blob: 140a024b104e3600e15de19818598844334af367 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::collections::{BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet};
use std::env;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use cargo_platform::CfgExpr;
use semver::Version;
use super::BuildContext;
use crate::core::compiler::CompileKind;
use crate::core::{Edition, InternedString, Package, PackageId, Target};
use crate::util::{self, join_paths, process, rustc::Rustc, CargoResult, Config, ProcessBuilder};
pub struct Doctest {
/// The package being doc-tested.
pub package: Package,
/// The target being tested (currently always the package's lib).
pub target: Target,
/// Extern dependencies needed by `rustdoc`. The path is the location of
/// the compiled lib.
pub deps: Vec<(InternedString, PathBuf)>,
/// A structure returning the result of a compilation.
pub struct Compilation<'cfg> {
/// An array of all tests created during this compilation.
/// `(package, target, path_to_test_exe)`
pub tests: Vec<(Package, Target, PathBuf)>,
/// An array of all binaries created.
pub binaries: Vec<PathBuf>,
/// All directories for the output of native build commands.
/// This is currently used to drive some entries which are added to the
/// LD_LIBRARY_PATH as appropriate.
/// The order should be deterministic.
pub native_dirs: BTreeSet<PathBuf>,
/// Root output directory (for the local package's artifacts)
pub root_output: PathBuf,
/// Output directory for rust dependencies.
/// May be for the host or for a specific target.
pub deps_output: PathBuf,
/// Output directory for the rust host dependencies.
pub host_deps_output: PathBuf,
/// The path to rustc's own libstd
pub host_dylib_path: PathBuf,
/// The path to libstd for the target
pub target_dylib_path: PathBuf,
/// Extra environment variables that were passed to compilations and should
/// be passed to future invocations of programs.
pub extra_env: HashMap<PackageId, Vec<(String, String)>>,
/// Libraries to test with rustdoc.
pub to_doc_test: Vec<Doctest>,
/// Features per package enabled during this compilation.
pub cfgs: HashMap<PackageId, HashSet<String>>,
/// Flags to pass to rustdoc when invoked from cargo test, per package.
pub rustdocflags: HashMap<PackageId, Vec<String>>,
pub host: String,
pub target: String,
config: &'cfg Config,
rustc_process: ProcessBuilder,
primary_unit_rustc_process: Option<ProcessBuilder>,
target_runner: Option<(PathBuf, Vec<String>)>,
supports_rustdoc_crate_type: bool,
impl<'cfg> Compilation<'cfg> {
pub fn new<'a>(
bcx: &BuildContext<'a, 'cfg>,
default_kind: CompileKind,
) -> CargoResult<Compilation<'cfg>> {
let mut rustc = bcx.rustc.process();
let mut primary_unit_rustc_process = bcx.build_config.primary_unit_rustc.clone();
if bcx.config.extra_verbose() {
if let Some(rustc) = primary_unit_rustc_process.as_mut() {
Ok(Compilation {
// TODO: deprecated; remove.
native_dirs: BTreeSet::new(),
root_output: PathBuf::from("/"),
deps_output: PathBuf::from("/"),
host_deps_output: PathBuf::from("/"),
tests: Vec::new(),
binaries: Vec::new(),
extra_env: HashMap::new(),
to_doc_test: Vec::new(),
cfgs: HashMap::new(),
rustdocflags: HashMap::new(),
config: bcx.config,
rustc_process: rustc,
host: bcx.host_triple().to_string(),
target: default_kind.short_name(bcx).to_string(),
target_runner: target_runner(bcx, default_kind)?,
supports_rustdoc_crate_type: supports_rustdoc_crate_type(bcx.config, &bcx.rustc)?,
/// See `process`.
pub fn rustc_process(
pkg: &Package,
target: &Target,
is_primary: bool,
) -> CargoResult<ProcessBuilder> {
let rustc = if is_primary {
.unwrap_or_else(|| self.rustc_process.clone())
} else {
let mut p = self.fill_env(rustc, pkg, true)?;
if target.edition() != Edition::Edition2015 {
p.arg(format!("--edition={}", target.edition()));
/// See `process`.
pub fn rustdoc_process(&self, pkg: &Package, target: &Target) -> CargoResult<ProcessBuilder> {
let mut p = self.fill_env(process(&*self.config.rustdoc()?), pkg, false)?;
if target.edition() != Edition::Edition2015 {
p.arg(format!("--edition={}", target.edition()));
if self.supports_rustdoc_crate_type {
for crate_type in target.rustc_crate_types() {
/// See `process`.
