashMap<String, ConfigValue>, &Path)> {
match *self {
CV::Table(ref table, ref p) => Ok((table, p)),
_ => self.expected("table", key),
pub fn list(&self, key: &str) -> CargoResult<&[(String, PathBuf)]> {
match *self {
CV::List(ref list, _) => Ok(list),
_ => self.expected("list", key),
pub fn boolean(&self, key: &str) -> CargoResult<(bool, &Path)> {
match *self {
CV::Boolean(b, ref p) => Ok((b, p)),
_ => self.expected("bool", key),
pub fn desc(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self {
CV::Table(..) => "table",
CV::List(..) => "array",
CV::String(..) => "string",
CV::Boolean(..) => "boolean",
CV::Integer(..) => "integer",
pub fn definition_path(&self) -> &Path {
match *self {
CV::Boolean(_, ref p)
| CV::Integer(_, ref p)
| CV::String(_, ref p)
| CV::List(_, ref p)
| CV::Table(_, ref p) => p,
fn expected<T>(&self, wanted: &str, key: &str) -> CargoResult<T> {
"expected a {}, but found a {} for `{}` in {}",
pub fn homedir(cwd: &Path) -> Option<PathBuf> {
pub fn save_credentials(cfg: &Config, token: String, registry: Option<String>) -> CargoResult<()> {
// If 'credentials.toml' exists, we should write to that, otherwise
// use the legacy 'credentials'. There's no need to print the warning
// here, because it would already be printed at load time.
let home_path = cfg.home_path.clone().into_path_unlocked();
let filename = match cfg.get_file_path(&home_path, "credentials", false)? {
Some(path) => match path.file_name() {
Some(filename) => Path::new(filename).to_owned(),
None => Path::new("credentials").to_owned(),
None => Path::new("credentials").to_owned(),
let mut file = {
.open_rw(filename, cfg, "credentials' config file")?
let (key, value) = {
let key = "token".to_string();
let value = ConfigValue::String(token, file.path().to_path_buf());
let mut map = HashMap::new();
map.insert(key, value);
let table = CV::Table(map, file.path().to_path_buf());
if let Some(registry) = registry {
let mut map = HashMap::new();
map.insert(registry, table);
CV::Table(map, file.path().to_path_buf()),
} else {
("registry".into(), table)
let mut contents = String::new();
file.read_to_string(&mut contents).chain_err(|| {
"failed to read configuration file `{}`",
let mut toml = cargo_toml::parse(&contents, file.path(), cfg)?;
// Move the old token location to the new one.
if let Some(token) = toml.as_table_mut().unwrap().remove("token") {
let mut map = HashMap::new();
map.insert("token".to_string(), token);
.insert("registry".into(), map.into());
toml.as_table_mut().unwrap().insert(key, value.into_toml());
let contents = toml.to_string();;
file.file().set_len(contents.len() as u64)?;
set_permissions(file.file(), 0o600)?;
return Ok(());
fn set_permissions(file: &File, mode: u32) -> CargoResult<()> {
use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt;
let mut perms = file.metadata()?.permissions();
fn set_permissions(file: &File, mode: u32) -> CargoResult<()> {
pub struct PackageCacheLock<'a>(&'a Config);
impl Drop for PackageCacheLock<'_> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let mut slot = self.0.package_cache_lock.borrow_mut();
let (_, cnt) = slot.as_mut().unwrap();
*cnt -= 1;
if *cnt == 0 {
*slot = None;
/// returns path to clippy-driver binary
/// Allows override of the path via `CARGO_CLIPPY_DRIVER` env variable
pub fn clippy_driver() -> PathBuf {
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "clippy-driver".into())
#[derive(Debug, Default, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub struct CargoHttpConfig {
pub proxy: Option<String>,
pub low_speed_limit: Option<u32>,
pub timeout: Option<u64>,
pub cainfo: Option<ConfigRelativePath>,
pub check_revoke: Option<bool>,
pub user_agent: Option<String>,
pub debug: Option<bool>,
pub multiplexing: Option<bool>,
pub ssl_version: Option<SslVersionConfig>,
/// Configuration for `ssl-version` in `http` section
/// There are two ways to configure:
/// ```text
/// [http]
/// ssl-version = "tlsv1.3"
/// ```
/// ```text
/// [http]
/// ssl-version.min = "tlsv1.2"
/// ssl-version.max = "tlsv1.3"
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
pub enum SslVersionConfig {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
pub struct SslVersionConfigRange {
pub min: Option<String>,
pub max: Option<String>,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub struct CargoNetConfig {
pub retry: Option<u32>,
pub offline: Option<bool>,
pub git_fetch_with_cli: Option<bool>,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub struct CargoBuildConfig {
pub pipelining: Option<bool>,
pub dep_info_basedir: Option<ConfigRelativePath>,
pub target_dir: Option<ConfigRelativePath>,
pub incremental: Option<bool>,
pub target: Option<ConfigRelativePath>,
pub jobs: Option<u32>,
pub rustflags: Option<StringList>,
pub rustdocflags: Option<StringList>,
/// A type to deserialize a list of strings from a toml file.
/// Supports deserializing either a whitespace-separated list of arguments in a
/// single string or a string list itself. For example these deserialize to
/// equivalent values:
/// ```toml
/// a = 'a b c'
/// b = ['a', 'b', 'c']
/// ```
pub struct StringList {
list: Vec<String>,
impl StringList {
pub fn as_slice(&self) -> &[String] {
impl<'de> serde::de::Deserialize<'de> for StringList {
fn deserialize<D: serde::de::Deserializer<'de>>(d: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> {
enum Target {
Ok(match Target::deserialize(d)? {
Target::String(s) => StringList {
list: s.split_whitespace().map(str::to_string).collect(),
Target::List(list) => StringList { list },