pub fn host_process<T: AsRef<OsStr>>(
cmd: T,
pkg: &Package,
) -> CargoResult<ProcessBuilder> {
self.fill_env(process(cmd), pkg, true)
pub fn target_runner(&self) -> &Option<(PathBuf, Vec<String>)> {
/// See `process`.
pub fn target_process<T: AsRef<OsStr>>(
cmd: T,
pkg: &Package,
) -> CargoResult<ProcessBuilder> {
let builder = if let Some((ref runner, ref args)) = *self.target_runner() {
let mut builder = process(runner);
} else {
self.fill_env(builder, pkg, false)
/// Prepares a new process with an appropriate environment to run against
/// the artifacts produced by the build process.
/// The package argument is also used to configure environment variables as
/// well as the working directory of the child process.
fn fill_env(
mut cmd: ProcessBuilder,
pkg: &Package,
is_host: bool,
) -> CargoResult<ProcessBuilder> {
let mut search_path = if is_host {
let mut search_path = vec![self.host_deps_output.clone()];
} else {
let mut search_path =
super::filter_dynamic_search_path(self.native_dirs.iter(), &self.root_output);
// For build-std, we don't want to accidentally pull in any shared
// libs from the sysroot that ships with rustc. This may not be
// required (at least I cannot craft a situation where it
// matters), but is here to be safe.
if self.config.cli_unstable().build_std.is_none() {
let dylib_path = util::dylib_path();
let dylib_path_is_empty = dylib_path.is_empty();
if cfg!(target_os = "macos") && dylib_path_is_empty {
// These are the defaults when DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH isn't
// set or set to an empty string. Since Cargo is explicitly setting
// the value, make sure the defaults still work.
if let Some(home) = env::var_os("HOME") {
let search_path = join_paths(&search_path, util::dylib_path_envvar())?;
cmd.env(util::dylib_path_envvar(), &search_path);
if let Some(env) = self.extra_env.get(&pkg.package_id()) {
for &(ref k, ref v) in env {
cmd.env(k, v);
let metadata = pkg.manifest().metadata();
let cargo_exe = self.config.cargo_exe()?;
cmd.env(crate::CARGO_ENV, cargo_exe);
// When adding new environment variables depending on
// crate properties which might require rebuild upon change
// consider adding the corresponding properties to the hash
// in BuildContext::target_metadata()
cmd.env("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR", pkg.root())
.env("CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR", &pkg.version().major.to_string())
.env("CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR", &pkg.version().minor.to_string())
.env("CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH", &pkg.version().patch.to_string())
.env("CARGO_PKG_VERSION", &pkg.version().to_string())
.env("CARGO_PKG_NAME", &*
.env("CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS", &pkg.authors().join(":"))
fn pre_version_component(v: &Version) -> String {
if v.pre.is_empty() {
return String::new();
let mut ret = String::new();
for (i, x) in v.pre.iter().enumerate() {
if i != 0 {
fn target_runner(
bcx: &BuildContext<'_, '_>,
kind: CompileKind,
) -> CargoResult<Option<(PathBuf, Vec<String>)>> {
let target = kind.short_name(bcx);
// try target.{}.runner
let key = format!("target.{}.runner", target);
if let Some(v) = bcx.config.get_path_and_args(&key)? {
return Ok(Some(v.val));
// try target.'cfg(...)'.runner
if let Some(table) = bcx.config.get_table("target")? {
let mut matching_runner = None;
for key in table.val.keys() {
if CfgExpr::matches_key(key, {
let key = format!("target.{}.runner", key);
if let Some(runner) = bcx.config.get_path_and_args(&key)? {
// more than one match, error out
if matching_runner.is_some() {
"several matching instances of `target.'cfg(..)'.runner` \
in `.cargo/config`"
matching_runner = Some(runner.val);
return Ok(matching_runner);
fn supports_rustdoc_crate_type(config: &Config, rustc: &Rustc) -> CargoResult<bool> {
// NOTE: Unconditionally return 'true' once support for
// rustdoc '--crate-type' rides to stable
let mut crate_type_test = process(config.rustdoc()?);
// If '--crate-type' is not supported by rustcoc, this command
// will exit with an error. Otherwise, it will print a help message,
// and exit successfully
crate_type_test.args(&["--crate-type", "proc-macro", "--help"]);